When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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We walk over to the stove where
Judah is stirring something in a big pot.  It smells good.  The girl with the
platinum blond natural turns to me and wow, she has the prettiest green eyes. 
One thing is for certain, everyone in this group is attractive as hell.

“And last but not least, is
Maddie.”  She too hugs me.  “It is nice to meet you Olivia.”  She has an accent
too, but it is not British, it is island-like.

“It’s nice to meet you too and your
accent is beautiful.”

She gives me a warm and friendly
smile in return.  Isaac leads me back to the table and I sit down.  “Would you
like something to drink?” he asks.  Before I can answer, Ivy pats me on the
shoulder and pulls me up from my chair. 

“We’ve got it Isaac,” is all she
says as she takes my hand and leads me out of the kitchen into the spacious
den.  Maddie walks in with two bottles of wine with Zoe trailing behind her
with wine glasses. 

“So do you want white or red
wine?”  Ivy asks as she looks at me expectantly.

“Um…,” I say nervously.  “I have
only had red wine before and I really didn’t like it.”   

It tasted…earthy.

While I am not a wine drinker, I do
like to drink –Jack Daniels and Coke.

“Would you be okay with trying some
white wine?”  Zoe asks as she expertly uncorks a bottle and starts pouring the
liquid into the wine glasses.  “This is a pinot grigio – it is a dry wine with
a little bit of sweetness to it.  This particular brand has a slightly fruity

Maddie, Ivy and Zoe pick up a wine
glass and they all look at me, so I pick up the last glass sitting on the
coffee table.

Zoe raises her glass.  “A toast to
getting to know the woman who has my brother all starry-eyed.” 

I feel myself blush at what I think
is a compliment. 



As we drink wine, we talk.  I learn
that Maddie is from Barbados and runs a swanky spa downtown – one of many that
her family owns (a few in the US and more in the Caribbean at various
resorts).  I learn that Ivy is from Savannah, Georgia and owns her own florist
shop and that Zoe is a civil engineer and works for her dad’s (and uncle’s)
company – R&R Construction.  I also learn that is where Charlie and Wood
work as well.

As it turns out, I really like
white wine.  Before Ivy pours me a second glass, she asks me if I am staying
the night with Isaac.

“He asked me to pack an overnight
bag,” I say.

“And did you?”

I nod my head shyly.

She gives me a big smile. 

“Then you can have all the wine you
want!”  She refills my glass.

 “So what do you do Olivia?”  Zoe
asks taking a sip from her wine glass.  I am almost afraid to tell them what I
do for a living – they all are so successful.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not
ashamed of what I do – but as I mentioned earlier – most people think of my
career as a hobby and not a real job.  It makes me wonder if they will too.

I take a sip from my glass before
speaking.  “I am a jewelry designer.  I am a designer for one of the bigger
jewelry store chains and I have an on-line storefront where I sell my own
jewelry line.”

 “Really?”  Maddie asks – seeming
very interested.  Zoe and Ivy look interested too.

I nod.  “Yeah, my personal line is
called Simply Simone.”  Before I can continue, Zoe bolts from the sofa and
leaves the room.  I look after her and wonder what I said wrong.  As quickly as
she leaves, she is back – with an iPad in hand. 

“Ok, what is your website?” she
asks me eagerly as she sits back on the sofa between Maddie and Ivy.

I tell her.  I am intrigued, happy
and something else as they ‘ohh and ahh’ over my jewelry.  I find myself
smiling as I watch them pointing out what they want. 

When Charlie walks in carrying a
tray of something, Zoe asks for a credit card.  Charlie places the tray on the
coffee table in front of us.  It’s an antipasto platter.  He takes his wallet
out of his back pocket, opens it and hands her a credit card.

“What are you buying?” he asks.

“Jewelry.  Olivia is a jewelry
designer and we are on her website; there are few pieces I have to have.” 

My own friends, Jacqueline and
Taylor, have never acted this way over my jewelry.  They have always said they
liked it or it was cute and to my knowledge, they have never purchased any of
my pieces. 

