When Hell Freezes Over (14 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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Gwendolyn turned up her nose. “She's probably after Daddy's money.”

“She doesn't need Daddy's money. Unless you've forgotten, Ms. Leona has her own. She's run that store by herself for the past ten years and I admire her. It wasn't easy for her to keep it going after Mr. Gilbert passed away and you know it.”

Gwendolyn snarled. “Well, I don't like it. Daddy acts like the world revolves around her. Is she here?”

Meridan grabbed Gwendolyn's arm firmly. “Yes, and you'd better be nice to her, Gwen. I'm not playing with you. Unless you've forgotten, Daddy pursued her; not the other way around. Remember?”

Yanking her arm away, she said, “Okay, Meridan, chill out. Damn! I'm going to find Daddy. I'll catch up with you later, Little Sis.”

“I look forward to it, Gwendolyn.”

Meridan watched her sister work the crowd as she made her way over to their father. She was going to do her best not to let her get under her skin; especially not tonight.



t had been about two hours since dinner had started and now the dancing had begun. So far everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The menu consisted of barbecue in several varieties, fried chicken, baked beans, potato salad, slaw, turnip greens, and so on. The dessert table wasn't much different. There was a sea of drinks ranging from iced tea to soft drinks. The tent was decorated beautifully with plenty of greenery and flowers. A huge three-tier cake adorned a special table near the guest of honor's table. He'd share his table with his daughters and escorts for the evening. Gwendolyn tried to act startled that Meridan had brought a man home to meet her family. She tried her best to quiz Keaton about his relationship with Meridan, but he only revealed what he wanted her to know. It was going to be a long night.

As he turned in his seat to look for Meridan, he noticed a gentleman hugging her intimately.

Gwendolyn saw his reaction. “Keaton, do you want to know who has Meridan all locked up?”

He sipped his drink. “Not particularly. I'm sure she knows most of the people here.”

“I'll tell you anyway. That's Jacob Richardson, Meridan's high school sweetheart. He's a doctor in Atlanta and very handsome, don't you think?”

Gwendolyn didn't lie. Jacob was quite handsome. He was built like a male model and radiated a warm and loving personality as well. The suit he wore was custom-made to his muscular frame and his dimples were embedded in dark chocolate skin.

Keaton wasn't going to let Gwendolyn's comments get to him, but in a way they did. He was having a hard time watching this man put his hands all over Meridan. He stood and said, “Excuse me for a moment, Gwendolyn. Can I get you anything?”

“No, thank you,” she replied.

Meridan was surprised to see Jacob there. It had been a while since she'd seen him, and he looked very nice.

“Jacob, how's Hotlanta treating you?”

Sliding his hands inside his pockets, he leaned in and whispered, “I can't complain, but it would be so much nicer if you'd come with me.”

Meridan put her hands on her hips. “Jacob, tell the truth. You couldn't wait to get to Atlanta to chase all those fast women.”

Solemnly, he said, “You were the only woman I ever wanted. I had plans for us to practice together.”

She was speechless and thought maybe Jacob had gotten over his so-called crush. She knew he wasn't the one for her, but he was a nice man nevertheless.

A warm breeze blew over her body and, with all the people there, she was able to pick up Keaton's heavenly scent even before she saw him. Keaton was heading in her direction with an unreadable expression on his face. He approached slowly, then smiled as he made eye contact with her.

Looking Jacob in the eyes, he said, “Excuse me, Bro. Meridan, do you have anything for a headache?”

With concern, Meridan said, “Sure, Keaton, but first I want you to meet a dear friend of mine. This is Jacob Richardson; we grew up together. Jacob, this is Keaton Lapahie, a dear friend from San Antonio.”

Keaton extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Jacob. I've met so many friends of Meridan's tonight.”

Laughing, Jacob shoved his hands in his pockets, looked around, and said, “Yeah, Meridan has a lot of friends here who love her.”

Love her? What the hell?

Playfully smacking Jacob on the hand, she grabbed Keaton's arm and said, “Keaton, don't listen to him. Jacob's laying it on a little thick because I haven't been able to hang out with him in a long time. Jacob, would you
excuse us for a moment? I need to get Keaton something for his headache.”

Jacob hugged and kissed her on the cheek. “Go right ahead. I want to say hello to the rest of your family anyway.”

Shaking Keaton's hand again, he said, “Nice to meet you, Keaton.”

“Same here, Jacob.”

Jacob watched as Meridan held Keaton's hand as they walked through the crowd together and, in that instant, it angered him. He had no idea he would have any serious competition for Meridan's heart… Until now.

Meridan led Keaton through the crowd, but before they could get out of the tent, her cousin Devon yelled over the microphone, “Yo, Cuz! Don't hurt him!”

Everyone laughed as they noticed Keaton and Meridan leaving the tent together. She put her fist up at him, signaling that she was going to give him a serious beat down when she got back.

Entering through the back door of the house in silence, Meridan went to the cabinet and retrieved some pain reliever. She held it out to him, then said, “Before I give this to you, I want to check your blood pressure. Okay?”

He played with one of her braids. “You're always the worry wart, huh?”

“Don't make fun of me, Keaton. I'm serious. There's a lot of food out here tonight that you shouldn't be eating.”

He walked over and looked down at her angelic face. “Meridan, seriously, I've behaved myself tonight and eaten only the nutritious food with the pork in it.”

Meridan didn't find his comment funny. “Keaton, I'm trying to be serious here and you're playing,” she scolded him.

He walked closer, pinning her in the corner with his body. “I'm just having a little fun with you, Doc. Do you really care that much about me?”

She could feel his hot, sweet breath on her face. It seemed that all the air had been sucked out of the room, making breathing difficult.

“Yes, I do,” she said in a whisper.

