When No Doesn't Cut It (23 page)

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Authors: Lisa Oliver

BOOK: When No Doesn't Cut It
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, his mate tasted absolutely fucking amazing.  Scott’s cock was so hard he knew he could just stand up and slide into Damien’s tight hole without a second thought.  He ached to do it, but even as his cock bounced in agreement, Scott knew that his mate wasn’t ready for that.  Taking one last lick, Scott slipped between Damien’s legs, and slid his body up over Damien’s front.  Draping his arms around Damien’s neck, and ignoring the man’s stunned expression, Scott growled, “fuck me mate.  Fuck me like you mean it.”

Not needing to be asked twice, Damien spun Scott around and pushed him up against the shower tile wall.  Running his big hand down Scott’s back and onto his ass, Damien quickly found the hole he was looking for and shoved two fingers in.  Scott winced at the burn, but he welcomed it
, as it lessened his own need for release just enough to take the edge off.  He pushed back on Damien’s fingers and moaned deeply when the man added a third.

Taking just two minutes to prep Scott, Damien pushed the fat head of his cock against Scott’s hole and forced his way inside with one savage thrust.  For a second Scott felt like he was being split in two, but he let out a long breath and pushed out against Damien’s cock allowing the man to sink further into his body. 

Without waiting, Damien started to move - long, hard thrusts, plunging deep into Scott time and time again.  The man was a fucking machine and Scott loved it. Loved the possessive grip of Damien’s hands on his hips.  Loved the grunts his mate made with each thrust inward. Loved the way Damien’s balls slapped against him every time their bodies collided.  And as he heard Damien’s roar and the warm sensation of come coating his insides, Scott knew he loved his mate as well. 

Slamming that thought to the back of his mind, Scott focused instead on Damien’s thrusts as the man fucked himself through his own orgasm.  Within seconds Scott’s
own sperm pulsed out of the end of his untouched throbbing cock and onto the tiles in front of him. In that moment Scott had never been so glad of the fact that he was facing a wall, instead of his mate, because he was sure if Damien could see his face, he would see the love that Scott felt for the man still wedged in his ass.  And Scott didn’t want Damien to see it, because he knew that Damien was no more ready for that, than he was for Scott to fuck him.

Some time later, as the two men lay curled up with each other in bed lost in their thoughts, Damien said quietly, “I’ve never allowed anyone to do that before.”

Scott had figured as much.  For a gay man Damien was the consummate Alpha and the fact that he didn’t seem to mind giving Scott a blow job, or rimming him, was just a few of the sexual pleasures Scott had enjoyed in his brief time with his mate.  It was no surprise to him that no one had ever got near Damien’s ass, which was why the man’s fear of bottoming had Scott wondering what in the hell had happened to man when he was young.

“It didn’t bother you too much?”

“No,” Damien admitted, “I’ve got to say you have a talented tongue.  I’m pretty sure I liked it.”

Remembering the way Damien’s ass had pushed back into his face, Scott got the impression the man had definitely enjoyed it.  But he wasn’t going to tease Damien about it.  Not without knowing
what was holding his mate back from taking that final step.

“You know, you could have probably fucked me then and I doubt I would have stopped you.”  Scott could hear the question in Damien’s voice even though Damien had phrased his words more as a statement.

“That’s really good to know, lover,” Scott said quietly, “but you weren’t ready.  You’ll let me know when you are.”

“Can we get this pack mess sorted first?”

“Yes,” Scott laughed.  “But if I have to wait until you’ve got absolutely nothing to fucking do, then my dick is likely to have fallen off with old age by the time we get around to it.”

“I promised you within the month, and I meant it, mate of mine.” Damien’s hands captured Scott’s face and his warm lips took Scott in one of his earth shattering kisses and for the longest while Scott didn’t worry about anything except the taste of the man in his arms.