 Charlie turns to me and gives me a
wink.  I giggle at his flirtatious behavior.  Isaac then comes in with two more
bottles of wine and a stack of small plates.  I watch Isaac as he uncorks a
bottle of wine.  I offer him my glass for a refill because I really like this
wine.  He doesn’t say anything as he looks at me while pouring the delicious
liquid.  I take a sip while watching him as he refills the girls’ glasses that
are on the coffee table.  He comes back to stand beside me.

 “You okay?”  I nod my head
absentmindedly, looking everywhere but at him because his crotch is like two
feet in front of my face and all I can think about is the blowjob that I gave
him earlier.  I squeeze my thighs together remembering his gruff moans of
pleasure.  I have decided that hearing Isaac moan because of me is the sexiest
sound ever.

He takes my wine glass from me and
pulls me up from the sofa.  Ivy starts to protest, but he cuts her off.  “I’ll
bring her back in a few minutes.” 

Isaac leads me from the room,
across the foyer and to a little alcove under the stairs.  He backs me up
against the wall, caging me in with his hands on either side of my head.

“Are you having a good time?” he
asks rubbing his nose slightly against mine. 

I smile up at him.  “Yeah, I am. 
Your friends are great.”


I nod again, wishing he would kiss
me already.

“Well, I think you’re great,” he
says before he kisses me.  It’s a teasing kiss as he is only giving me a taste
of his tongue before retreating.  I grasp his shirt at his waist, pulling him
close, so close that I can feel something hard pressing into me – and it’s not
his belt buckle.  I moan into his mouth when he finally deepens the kiss at the
same time pressing his hips into me. 

“Your lips are so fucking soft,” he
murmurs against my lips before fusing his lips with mine again.  I lose track
of time as we make-out like two horny teenagers.  Heavy breathing, soft moans
and gruff groans punctuate our kissing.  We don’t stop until we hear someone
going up the stairs and then stopping halfway up. 

“You know Isaac - Judah told us
that you have had Olivia all to yourself since Friday night.  It’s our turn
now.  Stop mauling her and go finish cooking,” a female voice says playfully.

“That’s Zoe,” he says softly as he
buries his face into the side of my neck, planting soft kisses there.  “She can
be a bit of a brat.”

I am surprised that I am not
embarrassed at being caught making out.  Isaac backs away from me and looks up,
I am guessing at his sister.

“We’ll be there in a minute,” he
says and I hear the footfalls going back down the stairs followed by her

Five minutes later, I chug another
glass of wine after I re-join the girls.  Turns out, I am embarrassed, because
Maddie, Zoe and Ivy are all giving me knowing looks.  Ivy comes over and
re-fills my glass and I resist the urge to chug it too.  I am already feeling a
bit buzzy, but that could be from kissing Isaac.  Ivy sits down next to me and
bumps me with her shoulder. 

“No need to be embarrassed,” she
says.  “The more you hang around us; you are liable to catch more than just
someone making out.”

I look at her wide-eyed over the
rim of my wine glass.

She laughs softly, motioning her
head in Zoe’s direction.  “Judah walked in on her and Charlie fucking in the
laundry room a few months ago.  He swore he was blind for life.  It took him a
good two weeks before he was able to look at her without wanting to scratch his
eyes out.” 

“Oh!  You are one to talk Ivy,”
Maddie says in her beautiful accent.  I reach over and get a plate, putting a
few pieces of cheese and some olives on it.  I sit back into the corner of the
sofa, getting comfortable, my embarrassment leaving me.

 “Did you forget that we all caught
you and Wood fucking on the kitchen counter – just last week?”  Maddie says smiling
widely - her beautiful eyes glittering with mirth.

Ivy cackles.  “My house – my
kitchen counter – we’re allowed to fuck where we want.”

“We were in the next room – like
four or five feet away!”  Zoe laughs out as she pours herself another glass of

Over the course of the next hour, I
am thoroughly entertained.  They are all full of colorful stories about each
other – mostly involving sex.  I find it fascinating that they have no problems
discussing sex – which is new for me.  I never talk sex with Jacqueline and
Taylor.  They can be a bit judgmental.  It is refreshing to be able to discuss
things you are curious about, have done or to seek advice/helpful hints without

That is what is happening now – we
- meaning they - are discussing cock rings.  It seems that while Zoe and Maddie
are fans of cock rings, Ivy is not. 

