When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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“If you don’t like it or if you taste funny,” (
saying it pisses me off
), I plant a soft kiss on her lips, “I’ll

She nods her head a little. 

“Okay,” she says softly.

“Why don’t you scoot up to the head of the bed and lay back
against the pillows.” 

I want her to be comfortable and I want to be able to gauge
her reaction to make sure she likes it.  I move from the bed, watching her
maneuver to the head of the bed.  Once she is settled against the pillows, she
tries to pull up the sheet to cover herself, but I stop her. 

“No hiding from me Olivia,” I say as I stand at the foot of
the bed before crawling onto the bed, lying on my stomach and settling myself
between her thighs again.  I throw her leg over my shoulder then scoop my hands
under her ass to bring her closer.

 I plan to be here for a while.

Her breathing picks up as I ghost my lips up her inner
thigh.  I swear I am getting a contact high from breathing in the scent of her
pussy.  It is mouthwatering.  I ignore her pussy for now and lightly nibble on
the delicate skin of her inner thigh.  I suckle and nip at her inner thigh
until she starts to squirm.     

She will definitely have a love bruise there later. 

When I settle my mouth over her pussy, she bucks her hips
and cries out in pleasure.  I slowly slide my tongue through her folds.  Her
taste is sweet, salty and all Olivia.  I take my time savoring her on my
tongue.  When I reach her clit, I suck it into my mouth before moving my tongue
back down through her wet folds.  I repeat this movement over and over, getting
lost in her essence, but I keep my eyes on her.  She is quite responsive and I
love how her back arches when I swirl my tongue around her clit. 

She starts fisting the sheets and grinding her pussy into my
face; her eyes are clenched shut - my name leaving her lips in breathless

I think she likes it.

When she starts to buck her hips, I know she is about to
cum.  I lift her ass a little bit higher so I can really get it good.  I
continue to eat her delectable pussy until I have made her cum hard on my
tongue.  While she is coming down from her orgasm, I lightly nip at the soft
delicate skin of her inner thigh again.  I can already see the beginnings of a
purple bruise.

I slowly move up her body, kissing her navel as I make my way
up her body.  I linger a bit over her tits, sucking one nipple in my mouth
before giving attention to the other one.  I move up further, settling my lower
body between her thighs, while I hover above her.  Her face is flushed, eyes
closed and she has a slight smile on her face. 

“Olivia,” I say softly before nuzzling my nose to with

She opens up those big brown eyes and if I do say so myself,
she looks very satisfied.

“Did you like it?”  I want to kiss her, but I know some
women don’t like being kissed after someone goes down on them.

She nods her head then averts her eyes - her blush deepens
before she looks back at me.  “Did I taste okay?”

“You’re delicious…you wanna see?”

She nods her head shyly before I dip my head down to kiss
her.  I decide to let her lead the kiss as she nips at my bottom lip.  She is
tentative at first before she gets bolder and before I know it, she is seeking
my tongue and proceeds to give me one of the hottest kisses I have ever

When we finally come up for air, she says “Wow!”  Her eyes
are hooded with lust.  I grin down at her. 

Looks like I have a little freak on my hands.

I kiss her a few more times before kissing my way back down
her body.  This time, I grip behind her right knee and press it back until her
thigh touches her tit.  Her left leg, more or less falls open.  She is
gloriously open to me.  I lick my lips right before I take a long and slow
lick, enjoying her flavor on my tongue. 

“You okay up there?”  I ask.  As she is still propped up
against the pillows, she has a front row seat to my favorite new hobby.

“Yeah,” she says in a breathy voice.  She surprises me when
she slightly places her hand on my head and whispers, “More…”

I grin up at her before diving in and feasting on her
pussy.  I alternate between sucking her engorged clit and long, slow licks
through her wetness.   I take my time learning what makes her breath hitch, her
toes curl and her back arch. 

When I feel her pussy start to quiver with the start of her
orgasm, I wrap my tongue around her clit and suction my mouth over the engorged
little nub as I insert two fingers into her wet and dripping pussy.  I crook my
fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion.  She bucks up hard and I lay my arm across
her hips to keep her still. 

