When Honey Got Married (13 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Lang,Anna Cleary,Kelly Hunter,Ally Blake

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Anthology, #romance contemporary, #romance category, #Anna Cleary, #Kelly Hunter, #When Honey Got Married, #Ally Blake, #Kimberly Lang

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Alex stood abruptly. The judge craned his neck around the chair and then slowly stood up too. He wasn’t a young man, by any means. Teddy Moreau had had his daughters late.

“Nina,” the older man said, with a hitch in his voice that might have been longing.

“Mother wanted me to make sure that you’d shown Alex his room.”

“Not yet.”

“I could show him now,” Nina offered, but her father didn’t seem inclined to reply.

“How’s your sister?” Alex asked.

“Nervous.” Nina stayed in the doorway. “She’s worried that Brent doesn’t love her. That everyone welcomed this union so eagerly he’d have found it impossible to pull out, even if he wanted to.”

“The boy loves her, Nina,” the judge said wearily. “Honey needs to trust Brent more and test him less.”

“Glad to see your empathy’s still a wonder to behold.”

The judge said nothing in reply, but a muscle in his jaw worked and Alex almost felt sorry for the man. Nervous brides were hard work. And Nina was giving her father no quarter at all.

“Would you care for a drink?” Nina’s father asked her and suddenly Nina looked uncertain and far too vulnerable for Alex’s liking.

“No, I—thank you, but I have one upstairs and I—no. I really should be getting back to Honey. I just wanted to make sure Alex got settled.”

“I’ll come up with you now.” Alex set his glass gently on the table. And then maybe Nina might settle. “Thanks for the whiskey, Judge.”


Not the judge’s son, but still his father’s son, and Alex could almost hear his father in his ear telling him that he’d pushed the judge quite far enough for one night. Alex nodded and headed for Nina, taking her hand on the way out and exhaling his relief when she held on tight and didn’t let go.

Chapter Six

“How much did you hear?” Alex asked her when he figured they were out of Theodore Moreau’s earshot.

“I heard silence,” she murmured, with a questioning glance in his direction. “Miles of it. Guess you didn’t have much in common.”

Alex stopped her and took her lips so he didn’t have to answer. He let himself linger and sank into her warmth because the thought of walking away from her in a couple of weeks’ time made him feel cold. He didn’t know how long they kissed. Mouth against mouth, drinking deeply or barely touching, they kissed, that was all, and Alex never wanted it to end.

“So you found him.”

The voice came from far away, the far end of the corridor, and Alex stilled and broke the kiss and turned his head to look at Olivia Moreau.

“Yes,” Nina murmured and pressed her cheek to his shoulder. “I found him.”

“Perhaps you might both get up the stairs faster, Nina, if you let him go,” Olivia Moreau offered.

“Maybe.” Nina pulled away reluctantly and Alex offered her a wry smile. So much for stealing kisses here.

“Alexander, has Nina told you of tomorrow’s breakfast and morning plans yet?” Nina’s mother continued smoothly. “Breakfast on the back lawn at nine? A round of golf for the gentlemen later in the morning? I’m sure we can round up some suitable golfing clothes for you.”

“Mrs. Moreau—”


“Olivia, thank you for the inclusion but I don’t need entertaining. I’ve already made plans to explore Bellefleur tomorrow morning. I’ll leave early, find a room in town and get ready from there, and then meet you all at the plantation house. I’m looking forward to it.”

Get out of the way of the wedding preparations. A man didn’t have to be smart to figure that for the best plan of action by far.

“Another time, then.”

Olivia Moreau seemed determined to make him feel welcome no matter who he was. Alex liked that about her. He saw no disapproval in her. He wondered if she’d managed to welcome her daughter home yet. “Nina will have to bring you again.”

“Another time,” he said agreeably, and followed the Nina and her mother back to the foyer where he picked up his overnight bag, and Nina’s too, and followed them up the stairs.

They dropped Nina’s belongings in Honey’s room. Olivia peeled off to stay with Honey, leaving Nina to show him where he was to sleep. It wasn’t much farther along the corridor before Nina stopped in front of another door and hesitated.

“Memories,” she said quietly. “Pesky things.”

And then she squared her shoulders, opened the door, and stepped inside.

It wasn’t a child’s room. The bed was a queen-size one, the bedspread a neutral blend of blues, white, and gray. There were pillows for ten. Fresh flowers on the mantelpiece. Alex wondered what had changed about the room over the past seven years, but Nina wasn’t saying.

