Whispers of Home (12 page)

Read Whispers of Home Online

Authors: April Kelley

Tags: #Adult, #Mainstream, #Gay, #Glbt, #Contemporary, #erotic romance

BOOK: Whispers of Home
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He watched Travis take off his clothes. The casual way Travis went through the process spoke of his comfortableness. “I’ve never done this before,” Jaron said, looking at his hands in his lap. When Travis didn’t say anything, Jaron looked up at him. He had a disbelieving look on his face. Upon seeing that look Jaron realized how his words must have sounded. “I mean I’ve never made love before. I’ve had sex. Of course, you already know that. I remember telling you that the other day. What I mean is I’ve never had sex with someone that I cared about. Ever.”

“This will be a new experience for both of us.”

“Because you’ve never been with a guy before?”

“Well, that too. But what I meant was that I’ve never made love either. That’s what we’re gonna do though, Jaron. This is not just a fuck to me.” Travis walked across the room to stand in front of Jaron.

“Okay.” Travis was the most beautiful man Jaron had ever seen. Jaron must have had a look on his face that said he wanted to lick every inch of Travis’ luscious pale skin because Travis chuckled. “I’m glad you approve, baby.”

“Oh, I most definitely approve.” All he wanted in that moment was to get Travis on top of him. Then Jaron realized he was at a perfect sucking position. Before Jaron could do exactly that, Travis grabbed Jaron around the waist, picked him up, and threw him further up on the bed. Jaron was so startled by this show of dominance he was speechless, which said a lot considering he babbled when he was nervous.

Travis came down on top of him and Jaron let out a sigh of relief, not realizing until that moment how much he longed to have Travis’ weight on him, to feel his warmth surround Jaron’s body. He physically ached for Travis in a way that he never had with anyone else before. Travis smiled down at him, brushing the hair off his forehead. He kissed him lightly on the lips, not deepening the kiss at all.

The cowboy lifted his weight off of Jaron, but only slightly. “Take off your shirt.”

Jaron wiggled around enough to get his shirt up his body, then finally, off. Travis lowered himself back down onto Jaron’s body once again. Jaron closed his eyes and let out a sigh at the heat of the other man’s chest against his own. “That’s much better.”

“Yes.” Travis’ soft lips brushed gently against his own. Then lifted off to brush against his cheek. When Travis got to his neck, Jaron tilted his head to give him better access. “You smell good,” Travis whispered against his neck. “I could lay like this forever with you.” His next kiss held a hint of tongue.

With each little wet trail of sensation Travis peppered against Jaron’s skin, he fell apart a little more. He felt fractured, little pieces of him were scattered all over the bed. Travis kept picking up the pieces only to scatter them again and each time Jaron felt a little more helpless.

“I love you,” Travis whispered against Jaron’s ear. That’s when Jaron lost it, although the tears were slow, just a trickle down the sides of his face. The burning Jaron felt in his chest eased, as if the burning in his heart represented itself in tears and was slowly trickling out with each tear that slid down his face. Jaron’s tears spread between them as Travis nuzzled against his cheek.

Travis lifted up to look into Jaron’s face, his left arm taking most of the weight off of Jaron. There were questions in his eyes so Jaron explained. “Happy tears. I love you too, Travis.” Travis smiled and leaned down for a kiss, his hand gently cupping the side of his face, his thumb slid back and forth across his cheek. This time the kiss turned heated, deepening quickly. Travis’ mouth claimed Jaron’s, his tongue thrusting in to taste. This kiss was one of possession. As the kiss progressed Travis glided his hand down Jaron’s neck to his shoulder, then caressed his side until he reached his hip. Travis undid the button on his pants and slid his hands under taking his underwear along with them. Travis’ hands were like magic as they skimmed over his dick ever so briefly. Travis lifted off him but came back quickly when Jaron was fully naked. He moved his body so that he could lay half-on, half-off of Jaron.

His hard cock slid along Jaron’s hardness when the other man moved. Jaron thrust involuntarily only meeting air. He whimpered at the loss of Travis’ body weight pressing him down. Travis rested his cock against Jaron’s hip, moving against it shallowly, twice before he moved away.