Dinner was an enjoyable
meal, even with all of the pressures the men sitting around the table were dealing with.   Damien had sent Malacai back to the club to call on business contacts who might be able to help in finding Jacob.  Lucius and Vincent were apparently doing a good job of managing the club and Damien wondered if he should make the position permanent.  Lucius could still run his security business from the club and Vincent seemed to thrive on the club atmosphere.  Damien had sent the rest of his enforcers, those who weren’t out hunting for Jacob, home with orders to rest.  He had no concerns for his safety, and that of his mate, with the men of Cloverleah as his guests.

It was Kane who bought up the business of the day.  The men had all enjoyed a huge well cooked meal and were now relaxing in Damien’s living room.  As per normal
, the mated pairs, Kane and Shawn, Diablo and Griff and even Damien and Scott were all curled up with each other. Damien just couldn’t stop touching Scott and he was pleased that Scott didn’t seem to mind. Troy and Dean each occupied a big easy chair and everyone held a bottle of beer in their hands.

“So Damien, you will be pleased to know we
’ve located the families of all of the boys currently in your care.  With your permission, Shawn and I were going to visit them directly tomorrow, and let them know their children are safe, and talk to them about what they want to do about what has happened.”

Dimitri nodded.  “Thank you.  If any of them want to come here
, then please make the arrangements for that.  The pack resources are at your disposal.  Otherwise, I can arrange to have the boys transported back to their homes within a day. It worries me, especially with the younger ones, what keeping them away from their parents is doing to them, and if it’s compounding their trauma.”

“The boys all seem quite happy at the moment, Alpha,” Dean said quietly.  “They are fed, warm
, and being kept safe, and all of that seems to appeal to their wolf spirits. Kids are quite resilient. The little one, Ben, has been crying for his mother.  But I told him that Shawn would go and see his parents first, so he could get home the fastest. I hope that’s okay.”

Smiling, Damien said, “that’s great,” even as he thought that was the most he had heard the young man say since he had arrived on pack grounds.  Dean was a perfect Omega wolf and Damien regretted not having one of his own in the pack. 

Most of Damien’s pack comprised of testosterone filled dominants, or pleasure seeking twinks, and Damien guessed that was because most of the new additions to the pack had come through his connection with the club.  Maybe that was something that needed to change.  He didn’t have a Shaman or healer either and if he allowed more straight men and their families in to the pack, a healer would be useful.

Reminding himself to talk to Scott about it, Damien focused on what Kane was saying.

“I’m going to let Griff and Diablo go home tomorrow, if that’s okay with you.  They will be contactable by cell phone if you have any problems with the police departments.  We are hoping that personal visits to the families concerned will stop any of that, but if you do have hassles we can contact these two.  Dean will stay on until the boys are all home with their families, and Troy wants to stay a few more days to get some time with Scott.”

“Are you two finally going on your trip?” Scott asked Griff.  Griff and Diablo were supposed to be going on a road trip, culminating in a wedding in New York, between Diablo and Griff’s alter ego, Angel Bandures.  Although the wedding was more to keep Diablo and Griff’s cover with the FBI, Griff had really wanted to be connected to Diablo in every way possible, and the cat shifter seemed to agree.

“Yes, finally,” Griff said.  “A quick visit to Diablo’s mother; and then it is a short burst through to New York.  We are hoping to get married this Sunday, if all goes to plan.  You will be there, I hope.”

“I’ve got Alpha challenges and a pack meeting on Friday, but that is the only thing I can’t get out of,
especially if the boys are going to be sorted by then,” Damien said, looking at Scott. He didn’t need their mind link to know that Scott wanted to be there for Griff and Diablo.  “I should imagine we can get flights on the Saturday, if that suits you?”

“You know I’d love to go,” Scott said, “but I understand your pack comes first.

“Our pack,” Damien said firmly.  “And this is important to you.  The Cloverleah pack is your family, I understand that.  So we can fly to New York on Saturday.
  If we leave early Saturday morning we can stay through until Tuesday or Wednesday and have a bit of a break.”

“You’ll be staying as our guests,” Griff said just as firmly.  “We are all staying at the St. Regis Hotel and I will see to it you two have a suite.  We are all entitled to a bit of a holiday after everything that has happened lately.”