Keaton ran his finger gently down the side of her face, until he tilted her chin with the tip of his finger. Inches away from her lips, it only took two words to turn her knees to jelly.

“Meridan…. Kiss.”

They embraced each other and gave each other a deep, passionate kiss until they were interrupted by Devon bursting through the back door. Keaton pulled away from Meridan slowly and smiled.

“Whoa, Cuz! I see you and the Chief have started your own party up in here!”

Meridan walked over to him. “I'm gonna beat your little freshman ass, if you try to embarrass me again.”

Laughing, he tried to hug her. “You know I was just kidding. You're my favorite cousin!”

Pushing him away, she said, “Don't try to kiss up to me now.”

Laughing, he said, “Yo, Chief, you make sure you take care of Meridan. Aight?”

Giving each other a handshake, Keaton answered, “No doubt.”

After grabbing another pack of paper plates, he headed toward the back door. “Oh, Meridan, Aunt Glo has got her drink on and she's over there shaking her booty to some Johnny Taylor.”

Meridan put her hands over her head. “I was hoping she wouldn't show her tail tonight. Is Daddy upset?”

Laughing, he said, “You know Unc is used to her. As long as she's not causing a disruption, he'll leave her alone to enjoy herself. After this is over tonight, I'm not driving her home, so don't even think of looking my way.”

“I'll make sure she gets home. You're a lot of help.”

Putting a homemade roll in his mouth, he said, “Yo! Keyshaun and I are spending the night, so I hope you two don't keep us up all night.”


Keaton laughed. “We'll try not to.”

“Keaton, don't play into his infantile little games.”

Devon left out the back door, laughing. Meridan closed her eyes and shook her head. Once again, Devon had embarrassed her and Keaton hadn't help matters.

He noticed her embarrassment. “Meridan, he's eighteen. What do you expect?”

She looked at him, unable to respond. Her cousins were a handful.

He hugged her and jokingly said, “I won't make noise, if you won't.”


He released her. “Sweetheart, I'm just teasing. Come on so I can make you happy and let you take my blood pressure.”

Nodding, she said, “Okay.”

They went into the den and sat down. They could hear the music booming from outside.

He smiled and said, “You look very beautiful tonight.”

“Be quiet, Keaton. I'm trying to take your blood pressure.”

He stared at her in silence. He couldn't help but admire her radiant skin and luscious lips. The neckline of her halter dress was cut low enough to be sexy, yet classy. Her braids caressed her full breasts and the dress hugged her sensational hips. Her thighs were firm and muscular; the obvious results of years of basketball.

“Well, will I live?”

She took the cuff off his arm. “You're normal, Keaton, but your pulse is up a little.”

She handed him a couple of tablets and some water. After swallowing them, he said, “It's your fault that you make my heart beat so wildly.”

“Stop it, Keaton,” she said, blushing

Standing, he said, “Why don't you believe me?”

She licked her lips. “If I say, you might tell me off.”

“Oh, we're back to the weight thing again, huh?”

Keaton walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He ran his hands seductively down her back and over her full hips, resting them there. It was Meridan's heart that was racing now.

“See? You fit just perfect. I've never had a woman in my arms that was a perfect fit before, and I doubt there will be another. Take it for what it's worth, Meridan, because we're not having this weight discussion again. You got it?”

She looked up into his eyes that had taken on a strange appearance. Meridan finally realized he meant business. She swallowed hard and whispered, “Got it.”

Twirling her by the arm, he said, “Good! Now let's go because I feel like dancing.”

“Me, too, and Keaton?”



Kissing her on the cheek, he said, “Thank me later.”

The back door closed behind them and they rejoined the others at the massive tent under the stars.



s soon as they pulled the tent back, Meridan saw a scene nobody should have to witness. Aunt Glo had her dress hiked up on her thighs and she was waving her bottle of unidentifiable alcohol in the air.

Meridan said, “Oh….my…God!”

Keaton laughed. “Your aunt has nice legs.”

Meridan playfully elbowed him in the side. “You're no help.”

Pointing toward her dad, Keaton said, “Your dad seems to be enjoying the show.”

“He's seen these performances on more than one occasion. Aunt Glo needs to sit down. Look! Everyone's laughing at her.”

They walked further into the tent, in the direction of her dad's table.

“Daddy, why don't you make Aunt Glo sit down?”

He patted the chair next to him. “Take a load off, baby girl. Your aunt's just having some harmless fun.”

Keaton sat next to Meridan and watched along with the rest of the family. Devon and Keyshaun were getting a kick out of playing music that Aunt Glo loved so she'd keep the show going. Meridan's father finally gave them the eye to stop instigating.

He said, “I'll be right back. I'm going to try and talk your aunt into sitting down for a moment before she has a heart attack.”

William was successful in getting Aunt Glo to sit down. About that time, Gwendolyn and Meridan led their father over to the three-tier birthday cake. It was in his favorite colors…crimson and cream. As they made their way over to his table, all one hundred-plus voices sang “Happy Birthday.” When the song ended, there was a thunderous applause. Meridan felt a tear slide down her cheek. Her dad was sixty years old and he was in better shape than most forty-year-olds.

A hush fell over the crowd as Meridan's dad tried to find words to express his gratitude to everyone. It was obvious he was overcome with emotion. He smiled at Leona, then looked at his two beautiful daughters and extended family.

He finally cleared his throat. “Tonight has been an extremely special night for me. A lot of people have worked very hard to make this night a success. To my dear friends, I want to thank each one of you for always being around to help me out; no matter how big or small the task. To my wonderful family members, words cannot express how much I love you. To my beautiful daughters, Gwendolyn and Meridan, you are my life. I only wish your mother could've lived to see the gracious young women you both have grown into. I want you to know that I love both of you and I'm so proud of you.”

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