When You Least Expect It (7 page)

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Authors: Sandra Leiper

BOOK: When You Least Expect It
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Amanda laughed.  “Maybe some day; after all, I’d love to live here and have you running my life for me!”  They both laughed.

“At least you’d stop living that spinster life.  I know plenty of single men.”  Leeza looked at her cousin pleadingly.  All she really wished for her was to be happy.  With someone, alone, it didn’t matter.  She’d been through so much in her lifetime; she deserved to find happiness somewhere.

“My heart couldn’t take it, Leeza.  But I’ll sure to keep it in mind.  I promise.” 

They piled into the car after some more tearful hugs and headed for the highway.  Elisa and Alex were unusually quiet.  It was hard for them to leave, too. 

“We’ll have fun visiting Blossom for the day in Tucson.  You guys looking forward to it?”  She was trying to snap the kids out of the doldrums.  Otherwise it would make for a long trip.  Tucson was a good eight-hour drive. 

The drive through the Mohave Desert was a long one.  There wasn’t much to look at. There was cactus, a few rolling tumbleweeds; and sand, lots of sand. The road was so hot that steam rose from it, making the optical illusion of water on the asphalt.  The highway was long and seemed endless, and as usual, Amanda hoped the car wouldn’t overheat.  That happened a lot in the desert.

              They stopped for lunch in Indio.  They had hamburgers and French fries at the infamous In-n-out.  It was a regular stop for them.  Amanda had needed the rest, and the food didn’t hurt either. 

  “So Elisa…ready to drive?”

“Yay! Yes!” Elisa got behind the wheel.  Unfortunately she looked as nervous as she felt.  Amanda owned a Mustang, which she loved, and got nervous when anybody else drove it.  Elisa adjusted the seat to her 5’ height and strapped in.  “Let’s roll!”

She was relieved at how well Elisa was doing.  She got to relax a little as she listened to music and talked to Alex.  When they hit Phoenix, the traffic got a little much, so Elisa pulled over and Amanda got behind the wheel.  “Thanks Elisa, you did great!”

Alex, of course had to add his two cents by sticking out his window, raising his hands to the sky and screaming, “Thank you!”

She was looking forward to seeing her cousin Blossom. She and Julio, her husband from Spain, had five boys ranging in ages from three to eleven.  Blossom had her hands full, but relished in being a stay at home mom.  Blossom was a vivacious, lover-of-life kind of woman.  She could find the good in everybody.  Of course, she had her moments when her short fuse would blow, then watch out!  She loved her cousin, and always enjoyed her time with her.

It was dusk when they hit Tucson.  She loved the beautiful sunset.  The purple mountains that surrounded the city looked wondrous against the bright orange background. As they drove in to the city and saw the millions of saguaros and twinkling city lights, it took her breath away.  It was truly a spectacular sight.

Again, she found herself wishing Ray were there to share this view with her.  She just knew he’d love it as much as she did.  Instinctively, she knew Ray appreciated the beauty the world had to offer and wanted someone to share it with…just like she did.  She didn’t know what made her believe this, but she did, with all her heart.  She sighed to herself and wondered if any of this was ever going to make sense to her.  She’d have to think about this later, they had arrived at Blossom’s.



“Mandy!” Blossom came running out of her house to meet her.  She was already laughing as she hugged the kids.  “It’s so good to see you!  I’m so glad you made the stop.  Of course, I would have killed you if you hadn’t!”  She gave Amanda a dirty look.   “Of course, you’d never do that.  I’m your favorite cousin!” 

Amanda laughed with her cousin.  “Of course you are!  You look great cuz!” She stepped back to admire Blossom.  Her auburn hair was cut in a short curly bob and it bounced around her head every time she laughed.  She looked great in a denim skirt and peasant blouse, and a body any twenty year old would envy.  You’d never have guessed she had five kids.