“Sounds like a plan, Griff.  Thank you,” Damien said, his head already mulling through the things he will need to get sorted before they left.  He hadn’t had a holiday of any sort for so long and suddenly it seemed like a really good idea to have one with Scott.  Preferably some time spent without dealing with pack dramas, problems at the club, and all of the other responsibilities Damien had.

“So are you two planning to get married or go through an Alpha Mating Ritual?” Kane asked Damien.

To be honest, Damien hadn’t even thought about anything like that.  He lived in Texas, and it wasn’t legal for him and Scott to marry there.  The thought of the Alpha Mating Ritual hadn’t even crossed his mind.  He was just over the moon that he had his mate.  Damien felt Scott stiffen beside him and wondered what was wrong. He got a bit of an idea when he heard Scott answer Kane.

“We’ve hardly been together long enough to think about that, Kane.  In case you haven’t noticed our life has been one drama after another, since Damien and I met.”

“Yes, but our lives were hardly dull when I met Shawn, or when Griff and Diablo met.  We’re wolves and we make up our minds pretty quickly about who we love.  Shawn and I went through our Ritual within a week of living together, and Griff and Diablo only took two weeks.  It’s natural when you do fall in love, you want to share that commitment to each other, with your pack,” Kane said.

To Damien’s surprise, Scott stood up. He seemed really agitated and Damien was struggling to work out what had happened in the last five minutes to upset Scott so much.

“Not every mating is like yours and Shawn’s, Kane, or like Griff and Diablo’s,” Scott said almost yelling.  “Some of us should just be happy we’ve found our mates.  Love and mating don’t automatically go hand-in-hand you know.”  He stormed off and headed upstairs.  Troy took off after him and seconds later the men in the living room heard the decided slam of a bedroom door.

“What the hell was all that about?” Damien asked.

Kane and Shawn shared a long look between each other and then Kane said softly, “I’m sorry Damien.  That was my fault.  I will apologize to Scott when I see him.  I know Shawn had said it was unlikely you would ever love Scott the way he does you, but I saw the way you seem to rely on him and read more into it than I should have.  I didn’t mean to upset him.” 

Kane seemed genuinely sorry, but Damien was blind-sided by his words.

“Where did all of this talk of love come into things?” He said, feeling like he had been dropped into a conversation conducted in a foreign language.  “One minute Scott is happy because we are going to New York, and then next thing, he is storming off making it sound like being mated to me is not what he was looking for.”

“Damien, most wolves, when they’re true mates, expect to fall in love with each other.” Shawn tried to explain. “Every true mated pair Scott has had ever known love their mates unconditionally.
They fall in love quickly and irrevocably.  I know it’s not something you even think about, but you can’t expect Scott to feel the same way. Scott’s going to fall in love with you, if he hasn’t already, and he is going to do it, knowing you aren’t going to feel the same way.”

“What Kane said wasn’t fair on Scott, because it just reminded him of that fact,” Shawn continued.  “You haven’t given a thought to going through the Alpha Mating Ritual with him, or marrying him or anything else, have you?”

Wolves can scent a lie like they can any other strong emotion, but Damien wouldn’t lie to these men anyway.  For better or worse, the Cloverleah pack were Scott’s family and he respected that, even if it worried him that they would encourage Scott to leave him.  Now that worry had just increased ten-fold because, well shit, he hadn’t thought about claiming Scott publicly.  He wore Scott’s mating bite and for him, up until now, that had been enough.

Now he wasn’t so sure.

“No,” Damien said slowly, “but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to.  It’s just there hasn’t been any time for us to get to know each other, let alone plan any type of ritual claiming.”

“I told you before, Damien.  As your mate, Scott deserves to come first in everything.  But Damien, all you are doing is letting Scott know that anything is more important than he is.  Your pack, your club, your needs, your feelings.  Didn’t you hear
what he said about the trip to New York?  He wasn’t going to tell you he wanted to go, even though he had been excited about it before he met you.  Now he’s your mate, he just assumes that his needs aren’t important because you have shown him time and time again, that all of your other responsibilities are more important than he is. When are you going to start putting him first?”  Shawn’s words were delivered quietly, but the reproach behind them was unmistakable.

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