An old teddy bear sat propped on the bedside table, beneath the lamp. Nina picked it up and smoothed her fingers over the bear’s battered ear.

“What’s his name?”

“Big Bear. Because he was.”

Alex grinned.

“Not one word,” Nina said warningly.

No, it was definitely going to take more than that. He dropped his bag on the floor beside the bed. He reached for the beautifully bound book placed carefully on the end of the bed and fingered it open, figuring it for a guest book, but it wasn’t a guest book. Instead, it contained newspaper clippings. He turned another page and found reviews. Brochures. Night Circus programs. Praise for Nina Moreau. “Seen this?” He moved out of her way and let her look. Let aerial silk artist Nina Moreau turn the pages for herself.

Not exactly what he’d expected to find in the home of the parents who’d disowned her.

Not what Nina expected to find either. She closed the book with a snap, put her palms to her cheeks, and then ran one hand around the back of her neck as if it ached. “Honey probably collected them.”

Maybe. And maybe this family had missed Nina more than she knew. “Your mother given you a hug yet?”

Nina shook her head and tried to laugh off her distress. “No.”

“Ever thought about dropping the inherited reserve and laying one on

“Why? You think it’d work?”

“You do give good hug,” he said, and then Nina was in his arms, seeking comfort.

“I know I should be happier to be home,” she whispered against his chest. “I know I should feel happy that someone collected these clippings, but I don’t. I just feel sad. I followed the dance; that was all. I never wanted to leave behind the people I loved. There was always room for them too, if they could just be proud of me instead of disappointed. And now
leaving and all of a sudden
feel like the one who’s being left behind. The one who doesn’t know what’s going on.” Nina buried her head in his shoulder. “The one who doesn’t know how to give you what you need.”

Nina pushed back and her gaze clashed with his. She looked a little bit scared and a whole lot determined. He’d seen that look before.

“So here’s the thing. I need to know what you want from me, Alex. You need to tell me straight. And I’ll see if I have it in me to give.”

“Nina, you don’t want to do this now.” Alex didn’t want to do this now either. “You have enough to worry about this weekend.” And she wasn’t going to like what he had to offer.

“Try me,” she offered quietly and damn near broke his heart. He’d waited so long for this. For Nina to look at him and see him in color.

“You’re not ready to hear what I have to say.”

“Try me,” she said again, and so he gathered his courage around him like a cloak and told her plain.

“I want you in Derbyshire with me. There’d be no Night Circus family nearby. The nearest would be London.”

“What else do you want?”

“My social obligations back home are complex. It’s going to take me a while to get up to speed on what my father requires of me and what I’m likely to require from you. There’d be politics. Maneuvering. Powerful people wanting all sorts of deals made, and you’d need to be aware of every last one of them. I don’t know how much time there would be for the dance, even if you could continue with it in some way.”

“You need a Honey.”

“Yes.” That was exactly what he needed. Though, possibly without the tears. “Could you do it? Would you
to do it?”

“Wouldn’t my background as a circus performer work against me? Work against you?”

“Sometimes, maybe. And sometimes not. Your being an American, on the other hand…you may have to give them some time to get used to that.”

Nina thumped him and Alex laughed, he couldn’t help it. But then Nina’s expression grew solemn and more than a little worried.

“You need a British Honey,” she murmured. “Your family’s not going to want a Nina.
family doesn’t want a Nina.”

“Hey.” He tipped her chin up and bussed her lips with his. “Not true. Give them a chance. I think they’ll surprise you.”

“Your family or mine?”

“Both. I’ve already told my sisters about you, which means my mother knows too and so does my father. No one’s going to be surprised about my decision to take you for a wife.”

“To take me for a

Oh, this was going swimmingly.

“C’mon, Nina. Of course I want to marry you. You really think I’d ask so much of you and not offer you the protection of my name in return?”

Nina stared at him incredulously. Alex didn’t think he’d grown another head, but he could be wrong.

“What?” he asked warily.

“Damn it, Alex, don’t you know
about how to deliver a proposal?”

“It’s my first.”

“It needs work.”

“I know the timing’s bad.”

“And that’s just the beginning.”

“But my love is true,” he continued doggedly. “Marry me, Nina. Be my wife. I’m very sure of my feelings for you.”

“We’ve been intimate for one night!”

