When Hell Freezes Over (16 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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“Because you leaving, that's why,” she solemnly said.

“Meridan, you're special to me also. My feelings for you should be obvious. It's been torture keeping my hands to myself when I'm around. As far as me leaving, well, the end of that story depends on you.”

She looked up at him. “How?”

He nuzzled her neck and ear, and whispered, “Because I don't want it to end.”

She kissed his cheek and said, “Keaton, you just don't know how hearing that makes me feel. You're a true gentleman and for those qualities and many others, I crave your hands, lips and anything else you want to give me. I want you, Keaton Lapahie, like I've never wanted anything in my life. I know you're leaving soon but, before you go, I want you to make love to me. You have no idea what I've gone through to get to this point.”

Keaton swallowed hard. He'd finally heard the words he thought he'd never hear. He'd decided, after their second near sexual encounter, that he'd wait for Meridan to approach him, but he didn't expect her to do it here…Now.

“Meridan, I wouldn't be comfortable here—”

She hugged him and pressed her face against his warm neck, kissing it, causing him to let out a long sigh.

“I know, Keaton. I can't wait to get back to Philly so I can feel your skin against mine.”

Keaton swallowed hard again and felt his body respond. He knew the inevitable would greet them the moment they stepped off the plane, but tonight a cold shower would be his sleeping pill. In Philly, he'd finally get to show Meridan St. John how much he loved her. Yes… Loved her.



unday after church service, a lot of the family members gathered for dinner at the St. John household. As many as thirty family members came to eat more delicious food. Jacob came back also, to bid Meridan goodbye. He wanted her to take a walk with him so they could talk. She agreed since they hadn't had an opportunity to talk alone. Keaton noticed them walking arm-in-arm out the back door and through the garden.

As they walked, Jacob asked, “Are you and that guy in there getting serious?”

“Where is that coming from?”

Jacob stopped walking. “I'm curious. You know I've always loved you, Meridan.”

They stopped walking and sat down on a bench in her mother's prize flower garden.

Meridan held his hand. “Jacob, I'm not going to sit here and lie. When we were younger, I had feelings for you. I even fantasized about being married to you, but that was a long time ago. I went away to college and so did you. People change, you know that. You'll always be my first love, but that's all in the past now. I care about you as a friend, but that's as far as it goes. You understand me, don't you?”

Jacob reached up to touch her hair and asked, “Does he know what happened to you and that you can't have children?”

Meridan's body tensed. She trembled slightly since she hadn't had the conversation about her condition with anyone in a while.

She bit down on her bottom lip. “No, he doesn't know and it's my decision
to inform him, or anyone else, about my condition. I can't believe you'd even bring that up to me. I told you that as a friend, in confidence.”

“Meridan, I'm sorry for upsetting you, but don't you think he has a right to know? Just in case—”

Angrily she asked, “Just in case what?”

“Just in case he's falling in love with you. I've noticed the way he looks at you. Honestly speaking, I think he's already in love with you.”

Meridan stood. “That's none of your business. We should be getting back to the house. Have a safe trip back to Atlanta.”

He put his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. “I love you, Meridan. I always will. I wish nothing but the best for you. So where you feel I'm meddling, I'm just being concerned. Call me sometime, okay?”

She returned his hug. “I will, and thank you. I'll always love you, Jacob, but I can't offer you the kind of love you want from me.”

He kissed her cheek lovingly before walking back toward the house. Jacob's comment had shaken her. She hadn't had any reason to be concerned about discussing her condition. That was, until Keaton Lapahie entered into her life. She didn't plan on falling in love with him. Now that she was, she feared once he found out she couldn't bear children, he wouldn't have anything else to do with her. In the meantime, she'd enjoy the pleasure he could give her before returning to Texas. Yes, when he left, her heart would be broken, but her secret would remain with her.

Back in Tennessee, Sam was released from jail with a revengeful heart. If only Meridan had played along and allowed her mind and body to explore new things. It would've been perfect if that bitch, Nichole, hadn't interfered. If Meridan and Nichole thought what happened in college was bad, they hadn't seen anything yet.

Sam frowned as the recollection of the night Meridan danced and giggled around the room replayed like it was yesterday. Everyone on campus was celebrating a victory that gave the school a high ranking in the NCAA tournament. Most of their circle of friends had gone on to party elsewhere. The
liquor they'd been drinking was starting to do exactly what Sam meant for it to do… Relax Meridan. Sam had planned and waited for the moment for weeks, and it was then or never.

