When Tomorrow Never Comes (7 page)

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Authors: Raven K. Asher

BOOK: When Tomorrow Never Comes
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Chapter 10



Dear Diary,

I’m trying to move on so why can’t I leave you behind. You haunt my every moment. I wish I could talk to you so I would know if I was doing the right thing…



The next morning I wake again feeling rested and ready for the day ahead.

After dinner last night with Eric, Matt, Ben, and Jayce I had come up with a new plan and I now had two new friends to watch my back.

I was determined that today was going to be a better day.

Rolling out of bed I rush into my shower.

After scrubbing my hair and body I let the water pour over my face and skin as I close my eyes and smile.

Once I’m done I shut the water off and wrap a towel around myself before moving out into my room to gather some clothes.

As soon as I’m out of the bathroom I freeze in place while pulling my towel closer to my body, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

Liam was sitting on the edge of my bed, his eyes taking me in.

“What are you doing here?” I ask after a moment.

He doesn’t answer me so I repeat myself. “What are you doing here, Liam?”

Still he doesn’t answer me.

Growling in frustration I turn my back to him and begin searching through my drawers to find some clothes for the day.

When I turn back around I growl out again in frustration.

He hadn’t even moved.

Holding up my towel with one hand I point towards the window. “Leave, now, Liam.”

He shakes his head and opens his mouth to reply but stops when the door begins to open and Jayce walks in ready to punch someone.

Eric and Matt rush into the room behind him.

“Get the hell out of her room, Man.” Jayce demands as he steps in between me and Liam.

Liam shakes his head roughly as he stands up. “I’m not leaving until she talks to me.”

“You had your chance to talk to me, Liam.” I chime in as I lean around Jayce.

“No, I was going to talk to you before this idiot barged into your room.” Liam clips out before he continues. “Who is this guy anyway and why the hell is he barging in here?”

“I’m her boyfriend.” Jayce answers.

My eyes swing over to Eric and Matt.

Eric appeared to want to kill both of the boys in my room. With a shake of my head he backs down but continues his glare towards Liam.

Liam scoffs as he looks towards me for my answer. “He can’t be serious. You just met this guy, Eve.”

“Just leave, Liam.” I bite out.

I was over him and I wanted him out of my room and my life for good.

Studying me for a moment he bows his head and nods. “I get it.”

With those simple words he walks towards the door, pushing his way past Eric and Matt before leaving.

We all stay silent until the front to opens and shuts with a loud thud that echoes throughout the house.

Eric steps farther into the room while pointing his finger between Jayce and me. “What is going on between the two of you? Are you really boyfriend and girlfriend?”

Jayce chuckles as he shakes his head and turns towards me for a moment before facing Eric. “I’m just a friend. I only came over the way that I did because I saw him run across the yard and climb up into her window from my room.”

Eric nods his head although he looked unconvinced. “Thank you for that, but next time it happens, knock. You nearly gave me a heart attack storming through the front door like that.”

Jayce nods and then glances back at me. “I will, and you can always count on me coming through the front door, Sir.”

That was definitely going to score him some points with Matt and Eric.

“That’s good.” Eric grunts.

“Okay, now that that’s over can you guys get out so I can finally get dressed?” I states as I wave them away, towards the door.

Eric and Matt nod but wait for Jayce just outside the door.

He turns to me for a moment and lifts his hand up to tuck a stray strand of my still wet hair behind my ear before he places the palm of his hand against my cheek. “Are you going to be alright now?”

I nod. “I’ll be fine.”

He grins down at me. “Good.”

His hand drops as he steps back before moving to the door.

Stopping he glances back. “If you want a ride to school when you’re ready just come over to my house.”

I nod and he turns back around to walk out of my room.

Grinning to myself I bow my head. Today was going to be a good day.

“I know that look.” Eric grunts from the doorway abruptly.

I snort and shake my head as I point toward the door. “You can go now, papa bear.”

He laughs and nods his head. “Be careful, okay, Princess.”

I nod and become serious. “I will be, Dad.”

He grins brightly before grabbing the door to shut it as he leaves my room.

With no threat of anyone coming back into my room I drop my towel and begin the task of getting ready for the day.

Slipping my clothes on I glance into my mirror for a moment to check out my look. I was wearing black skinny jeans with a dark red corset top along with matching red shoes.

Grinning I move back into my bathroom to grab my brush to comb through my still wet hair.

Once it’s brushed through I finger the ends suddenly wanting a change.

Getting an idea I move to my door and open it before yelling down for Matt. “Matt, can you come up here for a minute?”

Within seconds he rushes from the kitchen to the bottom of the stairs to look up at me in concern. “Is something wrong?”

I shake my head and wave for him to come up.

He does, although with a raised brow.

Once he’s in my room I motion towards my hair, hoping that he could help me. “Can you by any chance cut hair?”

His eyes narrow for a moment. “I’m gay, Eve, that doesn’t make me a hairdresser.”

