Where There's Smoke (17 page)

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Authors: Sitting Bull Publishing

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“A hotel somewhere near South Bend, near the state line.”

“Hmmm. A judge was involved, yes?”

Smoke didn't bother hiding his surprise. “Yeah, you know about it?”

“Not much. It has made the papers. But it might be worth taking a closer look. What do you think?”

He told him everything he knew. Julio was silent. “The Feds are all over this thing, they've taken the five men into custody, the two men who drug me inside are still missing.”

“They are dead.” Smoke flinched at the matter-of-factness in his friend's tone. Times like these made him uneasy. Based on some things Ross and Tank said, he suspected these men were dead, but how did Julio know?

“Really?” He didn't expect Julio to say much more on the matter and wasn't disappointed.

“Of course. I did not know where they took you, but I did see him. He was dead at that moment,
mi Amigo

Touched, words failed him. The two of them had been friends for a long time and while he would've probably done the same thing, it moved him that his friend had acted selflessly on his behalf.

“Damn, I wanted to kick those asses myself,” he teased.

“Do not worry, I believe the ass-whupping they received would make you proud.” Smoke laughed. Julio tried to sound hip and failed miserably. He'd always thought of him as a younger brother.

“Hey,” Smoke said as a thought came to him. “I wonder if you can help me find someone. Don't fuck him up; I need to handle that myself.”

“I understand.” Smoke proceeded to tell Julio about the assault on Winston and gave the general description of the man.

“My pleasure,
. I will send him to you soon.”

“Thanks and take care of yourself.”

“I will.” Julio disconnected.

Chapter 17


Smoke sat on the sofa going over in his mind all the revelations Julio had given him. Mentally, he tried to connect the dots, to see where they stood with all the drama that befell the company. A shadow moved in the hallway, he tensed and relaxed as Vianca strolled toward him. He smiled. She'd been a pleasant surprise.

“You okay, Papi?” The huskiness of her voice sent sparks straight to his cock. It rose to greet her. She wore a tee-shirt and from what he could see, nothing else. She stopped near the edge of the sofa and watched him.

“Yeah, I'm good. Just heard from an old friend and needed to talk, that's all. I didn't want to wake you, but you woke up anyway.” He smiled, took her hand and pulled her closer. She straddled his lap. He groaned as her wet pussy rubbed over his rising cock. She pulled his face close and kissed him as she moved sensuously over him.

“You want me to go back to sleep?” she murmured against his lips before she bit the lower one. He grabbed her ass and rubbed her harder against his engorged member.

“No.” He ground out, lifting her shirt over her head. His lips locked on her nipple, her moans filled the room.

“Shit,” she breathed, holding his head against her breast. He stood, pulled her legs tight around his waist and walked toward his room. After slamming the door, he turned and placed her against the wall. Breast heaving, she leaned up as he placed his cock near her entrance. Their eyes met. He pulled down hard and slid balls deep into her. Her head dropped into the crook of his neck, biting him to hide her scream.

Moments later the fast slapping of flesh, moans of delight and words of encouragement filled the air.

“More, Papi, more.” She begged as she held on.

“Like this, you want more like this?” His hips flexed repeatedly, giving her more of his eleven inches.

She babbled some response. He felt his release rise. His back arched. Heart raced. He pumped faster, like a greyhound chasing the rabbit. Her walls squeezed as she came and pulled him over. He roared as wave after wave of cum left him. Her body shuddered in his arms. His strength left him, they folded to the floor in a heap.

“I like you,” he whispered when he could think rationally.

“I know.” She smiled impishly. He pinched her lightly on the ass, stood while extending his hand. After she took it, he pulled her into his arms and held tight. Julio's words flowed through his mind. “
She's good
.” Rubbing his hand across her back and ass, he had to agree she was indeed.

Tears filled Vianca's eyes. Tonight had been incredible. They'd gone out to dinner. It felt like a real date. Conversation was light, casual. There was a no business rule in place. Tonight was to relax. He was healing fine and if his display of a moment ago was any indication, she'd say his powers of healing were bordering on superhuman. There'd been an odd moment when a woman he'd dated approached the table, asked him how he was doing. Smoke had been distantly polite. She got the message and moved on. Vianca wondered what high-spirited Denise would've done if she'd been sitting there.