“So here I am,” Ivy explains to us,
“Starting to panic, because my husband is starting to panic.” 

She looks up at me, before
continuing.  Earlier, she placed a throw pillow on my lap and reclined on the
sofa with her head on said throw pillow in said lap.  Her almost empty wine
glass rests on her stomach. 

I don’t think this one has
issues with personal space.

“I kept telling him that we needed
to go to the emergency room because the cock ring wasn’t coming off.  He
absolutely refused.  I used an entire bottle of lube trying to get if off and
it wouldn’t budge.  I really started to freak out when he said his cock was
going numb, even though it was still hard as a rock.”

Maddie and Zoe are laughing behind
their wine glasses and I look down at Ivy.  It must have ended well because she
doesn’t seem upset about it – it looks like she is trying not to laugh.

“So what did you do?”  I ask her in
a whisper.

I have no idea why I am whispering.

“I used a straight razor to cut it
off,” she says matter-of-factly.

I jump and let out a loud squeak at
the same time.

“He had the same reaction!” she
exclaims loudly, starting to laugh.  “He actually threatened my life if I cut
him.  This is the man who vowed to love me forever and he threatened me over
his cock.” 

She snorts before leaning up and
finishes the little bit of wine in her glass before placing it on the coffee
table.  She then settles back on my lap, getting comfortable.  That is when her
husband, Wood, comes into the room, announcing that dinner is ready.  He comes
over to the sofa and looks down at us.  I find myself blushing as I look at him
because of the cock ring story.

“I apologize for my wife,” he says
in his sexy British accent.  He holds out his hand and Ivy takes it.  He pulls
her up and wraps his arms around her, bending his head slightly to kiss her
neck.  “She thinks that everyone is her own personal teddy bear.”

I giggle at that, because I realize
that Ivy has been cuddled up with someone ever since Isaac and I came

I rise from the sofa and I feel the
effects of the wine.  I might be a little bit drunk.  As I follow everyone out
of the room, I look back and see that we have consumed four bottles of wine. 

No wonder!

Dinner is a fun and lively affair. 
The guys have prepared a great meal of stuffed pork chops, steamed mixed
vegetables, homemade mac n’ cheese, homemade dinner rolls with homemade honey

I enjoy the teasing and loving
banter that all of them share as I eat and stuff myself with the good food. 
When I serve my Oreo truffles, everyone sings my praises and I find myself
turning beet red at the compliments.  After dessert, we move to retire to the
theater room to watch a movie.  I tell Isaac that I need to see about Chewy. 
He tells me that he fed Chewy before we all ate and he will go with me while
Chewy does his ‘business’ in the back yard.

It takes Chewy less than three
minutes to do his business before he scampers back into the house.  I watch him
trot out of the kitchen as Isaac locks the kitchen door and turns off the
overhead light.  There is soft lighting along the backsplash so the kitchen is
not completely dark.  Isaac approaches me, cupping my face in his big hands.

“Do you want to watch the movie?”
he asks softly.

I shake my head, a slight smile
forming on my lips.

“You want to go upstairs?”

I nod my head, as my smile gets

He gives me a smile in return
before taking my hand and leading me out of the kitchen.  Before we reach the
stairs, I tug his hand, stopping him.  He looks down at me.

“Should we get Chewy?”  I whisper.

“Nah – he has six people to spoil
him rotten, he will be okay.  You saw the makeshift dog bed in the kitchen,

I nod.

“Judah did that and knowing my
brother he will bring it upstairs when he goes to bed so Chewy is not alone.”

I had watched Judah (and the rest
of the guys) dote on my dog most of the evening and I know he is in good


We continue upstairs and once we
reach his room, Isaac has me naked in no time.

Some fifteen minutes later, I find
myself clutching the sheets as Isaac uses his tongue to make me unravel into a
thousand pieces.


Chapter 6 – Shiver


Olivia – Early May

I’m late. 