An hour later, Meridan finally passed out on the bed and Sam got the opportunity of a lifetime. She was still groggy when she woke up to an unusual sensation. The room was spinning and she felt restrained. Her legs were feeling very heavy, and when she rose up off the bed, she noticed she was nude from the waist down. As her blurred vision cleared, she noticed Sam's head buried deeply between her thighs. Meridan felt like she was dreaming as her body responded naturally to the act being performed on her. She tried to get up and push Sam away, but she was unsuccessful.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she heard Sam whisper, “Chill out, Meridan. I know you like it. Just lay back and enjoy it.”

Weak from the alcohol, Meridan tried to scoot away but failed once again. She was drunk, but she was alert enough to know this was wrong, very wrong. Sam had always been only a friend to her. How could their friendship be violated like this?

Meridan could hear Sam humming with pleasure as the assault continued. Her fear was what would come next. Before passing out completely, she watched as Sam stood over her and said, “Damn, Meridan! You're so hot. Are you ready for me? I know you are, so just enjoy the ride.”

Back to reality, Sam took the envelope containing all the possessions taken away years back when the doors sealed away the outside world.

Walking away, the guard said, “Don't let me see your ass back in here again, and try to stay out of trouble.”

Sam wasn't hearing it. The first thing on the list was looking up Meridan St. John, so they could pick up where they'd left off. Now Nichole, she'd be handled with a special pair of gloves. While in prison, the internet had become a great tool for tracking down old classmates. With addresses in hand, Sam laughed out loud before climbing into a cab that was headed straight to the airport.



onday afternoon, William took Meridan and Keaton back to the airport. It was bittersweet for Meridan. It would probably be a while before she could come back for a visit.

William extended his hand. “Keaton, you're welcome here anytime. I hope you enjoyed yourself this weekend and that my sister didn't offend you.”

Keaton shook his hand. “I appreciate your offer, sir. I did have a wonderful weekend. Don't worry about your sister; her flirting was harmless. She's really a nice woman.”

“She has a few issues, but she is a very sweet woman. Well, you guys better get to your plane. I hate that I can't walk to the gate with you. Keaton, take care of my baby.”

“I will, sir. Be safe driving home.”

William St. John turned to his daughter. Her eyes were filled with tears. Keaton gave them some privacy by stepping away to tend to their luggage.

“I'm going to miss you, Daddy. You should come up for a visit soon.”

Hugging her, he said, “I will, Meridan, and I'm going to miss you also.” He kissed her forehead. “You like him, don't you?”

“Yes I do, Daddy. Very much.”

“Well, for what it's worth, he likes you also.”

She leaned back to look at William and asked, “He told you?”

Laughing, he said, “He didn't have to tell me. I like him. He's a good kid. If you want to pursue a relationship with him, you know you have to be honest with him. Have you told him?”

“Daddy, you're beginning to sound like Gwendolyn. She said the same thing. So did Jacob.”

“Jacob loves you, Meridan; in spite of the fact that you're not in love with him. He's a good kid also. Just not the one for you, I take it. I've always loved him like a son. He cares about you.”

“I know, Daddy, and I promise, I'll tell Keaton when the time is right?”

“Okay. I love you, Meridan. Call me when you get in, and have a safe flight.”

“Tell Ms. Leona goodbye for me.”

“I will.”

Meridan joined Keaton and as they turned the corner in the terminal, they waved goodbye to Mr. St. John. On the plane they quickly found their seats and settled in for the long ride home. Meridan held onto Keaton's arm and rested her head against his chest.

Once the plan leveled off, she dozed off listening to the rhythm of his heart.

Keaton and Meridan stepped off the plane and were met by Philadelphia's chilly temperatures.

“Whew! You can tell we're not in Mississippi anymore, huh?”

“Most definitely. Come on, Meridan, so we can get our bags and get out of here.”

Meridan held Keaton's hand and they weeded their way through the crowded airport, after gathering their luggage, Keaton told Meridan to wait at the terminal while he went to get the car. She insisted on going with him; even though it was cold outside. They argued for a few minutes, until an airport shuttle came along to take them to the area they were parked.

He hugged her and said, “Meridan St. John, you're a stubborn woman.”

“Thank you for noticing.”

He smiled at her and shook his head. She was sensational and he wanted her more than ever. They took their seats on the shuttle bus.

“Keaton, seriously, I appreciate you trying to protect me from the cold, but the truth is… I didn't want to be separated from you.”



They finally got to the car after about a ten-minute ride. Keaton started the engine and immediately turned up the heat. Meridan shivered in her seat while Keaton loaded their luggage into the trunk. He jumped in the car and started shivering also. The car had been sitting for a few days, so it was going to take a few minutes for the heat to kick on.

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