Jaron watched as Travis stretched out to open the side table drawer. Jaron couldn’t resist touching. He ran his hand over defined abdominal muscles, gliding up to run his hands through the blond hairs on the man’s chest. Travis rummaged around briefly before finding what he was looking for. Shutting the door with his closed fist, he came back to Jaron and returned to the kiss. Jaron wrapped his hands around Travis’s shoulders, attempting to pull him on top, wanting the heat back. Travis wouldn’t be budged though. Instead, Travis gripped Jaron’s cock and just held him in his hand. At the contact, Jaron instinctively thrust up into the pressure. Travis seemed to take the hint and slid his hand up and down in shallow pumps. Jaron moaned into Travis’ mouth and canted his hips forward, wanting more.

Travis’ hand left for just a second then returned. It was slick with lube now and the slippery heat felt delicious. Jaron pulled off of Travis’ mouth when the need for air became too much. He panted, “More. Oh God. I need...”

“What do you need?” Travis breathed against Jaron’s neck.

“Put your finger in me. Please, Travis.”

“Mmmm.” Travis licked the side of his neck at the same time he slid a wet, slicked up finger down Jaron’s balls to his hole. He swirled around the pucker for so long, driving Jaron slowly insane. Finally, Travis pushed in, pulling out halfway, before pushing in again. Jaron lifted his hips, wanting closer, wanting more of the tingling sensations running through his body. Travis pushed and pulled a couple more times before Jaron was said, “One more.” Jaron ran his hand over Travis’ hip, gripping the side of his ass, encouraging the other man’s thrusts against him.

Travis did as requested, adding another finger along with the first. He created a rhythm after that, so seamless Jaron only felt a small pressure when a third finger was added. Jaron was quickly becoming addicted to Travis’ touch. He tried to meet every push into him so that Travis’ fingers would go deeper. Jaron’s desperation grew so high his body was not his own. It moved closer to Travis until Jaron was on top, straddling the other man’s hips. Fingers fell out of him and then held his hips loosely. Jaron grabbed onto the base of Travis’ cock and sank down as fast as he could without hurting himself too much. He watched as Travis’ mouth fell open and his eyes grew heavy lidded, the bliss clearly written on his face.

The slight burn made Jaron nearly stop his downward decent and his head fell back, his eyes closing when the tingling in his body centered at his groin. When he felt Travis’ thighs on his ass, the hair on his body tickling, he stopped and released the breath he had been holding.

Travis’s hands ran up and down his spine. When Jaron caressed the bigger man’s cheek, Travis leaned into the touch, kissing the part of his palm he could reach with his lips. Jaron fell forward, touching lips to lips, demanding the possession Travis had shown him earlier. Travis didn’t disappoint. Jaron opened when Travis demanded it. When his tongue thrust in so did his cock. Jaron’s own hips pitched downward to meet the pace Travis set.

The cock in his ass rubbed over his prostate again and again, making him break the kiss to cry out in pleasure. “That’s good. Right there. Yeah.” Travis allowed a few more thrusts before he suddenly flipped Jaron onto his back. Travis’ prick fell out of him but he quickly righted that problem. Jaron wrapped his legs around Travis’ waist, his fingers buried in soft blond hair. The pace was slower this time, pure wonderful torture. Travis touched Jaron’s face, his eyes scanning every feature.

“Love you, baby.” Travis buried his face in Jaron’s neck. “Love you,” he whispered against Jaron’s neck.

The friction the thrusts inadvertently created against Jaron’s cock, along with Travis rubbing his cock over Jaron’s prostate again and again, proved to be too much. Sparks flew down Jaron’s chest to his cock. His come flowed between their abdomens and his hole tightened around the cock in his ass.

“Tight,” Travis moaned. He bottomed out, his rhythm breaking as the orgasm took over.

He didn’t pull out right away or move. Jaron lowered his legs but still kept his fingers in the other man’s hair.

A smile touched Travis’ lips and Jaron returned it. Travis rubbed his face against Jaron’s. “I can’t ever get enough of you.”


“Yeah. Can’t you feel it?”

“Yeah.” Jaron could feel it. He wanted to crawl inside Travis and make himself a home.

“You have my heart, baby.”


Jaron woke when an alarm went off. He never even realized Travis had set an alarm. He fell asleep fast and always had, never one to linger awake for even a few minutes once his head hit the pillow. Usually it was hard for him to stay asleep and he ended up roaming the house at all hours of the early morning. The man, who was currently snuggled up to his back, felt so comfortable and so safe Jaron had no problem getting a full night of sleep. An arm reached around him to hit a button on the alarm clock. That arm curled around him, drawing him in even closer to the warmth of Travis’ body after the alarm went off.