I was supposed to meet my boyfriend ten minutes ago for a
late lunch and I am just now arriving at the restaurant.

Yes, I have a boyfriend.

And yes, it is Isaac –
cue internal squeal

Isaac and I have been an official couple since a few days
after our first date.  After spending the weekend with him and meeting his
siblings and friends, he told me that he wanted to see me exclusively. 

I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant.  Since it is
a little after 2pm, the lunch crowd has pretty much cleared out.  I park next
to his truck and flip down my visor mirror to make sure that I look okay. 
Today, I have the front of my braids pulled back with a pretty hair clip with
the rest cascading over my shoulders and down my back.  My makeup is light,
consisting of eyeliner, mascara and my favorite flavored lip-gloss swiped
across my lips.  Satisfied with my appearance, I exit my car, smoothing down my
long khaki skirt that I have paired with a peach off-the-shoulder blouse. 

After entering the restaurant, I tell the hostess that I am
meeting someone and she guesses that I am meeting Mr. Tall, Dark and Dayum.

Her words, not mine

I chuckle at her because she is correct.  She leads me to
the outdoor seating area and Isaac looks up from his phone the instant we cross
the threshold.  I smile - it’s as if his internal radar is tuned to me and
whenever I enter his atmosphere, he starts to seek me out.  

I walk over to him, bypassing a few diners along the way who
are finishing their meals.  He stands up and greets me with a quick kiss on the
lips; a quick kiss that I want to deepen, but don’t because of the public
setting.  He pulls out my chair for me; I take my seat, still not used to this
gesture.  Yes, I know it is common etiquette, but I am still learning how to
scoot, while he slides my chair back to the table at the same time.

It’s not easy.

“I am sorry, I’m late.  My appointment ran longer than I
thought it would.” 

“Like I said before Liv, it’s okay.”

In addition to calling me Baby Girl, he also now calls me
Liv – which I love!

I sent him a text when I left my appointment letting him
know that I was running late, so that he wouldn’t worry.  I smile at him again
and lean in to steal a kiss.  Kissing Isaac is one of my favorite new hobbies. 
I pull away before we both get carried away.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of appointment
did you have?” he asks before taking a sip from his water glass.  Before I can
respond, a waiter appears with another glass of water and sets in down in front
of me, along with a small plate of limes.  Isaac knows I like lime in my

“I had a Dr.’s appointment,” I say, ducking my head shyly
while squeezing a lime into my water.  I have been meaning to talk to Isaac
about this appointment, but I didn’t know how to bring it up. 

“Is everything okay?”

I nod before looking up at him.  I can see the concern in
his eyes and it makes me fall a little bit more for him.

“It was my annual checkup with my gynecologist.”  I take a
sip from my water glass, not sure how to bring up the next part, so I just
blurt it out in sort of a rushed whisper.  “I also started birth control.”

Birth control is something we haven’t really discussed.  He
once asked me if I was on the pill.  I told him no and that was that.

He sits back in his chair and looks at me intently.

“Is that so?”  Neither his voice nor his facial expression
give away what he thinks of this information.  One thing that I have learned
about Isaac is that outside of the bedroom, he has a great poker face.  

“So, are you on the pill now?”

I shake my head.  “No, I decided to get the Depo Provera
shot.  I’ll get a shot every three months.  My first one was today.”

“And how long before it becomes effective?”

“Oh, there is no wait for that.  It’s effective

Before he can respond, the waiter comes over and asks if we
are ready to order.  Even though I haven’t looked at the menu, I know what I
want.  I give the waiter my order before he turns his attention to Isaac. 
Isaac rattles off his order and then surprises me by saying, “And could you
make both orders to go?”

The waiter ensures us that it is no problem to make our
orders to go and as soon as the waiter leaves, Isaac’s attention turns back to

“So, once we get our food, we'll leave and go to your house;
where I am going to have you for lunch and then we'll eat afterwards...how does
that sound Baby Girl?” he says all of this as if he just told me it is going to
rain later.

“Um, um, um....okay”, I barely stutter out.  And just like
that, my pussy is wet.  Even my breathing is picking up.  I start to shift in
my seat some, getting very excited about our change in lunch plans.



