When He Was Bad... (16 page)

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Authors: Anne Oliver

BOOK: When He Was Bad...
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Two months later

wedding was held in Belle's spacious home. Ellie wore a strapless cream gown shimmering with pearls, and a coronet of fresh spring flowers. She carried a bouquet she'd designed herself, a fragrant selection of freesias and irises tied with a wide purple ribbon.

Belle, in an ice-blue ensemble, gave Ellie away, and Yasmine, stunning in an emerald sheath, was her only bridesmaid. Yasmine's partner had flown in from Queensland the day before for the best man's duties.

Then Matt's colleagues and friends, now her friends too, shared the lavish buffet meal that followed.

No expense had been spared. Crystal and silver, caviar and champagne. And flowers—bowls of them on every available surface. A three-tiered cake towered in the centre of the room while a violinist, flautist and harpist performed one classical number after another.

‘Mrs McGregor.' The voice behind Ellie was dark, sensual and husky as a large hand slipped around her waist.

She smiled and tilted her head to expose her neck. ‘Yes, Mr McGregor?'

He nibbled at her earlobe, careful to avoid the new dia
mond stud earrings he'd presented her with yesterday. ‘I have something for you.'

‘Ah… Mmm, yes, so you do,' she murmured with a private grin. She could feel its hardness pressed intimately against her bottom. ‘But it'll have to wait a while. We have guests and I don't think Belle would approve of us doing a disappearing act before the first dance, do you?'

‘Probably not.' He chuckled. ‘But that's not what I was referring to.' He turned her around and placed a tall cylinder in her hand. ‘These are the final plans for the kid's centre's renovations. Work starts next week.'

‘Oh, yes, yes, yes!' Holding it aloft, she did a quick pirouette. ‘Thank you.' Her smile faded as she looked into his eyes and her love spilled over. ‘Matt McGregor, you're the best husband in the whole world. And I love you. For ever.'

‘For ever.'

Then he kissed her. Slowly, cleverly, meltingly…hot.

For ever.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-8467-2


First North American Publication 2011

Copyright © 2010 by Anne Oliver

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