When Honey Got Married (8 page)

Read When Honey Got Married Online

Authors: Kimberly Lang,Anna Cleary,Kelly Hunter,Ally Blake

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Anthology, #romance contemporary, #romance category, #Anna Cleary, #Kelly Hunter, #When Honey Got Married, #Ally Blake, #Kimberly Lang

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She was further encouraged when he backed her onto the desk and trailed his clever fingers up her dress and the inside of her tingling thigh.

She knew in some remote recess of her brain that this was escalating beyond the agreed boundaries, but the fire between her thighs was raging with a sweet and urgent yearning that could not be denied. She parted her legs to encourage him.

Oh wow, she was purring inside while still drowning in the kiss, quivering with desire as his fingers drew nearer and nearer to her mound. Yes, Rainer. Keep going
, Rainer. Oh, Rainer…

The kiss broke as softly, tenderly his fingers stroked her inflamed and quivering secrets through the flimsy lace, then slipped inside the fabric and caressed the sweetest spot of all.

Ahhh, the ecstasy. Waves of rapturous pleasure irradiated her flesh with a dark, delicious magic. Then to her escalating whimpers, he slipped his finger inside her and massaged the tender silken walls.

Pleasure swelled inside her, illuminated her flesh with streaks of ecstatic light that built higher and higher. But then, right at a crucial moment, he paused.

She nearly cried aloud, “Don’t stop
.” But it wasn’t even necessary.

The guy was a genius.

Somehow divining her emergency, he pushed her back onto the desk, drew down her undies, then knelt. Lifting her legs onto his shoulders, to her extreme and grateful pleasure he flicked his tongue across her burning clit, then thrust it into the place his finger had so recently pleasured.

No degree of imagination was required. Overwhelmed by the erotic reality of his dark head between her legs, his mouth sucking her clit, the arousing sensation of his tongue flicking inside and out of her inflamed channel, she lost all control.

While she writhed, whimpered, and moaned a heartfelt rhapsody, her pleasure swelled to a fantastic and explosive climax and burst into a million glorious shards.

After a second or two he drew away from her, then stood, his eyes like burning coals. He turned away.

Eve sat up. For a while she stayed there in a giddy, trancelike state of adoration. Surely some magic had happened here? Then she blinked, sensing that a certain constraint had entered the atmosphere. Rainer stood with his back to her, his neck and shoulders set in rigid lines.

Panting for air, her thoughts in drugged confusion, her hair, her clothes in total disarray, she attempted to gather some dignity about her.

“Well,” she said, or rather, croaked. “There, now.” Realizing her dress was rucked up to her armpits, she yanked it down, then slid off the desk. Looking down, she noticed her panties hanging off one ankle, so bent and whipped them back up.

No doubt her breasts were rising and falling like the Gulf Stream after Katrina.

“So much for a kiss. I hope you found it…acceptable.”

As soon as she said those words, every nerve in her body clenched with fear for what he might say. How he might judge her most uninhibited moments

He turned to stare at her, smoldering embers in his lust-darkened eyes. He spoke with an effort, his voice deeper and growlier than a grizzly’s. “It was…memorable.” He lowered his lashes. “You’re truly sweet.”

? She felt so filled with nameless emotion she wanted to say something wonderful to him. Something right.

But before she could he said, “Brent’s a lucky guy to inspire such–passion.”

She drew a sharp breath. “Well, but…” She broke off, wondering if she should admit that Brent had not been present in the room in any way, shape, or form.

He shot her a keen glance. “Yeah? You were saying?”

Her courage shriveled. She dropped her gaze. “Nothing.”

He moved to the door. Hesitated. Turned back to her. “Look, er, when things loosen up out there I’ll take Honey for a stroll and keep her occupied for five minutes.”

She hardly comprehended the words. But then it all solidified in her mind again and she remembered.

“How?” She felt such a sharp pang the words escaped her before she could bite them back. “How will you occupy her? Will you kiss her?”

His hand arrested on the door handle. He glanced back. “Would that matter, Eve?”

Something nasty jabbed her in the chest. “No, I guess. I mean…Well, yes. Yes, it might. You know it might.”

“Why?” His eyes glinted.