As I continue to pleasure her pussy with my tongue and
fingers, Olivia starts to fully unravel.  Last night and this morning when I
fucked her, she moaned sexily when she came, but now she is letting out loud
shrieks as she pulses against my tongue.  I don’t stop my ministrations until
she is limp.  I discreetly wipe her moisture from my mouth before standing.  I
go to the bathroom, grabbing a washcloth so I can clean her up.  By the time I
have cleaned her up and tucked her in, she is drifting off to sleep.  The empty
gold foil-wrapped packet on the bedside table catches my attention.  I plan to
have my way with her many more times today and tonight, so we are going to need
more condoms.

I sit down on the edge of the bed and call her name softly. 
Her eyes flutter open and she looks at me sleepily.

“I’m going to head to the drug store to grab some more
condoms.  I’ll be back in about twenty to thirty minutes.”  I will probably be
back sooner than that as there is a drug store a few blocks over.

Olivia nods her head and her eyes flutter shut again. 

I don’t think she heard a word I said. 

“Olivia – did you hear what I said?”

Without opening her eyes, she repeats sleepily what I just
said.  I chuckle quietly, leaning down and kissing the side of her head.  I
grab my sweater from the back of the chair before heading to the bathroom to
wash up. 

Chapter 5 – Friends



It’s a little after 8am when I pull
into my driveway and I am surprised to see Judah’s truck.  He is rarely home
this early on a Sunday morning – usually he is still in bed with whomever he
fucked the night before.  He never brings his conquests home, so I am guessing
he either stayed home last night or left his conquest’s house at the crack of

Entering the house, I toss my keys
into the big crystal bowl in the foyer that my mom insisted would look good
there.  We use it as a catchall bowl – which she always cleans out when she
visits.  My nose leads me to the kitchen where I smell bacon.  I walk into the
kitchen and see my twin shredding cheese into a small bowl.

“Hey,” I say to him as I walk over
the fridge and grab a bottle of water. 

He looks at me, with a smirk on his

“Where have you been - knee-deep in

I throw the water bottle cap at
him, which he catches. 

“I’ve been at Olivia’s.”

“Like I said – knee-deep in pussy.”


Judah gives me a smile that is
identical to mine.  

“I’m making cheese eggs – you want

“Yeah – what else are you making
besides that and bacon?”  I ask, assuming that the bacon is in the oven. 

“Nothing yet.”

“I’ll pan-fry some hash browns and
make toast.”

He nods his head.  I wash my hands
at the sink and we work for a few minutes in silence. 

“So…I take it the date went well
since I haven’t seen you since Friday?”  Judah asks, breaking the silence.  I
look up at him as he hands me a small bowl of chopped onion to place in the
hash browns I just put on the stove.

“Yeah, it did.  The cooking class
was a lot of fun.”

I can feel him looking at me.  I
know he is expecting more and I am contemplating what I want to tell him. 
Instead of overthinking it, I just start talking.

“I have known this girl a short
time and it feels like I have known her a lifetime.  I mean when I asked her
out for coffee, I thought it would be my usual thing – a coffee date then we’d
hook-up one or two times.  But Judah…”  I trail off, shaking my head because I
am trying not to gush everything out at once.  I turn the burner down on the
hash browns and look at him.  “She’s incredible.  I could spend hours talking
to her and never get bored.  I love that she is not afraid to be herself around
me; she’s funny, a little bit nerdy and I think clumsy.  She also has this
sweet innocence about her that is sexy as fuck.”

My twin gives me a slow smile
before pouring an egg mixture into a pan on the stove.

“So the pussy’s good?” he asks –
dead serious.

I roll my eyes because for Judah,
everything boils down to pussy. 

“Yeah, it’s good,” I say, smiling a
little, yet exasperated at my pussy hound brother.  “But that’s not the point. 
Even if we hadn’t fucked, I would still feel like this.  Even now, I have this
insane urge to talk to her even though I just spent the last thirty-six hours
with her.”

“So why are you here and not there
with her?”

I reach over and grab some of the
shredded cheese, sprinkling it over the hash browns before divvying them up and
putting them onto two plates. 

“Um…I invited her over for dinner
with everyone.  She will be here around 2pm.”

I drop slices of bread into the
multi-slot toaster.

“That’s not what I asked you,” my
twin replies as he places equal portions of the cheese eggs onto the plates. 
“And dinner is not until 6pm – why 2pm?”

I look at Judah and shrug my
shoulders – not giving him an answer.  When the toast is ready, I stack it on a
smaller plate while he takes the bacon out of the oven and puts a pile on each
plate.  We sit at the kitchen table and eat in silence.

