When Saint Goes Marching In (39 page)

BOOK: When Saint Goes Marching In
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The night air brought goose bumps over her naked body and she shivered a little. Holding her gaze, he lowered his mouth to the first piece of fruit. He licked the honeydew melon then bit into it until he’d taken it all, let its sweet juices burst in his mouth and go down like ambrosia. He kissed the spot where he’d placed the fruit. It tasted of melon, salt and woman. Then, he kissed her skin down to the next fruit, and ate all the strawberries in the same fashion.

giggled when he worked the tangerine slice that lie comfortably in her navel. Saint circled it with his tongue, going round and round her navel, his wet tongue tickling her skin. He enveloped the curled, orange sweetness until it, too, was devoured. He ate the grapes slowly, teasing her with his moves, until he finally made his way to the succulent, juicy ring of pineapple. Her body quaked with anticipation; he felt it.

He stuck out his tongue and played with the fruit until he’d reduced her to a quivering mass in his arms. Pushing his arm up to her breast, he finally took the fruit into his mouth and rubbed his thumb over her nipple. A little of the citrusy juice dribbled down his chin. He swallowed it and went on his knees between her legs, caught her ankles and pushed her thighs apart. Cupping her ass, he sucked diligently on her pussy petals with no hesitation.

cooed on contact. Saint moved his hands to her hips and kept her secure as he consumed her, so hungry for her.

Lavell continued to sing,
“Let me sample your ice cream…all sixty-nine flavors…”

She bucked and threw her head back when he licked up and down her love, sucked on her bud then inserted his index finger inside her. He shifted her legs over his shoulders and dug his fingers into the softness of her ass, pressing her sweetness firmly to his lips.

“I’m coming!” Xenia blurted as her pelvis sprang against his mouth.

 When she went over the edge, Saint enjoyed the taste of her filling his mouth.

He wasn’t near done. He pressed his tongue against her love, licked upward slowly, then gently pushed two fingers inside her, worked her G-Spot into a frenzy.

shrieked in ecstasy, and his erection grew when the sweet sound escaped her lips.

“Oh my God,” Xenia gasped. She turned to the side and grabbed her breast as Saint continued to finger-dance inside her.

He increased the tempo. Saint watched her, his facial expression serious as he timed and paced himself. He felt her rhythmically clenching his fingers, pressing then releasing off and on as another series of orgasms took flight inside her. Her clear juice coated his fingers and ran down his palm. Saint continued until he saw her vibrations subside, her body calm and weak. He removed his fingers and placed them inside his mouth. Xenia looked up and watched as he sucked them, slowly tasting and swallowing her wine from his fingertips.

scooted back abruptly.

Saint slid his index finger slowly out of his mouth. “Is something wrong?” he asked softly.

“Nothing,” Xenia said as she got on all fours, “Lie underneath me, I want to do you, too,” she whispered.

Saint lie down on the towel as she backed her butt over his face, bringing her pulsating pussy to his eager mouth while she sucked him and held the shaft tightly in her grip.

They moaned in unison. Saint spread her ass cheeks apart to get better access. He laved his tongue inside her, faster, making her cum over and over in his mouth.

Saint was on the edge, as his excitement grew from simply having her with him again. He slowed down as he felt her last orgasm subsiding.

“Let’s go inside,” he whispered, gently pulling his shaft out of her open, wet mouth.

 He rolled her over onto her back and tenderly carried her. Xenia nestled her head between his shoulder and jaw, feeling like an infant as he hoisted her around protectively. Saint robotically made his way into their house. He continued to hold her tight as he made his way towards the winding staircase.

“Saint,” Xenia whispered. “Are you taking me to the bedroom to fuck me?”

“No, Xenia, I’m not taking you to
bedroom to fuck you.” Saint said lowly as he arrived at the bottom of the staircase and began to climb it with her securely in his arms. “I’m taking you up to our bedroom to
make love
to you.”

Saint negotiated the stairs and pushed the door open with his foot. Xenia looked over her shoulder. The entire room was aglow with flickering candles, red rose petals strewn across the room and a bottle of red wine along with two long stemmed glasses.

Saint watched her expression turn to joy. He needed everything to be just right. He wanted to experience her, not wolf her down in one gulp. He slowly lowered her onto the purple petal covered bed.

“These are beautiful,” she remarked, pointing to the large petals.

Saint’s body cast a shadow upon her as he stared down at her. A shadow wrapped around her. He gave her a serious look. It was the very same look he had given her the first time they’d made love…and it was purposeful. He wanted her to understand, just like she had then, that she would never be the same after he finished with her.

“Saint, I need to tell you flat out that I want to feel you so badly. I don’t think I can even wait through any more foreplay,” Xenia admitted anxiously.

Saint offered a slight smile in response. Before Xenia could blink, he blanketed her with his body, falling down on her like a large piece of velvet, wrapping her snuggly in his arms and locking their ankles together. He took his time with touching her, making her feel his erect cock push against her saturated pussy.

He fought the urge to dive inside her; he knew he needed to go slow, despite what she said and what his body was urging him to do and how long it had been since they were like this.

pushed her body against his and grinded her hips against his pelvis. Saint leaned down for a kiss. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth; their tongues danced together as their bodies touched. He claimed her with that kiss, totally, feverishly. He saw disappointment flash across her eyes when he ended the kiss, but that was soon gone for he moved slowly down, kissing her breasts, stomach and inner thighs.

