English horn, naming of
English muffins
in England
white particles on
Christmas cards, paper bands on
colored stickers on
computer scrawls on
red letters on back of
return windows on
size of, in bills
Escalator knobs, purpose of
green lights on
rail speed of
Evaporated milk
refrigeration of
soldered cans and
Evolution, loss of body hair and
Exclamation marks in telegrams
autopsies after
hours of
“EXEMPT” signs at railroad crossings
Expiration dates
on bottled waters
on fire extinguishers
on toothpaste
Exposures, number of, in film
Exterminators, hard hats and
Extremities, wrinkles on
Eye chart, E on
Eye closure during kissing
Eyeglasses and nerdiness
bags under
floaters and
pain, when tired
position, during sleep
rubbing of, when tired
sneezing and
Fading, causes of
Fahrenheit scale
increments in
zero degrees, meaning of
Fainting and women, lessening of
“FALLING ROCK” signs, purpose of
Falsetto voices
techniques for men producing
women’s inability to produce
“Fan [loyal partisan]”
Fan speeds, order of
Farm plots, circular shape of
Fast-food restaurants, dessert and
Fat people and alleged jolliness
Fathers, new, passing out of cigars and
Fats, on nutrition labels
Faucets, water
“FD&C,” meaning of, on food and shampoo labels
Federal Express, hours of employees of
Feet, swelling in airplanes of
Fences, height restrictions of
Field goals, measurement of
Fifty-five mph
reasons for speed limit of
speedometers and
Fighting Irish, Notre Dame and
Figure skating and dizziness
“Filipino,” spelling of
countdown leader on
measurement of, in millimeters
number of exposures in
prints, after theatrical runs
wagon wheels in, movement of
width of
X-and XXX-ratings
Filters, cigarette, brown spots on
“Filthy lucre”
“Fin [five-dollar bill]”
biting of
growth of, versus toenails
growth of, after death
lunula on
yellowing of, and nail polish
Fingers, length of
Fire, crackling sound of
Fire extinguishers, expiration date on
Fire helmets, shape of
Fire hydrants
freezing of water in
shape of valve stems of
Fire trucks, roofs of
Firearms, confiscated, after arrests
Fireplaces, rain in
First basemen, ball custody of, in baseball
First class mail, priority mail versus
Fish [see also specific types]
biting in rain
eating preferences
fear of, in aquariums
floating upon death
pebble spitting
return to dried-up lakes and ponds
saltwater coloration
sleep patterns
Fish tanks, oxygen in
Flagpoles, balls atop
Flags, Japanese, red beams and
Flags, U.S.
on airplanes
“Flammable,” versus “inflammable”
“Flash in the pan”
Flashlights, police and grips of
Flat toothpicks, purpose of
“Flea market”
landing patterns of
winter and
Flintstones, Barney Rubble’s profession on
Flintstones multivitamins, Betty Rubble and
Floaters in eyes
Floral graphics on mattresses
Florida, cost of auto rentals in
“Flotsam,” versus “jetsam”
Flour, bleached
Flour bugs, provenance of
Flour tortillas, size of, versus corn
Flu, body aches and
Fluorescent lights and plinking noises
Flush handles, toilets and
Flushes, loud, toilets in public restrooms and
Fly swatters, holes in
FM radio, odd frequency numbers of
Food cravings in pregnant women
Food labels
“FD&C” on label
lack of manufacturer street addresses
barefoot kickers in
college, redshirting in
distribution of game balls
goalposts, tearing down of
measurement of first-down yardage
origins of “hut” in
Pittsburgh Steelers’ helmet emblems on
shape of
sideline population in
tearing down of goalposts
two-minute warning and
yardage of kickers in
“Fore,” origins of golf expression
Forewords in books, versus introductions and prefaces
Forks, switching hands to use
Fraternities, Greek names of
Freezer compartments, location of, in refrigerators
ice trays in
lights in
French dry cleaning
French horns, design of
“French” bread versus “Italian”
“French” style green beans
“French” versus “Italian” bread
eye closure when swallowing
warts and
Frogs of violins, white dots on
Frostbite, penguin feet and
Fruitcake, alleged popularity of
Fuel gauges in automobiles
Full-service versus self-service, pricing of, at gas stations
Funeral homes, size of
burials without shoes
depth of graves