There is no way I’m telling Judah
that I left her house so she could ‘recuperate’.  This morning when I stroked
my fingers over her pussy, her slight flinch and accompanying hiss let me know
that her pussy needed a break.  I knew if I had stayed, I would have had my way
with her again – sore pussy or not.  That was when I invited her to come and
hang out with me today and to have dinner with everyone.  I figured that I
would have my way with her again – providing that she is not still sore –
before everyone arrived.  I also asked her to bring an overnight bag for her
and Chewy – just in case. 

She agreed to come over to hang out
with me and have dinner but told me she would have to think about the overnight
bag bit - which I thought was fair.  She then surprised me by joining me in the
shower and offering to wash my back.  That ended with her giving me a soapy
hand job.  She had sleepily walked me to the door wearing my t-shirt – looking
adorable and sexy at the same time. 

 “You think she’s the one?”  Judah
asks, breaking the silence.  I look at him to see if he’s joking – he looks
quite serious, if not curious. 

I give him a slight smile. 




 A few minutes before 2pm, the
doorbell rings and I take the stairs two at a time to answer it.  I open the
door to find Olivia looking much younger than her 32 years.  She looks like
some fresh-faced co-ed with her hair loose as she wears a pink hoodie, jeans
and a pair of pink Chuck Taylor’s.  Chewy is pulling on his leash, trying to
get loose. 

“You can let him go,” I say.

“You sure?” she asks.

I nod and she bends down to unclip
his leash.  He takes off into the house as quick as his short little legs can
carry him.

“Hey,” I say softly, wanting to
kiss her.

“Hey,’ she replies back shyly. 

I lean down slowly, wanting her to
meet me half way – and she does.  Her lips meet mine with a hesitant peck that
I quickly deepen.  I go to wrap my arms around her, but realize that her arms
are occupied.  I reluctantly end the kiss and I see that she has something in
both hands and over her shoulder.

“What’s all this?”  I ask, pointing
to the thermal bag in her hand, the black duffle bag over her shoulder and a
Food Lion bag in her other hand. 

She blushes a little before
speaking.  “I made Oreo truffles and I picked up some chocolate and caramel
sauce to drizzle over them.  I thought that maybe we could have them for

I rub my thumb slowly over her
bottom lip.  She looks nervous.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I say

“I know, but I wanted to.”  Her
blush deepens as she continues.  “I also brought an overnight bag for myself
and Chewy, like you asked.”

I smile, “Yeah?”  I say as I lean

She nods, biting her plump bottom
lip and licking my thumb in the process.  I lean forward and give her a slow
kiss, wishing that my brother was not here and I could take her directly to bed
– fuck an introduction.




I am so in love – with Isaac’s

He and his brother live in a huge
renovated farmhouse.  Isaac had told me about it during one of our phone
conversations last week.  Originally, the house had been a farmhouse that was
turned into a boarding house that catered to workers who worked the tobacco farms
in the area back in the early 1900’s.  Isaac’s father had actually purchased
the house and the surrounding land some twenty years ago – never doing anything
with it.  When Isaac and his brother became successful with their business,
they purchased the property from their father.  A year and a half later, the
house had been gutted and fully renovated.

 Isaac ushers me into the house,
taking my bags from me.  I take in the foyer with its dark hardwood floors that
look almost black and cream colored walls.  He hangs my duffle bag on the
cream-colored staircase bannister that is trimmed in the same dark wood as the

“Let’s put your truffles in the
fridge and then I will introduce you to my brother,” Isaac says as I follow him
to the kitchen.  It is at the back of the house and it is a cook’s dream.  Not
surprising since Isaac has told me that he and his brother love to cook.

The kitchen has the same color
scheme as the foyer – dark wood floors with creamy walls and cabinets.  The
focal point is the big butcher-block table at the center of the room.  I stand
to the side as he puts my truffles in the huge refrigerator.  He comes over to
me and gives me a quick kiss.

“Come on – my brother is watching
TV, which is probably where Chewy ran off to,” he says, linking his hand with
mine.  I follow him out the kitchen, across the foyer and into a room to the
left of the stairs.  My mouth actually drops open.  It is a well-appointed
theater room.  I know I shouldn’t be surprised since I am learning that Isaac
is a connoisseur of all things audio and visual, but I am.