“It was a

“You do know I’m going to smack you soon, right?”

“And we’ve been friends for two years,” he added hastily. “I know you. And you know me. And ladies don’t smack.”

“You are so lucky I don’t bite,” she said, eyeing his lower lip speculatively. Alex instinctively wet it with his tongue and watched with satisfaction as Nina’s eyes darkened.

“Marry me, Nina.”

“You’re pressing your advantage.”

“Absolutely. Though I am aware that you probably need more time to think it over. This is new for you, coming out of the blue like this. It’s a big decision; don’t think I don’t know that. And I did suggest that we didn’t have to do this now. I was going to wait a while. Let you get used to the idea of you and me first, before I mentioned marriage.”

“But ultimately that’s what you want?”

“It is.”

“Marriage to me.”

“Yes.” Alex leaned in to steal a kiss, just the brush of his lips against hers, light and fleeting, only she opened beneath him so sweetly and how was he supposed to resist taking just that little bit more?

It was enough to make a man groan.

“I love it when you groan just for me,” Nina whispered, and pressed one last kiss to the corner of his mouth, because if she kissed him the way she wanted to, they were going to wind up in this bed and then her mother would come looking for her again and that would be bad. “I have to get back to Honey’s room. They’re waiting for me.”

“I know. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Alex, this decision you want me to make. Tomorrow’s going to be—”

“Busy,” he finished for her. “I know that too. No rush.”

“You’re a good man, Alexander Carradice.”

“Tolerant,” he murmured. “Loyal. Plenty of heart. Good lover, too. And there’s more.”

“Steak knives?”

“And a cheese grater,” he told her with a charmingly crooked smile. “Think about it.”

Nina headed for the door. “Oh, you can definitely count on that.”

Chapter Seven

“Everything okay?” Honey wanted to know when Nina returned to Honey’s room.

“Yes. Where’s Mom?”

“Getting some snacks. You and I are having a girl’s own slumber party. There could be pillow fights.”

“Uh-huh.” Nina was having a little bit of trouble dragging her thoughts away from Alex. The same Alex who’d just asked her to marry him, and hell if he’d been prepared for it because he’d had no ring on him, but he’d certainly been determined. He’d been charmingly persuasive too. Marriage. Nina swallowed hard. Marriage to Alexander Carradice, he of the laughing eyes and unquenchable zest for life. “Where were we?”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m in full-blown getting-married-tomorrow panic,” Honey offered helpfully.

“Right,” Nina said brightly. “Right. I remember now. Nerves. Absolutely normal.”

Honey rolled her eyes. “How long have you and Alex been together?”

“One night.”

Honey gaped and Nina grinned and opened her carryall in search of her sleepwear.

?” Honey repeated as Nina pulled out cotton boy-leg stretch shorts and a camisole with a cartoon coyote on it. Honey wore a butter-yellow baby-doll nightie and matching bikini briefs. Honey’s sleepwear was better.

“But we’ve been friends for a couple of years now,” Nina offered with what she hoped was an authoritative nod. “That counts for a lot, right?”

“Who are you trying to convince?”

“Me,” Nina said. “Thing is, I’ve always thought that my friendship with Alex was too important to risk sleeping with him. It was the rule. My rule. And on the way here I broke it.”

“Oh,” Honey murmured. “Did he live up to expectations?”

Nina sighed wistfully. “He exceeded expectations in every way. I swear, Honey, I need a shower just
about the skills that man brings to the table. Though I
also need a shower because it’s been a long and dusty day. I’ll be with you and pajama-clad in five minutes.”

“Not going anywhere, Nee.”

Ten minutes later, Nina settled in on the couch and tucked up close to Honey. The television was on and a bowl full of truffles sat on the coffee table alongside a matching plate full of delicate sandwiches. Their mother had retired for the night. Maybe it was for the best.

“So what’s
going on with Brent and all the nerves?” she asked. Truffle or sandwich? Truffle or sandwich? They really didn’t go well together, but she was extremely fond of both. Story of her life.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s just that I can’t quite believe that Brent wants
. Brent can have anything he wants. Any
he wants. Women look at him. And sometimes he looks back. Like with Eve. I never caught them at anything. Doesn’t mean I haven’t wondered.”

“So did Eve do anything bad at the rehearsal dinner?”

“No. Sorry about the panic phone call. I just got…nervous. I thought Eve was working up to something. A scene. A declaration of undying devotion for Brent, the more theatrical the better…and then Rainer took her in hand and Eve settled.”