She sighed and pushed her knees up and farther apart. Saint cupped her upper thighs to hold them still and bent down to take lengthy, slow licks up and down her dripping pussy. He sensed she was at ecstasy’s door. He looked up, their eyes locked as he rubbed her clit with his thumb while he continued to tongue fuck her.

Anita Baker sung, ‘Giving you the best that I’ve got’ while Saint continued to pay every inch of her body devoted attention. Finally, her body shook, twisted and arched, then she slammed back down onto the bed. Her eyes fluttered closed. Unconscious…

Saint kissed and pinched her inner thighs then snaked up to her face. He softly kissed her lips as he pinched her nipples, applying the perfect amount of pressure that teetered between pleasure and pain. It was just enough to arouse her back to life. Xenia opened her eyes and looked around the bedroom in confusion. She sighed, closed her eyes and smiled.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder
, he thought to himself.

Saint disappeared back between her legs and brought her one more time to a strong climax.

“You’re killing me,” Xenia panted.

Saint kissed all the way to her feet, tasting her flesh, until he could feel the excitement building again inside her. Without further ado, he placed her legs over his shoulders, and entered her slowly.

“Oh!” she gasped.

Saint pushed more of himself inside her, holding her ankles as he went in deeper and deeper, with slow thrusts.

“Damn, so tight, baby,” he rasped.

Super tight - nobody’s been in here. My pussy is just…how…I left…her.

He smiled to himself while Angela Winbush sung “Angel” to them in the background.

“Baby,” Xenia said softly as she looked up at him. “I need you…”

But Saint kept his slow pace and concentrated on opening her up more before he increased his speed.

“Xenia, you are the first woman I’ve ever been in love with,” he sighed. “You’re…the only woman I’ll ever be in love…with, want, desire…need.”

“I love you,” Xenia cried out as he reached down and gripped her hips.

“I know you do, I can feel it now. That makes me feel so much better, baby. Because if you’d kept your love away from me much longer, it would’ve killed me.”

Saint leaned down and kissed her softly. Her stomach was so soft and pliable, her flesh smooth under his fingers.

He thrust deeper inside her, his rhythm steady at first then faster, faster. The music switched to Rene and Angela’s ‘You Don’t Have To Cry.’ He rubbed his fingers on her clit and lifted his body upward with each thrust, ensuring he stimulated her little man in the boat.

“You want more of it, baby?” Saint asked as he braced himself.

“Yes, yes, all the way!”

He pushed harder, deeper, all the way in, and her eyes flew open at the sensation.

“Shit!” Xenia winced. “You’re too deep, you’re in too deep,” She placed her hand on his bumping pelvis to help control his deep thrusts with his large dick.

“It’s been a while.” Saint looked lovingly down at her. “You’re not as used to me anymore, we have to change that.” He pulled out a couple of inches, thrusting slower and softer. “Better, baby?” he whispered.

“Perfect,” Xenia smiled. “That’s perfect now.”

Saint moved in and out of her, following her lead, gently increasing his thrusts in depth and speed.

 He lifted her ass off the bed and firmly held her legs around his shoulders. He sighed and closed his eyes.

“Ahhh,” he moaned as he felt her contracting, tightening around him and squeezing him. Jamie Cullum sang “I Only Have Eyes For You” now.

reached up and lavished him with kisses.

“I’m sorry, Saint,” she said, her voice full of regret.

“Shhhh, baby, please, don’t apologize. Let’s not talk about that. It’s just me and you right now. There’s no room for anyone else.”

nodded in silent understanding.

He didn’t want Payton’s name in thought or utterance. Saint brought his lips close to her ear so she could hear the sound of his breathing. Her legs opened wider, as though that sound added to her desire. He gasped when he felt his climax approaching.

His heart beat a loud tune. As if there was a bass stereo inside it, Saint’s dick throbbed inside her. She welcomed it. He stopped short of his orgasm and abruptly pulled out of her. Xenia looked at him in disappointment as he dropped to his knees in front of her. But then he inserted two fingers within her and found her G-Spot once more.

He strummed her like a cello, his restraint meanwhile close to breaking point. His damp hair brushed against her pelvis as he sucked her clit. Xenia moaned loudly as she came hard onto his hand. Saint continued to suck her, slowing down gradually until he was certain he had drawn the last ripple of sensation from her. Saint stood back up and entered her again.

“Oh damn!” he screamed as he felt her moist core. He fell on her chest and thrust hard and deep.

“Saint, I need you to cum inside me, I want you to mark me. Claim me again, baby,” Xenia pleaded, unable to take it anymore.

Saint continued to work the inside of her, bouncing from wall to wall as he shifted his pelvis around in circles and dips, dancing inside her in ways that many men only dreamed they could. With each forceful thrust he brushed against her clit. His balls slapped loudly against her swollen pussy lips as he went faster and faster. He reached underneath her to cup her ass cheeks, pushed her roughly towards his pelvis, spoke words of lust in her ear and let her feel the heat of his breath on her neck. The sturdy bed shook violently as he ground inside her…ruthless, untamed.

BOOK: When Saint Goes Marching In
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