When Sparks Fly (60 page)

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Authors: Kristine Raymond,Andrea Michelle,Grace Augustine,Maryann Jordan,B. Maddox,J. M. Nash,Anne L. Parks

Tags: #Anthologies (Multiple Authors), #Holidays, #General, #Romance, #Box Set, #Anthology, #Fiction

BOOK: When Sparks Fly
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“Who is an angel?” The newcomer asks then pauses. “Because I know you are definitely not talking about our, Ivy Anne.” She finishes saying with a laugh.

I recognize her voice immediately without even having to look over at her—Emily Evans. Now Emily St. John, she kept her married name after the divorce so it would be the same as her daughters. Emily owns the bookstore next door and also one of my closest friends from high school. Her honey brown hair is cut in a short bob that is longer in the front and stops at her ears in the back. It accents her emerald green eyes perfectly. Emily’s ex-husband—former New Orleans police officer, took off with his confidential informant leaving her to raise their eight year old daughter by herself. Her daughter Emmalyn—beautiful little doll with caramel brown hair which naturally curls into the perfect ringlets, is a little fireball. Her hazel eyes are always looking for the next project she can help out with—or better yet get into.

Emily and Emmalyn have become important figures in my life. When I had first started dating Owen—my ex-husband, he consumed most of my time and didn’t like me being friends with Emily because in high school I used to have a major crush on her older brother—Drew Evans. He was insistent that I cut ties with Emily so I would not think of Drew and like a complete idiot I did. We ran into one another at the coffee shop a few stores down. She came over, gave me a hug, and said hello. Afterwards it was as if I had never been an idiot and cut her out of my life. I haven’t seen Drew or mentioned him to her. She mentions him every now and then but I know he moved off and joined the army a few days after we graduated from high school.
Did I mention and the fact that Drew and Emily are twins?

A masculine laugh I haven’t heard for a long time snaps me out of my thoughts and causes me to focus my attention on the source of that laughter. My heart starts racing and my palms start to go sweaty when I look over and see the last person I expect to see. Drew Evans in the flesh it’s as if my current thoughts just conjured him. Gone is the lanky boy I thought to have been in love with and in his place is a sexy man with muscles that almost rival Sam’s.

My jaw currently needs to be picked up off the ground. Okay, maybe not really but figuratively speaking.

I was not prepared to see Drew today or any day in the near future. I barely register the fact that Josh has gone completely rigid beside me before he is straightening up and walking out the door. The last few years in the Army have been good for his body. He still towers over me by a good six inches. His blue-gray eyes still seem to draw me in like a moth to a flame. In high school he used to wear his dark brown hair a little longer, but the military style cut makes him look even more handsome. Gone is the boy I once had a crush on and in his place is a gorgeous man whom I would almost not recognize if it hadn’t been for his eyes and the scar above his right eye. I gave him that scar one night during our senior year of high school when him and two his friends thought it would be fun to crash mine and Emily’s sleep over in scary clown masks. He learned that night to not sneak up on a girl with a hardback book in her hand.

I’m about ready to retreat into the kitchen when I hear the sweetest little voice call my name. “Aunt Ivy. Aunt Ivy, where have you been? I have missed you.” Emmalyn shouts while rushing across the room and behind the counter with me.

I smile a genuine happy smile at seeing this sweet little girl and bend down to engulf her in a big hug. “Hi, sweet girl. I’m sorry, cupcake. I have been busy trying to get this bakery up and going. You do want me to keep sneaking over cupcakes and cookies don’t you?”

She gives me a sweet giggle. “Well duh, of course I do. You are coming to my birthday party, right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I tell her giving her one more squeeze before she wiggles out of my hold and goes back to the other side of the counter to stand next to Drew.

I watch while she grabs his hand and pulls him further into the bakery away from the door. “Aunt Ivy, have you met my uncle Drew? He just got back from Affaganistan.” She says with a look of concentration on her face.

This causes Drew to chuckle and look down at her. By the look he gives her, you can tell he is a devoted uncle. “It’s
Emmy, but Aunt Ivy and I know each other from when we went to school together.” He tells her then gives me a genuine smile.

I think my heart just stopped and needs to be jump started again. I can’t believe after all this time he can still make me feel like a bumbling teenager.

I walk around to the front of the counter and over to Drew. I lean in and give him a hug. I hear his breath catch when our chests touch. I don’t even want to think about his time overseas with the Army. I’m just thankful he is back in the states and seems to be in one piece. I hear him sigh the moment before he pulls me into a tighter hug.

So, I’m not the only one affected by the seeing the other.

“Hi, stranger. How have you been?” I ask him.

“I have been good. Did one fifteen month tour and one thirteen month tour overseas, came home, and applied to the police force. I’m doing better now that I have gotten settled back here in New Orleans. Once I finished my last tour, I signed on with the Atlanta P.D. I was finally allowed to transfer from Atlanta’s police department back to here.” He tells me.

Emily snorts. “Don’t let him be modest. He is the new detective on the force. The golden boy everyone is anxious to get under their command. I’m sure you heard we had an awesome new detective in town since I saw your mom’s group leaving.” She tells me.

Rolling my eyes, I make a very unattractive grunting sound. “You have no idea. I swear those women will be the death of me with all their shenanigans. Not to mention between Mrs. Diane and Mrs. Macy trying to set me up on a date with this new detective they say is drool worthy or this newly single uniformed officer I promise you I’m going to go insane.” I finish saying only to realize in that moment that the new hot detective they were talking about only minutes ago is currently standing in front of me. I can’t hide the blush that is currently taking residence on my face.

“The new hot detective, huh?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

I’m about to respond when the delivery man from a local florist enters the bakery saving me by the bell and from embarrassing myself. He is carrying a beautiful bouquet of mixed flowers and a box. I watch him look around then focus his attention on me. I guess I’m a dead giveaway for one of the employees since I am currently wearing a pink and black In the Mix apron.

He smiles and walks towards me. “Hi. I’m from the florist and gift shop, Flowers from NOLA. I’m looking for a Ms. Ivy Smith. Do you know where I can find her?”

I look longingly at the flowers. This is the first time in a long time I have been on the receiving end of a floral delivery or any gift like this. “Yes. I’m Ivy.” I say trying to contain the excitement in me.

He nods his head. “That’s great news. These are for you.” He says handing me the flowers. “If you could sign here by the red ‘X’ I’ll relinquish the delivery to you and be on my way.” He says while handing me a clipboard and a pen so I could sign the delivery form proving I received this gift.

I sign my name and take the delivery from him. “Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day.”

He gives me a brief smile, tips his hat, and walks out of my bakery.

The moment he is out the door Emily rushes over to see what I just accepted. I hand her the flowers while she is gushing about how beautiful they are and how lucky I am. While she is looking at the flowers I un-wrap the box that came with them; I get the paper off and open the lid. The box immediately crashes to the floor spilling the contents. I didn’t contain the gasp of shock and surprises as I immediately back away from the spilled box and bump into a warm body. I squeal and immediately clamp a hand over my mouth. Drew places his steadying hands on my shoulders causing some warmth to flow through me helping to calm the shaking my body is currently doing. He removes his hands all too soon for my liking, and steps up beside me. I watch him squat down to take in what had scared me. There on the floor currently are dozens of pictures of me—pictures of me sleeping in my bed at my home to pictures of me walking all over New Orleans. These are snap shots that normal people shouldn’t have unless someone is spying on them.

Chapter Two

June 26, 2014

Drew looks up at me and must have see how shaken I am. “I’m going to take a gander and say these are pictures that should not have been taken?” He asks me.

I point to one of the pictures with tip of my right shoe. “This photo, where I’m sleeping, could only be taken by someone in my house, and I know for a fact that the date stamped on that photo was last week. I had been working here all evening with Sam trying to get this place in opening condition. Before you ask, I went home alone that night because I was completely exhausted.”

He looks down at the pictures and back up to me again. “Do me a favor and don’t touch anything. I have a buddy who works in the crime lab that owes me a favor, and I’m fixing to collect. Maybe he can find a few fingerprints on some of these photos. In the mean time call the police and make a report. I’m not leaving until someone comes to take it.”

Looking down at him, I nod my head twice before turning away to go behind the counter to grab my cell phone to make the call.

Twenty minutes after placing the call two uniformed officers come to take my statement while Drew’s contact from the crime scene unit comes to collect fingerprints. After getting my statement they leave and let Leo Novak—Drew’s buddy, do his job. Leo around the same build as Drew, but whereas Drew’s eyes are blue, Leo’s are green and he has blond hair. They look like night and day standing next to each other. Leo has the same former military vibe coming off him just like Drew.

Before he gets to work he walks over to me. “Ivy, it’s nice to finally put a face to the girl I have heard so much about over the years. My name is Leo which you probably already figured out. Drew and I were in the same unit together.” I must have shown my confusion over his comment because he leans to where I’m the only one able to hear what he is about to say. “Don’t look so shocked. I have heard him mention your name numerous times, especially when he would call Emily and talk to her.” He finished telling me only stepping back when Drew approaches us.

Drew has a scowl on his face. “Dude, I didn’t call you here to socialize. I called you to work some of your crime scene magic on this mess Ivy received today. It looks like she has gained some unwanted attention. So get to getting on finding finger prints so we can stop this creeper.” Drew said to Leo.

Leo gave Drew a mock salute. “Yes, sir.” He retorted before setting off to check the delivered items for any possible explanation on who sent them.

Standing to the side and out of the way, I watch while they start to bag the last of the photos. One photograph that really stands out is one of me in the shower at Sam’s gym. The other ones are of me doing my normal daily routines and even some of me sleeping.

This is crazy. This guy has been in my house and seen me in the shower.

When Leo gets to the last photo, I hear him let out a string of expletives. Underneath it is a sealed envelope with my name on it. “Ivy, do you want to read this first or would you rather me just tag it and bag it with the other items?”

“I want to see it. I want to know if it will give me the slightest idea of who took all the pictures.” I tell Leo.

Leo instructs Drew to hand me a pair of latex gloves. After putting them onto my hands, Leo gives me the envelope to open. Once open, I see there is a letter—neatly written. I don’t exactly know what I was expecting, but definitely not these words that were written in the letter I was now holding in my hand.

The letter says……

My dearest sweet Ivy,

I hope you like my gifts. I wanted to congratulate you in person for opening your very own bakery, but I didn’t think you were ready for me yet. I’m so proud of you my sweet girl. I look forward to the day I can call you mine.

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