head position of, in caskets
orientation of deceased
perpetual care and
small cemeteries and
Gagging, hairs in mouth and
Gallons and quarts, American versus British
Game balls, distribution of football
Gasoline, pricing of, in tenths of a cent
Gasoline gauges, automobile
Gasoline pumps
rubber sleeves on
shut off of
Gasoline stations, full-service versus self-service, pricing of
Gasoline, unleaded, cost of
Gauge, width of railroad
Gauges, fuel, in automobiles
Geese, honking during migration
Gelatin, fruit in
“Get the sack”
“Get your goat”
“Getting down to brass tacks”
Gifts, children and
Girdles and fat displacement
Glass, broken
Glasses, drinking
squeakiness of
“sweating” of
Glasses, wine, types of
Glitter, sidewalks and
Glow-in-the-dark items, green color of
stickiness in the bottle
“Super” versus conventional
“Super,” and Teflon
taste of postage stamp
Glutamates, MSG and
Gnats, swarming of
Goalies, banging of sticks by
Goalposts, football, tearing down of
Goats, kids versus adult
Gold bullion, shape of
origins of eighteen holes
origins of term “fore”
pain of mishits
Golf balls
dimples on
veering toward ocean while putting
Golfers and sunglasses
Gondolas, black color of
“Good Friday,” origins of term
identify of
marital status of
Goofy, Jr., origins of
Goosebumps, faces and
Gorillas, chest pounding of
Gowns, and caps, at graduations
Grades in school, E
Grading of cigarettes
Grading of eggs, meaning of
Graduations, military academy
“Grandfather” clock, origins of term
Grape jellies, color of
Grapefruit, sweetness of, canned versus fresh
Grapes, raisins and
Gravel and placement on flat roofs
Graves, depth of
Gravy skin loss, when heated
“Gravy train”
Grease, color of
Grecian Formula, process of
Greek names of fraternities and sororities
Green beans, “French” style
Green color of glow-in-the-dark items
Green lights, versus red lights, on boats and airplanes
“Green with envy”
“Green” cards, color of
Greeting cards, shape of
Gretzky, Wayne, hockey uniform of
Grimace, identity of McDonald’s
Grocery coupons, cash value of
Grocery sacks, names on
Grocery stores and check approval
Groom, carrying bride over threshold by
Growling of stomach, causes of
Guitar strings, dangling of
Gulls, sea, in parking lots
Gum, chewing
water consumption and hardening of
wrappers of
“Gunny sacks”
“Habit [riding costume]”
Hail, measurement of
blue, and older women
growth of, after death
length of, in older women
mole, color of
parting, left versus right
Hair color, darkening of, in babies
Hair spray, unscented, smell of
Hairbrushes, length of handles on
Hairs in mouth, gagging on
Hairy ears in older men
Half dollars, vending machines and
Half-mast, flags at
Half-moon versus quarter moon
Half-numbers in street addresses
Halibut, coloring of
Halloween, Jack-o’-lanterns and
Halogen light bulbs, touching of
checkerboard pattern atop
color of, when cooked
Easter and consumption of
“Ham [actor]”
Hamburger buns, bottoms of
“Hamburger,” origins of term
Hand dryers in bathrooms
Hand positions in old photographs
Handles versus knobs, on doors
Handwriting, teaching of cursive versus printing
“Hansom cab”
Happy endings, crying and
Hard hats
backward positioning of, in ironworkers
exterminators and
Hard-boiled eggs, discoloration of
Hat tricks, in hockey
cowboy, dents on
declining popularity
dents in cowboy
holes in sides of
numbering system for sizes
Haystacks, shape of
“Hazard [dice game]”
“Head [bathroom]”
“Head honcho”
Head injuries, “seeing stars” and
Head lice, kids and
Headaches and aspirin
Headbands on books
Headlamps, shutoff of automobile
“Heart on his sleeve”
Hearts, shape of, idealized versus real
Heat and effect on sleep
“Heebie jeebies”
clearance signs on highways
of elderly
restrictions on fences
voice pitch and
Heinz ketchup labels
Helicopters, noise of
Helium and effect on voice
Hellman’s Mayonnaise, versus Best Foods
“Hem and haw”
Hermit crabs, bathroom habits of
Hernia exams and “Turn your head and cough”
“High bias,” versus “low bias,” on audio tape
“High jinks”
High-altitude tennis balls
clumping of traffic
curves on
interstate, numbering system
traffic jams, clearing of
weigh stations