White Collar Cowboy (3 page)

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Authors: Parker Kincade

BOOK: White Collar Cowboy
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Chapter Four

It was dark by the time Lauren arrived at the house on Galveston Island.

Gavin hadn’t been kidding about it being secluded. Pinpricks of light indicated houses in the distance, but she felt certain she could scream her head off and no one would come running.

True to his word, Gavin had sent the address to her phone. Just the address. No personal words to assure her, not even a hello. So, she hadn’t responded.

She didn’t plan to stay long anyway. A day or two, tops. Long enough to satisfy Faith’s drivel about signs, and her own curiosity about Gavin’s life away from the office. Then she’d text him, thank him, and send his key back.

She pulled her bag from the back. The gentle melody of waves caressing the shore accompanied her as she walked to the front door.

After living in New York City for so long, being out here made her feel cut off. Alone. What had she been thinking? She couldn’t even cook. Not well, anyway.

Momentary panic made her chuckle. She had her phone and laptop; she wasn’t exactly cut off. If she started going through withdrawals, she could always use the Internet on her phone. This was her first vacation in … well … ever. She no longer had a job or a team to interrupt her every waking moment. She should take advantage of it while she could.

She felt more than a little ridiculous at the way her nerves shook as she let herself in. It wasn’t as if she was breaking and entering for chrissake. Gavin had invited her. She had the right to be here. Her breath caught as she got her first glimpse. And
was magnificent.

The lights were apparently on some kind of timer, because soft light glowed throughout the room, giving it a candlelit, romantic feel. An oversized couch and chair surrounded a massive fireplace. The room was warm, inviting. She could definitely see herself curled up on that couch with a book and a glass of wine.

A round table with four chairs separated the living area from the kitchen on her left, where the modern, stainless steel appliances glimmered against the night. But, it was the view that caused her to drop her suitcase and move forward, as if in a trance. The wall of windows, broken only by a large sliding glass door, enticed her with a stunning landscape. The moon reflected off the water like a beacon, calling her to come and let the waves wash away the last twenty-four hours.

All of a sudden, she was tired. Tired of not taking risks, tired of not experiencing her life outside the boardroom. She wanted to be impulsive and free.

She had plenty of time to investigate the house later. Right now, she wanted to dig her toes in the sand. She tossed her luggage to the couch and threw it open. She stared at the contents. Did she dare to skinny dip? It was dark, and she hadn’t seen any houses close. No one would see her, right?

Jerking her bikini from the case, her laugh startled the quiet from the room. Her bravado only went so far. Maybe tomorrow night, after she’d had time to check out the area in the light of day.

She turned her back to the windows and shimmied out of her slacks and panties. The bikini bottom she settled over her hips didn’t cover any less, but wearing it made her feel infinitely sexier than the plain cotton panties she’d shucked. Its sapphire blue hue sparkled in the light and her chest warmed with pleasure. Her body was probably too soft for something so decadent. Not soft, curvy. That’s what she was. It didn’t matter how many crunches she did, her belly would never be completely flat, nor could she change the flare of her hips.

And she didn’t care.

The wicked pleasure of wearing something so beautiful overpowered her insecurities.

The sound of waves lulled her as she unbuttoned her blouse. The material slipped from her shoulders and fluttered to the floor. Eyes closed, she breathed deeply. The scent of salt water and fresh sea air held a hint of something else. Something warm and deeply masculine.


She’d known this would happen, so she didn’t fight it. Had spent the entire flight coming to terms with her choice to be in his personal space, surrounded by the ghost of the man when what she really craved was him, flesh and blood.

She unhooked her bra and let it follow the path of her shirt. His scent driving her on, she ran her hands over her breasts, imagining his rough palms caressing her. Pleasure rippled over her skin and her nipples tightened. Lauren puffed out a breath and dropped her hands, poor substitutes for her desires.

Jeez, the water better be cold, because her libido needed a serious time-out. She bent to pick up the top of her bikini.

A throat cleared behind her and she jumped, turned, a scream on her lips as she smacked her palms against her bared breasts.

Holy shit!

Her heart pounded in her chest. A man filled the doorway. Dripping wet. And completely naked.

Before she could stop, her gaze tracked down the hard plane of his chest, his six-pack abs, to the dark patch of hair at his groin.

Oh god, she was in trouble.

She swallowed hard.

Very. Big. Trouble.

* * *

Time slipped away
as Gavin made his way down the beach. His muscles ached, but he pressed on, his stride strong and sure. Running helped to clear his head, even if it couldn’t purge his guilt.

What had he been thinking, inviting Lauren here? Not that she’d come. He was sure her embarrassment, her pride, would keep her away. He should be glad. He’d done enough. He’d be a reminder of what she’d lost.