Lips brushed against his hair, nuzzling against the softness of Jaron’s curls.

“What do you say we play hooky and lay in bed all day? We can make Jackson bring us food,” Travis said into his hair.

“Sounds great. But Bobby has to go to school. And your mom might fire me.”

“You are not realizing Jackson’s full potential as our servant. Plus, my mom thinks you walk on water, so you’re golden there.”

“What about the ranch?”

“Jackson can do that, too.”

The door to their room banged open and Bobby came barreling in. He jumped on the bed, on top of both men, looking down at them both with his innocent blue eyes. “Jackson said for me to tell you to get up.”

“Tell Jackson to go fall off a cliff,” Travis said, burrowing into Jaron’s warmth.

“‘K,” Bobby said, and barreled off of them, running from the room. “Jackson! They said for you to go fall off a cliff,” he yelled as he ran down the stairs.

“Be careful on the stairs, Bobby,” Jaron yelled out.

“I am Daddy!” Could be heard throughout the entire house.

Travis sighed and got out of bed. Jaron was instantly cold when Travis’ body was gone from his. “Let’s shower, baby.” Travis pulled Jaron into his arms, hugging the life out of him. “So sexy in the morning. If we shower together, will that scar Bobby for life?”

“He just saw us snuggling in bed together so I doubt knowing that we bathed together will do much harm. But I think if we shower together it will be at least an hour before we would get downstairs and neither of us have that kind of time. How about you go first and I get Bobby ready for school?”

“Okay, fine. But know that I’m not happy about this,” Travis said, but winked at him. Jaron chuckled. “You are so fucking cute, you know that?”

“Men are not cute.”

Travis released him to pull on some underwear. Jaron located his own clothes from yesterday. He hated putting on the clothes he wore the day before but it was all he had here.

He followed Travis to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Jaron watched as Travis took off his underwear, bending slightly at the waist. Oh dear Lord, but this man was beautiful. Bending to turn the water on, Jaron got a front row seat to the man’s ass. He couldn’t help but reach out and run his hands over the globes. “You’re the one that’s gorgeous. God, your body is amazing.”

Travis stood and leaned into Jaron’s touch. “You keep doing that, baby, and we won’t make it out of the house today.”

“Okay, okay,” Jaron said with a sigh, releasing him. Travis slid into the shower. “Would you be able to take Bobby and I to my mom’s house this morning? I want Bobby to change before school.” Jaron bit his lips. “I want to pack some clothes up for tomorrow. And the rest of this week.” Jaron had every intention of following through on moving in on his day off. Honestly, he did but the thought of sleeping anywhere but in Travis’ bed made his heart ache.

“Of course, baby. I can take him by the house and pick up what you need. I can drop him off at school too.”

“Thank you.” Jaron pulled back the shower curtain just in time to see water cascade down Travis’ body. Travis’ hair clung tight to him and darkened to a burning red. Jaron leaned in for a wet kiss and received what he desired. “I’m going to make Bobby breakfast. See you in ten.”

“Sure thing, sweetness.”

“Okay, sugar plum.”

Travis’ laughter followed Jaron down the stairs.


* * * *


Travis drove to Gloria McAllister’s house, Jaron sitting beside him and Bobby was in the back strapped in to a booster-seat. Jaron had a quiet, peaceful presence that appealed to him. Travis had always been a little high strung, maybe even a little hyperactive at times, although he had mellowed out in the last few years. He matured. Jaron seemed to balance him out more than he ever thought possible.

Travis looked over at Jaron, catching the man looking at him. Travis smiled and grabbed the hand resting on the seat between them. Travis held Jaron’s hand gently.

“Daddy,” Bobby said from the backseat.

“Yes.” Jaron gave Travis a knowing smirk, as if he could read the kid’s mind and already knew what he was going to say.

“I love you. And I think I should stay home from school today. Brownie might get very lonely without me.”

“I love you too. Brownie is coming to work with me.”

“I think I should come to work with you too.”


Travis chuckled. Bobby was quiet for several minutes. Travis caught his eye through the rearview mirror. Bobby’s blue eyes sparkled with mischief. The kid was up to something. “Do you love me like you love my daddy?”

Travis’ eyes widened. He looked over at Jaron, wanting help, but Jaron looked as shell-shocked as he was. “I love you as much as I love your daddy, yes.”

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