I snort and shake my head. “I’m sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just hoping that you could help me.”

“I’m terrible with hair but Eric’s fantastic with it.” He replies with a dramatic girlie voice as he cocks his hand while placing his other hand on his hip.

I can’t help but laugh out before he grabs me into a hug. “I’ll go see what Eric can do and I’ll send him up.”

“Thank you, Dad.” I reply as I lean back from his fatherly embrace.

His smile widens. “I like the sound of that.”

Stepping back he then turns around and walks back out of my room to get Eric for me.

He seemed to be the jack of all trades. It was awesome that he was going to be my dad too. I couldn’t imagine a better family.



“Does it look alright?” I ask Eric as I stand in front of the mirror in my room while fingering the shorter hair that swept over my forehead instead of having bangs.

It wasn’t really a drastic change.

“It looks great, Princess.” He reassures me.

The rest of my hair had been done up with cascading curls.

It was much fancier than I had ever done my hair but it was growing on me.

Placing his hands on my shoulders Eric grins. “You look absolutely amazing when you smile. The guys are going to be lining up around the block.”

I snort and shake my head. “I hope not.”

“Me too, Princess, I may have been a little rash saying that.” Eric agrees with a dramatic frown.

I laugh and nod my head in agreement.

“But there is one boy I know who will like it.” Eric then states.

Smirking, I once again finger my hair.

“You better get going if you want a ride with him to school. I might change my mind on letting you go too.” Eric warns.

Not wasting a second for him to change his mind I rush to grab my book bag before running downstairs and to the front door.

“Bye, papa bear, bye, dad.” I call out as I open the door and then slow to a walk as the door shuts behind me.

I had to play this cool.

Walking slowly I nervously make my way down the sidewalk and then across the street quickly before walking up to Jayce and Ben’s front door.

I ring the doorbell and after a moment the door opens revealing a woman with a friendly smile and blonde hair.

She smiles brightly as she takes me in. “Aren’t you gorgeous.”

I smile shyly and hold out my hand to her. “I’m Evette, but you can call me Eve.”

She nods taking my hand in hers. “I’m Nancy, but you, Sweetheart, can call me Nan.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Nan.” I reply sweetly.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Eve. Why don’t you come in and make yourself at home. The boys are almost ready.” She states as she steps to the side to let me inside their house.

The house was pretty much set up the same way that ours was across the street but with subtle differences.

After I’m inside Nan shuts the door and then motions for me to follow her through the house and into the kitchen.

A man around forty looks up from his paper and then places it down onto the table before standing up to greet me.

“This is, Eve. Frank, this is the girl Jayce and Ben told us about yesterday.” Nan states with a hint of excitement.

Grabbing my hand he gives it a firm shake before stepping back. “You are stunning. It’s no wonder the boys wouldn’t stop talking about you.”

My cheeks heat as I become shy again.

It had been forever since I had this kind of attention from someone’s parents.

Liam and Cole’s family had been the same way when Cole had first brought me to meet them.

“Ah, you’re here earlier than I expected.” Jayce grunts as he walks into the room. “I hope my parents have been nice.”

“They’ve been awesome.” I reply as he places his arm around my shoulder.

Grinning down at me Jayce raises his hand to finger the hair that was swept across my forehead. “You cut your hair?” He questions.

I nod. “My dad did it for me.”

“Which one did it for you, because if I had to guess I would guess Matt?” Jayce teases.

“It was Eric. He seems to be able to do anything.” I laugh lightly.

“Wait, she’s with Matt, as in your social worker, Matt?” Nan questions abruptly.

Jayce nods. “He’s adopting her.”

“How is that possible, I thought he was gay?” Frank asks this time.

I know they weren’t trying to hurt my feelings but they were and I felt the urge to defend them. “I’ve been tossed around to a lot of foster homes. Matt was my last chance for an actual home before the system kicked me out.”

Nan nods her head. “We didn’t mean anything by it, Sweetheart. We’re just surprised that the system would allow them to adopt you. It’s a good thing though. There are some many good homes out there with people like them.”

I nod my head in agreement. “They are the best family I have ever had.”

“I’m happy for you then, Sweetheart.” Nan replies softly.

“Come on, you two, we’re going to be late for school if we don’t get moving now.” Ben grunts as he rushes into the room.

Nodding Jayce drops his arm from around my shoulder.

“It was nice to meet both of you.” I state quickly before Jayce grabs my hand and begins tugging me away.

“It was nice meeting you too, Eve.” Nan calls back.

A moment later Jayce drops my hand before handing me a helmet.

“What’s this for?” I ask curiously as he leads me into their garage.

“Since I only have one mode of transportation you’re going to need to wear it if you want a ride to school.” Jayce answers as he points over towards two black motorcycles sitting in the garage.

“I’ve never been on one of those.” I whisper nervously.

“You’ll be fine.” He reassures as he takes the helmet he had given me from my hands before slipping it over my head.

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