Fuck, it was all his fault. He should’ve tried harder to talk some sense into those jackasses he worked with. He should’ve made them see letting Lauren go wasn’t the answer. Better yet, he should’ve realized his decision to move home and take over Shadow Maverick Ranch—his family’s livelihood, his legacy—would have consequences.

Gavin cursed and dug in, pushing his lungs to the limit. By the time his house came into view, the night had settled in. He stopped, panting, his legs ready to buckle, and kicked off his shoes. The rest of his clothes quickly followed, thrown to join his shoes as the waves lapped at his ankles.

He loved to swim after a run. The cool water eased his heated muscles, and it gave him an opportunity to stretch his limbs without getting sand in places he’d prefer remained … sandless. The sky was clear, a billion stars and the moon to light his way, but he wouldn’t last long. His legs felt like rubber even as he let the waves carry him away from the shore. He slipped into an easy crawl, letting his arms propel him forward while his legs moved, gently kicking to keep him afloat.

He’d given his notice over a month ago, thinking to give his bosses plenty of time to find a replacement. Had even offered to help in the search. Never had he expected them to sell his contracts to another firm and change the direction of the company.

The higher-ups must’ve been considering this option for quite some time in order to make the change so quickly. They didn’t pull a complete company restructure out of their asses.

That realization didn’t help. In fact, it pissed him off even more.

He wasn’t the one who’d been blindsided. His need to be close to his family, to take over the business operations of the ranch so his dad could finally retire,
had been his choice.

Lauren hadn’t been given a choice. Hadn’t been given time to plan, to have her life packed up and shipped home as he’d done over the last few weeks, with the exception of his office, which would be packed and shipped by his former secretary in the coming week. He’d signed the sale papers on his flat just yesterday.

He’d had time.

Gavin punched through the water, anger and frustration propelling him as though he’d been born with fins.

His reasons for coming home were about more than the need, the desire, to help his family. He was connected to Shadow Maverick Ranch—the land, the cattle, the homestead. London might’ve been where he’d hung his hat for more than a decade, but the ranch was where his heart lived. It was home. He’d grown up there, as had his dad, and his dad before him. Hell, he’d known more about raising cattle than many adult ranchers by the time he was ten.

And he’d lived for the time he could leave it all behind.

Backbreaking days that never ended, pulling fence and wrestling fickle livestock. Oh no, not him. He’d wanted something different, fool that he was back then. So, he’d gone to college, worked hard, got a degree, pursued a career that had left him financially stable, but empty at heart.

His brothers called him a desk jockey. Maybe they were right. He enjoyed his work, but ranching was in his blood. When his dad had asked him to come home, Gavin hadn’t needed a lot of convincing.

He could do both, be a desk jockey and be a part of the ranch. His brothers could handle the livestock, but they needed him to manage the overall operation of the ranch, help them grow, and preserve their legacy for future generations. And when he had the urge to get down and dirty, well, he knew his brothers wouldn’t complain about the extra set of hands.

Circling the buoy, he swam back toward the shore.

Would Lauren understand, forgive him for being the cause of her current situation? She was an only child, loved her parents, but she’d mentioned once they weren’t close. Not like his family, who’d remained a constant in his life even when he’d been overseas.

Gavin reached the shore and dragged his tired limbs from the water. He snatched up his clothes and walked, naked and unconcerned, up to the house. His legs protested as he climbed the stairs to the porch. Maybe he had overdone it a little, but he resisted falling into one of the deck chairs, instead dropping his stuff outside the door as he slid it open. A quick shower to rinse the Gulf from his skin, maybe a beer or two, and he was done.

As he breeched the threshold, a movement to the left caught his attention and he turned, completely gobsmacked by what he found.

His weakened limbs found the renewed strength to hold him in place, standing completely still so as not to shatter the vision before him.

She was here. She was

Gavin watched in utter fascination as Lauren slipped the shirt from her shoulders. Inch by gorgeous inch, she unknowingly revealed her back to him. The creamy skin made his mouth water. His body tensed and he yearned to reach out, to touch, to tease, to pleasure.

Obviously, she thought she was alone. He should make his presence known. Shouldn’t stand here and watch as she unhooked her bra. And definitely shouldn’t watch as she … sweet mercy, was she caressing her—

A flash of lust burned through him. Gavin licked his lips, his tongue suddenly desperate for something to do. His gaze focused on the movement of her arms as she cupped her breasts. He’d give anything to know what, who she was thinking about right now. He wanted it to be him, hoped it was him. It was wrong, so wrong, yet he remained still, transfixed, waiting to see what she did next.

A tiny sound emerged from her throat, and his cock hardened in response. Her arms dropped. So did his gaze. The shimmering blue panties she wore didn’t quite cover her butt cheeks and he groaned as she bent to pick up what appeared to be a bikini top. