When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: When Sparks Fly (Sexy Secrets Book 2)
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I tell him my last name is Simone.  I tell him about being
raised in a suburb of Atlanta.  I tell him about my older siblings, Paris and
Leo Jr.  I tell him about my art professor mama and my lawyer daddy.  I tell
him about my fine arts degree that I received from the Savannah College of Art
and Design.  I tell him how I moved to Richmond when my grandmother passed away
and left her house to me.

In turn, he tells me his last name is Rossi.  He tells me
about being raised in Richmond.  He tells me about his twin brother, Judah and
his baby sister, Zoe.  He tells me about his caterer/chef mom and his construction
company owner dad.  He tells me about his degree in Visual Communication Design
from Virginia Tech. 

While we have been talking, we have managed to move closer
to each other.  While my left leg is still tucked under me, my right leg is no
longer on the floor.  It is draped across Isaac’s lap.  His big hand is resting
on my jean-covered thigh and I love how it feels. 

A beeping sound invades our little bubble.  He gives me an
apologetic look before removing his phone from his pocket. 

“Remember when I told you earlier that I needed to go to the
studio to finish up a few things?” he asks. 

I nod.

“Well, it is almost 6pm and I need to go if I want to get
home before midnight.  I don’t want to go, but I need to.”  He looks sincere as
he says this. 

I am surprised; not that he has to leave, but because we
have been talking for almost two hours. 

“Okay,” is all I say. 

I can be so lame sometimes.

He gives me a soft smile before he asks, “Can I see your

I give him a quizzical look before digging into my purse and
offering him my phone.  I watch him fiddle with it for a few seconds.  When his
phone rings, he gives my phone back to me.

“I now have your number and you have mine.”

I give him a shy smile, trying to look calm. 

HA!  Inside my head, I am pumping my fists and chanting
‘he has my number’ over and over again.

“Can I have a taste?”  Isaac asks as he continues to look at
me, casting his eyes down quickly before looking back up again.

I crinkle my brow and look at the empty plate.  Only crumbs
are left of the muffin we shared.

“It's all gone...there is no more muffin left,” I say before
I turn my head back to look at Isaac.

“I know.  I want to taste you.”




I move closer, boxing her into the corner of the sofa.  She
looks up at me, those big brown eyes looking all so innocent before she casts
her gaze down. 

I chuckle lightly to myself. 

For some reason, her shyness and apparent inexperience are
turning me the fuck on – which makes me want to do wicked and filthy things to
her.  I lift her chin with my forefinger and lean in until we are almost

“Can I kiss you?”  I ask softly.

She lets out a short puff of air, followed by a slight nod
of her head. 

Her lips are so soft that I moan at the contact.  I take my
time, lightly sucking her bottom lip before teasing it with my tongue.  When
she opens her mouth slightly, I don’t dive in like I want to, but I lightly
flick my tongue with hers.  She surprises me when she cups her hands around my
ears, pulling me in and deepening the kiss.  In a span of five seconds or less,
she had taken control of the kiss.

Maybe she is not so inexperienced after all.

Just when I am about to say fuck it and pin her underneath
me in this very public setting.  She pulls her head away, effectively ending
the kiss.  Her lips are a bit kiss-swollen and she is looking at me with the
shy look again.

Fuck!  This girl is going to turn my world upside down.


By the time we throw our trash away and make it outside, it
is dark outside, her shy and inexperienced persona is back in full effect and
my cock is hard as a rock.  I take her hand into mine as we cross the street. 
Her hand is small and soft and I briefly wonder how it will feel wrapped around
my cock. 

“Where are you parked?”  I ask as we step onto the sidewalk
in front of the parking lot. 

“The dark gray Camaro,” she says as she nods her head in the
direction of the car.

I let out an appreciative low whistle.  This is not the kind
of car I imagined her to drive; I imagined her in something like Ivy (a Mini
Cooper) or maybe even a Volkswagen Beetle.  Her Camaro is sexy as hell and now
that I think of it – it suits her – sexy and unexpected. 

“Nice car.”

She looks up at me and gives me that shy smile that, once
again, makes me want to do all kinds of wicked and filthy shit to her. 

“Thanks,” she says as she tugs my hand and we walk to her
car.  I hear the ‘chirp-chirp’ of her alarm disengaging and the door unlocking
as we approach.  I really want to see her again and soon.

“I want to see you again - are you free tomorrow evening?” 
I ask, aware that this is a first for me.  I have never wanted to see a female
so soon after meeting.

She looks up at me, those big brown eyes of hers looking
surprised.  I have a feeling she has no idea how tempting and sexy she is when
she looks at me that way.

“Yeah, I am,” her cheeks blush prettily. 

I smile down at her – happy that I will get to see her again
– and soon. 

“Why don’t you text me your address before you go to bed
tonight and tomorrow I will pick you up.  I will let you know the time I will
pick you up by mid-morning.”  I already have an idea where I want to take her,
but I need to check to see what time everything starts.  

“Okay, that sounds good.” 

               “Drive safely Olivia and I will see you
tomorrow.”  And because I can, I lean down and steal a quick kiss.

That blush that I am becoming so fond of makes a
re-appearance.  She nods and I can see that her blush has extended down her

I wonder how far that blush extends.

I close her door and straighten up, waiting until she has
backed out and is on her way.



I make it to
Doppelgänger Productions
a little after
6:30pm.  I see Judah’s truck in the parking lot, along with the
receptionist/office manager’s car.  

I let out a rush of air.  She should be long gone by now. 
If she is here this late, it could only mean one thing.  My twin has talked her
out of her panties.

It wouldn’t be the first time Judah has done this.  Because
of his inherent need to fuck every damn thing with tits and a pussy, we go
through receptionist/office managers every three months or so.  As I approach
the door, I am surprised to see Monica – the receptionist/office manager
working at the front desk.  Before I can unlock the door with my key card, she
buzzes me in.

“Hey,” I say cautiously as I scan the area looking for
Judah.  Monica chuckles as she pauses from the work she is doing. 

“Your brother is in Studio C doing some edit work,” she says
as she gives me a thoughtful smile.  “I know what you are thinking and I have
told you – you have nothing to worry about.  I love my fiancé dearly and Judah
does not faze me one bit.  It will be a cold day in hell if you ever find me
bent over this desk in a compromising position with Judah.”

I smile sheepishly at her, mentally chastising myself for
thinking the worst and not giving her the benefit of the doubt.  While Judah
and I both interviewed Monica, the hiring decision was left to me.  Before
offering her the job, I told her bluntly that my twin was a pussy hound and was
fond of charming the receptionist/office manager, then bending them over their
desk and fucking them.  She had laughed at me and told me that I had nothing to
worry about; telling me, that Judah was not even her type.  That had been five
months ago. 

So far, so good.

“Okay,” I say because I don’t know what else to say.  “I
will be in Studio A working on my own edits.”  I start to walk off towards the
back, but stop and look back at Monica.  

“Why are you here so late?  You should go home.  Whatever
you are working on can wait until tomorrow.”

“I know, but I want to finish up the scheduling for the rest
of the month, just to get it out of the way.  Besides, Mike is working late
tonight and I don’t like going home to an empty house.” 

I nod.  Mike is her fiancé.  

“Okay, well don’t stay too late, okay?”  I say before
turning back to the door.

“Wait,” she all but yells at me. 

I turn back and give her a patient smile. 

“I am ordering dinner for Judah – from the Greek place
around the corner – do you want anything?”

I nod, realizing that I haven’t had anything to eat since
the muffin I shared with Olivia.  My cock twitches to life at the memory of eating
the muffin from her fingers.  I give Monica my order and adjust my cock through
my jeans once I am alone in the hallway.  

I peek into Studio C, seeing Judah watching various screens
and taking notes.  I thump lightly on the window as I pass by.  I don’t take
more than two steps before he is at the door beckoning me into the studio. 

“So where did you disappear to little brother?” he asks as
he pauses his various screens and I settle myself in a chair.