“So, what're you thinking about?” Smoke asked as he maneuvered them toward the shower.

“How nice everything was tonight.” She smiled at his surprised expression, before he turned smug.

“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.” His fingertip ran down the length of her stomach, smiling when it clenched in response. She kissed him, determined to get as much of him now before she left. With all five men in custody and the Feds having the tapes, the danger to her was pretty much over. Red and Smoke assured her the other two would have no interest in her. She suspected the men were dead, although no one went that far. Soon she'd be leaving. Returning to her barely lived in house in the suburbs of Detroit.

She moved behind him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, as he prepared the shower. He pulled her under the water that fell from the ceiling and kissed her long and hard. She moaned into his mouth, storing memories for later. She'd pull out the precious nuggets one at a time, remembering this moment when she'd been pampered and treated like a queen. He took the liquid soap, lathered it on a loofah sponge and bathed her. She blinked back tears at how gentle and caring he was. She'd never forget him, never forget this. After he rinsed her hair, she took the sponge and returned the favor, enjoying the muscles across his back, chest and arms. He had an amazing body. She was careful around the dark bruises on his abdomen and chest, watching his reaction closely. He leaned forward and pecked her lips. The gesture warmed and moved her. She'd swear her heart leapt. He turned off the water. She bent to her knees, took hold of his rod and rolled it in her mouth. It felt so good. Erect, he was too big for her to fondle him as she did now. She teased his balls, tongued his slit and sucked until he was hard and dripping from the head. She placed kisses all over the mushroomed bulb in appreciation of a job well done.

He pulled her up and kissed her breathless. Strands of hair stuck to her back and chest. She pushed back, moving the hair from around her face. “Hair, gotta comb it before it tangles,” she said, breathing hard.

He nodded, stroking his rod. Her eyes followed the motions hungrily. What was it about him that made her so needy? He took the comb from her shaking fingers, pushed her on the bed and lifted the strands. She blinked, not realizing they'd made the trek from the other room.

“I like you,” she murmured, closing her eyes in pleasure as he massaged her scalp as he combed.

“I know.” She opened her eyes, watching him concentrate on her hair. Seeing his gentleness, her heart expanded.
I really like him
. Her eyes widened as the truth struck like lightning.

“What?” he frowned watching her. “What's wrong?”

I think I love you.
“Just thinking about something Fernando said.” He continued parting her hair.

“Yeah? What'd he say?”

“He was in love and wants to settle down.” She watched his reaction closely.

He laughed. Her heart hit the floor. “Somebody finally got to him, huh?”

“Yeah.” Words stuck in her throat. She stared at the floor wondering how the hell had this happened so fast? It was only supposed to be super-fantastic-see-ya-when-I see-ya sex. He'd warned her. He told her most women didn't like to leave him. Damn. What was she thinking?

“What are you thinking about so hard?” He'd stopped detangling her hair and stared at her in the mirror.

“His woman is gringa. He was concerned how I'd take it.” Smoke tugged on her hair. She looked at him.

“And how do you feel about his woman?” His voice held a hint of challenge, while his eyes held her captive.

She scoffed. “Fernando is my primo. Ah, you'd say cousin. I don't care who he's with as long as he's happy.”

Smoke nodded and continued to comb her hair. “But your family will have problems accepting her?”

.” She'd lapsed into her native tongue, a sign of her discomfort.

“How do they feel about Blacks?” She looked at him.

“Huh?” Hope, fragile but still there, rose. “What do you mean?”

“If you took me home, would they be upset.”

Yes. They only like their own
. “No, probably not.” It wouldn't matter to her one way or the other. She didn't have the same relationship within the family Fernando did. He actually cared and had a decent relationship with his parents. She did not.

“That doesn't bother you?”


“The prejudice. I mean I have friends of all races and ethnic groups. No group of people is better than the other. It's the individuals in the group that make the difference.”