Isaac – some hours later

I am in Liv’s bed, flat on my back and she is limply laying
on me.  We are both gasping for air after a second round of explosive sex.  I
can still feel her pussy contracting around my softening cock.  This is the
first time in my life I have had sex without a condom and I am feeling quite
euphoric.  I also feel
as I can feel the result of our orgasms
leaking out of Liv. 

One thing for certain, sex without a condom is messy.

However, I can deal with the messiness because feeling the
heat of Liv’s pussy wrapped around my cock is an intoxicating experience.

“You okay?”  I ask, my voice sounding raspy to my own ears.

She just nods her head against my chest, a yawn leaving her
mouth.  I move her hair back so I can see her face.  She looks up at me with
sleepy eyes.  I can see that the white of her right eye is still red.  She
gives me a tired smile.  I raise my head a bit and kiss her forehead before I
carefully move from under her. 

I quickly clean up in the bathroom before bringing a hot
washcloth to clean up Liv.  She is no longer embarrassed when I do this now. 
As I finish, I can see that she is drifting off to sleep.  I could definitely
take a nap, but I need food – I’m starving.  After I tuck her in, I pull a pair
of basketball shorts that I keep in one of her dresser drawers, putting them on
before heading to the kitchen. 

Our food from lunch is in the refrigerator, but I am not in
the mood for re-heated Mexican.  I make two big turkey sandwiches.  I look out
the kitchen window while eating my first sandwich and I see Chewy in the
backyard leaning against Liv’s workshop, soaking up the sun.  Her workshop is a
renovated potting shed where she does her jewelry designs and creates the
jewelry for her Simply Simone line.  I watch him for a few more seconds before
going out the back door and stepping onto the deck. 

I sit down on the deck stairs as I take a bite of my second
sandwich.  When Chewy sees me, he comes ambling my way.  He plops down beside
me on the stairs and I share my sandwich with him.

I still feel like I am coming down from a high.  I close my
eyes and groan softly remembering how good it felt to slide into Liv without a
condom.  I had been trying to think of a way to initiate the talk with her
about her going on birth control, but I had no idea how to do it without
sounding like a selfish asshole.  I am thankful that she did it on her own. 

When my second sandwich is gone, Chewy goes back in the
house through his dog door and I follow him back into the house.  Before
heading back to bed to nap with Liv, I refresh his water and pour some food
into his bowl.




I wake up abruptly, sitting up in bed and I frantically look
around the darkening room.  My heart is racing.  It takes me a few seconds to
realize that I am no longer dreaming and that I am at home in my bed and not
falling off a cliff.  I fall back on the bed about to snuggle with Isaac and
frown when I realize he is not beside me.  I look towards the closet and I see
his shoes by the closet door. 

He’s still here. 

The bedside clock reads 7:03pm. 

I have been asleep for a while.

I climb out of bed and I instantly feel the soreness between
my thighs.  I feel a slight stinging sensation in my right eye too.  I am
careful not to rub it and irritate it further.  I take a quick shower, dress in
a t-shirt, pajama shorts, grab the small bottle of eye drops from the bedside
table and head off to find my boyfriend.  I find him and Chewy in the den;
Isaac is sprawled in my oversized gray chair watching TV, while Chewy is
sprawled in his dog bed next to the chair – fast asleep and snoring lightly. 

I walk over and climb into the chair with Isaac, lifting his
arm, placing it around me before cuddling up close to him. 

“Hey Sleepyhead,” he says and I feel a kiss on the top of my

I hum my greeting; utter contentment spreading through me as
I rest my head against his chest.  He smells like my body wash and his own
natural scent.  I love cuddling with Isaac.

He trails a big hand down my side, gripping my hip slightly,
before coming back to rest around my waist. 

“How’s your eye?  Does it still sting?” he asks softly,
using his hand to swipe my hair away from my face and tucking a few wayward
braids behind my ear.  His thumb trails lightly under my right eye.  His brows
furrow some – no doubt at the redness still present in the white part of my

“A little – I brought the eye drops so you can put in a few
drops for me.”