I give him a shrug and a sly smile. 

“I had a coffee date with that female I met at the gym this
morning.”  When it comes to our dealing with the fairer sex – Judah and I have
always discussed it; sometimes we act like two gossiping teen girls. 

“The cutie with the braids?”

I nod.

We are silent for a moment or two.  I know he is expecting
me to elaborate, but I don’t know where to start, so I just start talking.

“What I really want to do is call and talk to her, even
though I just left her.  I want to know everything about her.  This is the first
time I have ever wanted to call a female and just talk.  I mean, usually my
only goal is to talk them out of their panties.  Don’t get me wrong, I want to
do the same with Olivia, but I also want to know everything about her too.”

When I finish my verbal diarrhea, I look up, expecting my
twin to make fun of me, but he doesn’t; he is looking at me with a thoughtful

“Her name is Olivia?”

I nod, “Yeah, Olivia Simone.”

“Call her,” he says.  “There is nothing wrong with letting
her know you’re interested.  Besides, we are getting too old for the whole
‘just sex’ game.” 

I quirk my brow at him, because that coming from Judah is
just strange. 

“And stop looking at me like that.  Stop being a pussy and
call her.”  He then turns his chair around and places a set of headphones over
his ears - his way of dismissing me.  I palm the back of his head, letting him
know I appreciate the advice. 

When I get myself settled into Studio A, I get busy with my
edits, only taking a break when Monica brings my food and bids me goodnight. 
Judah comes into the studio and we eat dinner together, going over the schedule
that Monica completed.  A little before 9pm, he comes to the door and lets me
know he is leaving.

“Are you heading home?”  I ask as I rub my eyes.

“Yeah,” he lets out a yawn.  “I will see you in the

I nod, “Night Bro,” and I turn back to my video screens. 

Fifteen minutes later, my phone vibrates with an incoming
text.  I pick it up and see a number I don’t readily recognize.  However, when
I open the message, I know it is Olivia - she texted me her address. 

Since I am not a fan of texting when getting to know
someone, I give her a call.  She picks up on the third ring.

“Hello,” she says almost breathlessly - which makes me
wonder how she will sound when I have her under me and I am inside her. 

“Hi Olivia, it’s Isaac.  I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad

She replies in a more breathless tone, “Hey Isaac.  No, you
didn’t catch me at a bad time.  I am just chasing Chewy through the house
because he stole a piece I am working on.”

I frown.

Who or what the fuck is Chewy?

“Chewy?”  I ask hesitantly.  That is when I hear a loud
crash, followed by the phone going dead.  Slightly alarmed, I immediately call
back and her voice mail picks up right away.  I hang up without leaving a
message.  I sit and stare at the various video screens, not really seeing

Five minutes later, I call Olivia again – and once again,
her voice mail picks up.  Ten minutes later, I am in my truck, entering her
address into the GPS system.  I know I am probably overreacting, but her not
answering the phone is unsettling and I am still not sure who or what Chewy

It takes me about ten minutes to reach her house.  She lives
in a historic Richmond neighborhood, where the housing styles are mostly
craftsman bungalows with a few colonial style homes mixed in.  I pull into the
driveway of a light-colored bungalow.  It appears that all the lights in the
house are on.  I try calling her one more time before I knock on the door. 
Just like the last two times I called, it goes straight to voice mail. 

I climb the few stairs onto the front porch and knock on her
front door, not sure what I am going to find.  I hear the sounds of a barking
dog.  It sounds almost frantic.  I wait a few seconds before knocking again. 
The porch light comes on.

“Who is it?”  A faint voice calls out.  It sounds like
Olivia, but I can’t be sure.  Her voice doesn’t sound right. 

“Olivia – it’s me Isaac.  Are you okay?”  I can feel my heart
beating in my ears - something is not right.

I hear her fumbling to unlock the door and when she opens
it, I am face to face with Olivia and she is so pale.  That is also when I
notice that she has a red and white towel wrapped around her forearm.  It takes
me a few seconds to realize that the red in the towel is actually blood.

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