The walls of the room are chocolate
brown and appear to be textured in some way.  Soft lighting emanates from what
appears to be recessed lighting.  There are sepia-tone framed movie posters
along the wall at the back of room.  A huge TV or screen – I am not sure which
– covers almost the entire front wall and built in cabinets in a dark wood are
on either side of the huge TV/screen.

I have seen pictures of theater
rooms in magazines where the seating resembles actual movie theater seats that
recline or some type of comfortable seating is utilized.  In this theater room,
the seating consists of six chocolate brown oversized chaise lounges.  Three
are on the same level as the rest of the room while the other three are
situated two or three steps higher on a raised platform floor.  Cream-colored
throws are folded length-wise over the foot of each chair.  I even spy built in
cabinets on the right wall that seems to serve as a concession/bar. 

I see the back of a bald head over
the top of one of the chaise lounges in the front.

“Judah,” Isaac says as we approach
the chair.

His brother turns to look at us and
I am amazed by how much they look alike.  I knew he and his brother were
identical twins, but looking at Judah has me wondering how anyone can tell them
apart.  Every feature on their handsome faces is identical, right down to the
irresistible dimpled grin – which they are both flashing at me right now. 
Judah stands and he is holding Chewy in the crook of his arm, but he quickly
moves him up and lets him lay against his broad shoulder - and my super-spoiled
dog is loving it.

He holds out his hand for a

“You must be Olivia, I’m Judah.” 
His much larger hand engulfs mine.  It is warm and slightly calloused, just
like Isaac’s. 

“It’s nice to meet you Judah,” I
reply softly, suddenly nervous at meeting Isaac’s brother.  I know that they
are more than just brothers - they are also best friends and I want Judah to
like me. 

Judah jostles Chewy in his arms a

“This yours?”

I nod. 

“I hope that it’s okay that he is
here.  Isaac said that you would be okay with it.”  I quickly look back at
Isaac and then back to Judah.  Isaac tugs on my hand, pulling me back into his
body as he wraps his arm across the front of my shoulders.

“Yeah, it’s cool,” Judah replies. 
“What’s the little guy’s name?”


He flashes that dimpled grin at me
before speaking again. 

“You a Star Wars fan?”

I nod my head eagerly at him
because few people get the connection.  He gives his brother a serious look.

“Isaac, if you don’t keep her, I
will,” he says as he winks at me and my face heats up with a blush.  “Why don’t
you show Olivia around - Chewy and I are going to get acquainted with the



Isaac shows me the rest of the
downstairs, which besides the kitchen, foyer and theater room, consists of a
dining room and a den.  The dining room is narrow with a large trestle table in
the middle of the room.  I walk around the room and admire the grouping of
framed black and white photographs on the wall.  The photographs are of beer
bottles mostly with a few food pictures thrown in.  They are very unique and
add character to the room. 

“These are really cool pictures,” I
say to him.

 “Thanks,” he responds giving me a
smile.  “We had those bottles for an ad promotion we did for a show a few years
ago.  We played around with the lighting some, took some photos and we came up
with this.”

“Wait – you and Judah took these
photos?”  I am very impressed.  “I knew you two were big into audio and video
stuff because of your company, but I had no idea that extended to

He looks a little bit bashful and I
get a glimpse of a sweet little boy in those deep brown eyes of his. 

It’s adorable. 

“Photography is more of a hobby for
us.”  He takes my hand.  “Come on; let me show you the rest of the downstairs
before we go upstairs.” 

The last downstairs room he takes
me to is the den.  Many windows line the far wall – looking out onto their
backyard – which is essentially a huge field bordered by woods.  The color
scheme in this room surprises me; I was expecting a continuation of the dark
wood floors and cream-colored walls.  While the walls are still cream-colored,
the floors are a much lighter wood and the oversized gray sectional sofa is
dotted with yellow and white throw pillows. 

When we reach the upstairs landing,
Isaac tells me that he and Judah have their own suite of rooms.  He indicates
that the right side belongs to Judah, while the left side belongs to him.  As
he shows me his suite of rooms, he explains that both sides are identical with
the only difference being their decorating styles.  There are three rooms; a
master suite, a guest bedroom and a home office where I spy a grouping of video
screens on the wall in front of a desk that has a lot of expensive looking
equipment on it. 

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