When Dreams Come to Life (15 page)

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Authors: H.M. Boatman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: When Dreams Come to Life
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We lay there in the brush and flowers, panting. He helps me dress and we quickly get back to walking the gardens.

“Did we just fuck in the Botanical Gardens?” I ask with a laugh.

“Yes, and it was amazing, as usual.” He kisses my hand.

We finish up and Eoin tells me he has reservations at his favorite restaurant for dinner, and that
we’ll go to the amusement park for a couple hours until then.
Oh, fuck!

“Is that a good idea, Eoin?” I ask, worried.

“We’ll be okay, baby.”
Maybe we’ve got it just to ourselves, too,
I think to myself. That would be crazy!

We pull up and there are so many cars. We’re really going to do this. Oh, hell! He looks at me and has a calm, cool and collected look on his face.

We get out of the car and he puts his hat and glasses on. I pull my shades on and we walk into the park. We hit all the big rollercoasters first and they are awesome! He wins me a few cute prizes. I feel like a teenager!

“I haven’t been to one of these since high school,” he confesses. “I’m so glad I’m here with you.”

“Me, either, and it’s really fun. Thank you for this beautiful day!” I kiss his perfectly stubbled cheek and we continue, only to encounter our first set of fans.

They scream so loud, I think my ears will bleed. He laughs and greets them all with open arms, signing whatever they have to offer. One asks for a picture. He says, “Of course,” and takes her phone.

I grab it and say, “I can help get a great one, babe.” The girl thanks me and I find myself taking about 12 pictures. This of course draws attention and soon there’s a bunch of girls.

I take phones from everyone and get pictures for them. The last few girls ask for one of him and me. Who am I to say no to that? Finally, we break free and head out, so we’re not mobbed by fans.

Getting in the car, Eoin thanks me, and I shrug.

“You’ve always been good to your fans and I’ll never get in the way of that,” I say, smiling.

“You make it very easy for me to like you more and more with each passing day, Lea.”

Kissing me, he tells the driver to go to the Parish restaurant. Good, I’m starved from all the excitement of the day.

We head towards the restaurant and make a stop… A Ralph Lauren store.

“What are we doing here?” I ask.

“We have to get your next surprise, baby.”

“This is a bit expensive, Eoin!” I don’t want him to spend so much.

“I want you to wear this cocktail dress I saw to dinner. Is that okay?” he asks, giving me a look I that guarantees I couldn’t possibly turn down.

“Okay, I don’t mind getting all sexy like for you.” I give him a dorky grin.

We enter the store and the sales’ lady greets me by my first name!

She escorts me to a dressing room and I put on the sleek, black, flowing dress that hangs on the back of the door.
I look great, to my surprise.

I walk out and ask, “Did he have this picked out?”

“Yes, ma’am. He came in last week.” She smiles and adds, “He’s a very charming man.”

I smile looking in the mirror. “Yes, he’s unbelievably wonderful.” I twirl.

“Come, now for jewelry and makeup.” I gasp and follow her. They give me an amazing pair of heels and a white gold chain necklace. The makeup is smoky eyes and a light red lipstick.

I hate lipstick,
I laugh in my head. I walk out into the lobby of the store, and Eoin is looking out the window. Oh, my fucking God! He’s in all black. He must see my reflection because as he turns, his mouth is open.

“You look stunning, baby!” he breathes, his eyes wide he comes over to me. My face is hot and I look down, embarrassed. Taking my chin in his hand, he pulls my face up to meet his gaze.

“It’s going to take every inch of my willpower not to take you right now,” he growls.

“I could say the same. You look amazing, Eoin!” Both of us breathless, we stare at one another, and I feel my chest heave in and out. He takes my hand and we walk out to the car.

“Ready for some great southern cooking?”

!” I’m starving but I think more for him than anything.

We arrive at Parish and have a private table. Eoin goes to the bar for drinks. I notice him reading a magazine while he waits. He picks it up for further inspection. He’s really reading it intently… What the hell is he reading?

He sets it down for a minute and folds it into his fist. He comes towards the table without drinks. As he sits, he has an almost ghostly look on his face. He looks at me and I see both hurt and anger in his eyes.

“What’s wrong, Eoin?” I’m almost scared to hear the answer. He sets the magazine down.

“Is this true?” I grab the magazine and look at the front cover. Oh, my fucking God! The headline reads:




I read and see that Trent has spoken to the reporter that came to my restaurant. He told her that we’re still together and that we have been for ten years - that I left him for Eoin and never said a word about breaking up!

He also manages to get in there that he thinks I’m only with Eoin for money and to get my restaurant well known.

The part that pisses me off the most is him saying I’ve cheated on him numerous times! What the fuck? That son of a bitch is in for it when I get back!

I feel both hurt and sheer anger; anger towards Trent, and hurt because he’s said we’re still together and Eoin thinks it’s true.

“Eoin, I-”

“How could you lie to me, Lea?” he blurts out.

The fact that he’d even
I would do that kills me and the look of anger on his face leaves me breathless. I’m at a loss. I look around and notice people are staring at me.

“Eoin, Trent must have-”

“You’ve made me look like a joke, Lea! Why would you do this?” I’m going to burst into tears.

“I never… I’m so...” I get up and rush out.

I hear Eoin call out but I’m so hurt, I just hail a cab, tears streaming down my face as I order the driver to take me to his condo so I can grab my things.

I book the next flight out of Georgia and curl up on the backseat of the cab on my way to the airport.

As I sit on the plane, I can’t help the tears and the hurt I feel. I recall what Derik and Crystal said about this being a ‘be careful’ situation. I let my tears flow freely on the plane.

I decide to put my iPod on to try and distract me. I put my head phones on and the first song to come on is
by Stateless. I lose it and put my face into a pillow and sob.

The flight attendant comes and asks if I’m okay. I tell her yes but also order a double scotch. I drink it down like water and cry the whole flight home.
















WHEN I FINALLY get a cab to take me home from the airport, I go over the whole night… the whole day! It was so amazing and I’m crushed it ended this way.

I’m going to kill Trent,
I think furiously.  What a piece of shit he is! God, I’m going to sock him in the face for fucking this up for me.

Why the fuck would he do this to someone he’s supposed to be in love with? I keep wracking my brain about what I’m going to do to him and what this will do to my reputation as a chef on the drive home.

We pull up to my apartment sky rise and I tip the driver. As I hand him his money, he place his hand on my arm.

“Don’t worry, miss. Everything happens for a reason.” He lets go and I thank him.

The doorman insists on taking my bags, so I just head to the elevators and push my floor.

Unlocking my door, I tip the doorman, who places my bags gently inside my door. I hit my head on the door as I shut it, letting out a sob.

I tell myself out loud, “Deep breath, Lea!” As I flick the light on, I’m startled.

“Eoin!” I’m shocked, to say the least. How the hell did he get here before me?

He’s sitting on my couch, Maxx at his side. He says nothing and gets up. He walks to me and it looks like he’s been crying.

I look at his face closely, and see the
tell-tale red rims around his eyes. He has been! I immediately begin to shed tears.

“Eoin, talk to me! I’m so sorry Trent did this. He’ll get it from me, I promise. Please, don’t be upset.”

I’m having a seriously hard time not losing it right now, and racing over to Trent’s and bashing his face in.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I overreacted. I didn’t want you to leave! I was just…” I see a tear roll down his face. I wipe it away and kiss his cheek.

“Trent’s a piece of shit, Eoin! I’m not dating him anymore. Yes, we did date on and off for ten years but he cheated on me the whole time. That’s why I’m so upset he lied the way he did!” I say, looking into his eyes full of hurt, my heart clenching in my chest.

I’m practically sobbing now. He reaches out and wipes my face tenderly.

“Lea, I shouldn’t have gotten so mad. I know better than to believe those articles.” He kisses me, and I calm down a little. I apologize again.

“You only need to say it once, baby, No need to say it more than that. I know he’s just a gutless, jealous dick! I shouldn’t have acted that way. Forgive me, please, Lea!” I grab him and hug him hard.

“I know he is and he made us both look ridiculous. He’s not going to get away with it!” Eoin picks me up and takes me to my bed. We wrap up in each other and just hold one another.

He touches and caresses my skin, and I’m just nuzzled up in his neck. I begin to drop off to sleep
quickly. Just before I lose consciousness, I hear him say, “I’m so sorry, baby. You’re perfect. Come back to Georgia.”

“Of course I will,” I murmur, kissing his jaw. He pulls me closer to him, and I fall fast asleep.




I begin to stir, and I feel his warmth on my body. He smells so good - he’s still in his suit and I in my dress. I look up at his perfect face and sigh. Almost instantly, last night’s events come rushing back.

God, I hate Trent for what he did! What a motherfucker he is for trying to screw my life up over his jealousy! I need to try to get him out of my head, so I get up and decide I’m going to make an amazing breakfast before we go back to Georgia - eggs Benedict, bacon and some fresh hash browns.

As I finish up the sauce, Eoin comes in the kitchen.

“Good morning, Eoin.” I smile hugely and begin to finish up. Before he can speak, there’s a knock at the door. Who the hell could that be at 8am in the morning?

I walk over and peak through the peep hole.
It’s Trent. I look over at Eoin.

“Trent’s here!” He gets this look on his face that clearly says,
I will kill that bastard!
He storms over and kisses my cheek.

“Let me handle this, Lea.” As he opens the door, I’m a little worried but at the same time I’m looking forward to this.

“Hello, Trent,” he mutters through gritted teeth. Before Trent can get a word in, Eoin grabs his shirt and shoves him against the hallway wall. I swear that he almost pushed him right through it.

“I should smash you right now for what you’ve done to Lea!” I run out and tell Eoin to calm down.

“No, I want to know why this dick thinks he can fuck with you! Leave Lea and I alone, you worthless piece of shit.” He lets Trent go and glares at him, waiting for an answer. I look at Trent and shrug.

“He’s right. What the fuck, Trent?” Trent stands there with a dumb look on his face. He begins to walk towards me and Eoin moves to stand between us. I don’t stop him and give Trent the
what the fuck
look again.

“I fucking love her! You’re just some bullshit celebrity who will hurt her!” Trent blurts out.

“What a sorry excuse to be jealous of her happiness! Get the fuck out of here before I ruin my star status by smashing you into the ground.” Oh, Eoin is pissed off! I’m super turned on by this and I can’t help the small laugh that escapes.

“Why are you laughing, Lea? I told you I loved you and this how you repay me?” Trent shoots an accusing look at me. The nerve of this asshole! I move Eoin aside as gently as I can and get in Trent’s face.

“Remember, Trent,
were the one fucking all of Denver and treating me like shit. Eoin may be famous, but he knows more about me than you
did and he’s only known me a month. Plus, he can make my whole body blush with one look! I’m done dealing with you. Now, get the fuck out of here so I can be with my man!” I look Trent squarely in the eye, but it looks like he’s too shocked to reply.

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