“So do you.  You don’t look like you’re on the over-the-forty-hill at all.  Are you sure you have the right date on your birth certificate?”  They both laughed as they embraced.  “Let’s go say hi to the rest of my family.  That should kill about an hour.”  They strolled arm in arm in to the house, as the kids ran ahead to greet the boys.

Julio and the kids were so much fun to be around.  Julio was a great dad and it was really a joy to watch.  Blossom and Amanda were in the kitchen making dinner while the rest of the house was in organized chaos. 

“I don’t know how you do it, Blossom.  So many kids, how do you stay sane?  I can barely handle two.” She was leaning against the counter, watching her cousin.  Blossom always seemed so relaxed, it really did amaze her.

“Well Mandy, I just look at it this way.  This is what God has handed me, so I just make the best of it.  I love my boys.  They are the joy in my life.  No regrets! But enough about the kids, let’s get to the important part, how’s your love life?”

Amanda groaned.  “Let’s say we not go there!” 

“Let’s say we do,” insisted Blossom.  “Come on, spill your guts.” She told her about her date with Cullen and how Leeza had been her matchmaker.  Blossom practically was rolling on the floor she was laughing so hard.  “I can’t believe you let Leeza rope you into that.  What were you thinking?” 

“I wasn’t, I just wanted to get her off my back. You know how persistent she can be.”  She was so embarrassed.

“Do you have any other prospects?”  Blossom asked.

              Her mind wandered to Ray.  Should she tell Blossom?  She remembered Mariah’s reaction and didn’t want to go through that again. But she and Blossom had always been able to tell each other anything, so she decided to give it a try.  “Yes, believe it or not, there just might be.  It’s kind of weird, but it’s happened.  Are you up for it?” 

Blossom did not like where this was going, but didn’t let on.  “Of course I am…so tell me.”

Amanda dived in.  She told her all about Ray and how they met.  She told her of his living situation and his girls.  She told her of the connection they had from the start.  How intense her feelings were.  She told her he had said the ‘L’ word.

Blossom took no time in telling her exactly what she thought. “Are you nuts?”  She yelled.  “He could be an axe murderer for all you know.  He’s MARRIED!  You don’t know who he is.  He can be lying about everything, including his name.  Amanda, you have gone too far! Did you tell Leeza?”   

  Amanda couldn’t believe she had used the same words as Mariah had, almost verbatim. “Are YOU nuts?  Leeza would have had me committed.  Blossom, I know this sounds weird; it’s weird even for me.  Ray is this nice, gentle, funny, interesting man, who loves me.  I know we haven’t met, but I don’t feel like he’s a stranger.  We talk for hours at a time, about everything.  Good, bad, painful, funny…it’s isn’t like anything you could ever imagine.  I know I’m playing with fire.  But I’m just chatting with him for now…and occasionally on the phone.”  She waited for the next explosion that was sure to follow.  Blossom didn’t disappoint her.

“You gave him your phone number?” ranted Blossom.  “What the hell, Mandy?  Haven’t you ever heard of “reverse search”?  You can go online and type in a phone number, and up will come your address.  This ‘Ray’, if that IS his real name, could be psycho, Mandy.  You just don’t know.  Yes, he seems nice now, but you don’t know if he’s being sincere.  He could be a con artist.  He could be waiting to reel you in then take all your money and kill you.  I’ve seen that on
48 Hours Mystery
Don’t you ever watch that?   You’re being so naïve, Mandy.”

       Amanda was so disappointed.  She’d been sure Blossom would be the one to understand.  She kept on, “That may be true, Blossom, but haven’t you ever trusted your instincts?  I just know he’s not a psycho. 
I feel he’s being honest and sincere about who and what he is.  Could I be wrong?  Yes, I could be, but something just tells me I’m not.  Plus, it’s not like I am running out to marry him.  I’m just talking to him.   I’m getting to know him, from a safe distance.  What’s the harm in that?”

        Blossom looked at her cousin with concern.  She rolled her eyes and hugged her, not wanting to spend the little time they had together arguing. “Fine, you win.  If you promise not to do anything dumb, I’ll not have you committed.  No running off to Maine to meet this guy.  No giving him your address.  Just slow moving.  Okay?” 

