Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Whiskey Neat (The Uncertain Saints MC Book 1)
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We both fell to the deck of the house boat in a heap, but it didn’t stop me.

I smashed my mouth down on his and moaned at the taste of him on my lips.

His mouth was just as demanding as mine, and suddenly I was flipped beneath him, no longer the initiator, but the receiver.

As in, he gave it to me, and I was expected to take it.

And take it I did.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him even closer to me.

His mouth took mine as his hands hastily started to yank at my skin tight jeans.

I lifted my hips to help him as he started to shove them down my hips.

At the same time, I started to pull the shirt up and over his head, but his cut got in the way of me doing that, and I growled in aggravation.

He pulled away from me, his beautiful eyes shining with laughter, as he took out first one arm, followed quickly by the other.

Then he hooked a hand in the collar at the back of his neck, and swiftly pulled his white t-shirt over his head, tossing it onto the deck at our sides.

I was thankful for the sides on the houseboat, which not only kept me from seeing out, but also the others, who I was sure were still avidly watching from the dock, from seeing in.

In the next second, Griffin was descending down my body, leaving sexy, wet kisses on my ribs just under my breasts.

Once he reached my belly, he pushed my shirt up and over my breasts, looking up my body as he slowly kissed each hip, one after the other.

Then his mouth moved even further down to my bare sex.

A bare sex that I’d just waxed completely for him.

“I like it,” he growled, then started feasting on me.

My back bowed as he sucked my clit into his mouth, circling the little bundle of nerves with his tongue as he did.

I gritted my teeth and raised my hands to grip a metal object above my head, not bothering to look and see what it was.

Mostly because all of my attention was on how Griffin’s head moved between my legs.

How his lips glistened with my wetness.

How his eyes sparkled as he watched me watch him.

The whole entire thing was fucking erotic as hell, and I couldn’t wait to do this over and over again.

But soon I stopped thinking, as two large fingers sank into my pussy, filling me up as he went deep.

“Mother fucker, you’re ready for me already,” he said roughly.

I nodded my head. “I haven’t had you in a very long time. Stop depriving me.”

He chuckled as he gave my pussy one long, languid lick from anus to clit, then kept moving up my body.

He went up onto his knees as he unbuttoned his pants then pushed them over his hips.

And I swallowed thickly as he pushed them far enough down for his erection and low hanging balls to swing free.

A growl rumbled in his throat as he saw the look on my face once I saw his cock, and he dropped down to a push up position above me, letting his hard dick tease the folds of my sex.

“I don’t have a condom,” he said, pushing into me slightly.

My eyes widened. “Then why’d you let me get this far!” I bellowed.

He smiled.

“You’re my woman?” He asked.

I nodded my head. “I’m your woman.”

“You want my babies?” He asked roughly.

Joy surged through me.

I nodded. “I want nothing more in this world than to have your babies. To be with you for the rest of my life,” I said, placing both of my hands on his bearded cheeks.

I was gifted with a brilliant smile, the same one that’d appeared on his face the moment he saw me riding in the boat towards him, and I loved it just as much now as I did just a few long minutes ago.

With the utmost care, he guided his cock back to my wet entrance, and slowly sank inside.

My eyes widened at the feeling of him so bare and hot inside of me.

He filled me up to the point of pain, and even further to the point where I thought I couldn’t take any more of him.

But I could…and I did.

He leaned forward and placed his mouth on mine, smothering my moan and filling me up until he was completely sheathed inside my heat.

“God,” he gasped, leaning forward to rest his forehead against my temple.

I realized he was being extremely careful not to hurt me in any way.

He knew that my head still pained me.

Also knew that I was supposed to be cautious…and that didn’t surprise me.

The man was extremely good at being in the know.

“Take me,” I pleaded.

He moved his head, his face a line of concentration and determination.

“I’m trying not to blow my load before we’ve even begun,” he said through gritted teeth.

I giggled.

