When Dreams Come to Life (18 page)

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Authors: H.M. Boatman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: When Dreams Come to Life
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He slows his spin and is just holding me in his arms. I don’t know why but he begins to breathe really heavily.

“Lea, you make me feel young again. I love being with you!” I take my flower and stick it in his ear, averting the conversation from what I think’s going on.

I’ve got to be careful after Trent. There’s no way in hell that Eoin is already in love with me but just to be cautious, I make him laugh and change the subject.

I know I’ve always loved this man but it is different now that I’m actually with him. He pulls the flower from his ear and picks a few more.

“For you, beautiful,” he says as he hands them to me. “Let’s get back to camp.” He starts off again, but pauses and turns back. “Oh, and you’re going to the set with me tomorrow, by the way.”

I almost choke on air! Why does he want me to go there with him?

“Am I? Is that okay, though?” He looks at me like,
So I shake my head and we head back.

Once we get back to the camp site, we take down the tent and pack his SUV up.

We hit a little ice cream shop in the park and get a couple of cones before we head out - we both get swirl cones. They are the best of both worlds, I think.

Eoin has got his playlist going in the car so I decide to take control and see if he likes my music, too. I put
Fifteen Step
by Radiohead on.

Eoin starts to slow down and looks over at me.

“Tell me you knew…” He stares at me with shock on his face. I shake my head.

“Knew what, Eoin?” He continues to stare at me. It makes me nervous. Maybe he doesn’t like the song. “I already knew that you liked Radiohead and well, I thought you knew that I liked them, too,” I continue, by way of explanation.

“This is my favorite song ever!” he replies, a smile spreading across his face. “I’ve loved this song since the first time I heard it. You really are damn near perfect!” I laugh.

perfect, Eoin.” I wink at him and turn the volume up.

We’re jamming out in the car and the funny part is, when we get into Atlanta, people take pictures of us as they drive past. Eoin and I put our best rock faces on and pose for them, knowing some of them are probably fans.

Laughing, he rolls the windows back up and takes the nearest exit to avoid an accident.

It’s a back way through Atlanta so by the time we roll up to Eoin’s condo, it’s late and both of us are tired. When we get inside, Eoin looks over to me.

“Shower then bed. We both have to get up early.” His
spreads across his face. I say nothing. I take my clothes off as I walk to the bathroom. He follows me and we step in the shower.

With the water falling over our bodies, Eoin runs his hands down my arms and turns me around. He’s breathing in my ear.

Instantly, I get goose bumps all over my body. He bites my shoulders and up my neck, his hands going from my breasts down to tease me with his fingers.

Before I can even take a breath, he thrusts into me, making me cry out, and doesn’t stop until we’re both screaming out in explosive climax. I feel like my legs are about to buckle and Eoin pulls me into him.

That was mind blowing, to say the least. Then again, it always is. Eoin laughs hoarsely.

“I’m not sure my legs even work now, Lea.” Man, if he only knew I feel exactly the same.

“The only reason I’m standing is because you’re holding me up, Eoin.” He turns me to face him and we kiss, both smiling at the same time.

We finish in the shower and I shakily throw a T-shirt on. Eoin stays naked and is waiting with open arms in the bed when I jump in.

We cuddle for an hour or so, just touching and reminiscing about the past two days. He’s been perfect! How could I ask for more?

My mind starts to wander off… He must have noticed me pushing that whole conversation involving deep feelings to the side. I have to get him to understand, though.

Trent was a fuck up and that’s being nice. I’m done with hurt so I’m going to take things really slow with Eoin, even though he’s amazing and perfect in every way. I just couldn’t bear to be hurt by the one man I seriously fell for the second I saw him.

That’s selfish; I’m almost setting him up to fail, aren’t I? I
to stop questioning myself and just fall asleep in the arms of the man of my dreams. I mean, he’s shown me so much adoration in the past few weeks; I just have to stick to my guns and see where this goes.

I have a huge complex with love. Trent didn’t help that at all. But it’s not just him.

Just be open, Lea. You’re in the arms of the most wanted and desirable man in the world. Stop whining and suck it up!

This isn’t something that happens to people like me. I almost feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone.

I realize Eoin is fast asleep and I’m sitting here, arguing with myself about the fact that a man has met a woman and connected. Why is this bugging me?

I take a few breaths.

Think of all the wonderful things he’s not only, done but said, Lea!
This is where I get mixed up. I guess I just don’t see how it’s possible for a man to be so sexy, powerful, sure of himself, generous, kind, loving, philanthropic, nature-loving…

This isn’t how life works! Life is supposed to throw you unimaginable curve balls and you just take them as they come. Either you knock it out of the park, or you start from scratch and figure out how to make that ball come at you the right way.

I decide to make myself a deal - no jumping into something huge with Eoin.

Take it day by day, Lea.
This is
good right now and the one thing that could’ve fucked it up - Trent - almost did, but we got over that. It’s all on me now and I’ll help this work but not
it. You can’t make anything happen but you can help it.

I take a deep breath and look at Eoin, his lips all pouty as he sleeps peacefully. I snuggle down into him and welcome sleep as it pulls me under.




I wake before Eoin. Slowly getting out of the bed, I head to the bathroom to get dressed so I can make breakfast before we leave.

Again, my mind begins to go over all the thoughts I had before I fell asleep last night. I try to push my resurfaced demons out of my mind but I’m unable to.

I let out a growl. I have to stop thinking about this so much or I’ll start to get cold feet. I laugh out loud at the thought. There’s no way I’ll run from this but I certainly don’t want Eoin to because I’m acting like a loon.

I finish dressing and walk to the basin, placing my hands on the either side of it to stare at myself in the mirror.

“Lea, chill the fuck out. Everything will be fine.” I let out a few deep breaths and sigh. I do my hair and makeup and let one more big breath out.

I’ve opted for comfort today, wearing some jeans and a nice top, my hair in a ponytail, because today is the day I get to visit the set of Eoin’s show. 

Slinking back into the bedroom, I kiss Eoin on the cheek and let him know breakfast is in half an hour. He reaches up and yanks me on top of him.

“You should’ve woken me up so I could have helped you into those clothes - after I’d had my way with you of course.” he purrs, kissing me softly.

My stomach aches with desire now. The way he kisses me is utter bliss, his soft lips pressing on my neck, my cheek, my lips… It makes my toes curl.

I push up from him and run to the doorway quickly before I change my mind. It’s so hard to leave Eoin lying there in bed, knowing the kind of morning he had planned for us. I let out a laugh.

“We’ve got lots of time for that, Eoin. Now get up. I’ll see you in the kitchen for breakfast.” Eoin gives me a sexy wink and a smile in reply, so I hurry to the kitchen to get food on the table. I decide eggs Benedict with sausage and home fries will be perfect.

I start the potatoes first and fall into my rhythm. I do some perfect poached eggs and top toasted sour dough bread - I prefer it to English muffins.

As I finish up the Hollandaise sauce, Eoin walks into the kitchen, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

Nudging his nose to my neck, he whispers into my ear, “Smells amazing in here. Need any help?” He gives me a small nibble, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention.

“No, thank you. All done. I’ve just got to finish plating up and we can grub.” I lean my head against his and he goes and sits down.

Carefully and strategically, I pour the sauce over the egg and put the potatoes and sausage onto each plate. It’s funny, even cooking at home I act like it is going out to a customer so it has to be perfect.

I walk over and set Eoin’s plate down before taking my seat opposite. He grabs his knife and fork so I follow suit.

I watch as he takes his first bite and closes his eyes in appreciation. He’s definitely enjoying his breakfast.

“This is delicious, Lea. Thank you,” he says, as he shoves another bite in his mouth.

“My pleasure. The thing I’ve always loved the most about being a chef is the way people react to my food. ” He nods in agreement and we continue to enjoy the food.

“How long will we be at the set today?” I know he’s usually there all day, every day, but since we’ve met, he seems to have had a lot of free time so I’m genuinely curious.

“It depends but probably ‘til late. You’ll have fun, though. I promise.” I’m sure I will but something still niggles at me.

“I’m not going to be in the way, am I? I’d hate to be a nuisance.”

“You won’t be. If you get bored, you can always hang out in my dressing room, too.” That’s a relief. I’m sure I’ll hang out in there as much as Eoin will let me.

That is, thinking about the fact I’m even going to be in the same area where he changes and hangs out is mind blowing. Just think - so many fans would die to
that room, and I get to go in and out of it as I please.

“That sounds good. I probably will spend some time in there. I do really want to see the sets when you are done, though. I’d love to see the infamous White brothers’ house,” I add, instantly thinking of that bed of his in the show.

“You got it. I’ve got a few plans for you, Lea.”
Well, that alone tells me he has the same idea I do, I hope. I just smile at him and stand to clear the plates from the table.

He helps me clean up and we head over to the set. When we pull up, Eoin heads straight to security to get a pass made for me. It’s not just a visitor’s one, either - it’s one that lets me walk all over the studio without any issues or problems from security.

I look over and there are fans around the outskirts already. It’s 7am in the morning! Wow! They’re everywhere, screaming and acting like crazed women.

I laugh and watch Eoin as he waves and blows kisses to them. Of course, he drives them nuts. Hmmm, he’s very good at that, isn’t he?

We head into a building, down a small hallway, and suddenly, his dressing room is right there. I look around; there are clothes everywhere. He’s got a huge vanity filled with pictures of him and other cast members.

I look over all the pictures, feeling kind of surreal. Most of the photos are him with the other main man of the show, Ethan. As a fan, I never really saw him
smile in pictures but there are numerous ones of him laughing and smiling here.

I sit in one of the chairs in front of the vanity. Eoin reads through his script for the scenes they are going to shoot today. It’s such a pleasure to watch him get into vampire mode. I’m still lost in thought, watching him read, when a woman walks in.

“Hi. Time to get you ready for the first scene.” She looks over at me, smiling and I grin back. She begins to apply dots on certain points on his face - I recall a picture of him doing this. It’s really neat to watch it in person, though, and I keep shifting my position so I can watch the whole thing.

“Come sit over here, Lea, so you can see better.” When I sit down, he smiles at me and sends me a kiss. Ahhh, he’s so damn sweet.

Next, the woman has Eoin put the red contacts in and it’s almost scary looking! He looks over at me and snarls. I laugh.

Both he and the makeup artist (dang! I didn’t catch her name!) are laughing.

After about an hour and a half, Eoin’s ready to get to set. We head to one of the many beautiful houses that are in the show and he tells me I can sit in his chair while they shoot. I feel like a fan girl.

All the other stars of the show are here and I just sit and smile, trying not to look like an idiot.

Watching all of them acting is really quite different. As a fan, I only ever got to see the finished product and I never really thought about what goes on during the whole process so this is really cool.

All day, I go back and forth with Eoin, following him here and there. We stop for a quick lunch in his room but other than that, it’s go, go, go! That’s him, the Eoin I saw as a fan. I’d never change that about him. I already feel like it’s something I’m used to.

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