She shrugged. It hadn't been that long ago she'd argued her point about whites with him. Since then, she'd learned what he just said was definitely true. All the men who worked with him were a close familial unit. Color wasn't an issue with them.

“No it doesn't bother me. It's the way they are.”

His brow rose. “They?” Her face heated under his knowing stare.“I'll have you know being around you and your friends have been an enlightening experience for me.” She laughed at his comical expression. “Yes, I admit I was wrong. And I'm so happy to be wrong. Your friends were all you said they were and more. It's been a pleasurable experience getting to know them.”

He bent and kissed her, lingering a little longer than warranted.

“I'm glad.” He moved to finish her hair.


Red, Ross and Smoke went to the address Julio had given Smoke the night before. Inside they found the balance of their stolen inventory and then some. Speechless they wandered through the warehouse, amazed at how much stuff there was with the company's name on the shipping labels. Obviously, Cathy, their former receptionist, had ordered materials in addition to helping the men steal directly from the office.

“I'll be damned,” Red said, hands on top of his head, a bewildered expression on his face. “It woulda took a long time to discover this much shit was missing.”

Smoke nodded as he bent to look at a pallet of expensive shingles. “Cathy ordered these and sent them to their jobsites, look here.” He pointed at the addresses on some of the inventory.

Ross nodded. “This is the break we needed to trace shit back to her. I'll contact the attorney as soon as we get back to the office.” His face was grim with determination.

“Thank God,” Red said with feeling. “We needed this.” He fist bumped Smoke and then Ross. A scratching sound from the back caught their attention. Ross looked at Smoke and walked around the side. Red moved to the other direction. Smoke headed to the back, the sound came again. He moved a few boxes and looked down. Tied up, naked and gagged lay Geary—or Top—the mastermind behind so many of the attacks against them.

Smoke sent a silent thank you to Julio. He had no idea how his friend had managed to get the man from prison, but he was sure Geary wouldn't be returning. Even if they didn't eliminate him, Julio's contacts would never allow this man to return to prison. For all intents and purposes, Geary was dead. No wonder Julio sounded so gleeful. The reach of his organization now extended behind prison walls, no one was truly safe. What a calling card. It was a sobering thought, and one he'd think about, later. Right now, he had an ass to kick. He smiled and looked at Red. It took his partner a minute to figure out who was on the floor, but a moment later, he stared at Smoke and then Ross and mouthed. “Geary?” Ross nodded and took off his coat and shirt. Red and Smoke did the same.

Ross moved the boxes from around the man and pulled him up by the ropes securing his wrists. He ripped the duct tape from his mouth. Geary grunted, but didn't cry out as pinpoints of blood beaded on his upper lip from the hair loss. Ross turned him toward Smoke and Red. Red walked over and punched him in the face, smiling at the spurt of blood from his broken nose. Geary grunted, heaving for breath as he leaned forward.

Red stepped back. Smoke walked over and kicked him in the balls, the force caused Ross to jump back as the man fell screaming and rolling on the ground. They watched as blood and tears mixed on his face, saturating the ground. A dark rage rolled through Smoke. This son of a bitch sent his slaves to shoot everyone in their office. And for what? Cause Ross kicked his ass? He bent down and grabbed Geary by the balls and squeezed.

“This is from your slave, Cameron.” Geary screamed as Smoke punched him in the balls. The skin broke, blood flowed from the wound. Red took his knife and cut the ropes binding the man. He stretched his arm outward, jumped and put his full weight on the hand, grinding his booted foot in an attempt to flatten the extremity. Geary's back arched up as he screamed, his voice hoarse.

“This is for sending your bitches to steal my shit.” He ground his heel into the hand, destroying the fine bones.

The three breathed heavily, watching the man fade in and out of consciousness. Smoke walked to the utility sink, turned on the water and filled a box. Moving quickly, leaving a trail of water, he threw what remained in the box on Geary. The man sputtered on the ground. Smoke removed the blindfold and looked him in the eye. Geary looked like he planned to spit on him. Without a thought, he pulled back his fist and punched him in the mouth. The man's head snapped back, headed for the concrete floor. Smoke caught him before he made contact.

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