“Well, Honey loves Brent, and she might…be confused. People could feel hurt…”

“Would it hurt you?”

“Ye—no. I don’t know.” She turned away, her brain whirling, or maybe it was her heart still in a Rainer-induced spin. “Look. Look, go away now, will you please, Rainer? I can’t think properly while you’re here.”

Chapter Four

It took her a while to tidy up in the ladies’ room and calm herself down, though it was ridiculous to think anything had changed just because she’d kissed Rainer. Or—fine, indulged in
with Rainer. Experienced an
with Rainer.

With her lips so swollen and her eyes burning like hot coals, her face looked too blissfully sexual, like a supremely satisfied alley cat who’d stolen all the cream.

But it had been so good. She sagged against the vanity and closed her eyes, breathing hard. The feel of Rainer’s lips, his hands, seemed somehow burned into her senses. All her past erotic experiences paled in comparison.

But how had it been for him? He’d certainly given every appearance of being hotly aroused, so the question had to be asked. Had it been enough?

Maybe he pleasured women as a matter of course, and didn’t require much tit for tat. Or should that be tat for…? Although, should she be worrying? Who was he to her, after all? A virtual stranger. An adventurer who drove women to jump off cliffs and the like.

But he had been very polite, describing her as seductive. Quite a few guys had said things like that to her, that she was hot, that she was sexy. She appreciated the kindness of the thought, she really did. Who wouldn’t want to be thought seductive? Somehow though, it was the other term Rainer had used that made her insides glow.


Her heart warmed with joy to think it. For once a man had looked past her face and her body and found sweetness in her.

The truth was, she’d rather be thought “sweet” than “seductive” just about any day. Still, one anxious thought remained lodged in her brain. Rainer had been more in control than she. She couldn’t help thinking of other boys she’d kissed and how secretly bored she’d often felt. Well, she’d been the one in control then.

Half the time she’d been thanking her lucky stars she was an actress. What if Rainer had been bored?

Even Brent…

. She covered her face with her hands because, face it, she could hardly look herself in the face. How could she be in love with one man and moved to wild animal lust for another?

There. She’d admitted it. A minute alone with Rainer and she was the original Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. After months of emotional and sexual deprivation, in the space of hours her situation had become unbelievably complicated.

She was just smoothing some gloss onto her swollen lips and dreamily reliving those first enchanted moments of the kiss when the door swung open and Honey burst in.

Eve started from her reverie, hoping her erotic adventures weren’t stamped on her face, especially when she saw Honey’s eyes widen.

“Oh,” she said guiltily. “Oh, Honey. How—how are you?”

“Fine, Eve. Fine. I’m fine.” Honey’s lips stretched in a smile, though her amber eyes held shadows that looked anything
fine. “Just—just needing a quiet moment. There’s so much going on.”

“Is there? Yeah, well. ’Course. I guess you should have an early night. With all the …excitement to come.”

“You’re right. I intend to. Oh, and hey.” She moved a little closer, swung her arms at her sides the way she always had when she was nervous. “I want to say how pleased Brent and I are that you came all this way just for us. Bellefleur probably seems like Hicksville to you now.”

“No, it doesn’t. I
Bellefleur. Anyway, I …had to come.” Eve lowered her gaze. “I wouldn’t have missed it.” A small but rocky silence fell. Struggling for something safe to say, anything, Honey’s younger sister popped into Eve’s head and saved the day. “So… So then. Where’s Nina? I felt sure she’d be here tonight.”

“She will, but not till later. She’s been unavoidably delayed. She really wanted to be here for this, she
did. She’s devastated to miss it.”

“I’m sure.”

“She’s bursting to see us all.
. It’ll be the first time she’s been home in seven years.”

Eve nodded. “Yeah. I heard that.” Then noting the shadow cross Honey’s face, she hastened to add, “Seven
though? Is it really? That’s a long time. ”

“Listen, it’ll be
,” Honey said fiercely. “
Just fine

“Oh, sure, sure it will. Why wouldn’t it? You must be so…looking forward to seeing her.”