“Rainer to the rescue,” Nina said. “The man’s a saint.”

“I’m pretty sure Rainer didn’t only have
peace of mind in mind. Eve was looking decidedly starry-eyed when they left together. That man had a plan.”

“Really?” Nina grinned. “So that’s Eve out of the way. Who else is there?’

“Pippa,” Honey said, and the smile faded from her lips. ”Brent’s always had a thing for Pippa.”

“I always thought Brent treated Pippa more like a sister.” Nina had been a couple of years behind Honey and Pippa at school, but she remembered Pippa well enough, and Eve too, for that matter. “Pippa’s been gone for years. If Brent had wanted to go after her, surely he would have. Besides, Brent didn’t ask Pippa to marry him, Honey. He asked you.”

“Probably because Pippa said no.” Honey set her sandwich down on the table and lifted her perfectly manicured thumbnail to her teeth.

“Don’t.” Nina smacked at the offending hand and threaded it through hers. “Do you love him?”

“So much.” Honey’s fingers tightened around hers, and Nina squeezed back. No mention of Nina’s calluses tonight. Nina didn’t think Honey even noticed them. “I’ve driven him mad with these wedding plans. I’ve driven everyone mad. Demanding such
things. Glass hummingbirds and bees.”

“What for?”

“Centerpieces for the tables. You’ll see them tomorrow. I kept waiting for Brent to say no. Or enough. I kept waiting for him to say that he didn’t want to go through with the wedding, but he never did. He’d just get this look on his face and then say for me to order whatever I wanted. Fireworks from a barge on the river. Ice sculptures. Made-to-order frosted glass
, Nina. And bees. To nestle among the honeysuckle that I also had to have on the table, never mind that Beau Vaughn pitched a fit because it’s too scented and will overpower the aroma of his food—and it
gorgeous food—not to mention that Beau threatened to pull the venue if I didn’t get rid of the honeysuckle in the floral arrangements because as far as he’s concerned honeysuckle’s a weed, and no weed is ever going to set seed on Belles Fleurs Plantation ever again. I had to get the florist to remove every last honeysuckle stamen from 125 posies and two dozen twining floral ropes. Which are stunning, by the way.”

Oh, boy. Maybe Honey had gone a touch overboard with the wedding preparations. “I’m thinking Brent’s silence is a sign of his deep and abiding love for you, Bee-Bee. What more do you want?”

Honey brought the back of Nina’s hand to her cheek and rubbed gently. “I just want him to be sure that he wants
, the basket case, not just Dad’s political support and a union between the families.”

“You’re not
a basket case,” Nina felt obliged to point out. “I’ve seen you do many sensible things.”

“I seated Lady Calliope and Opaline at the same table.”

“Well, they
deserve each other.”

“It’ll be war.”

“Not war. Entertainment. It’ll be fine.”

“I hope so,” Honey said. “Do you remember Gracie Lee Duggins from school? She was in your year.”

“I know,” said Nina.

“She’s my new wedding planner.”

“Really? What happened to the old one?”

“She ran off with someone else’s groom.”

“Huh,” Nina said. “Not exactly a recommendation. So are we liking Gracie Lee as the new wedding planner?”

“We are,” Honey said. “And we are now calling her Grace. I’m having lunch with her once this is all over.”

“Good for you,” Nina said. “She’s kind of shy.”

“Not anymore,” Honey said, and gave Nina’s arm a fierce squeeze. “I am
glad you made it here tonight.”

“Me, too.” Nina tried to sound one hundred percent enthusiastic. She tried not to dwell on the thought of a naked Alex doing exquisitely naughty things to her in her childhood bed. No kinky hotness there whatsoever.

Honey slanted her a knowing glance. “You know you
go back to your own bed tonight? Who’s going to know?”

“You. You are going to know!” Nina smacked her with the nearest pillow. “You invited me here. There will be no late-night visits elsewhere. I am an honorable and dutiful maid.”

Alex, with his sexy mouth and his impromptu wedding proposal, would just have to wait.

Nina set the pillow on her lap, picked up Honey’s abandoned sandwich and dangled it in front of Honey’s lips. “Eat.”

Sister of the century,
thought Nina as Honey reached out and took the rest of the tiny sandwich triangle from Nina and shoved it in her mouth.
Nina Moreau

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