His eyes narrowed.

“Stop moving,” he ordered.

I giggled harder.


Like a teenager.

Luckily, my man thought it was cute as hell.

“Do you know what those pictures did to me?” He asked. “Do you know how fuckin’ sexy you look with my name on your back?”

I shook my head.

He pulled all the way out, until his cock head just barely kissed my entrance, then surged back inside.

I gasped, pussy clenching around him.

He pulled back out, and followed it up with another brutal thrust.

And I came.

I was a two pump chump.

And he didn’t fare any better once he felt my juices start to slicken his way.

He lost control, pumping in and out of me frantically.


Short. Hard. Shallow, soft.

There was no rhythm at all to his movements as he came, long and hard.

He filled me up completely with his essence, and if we didn’t make a baby right then, I’d be astounded.

With the love the two of us shared, and the way we were so explosive when we came together, there was no way for us not to have created life out of that.

“I love you,” I whispered to him, wrapping my hands around his neck.

He ran his lips along my neck, up my jaw, to settle on my lips.

“I love you back. Over the fuckin’ moon. Past all the motherfuckin’ stars,” he said, locking his gaze with mine.

I snorted.

“That was eloquent.”

He shrugged, lowering himself until I was taking most of his weight.

“Don’t need eloquent. That’s what you’re for,” he said.

I rolled my eyes.

“You’ll have to marry me if you expect me to be your mouthpiece,” I teased.


We were married one week later.

My daddy walked me down the aisle.

My mother sat with her idol, Rayleigh Deen, and her husband, in the front row.

I was the happiest ‘Biker Bitch’ on the planet.


What do you marinate your meat in?



One week and a day later

“I could totally get used to this marriage thing,” I whispered, rolling over onto my belly and burying my face into the pillow.

Griffin rubbed my ass up and down, laughing as he said, “It’s only been a day. How do you know you’ll like being married to me?”

“Any more nights like the one we just spent together will obviously make me happy. All you have to do is give me one of those once a month, and it’ll be worth it,” I teased.

Griffin snorted in amusement, and I opened my eye that wasn’t squashed into the bed and stared at him.

“What’s so funny?” I mumbled, letting my eye drift closed once again.

He sat up, running his hand down the length of my exposed leg before he stood up and headed to the bathroom.

We’d forgone condoms since the boat, and consequently I had a mess that needed to be cleaned up.

Which was why a wet rag hit the exposed skin of my thigh, causing me to screech as the coolness clashed with my overheated skin.

“God!” I jerked up to my knees, tossing a scowl over my shoulder at the man who was currently laughing while he brushed his teeth.

I grabbed the rag and covered my pussy as I walked into the bathroom, making sure to bump into his back so his cock touched the freezing cold porcelain of the sink.

He growled and I laughed.

I was so happy I could cry.

Six months ago, I would’ve never expected my life to turn out like it had.

And while I got ready for my night at Uncertain Pleasures, and Griffin got ready for a night of surveillance on Caddo Lake, I wasn’t upset that we weren’t going to spend our entire night together.

We’d have many more days to come.

And as he wrapped his arms around me the moment I walked out of our bedroom, I once again was struck with how handsome he was.

How lucky I was for having the man in my life.

“Gotta go, Queenie,” he rumbled.

I turned in his arms, looking up at him, and studying him for a long moment before I smiled.

“Be careful.”

He shook his head. “Always am, Queenie. Love you.”

Then he was gone, and although the worry for him was there, I set it on the back burner, knowing his brothers would have his back.


Four weeks later

“Hey,” I said, shifting nervously from foot to foot as I watched him start undressing.

His eyes were heated, and knowing.

“It’s positive?” He asked.

I nodded.

“How’d you know?” I asked.

His eyes, those beautiful blue ones I loved so much, were shining now.

“I know your body even better than my own. I know the changes…saw you change
every day for the last week. A man knows when his woman’s knocked up,” he teased to hide the emotion pouring through him.