        “I promise, Blossom.  I’ll be safe and careful about everything.  Now, you have to promise me something.”  She reached into the fridge so she wouldn’t have to look at Blossom.  “Don’t say anything to the family. Not yet, let me figure it out a little bit more, first.”  After Blossom’s reaction, she could only imagine how the rest of the family would respond.

       Blossom reluctantly agreed. “Our little, secret, but don’t make me regret it. I don’t want to be in trouble with the family!”


       Dinner was a circus with so many mouths to feed.  Blossom had made enough food for an army, and Amanda could see why.  It
was a little army.  Alex was in seventh heaven.

       “Mom, how come you never make this much food?”  Alex asked with his mouth full of rice. 

        Amanda laughed.  “Damn, Alex, Blossom is going to think I never feed you.”  She looked at Blossom, “I do feed him, I swear.”

         “Well judging by the way he sprouted since the last time I saw him, I believe you.  Alex, you’ll just have to come and stay with me sometime.  I’ll feed you like this everyday.”  Blossom rubbed his head affectionately.  “So tell me about your girlfriends, Alex.  I’m sure you have better news for me than your mom did.”

          Alex laughed.  “I see, Mom told you about Maineman.  Elisa and I have think Mom is going through a mid-life crisis.  What do you think?”

          Blossom looked appreciatively at her little cousin.  “I think you’ve hit the nail right on the head, dude.”  She looked at Amanda who looked like she’d like to strangle her right about now.  She couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

        Amanda got up to clear the table.  “If you two are done laughing at my expense, could you give me a hand with these dishes?”

        Alex and Blossom got up simultaneously and ran out of the kitchen laughing.  “You have to catch us first.”

        “Very funny.”  Amanda threw the dishtowel after them.  She started stacking the dishwasher and wondered why everyone reacted the same about Ray.  She couldn’t believe how much she missed him.  He could make her laugh, or at least, smile.  She missed his soothing voice; his great laugh.  How he made her feel when he talked about his feelings.  She knew this was insane, but regardless, she knew how right it felt.

        “We’re going out for ice cream!”  All seven of the kids were upon her pulling her out to the car.  The moment was over.


           Ray was packing for his trip.  His heart wasn’t really in it.  It’d been such a long week without Amanda in it.  He had thought of picking up the phone at least a dozen times, before he’d remember she wasn’t home.  He missed her voice.  He checked his email ten times every day hoping to hear from her, but had only received one email earlier in the week. 

            As happy as he’d been to hear from her, it had proven to be close to disastrous.  He hadn’t realized as he was reading Amanda’s email that Carrie was standing behind him, reading over his shoulder.  She’d come unglued.  She wanted to know who Mandy40 was.  She wanted to know how he knew her.  Why she was writing him. It was the inquisition!  Ray had been at a loss of words.  He didn’t want Mandy spilling over into his hell of a life in Maine.  She was the good part of his life. 

“I’ve heard of married people having Internet affairs, Ray.  Is that what you’re doing?  Do you stay up all night talking to women?  Having CYBER-SEX?”  Carrie was screeching at this point.  “What do you plan with this woman, Ray?  Meeting her?  Falling in love with her?  Are you planning on ending this marriage over someone you met on the net?”  Carrie was crying at this point.  She was really upset and up to now, Ray hadn’t been able to get a word in edgewise. 

           “Carrie.  Calm down.  This woman is someone I chatted with one night.  She told me she was going on vacation.  I guess she decided she’d email me from California since she had told me all about her trip.  It doesn’t mean anything.  Of course I’m not having an affair, Internet or otherwise.  It means nothing.  It’s just an email, nothing more.”  Ray felt awful for having to lie about Amanda.  He wished he could just tell Carrie the truth, that yes; he had fallen in love with
Mandy40 from Texas.   But he didn’t want Carrie to ever believe that this marriage was ending because of Amanda.  The marriage had ended long before he met her. 

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