“I am. And anyway, I—I want to tell you how grateful I am to have at least one of my old friends present here tonight. And looking
beautiful. Like a real New Yorker. You know…” She started to talk so fast words tumbled over themselves. “My imagination has been running wild. Don’t laugh, but I was even worried that you and Brent… Well, I know he has a great big soft spot for you, since you and he were so close and all at one time. How silly can one woman
.” She rolled her eyes, then spread her arms. “But here you are, having a great time. And we’re all great friends. ” She beamed, the sincerity in her eyes stirring Eve with a terrible, heart-crushing doubt. “Thank you, Eve. Thank you.” She surged forward and threw her arms around Eve in a hug so warm Eve felt momentarily immobilized with shock.

But… Well, what else was she to do?

She wrapped her arms around Honey and hugged her right back. All those times together when they were kids flashed through Eve’s mind, secrets they’d exchanged, jelly beans they’d shared, the seventh-grade science project…

When the clinch ended she was jolted to see actual tears in Honey’s eyes.

Oh, Honey. Are you all right, darlin’? Is everything all right?”

Honey waved a hand in teary, smiling dismissal and tottered into a cubicle to sit on the toilet lid. Shoulders sagging, she leaned forward and rested her blond head in her hands. “Oh, sure. Sure it is. I’ve just had so much to think of, you know?” Her voice wobbled. “Undercurrents. The cousins from
. Parents and in-laws. Then there’s the catering. The video guy.
. My wedding planner deserted at the last minute. Can you believe that? Thank the Lord for Gracie Lee. But it’s as if everyone else in the world is conspiring to prevent me from marrying the person I was made for.” She heaved a weary sigh. “I guess I shouldn’t complain. You know what they say about weddings.”

“I know. But…” Eve was seized with a fierce and overwhelming desire to comfort her. Smooth away all the obstacles. “Listen. The rehearsal is meant to be a disaster. But it’ll be all right on the day. That’s what we say in show biz. And it will,” she added warmly. “I know it will.”

Honey looked up, her eyes brimming with hope. “Oh, Eve. You’re a jewel. How could I have forgotten how wonderful you are when the chips are down? It’s exactly as Brent always said. You’re perfect at knowing just the right word or gesture when folks are buckling. ”

Eve swallowed the compliment, stunned, if the truth be told. Had Brent truly said that? A jagged thought lurched into her mind. Had he been buckling that night in Dallas?

Was that the reason he’d kissed her?

She pushed the notion away. It was far too hard and prickly to focus on right now.

To ease the awkward moment, she segued into some gossipy chitchat that had Honey laughing, then after a few more girlish giggles similar to the ones back in junior high, waved and escaped.

Outside in the Magnolia Room, Eve was seized by an overwhelming need to see Rainer. She really needed to talk to him.

But… Could they talk to each other now? After…?

She scanned from wall to wall, but there was no sign of him. Maybe he was like her, reliving the moment somewhere private, though she doubted it. A cool guy like Rainer had probably forgotten all about her by now and was involved in some political discussion about events in Somalia.

Heading for the buffet, Eve was just considering plunging some strawberries into the chocolate fountain—so typical of vulgar Delacroix excess—when she saw Honey return from the bathroom. Honey paused to glance around, then broke into a wide grin. Following the direction of her gaze, Eve’s heart gave a savage lurch.

Rainer was over by the entrance.

He was beckoning Honey, and like a puppet on a string, she was being drawn across the room to him. Well, who would resist?

Eve felt a bolt of red-hot guilt spear through her. She put out her hand, tried to catch Rainer’s eye and cancel the whole stupid plot, but his attention was fixed on Honey.

Mesmerized, Eve watched Honey smile trustingly up at him. He bent his head to say something to her, then before Eve’s eyes, Honey went with him.

At the very last instant before they disappeared through the entrance, Rainer glanced back over his shoulder and fired a glance across the room straight at Eve.

Eve’s insides jarred. She knew what that look meant.
Over to her.

Rainer was drunk.

Drunk on desire. Reeling from the lingering intoxication of Eve in his senses. He knew it would kill him if he didn’t have her under him tonight.

This veranda was just too popular. Seemed everyone needing fresh night air and a quiet place to talk was out here. Steering Honey to the quieter side of the house, Rainer cursed himself for being such a stand-up guy. Why the hell had he insisted on fulfilling his side of this devil’s bargain?