Isaac learned the hard way this afternoon that I have an
issue with voluntarily putting stuff in my eyes.  I move from my position,
giving him the small bottle of eye drops and situate myself with my head in his

“I’m really sorry,” he says softly.

“It’s not your fault Isaac.  Weird things just happen

So what weird thing am I talking about? 

While I was giving Isaac a blowjob this afternoon, I got cum
in my eye.  How does that happen?  Easy, I don’t swallow (at least not yet), so
I always finish him off with my hands, only this time, one wayward spurt got me
in the eye.  Of course, I immediately freaked out because it stung – a lot. 
This is when Isaac found out that I don’t like putting things in my eyes.  If
the flushing my eye out with water didn’t clue him in, him trying to put the
eye drops in my eye did. 

He found the eye drops in the first aid kit I keep in my
bathroom cabinet.  Every time he tried to put a few drops in my eye, my eye
would close involuntarily.  He was finally able to get in five drops by gently
holding my eye open.  Even when I tried to blink, he held my eye open. 

I watch him unscrew the cap and place it on the table beside
the chair. 

“You ready?” he asks as he holds my eye open.


This time when he does it, I don’t flinch as much and he is
able to put in the five drops rather quickly.  I keep my head in his lap with
my eyes closed, letting the eye drops do their thing.  I can feel the residual
stinging leaving.  Isaac has his hand tangled in my hair, massaging my scalp
and it’s making me sleepy again.  A loud rumbling sound stills his hand.  He
chuckles from above me.

“You hungry Liv?” he asks with a chuckle.

I turn my face into his hard midsection, embarrassed.  Even
though I am more comfortable around Isaac, little stuff like my stomach
growling like an angry bear still embarrasses me.  I peek up at him shyly.


“Well, let’s get you fed then.”  He then proceeds to tickle
me until I almost pee on myself.

Later that night when we come together, it’s nothing like
the afternoon – which was explosive – no, tonight when we come together, it is
slow, sweet and almost reverent.  The way he takes him time and worships my
body makes me feel treasured…loved. 



Isaac – Late May

“Come on Liv – wake up.  This was your idea,” I say kissing
her neck as she tries to burrow deeper under the covers.  I climb out of bed,
deciding to let her sleep while I shower.  I am up at 6:30am on a Saturday
morning because I am trying to earn brownie points with my girl.  You see, Liv
likes to go to garage sales every now and then.  She likes to find items she
can re-purpose for her Simply Simone jewelry line.  I figure if I voluntarily
tag along with her, she will not mind when I’m glued to the TV during the
college football season.

After my shower, I walk back into her bedroom and she is in
the same spot.  I walk over to her dresser and pull a pair of boxer briefs from
the top drawer.  The top two drawers (and part of her closet) are now full of
some of my things.  I get dressed before going back to bed to wake my
girlfriend.  Liv is not a morning person – well more accurately, she doesn’t
like to get up before 9am. 

I sit on the edge of the bed and run my hand up and down her

“Come on Baby Girl, it time to get up.”

She groans into her pillow before she slowly starts to sit
up.  Once she is sitting up, she leans heavily on me and yawns loudly. 

“I’m up,” she says sleepily.  As she rises, she takes the
sheet with her and starts to wrap it around her body, but I yank it from her so
I can see her naked body.  That seems to wake her up because she shrieks and
runs to the bathroom.  I chuckle as I head out of the bedroom intent on making
a cup of coffee and feeding Chewy.

Once in the kitchen, I pop a k-cup into the Keurig that Liv
uses for her hot chocolate, but she keeps a few k-cups of coffee for me.  After
drinking my coffee, I put out fresh water for Chewy and fill his food dish.  I
am surprised he is not next to me.  The little dog is always underfoot; even
more when his food dish is filled.  I head back down the hall looking for him. 
He is not in
room – his dog bed is empty.  I head towards Liv’s
bedroom, passing her third bedroom along the way that is more or less a junk
room that she is always talking about cleaning out.  I briefly glance in
looking for signs of Chewy and I do a double take, stopping in the doorway. 

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