My mouth dropped open.

“You’re terrible,” I said, shaking my head and walking towards him,

He opened his arms to me, and I walked into them willingly, burying my nose into the crook of his arm.

The leather holster that crisscrossed his back and looped around each shoulder was pressed into my cheek, but I found that I quite liked the reassuring feel of it.

It signaled him as being home.

The leather and gun oil smell represented the start of a new day for us, and I counted on smelling it every night to ensure that he was safe.

His body was wound tight as I wrapped my arms around his chest, and I leaned my head back to study his face.

He was studying the ceiling with great concentration.

“You okay?” I asked softly.

His eyes tipped down to meet mine.

“More than okay,” he replied. “For the first time in a while I’m happy. I miss Tanner every single day, but it’s gotten to the point where I can make it through the day without breaking down. And that’s because of you. Of this.”

He pressed his large palm lightly against my belly and the tears pooling in my eyes spilled over and ran down my cheeks.

“Don’t cry,” he whispered, pressing kisses to my cheeks where the tears were streaming down my face. “This baby’s going to have one hell of a guardian angel in Tanner. Tanner always wanted a brother and sister.”

And for some reason, that only made me cry harder.


Six months later

I swear, sometimes I don’t even realize I’ve gotten as far away from reality as I have.

There I was, sitting on the kitchen floor, eating the cheesecake that’d just fallen off the counter onto the floor, thanks to a very rambunctious Doogan.

“Dammit,” I said, looking down at the pile on the floor. “I really, really wanted that.”

Luckily, I’d just swept and mopped the floor, otherwise I would’ve really been crying instead of doing what I was doing.

It was shameful, sure,
but it was a cheesecake!

One doesn’t simply pick a cheesecake up off the floor and throw it away.

If you’re a true lover of all things sweet, like I was this pregnancy, then you didn’t waste one single bit of the good stuff.

You did what you had to do.

Which was why as I was sitting on the floor, and heard the loud pipes of Griffin’s motorcycle pulling into the drive, I didn’t bother to get up.

Doogan was in the corner, looking at the pile of cheesecake with longing eyes, but I kept tossing him glares to ensure he didn’t think he was out of the proverbial doghouse.

The front door opened, then closed, and I took another scoop of cheesecake with my fork before looking up.

The moment Griffin made it into the kitchen, he stopped and stared.

I’d admit, this was even weird for me.

But again, it was

“I guess I don’t really ever have any idea what to expect from you,” Griffin said, walking up to me.

He dropped down onto his haunches next to me, gave me a quick peck on the lips, then walked to the counter where he poured himself a glass of whiskey.

Neat as always.

He was so predictable.

“One day you’re going to have to drink something other than whiskey neat. Maybe you should branch out. Have a beer first,” I teased, licking the fork I was using, then pointing it at him.

He grinned unrepentantly.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” he said by way of answer.

The front door to our place opened, and I looked up just as I’d scooped up another bite to see Mig enter with a thunderous scowl on his face.

It disappeared the moment he laid eyes on me, though.

His eyes went from my fork filled with a scoop of cheesecake, to the floor where the cheesecake splattered, to me, and then he smiled.

“I can always count on your weird wife getting me out of my funk,” Mig said, walking around me to Griffin.

He held out a file folder then grabbed a fork out of the drawer that held the silverware, then hunched down and scooped up a piece of cheesecake.

“These pregnancy cravings are a bitch,” Griffin supplied as he took the file folder from Mig.

“Good shit. Too bad it’s on the floor,” Mig said, pointing at the pile with his fork.

I smiled up at Mig, taking in his dark eyes, and black hair.

The black leather vest covering his shoulders denoted him a member of the Uncertain Saints MC.

Then I looked at his eyes and studied the black bags underneath.

“You okay, Mig?” I asked worriedly.

He scooped up another bite of cheesecake before answering.

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