For all he knew Eve could be back right now in that private little office, pouring her heart out to the fool who’d let her go.

Drinking him in with her dark eyes. Flashing him that heartbreaking smile. Kissing him…

Rainer felt something like a hot skewer stab straight through his vitals.

Would she do that now? He shook his head to shake the image. Surely not. He truly doubted she would. He felt pretty certain he’d caught a glimpse of the true woman inside the actress.

But what about Brent? Could anyone trust him? What if the guy changed his mind again and went for Eve?

He glanced down at Honey. Unless he was much mistaken, the bride had her doubts about her love. Those muscles in her neck looked taut with tension.

Maybe a shot of confidence would help her bind the guy to her and hold him close. If there was one thing Rainer needed to know this night, it was that his cousin was keeping faith with Honey Moreau and not making some loony, last-minute break to grab the most gorgeous woman in Louisiana.

He leaned against the railing and sucked in some air. “What’s that scent? I’ve missed the smell of Bellefleur.”

“Honeysuckle, of course,” Honey said in her soft voice. How could a man dream of hurting a woman like this? Brent ought to be shot. “Do you think you’ll ever come back here to settle down?”

“I might. When I find the woman.”

“What will she be like, do you think?”

He smiled to himself. A vision flashed into his head of dark velvet eyes sparkling with mischief, and his blood surged dangerously. “Sweet. Sassy. Tenderhearted. Complicated.”

Honey’s eyes brightened. “Sounds like you’ve got someone in mind.”

“That wouldn’t be altogether impossible,” he conceded. Noticing the anxious glance she cast over her shoulder, he added, “Relax. He won’t run away.”

At the image that conjured, something inside him clenched like a fist. Not with Eve, he wouldn’t. Not if Rainer had anything to do with it.

Honey gave a shaky laugh. “You know, sometimes I wonder if I can be sure of that.”

“Why shouldn’t you be?” He smiled down into her eyes with the easy assurance he was famous for when dicing with death. “The guy’s crazy about you. I’ve been there. I know.”

“You think?” She looked hesitantly at him, dropped her lashes. Toyed with a creeper frond protruding from the latticework. “Eve’s looking very pretty tonight.”

Even the sound of Eve’s name threatened to revive Rainer’s hard-on.

He sighed. “She
very pretty. But there isn’t a woman in this parish who needs to worry about losing her man to Eve.”

Honey gazed sidelong at him. “How can you say that?”

It was Rainer’s turn to hesitate. He couldn’t be absolutely sure he was in a position to say so, but it was the best way he could think of to give Honey a needful shot of security.

He smiled. “Because I don’t like to share.”

Honey’s eyes widened.

Eve was stalled by the dessert buffet, dithering. The moment had arrived. Her opportunity to corner Brent and…what? Talk to him? Stir him to the core with her words of love? Seduce him? After she’d been with Rainer?

Everything in her recoiled from the prospect.

Right now, in fact, she could see Brent not that far away, chatting to the boys in the band. It would be the easiest thing in the world to intercept him on his way back to his table.

Had a woman ever found herself in a more emotionally complex situation?

She plunged into an agony of indecision. It would be her last opportunity to tell him how she felt, although if she did tell him, what then? Her chat with Honey was still fresh and alive in her mind, and as for
…Oh, Lord. Rainer’s arms around her had been so fantastic. While those glorious moments in the room…

Oh, the

Honey’s face… Rainer’s lips… Honey… Rainer… Honey… She was so confused.

“Why are you staring so hard at that chocolate fountain? Spotted something alive in there? Catfish? Coupla ’gators?”

Eve jumped and nearly upset a tray of strawberry tiramisu. Just like her most guilty of all fantasies, except it was taking place here in public, Brent of all people had breezed up and was grinning in the easygoing, teasing way of his that was so infectious.

Thank the Lord for adrenaline rushes. Summoning a smile, she achieved her smoothest face. Even that guy at the Village Players would have been impressed.

“Wouldn’t be surprised.” She risked one fleeting eye-clash. As usual, Brent’s were as unthreatening as a summer sky. “I—I was wondering if Aunt Minna has noticed this yet.”

“What would she think? Another example of the tacky Delacroix taste?”

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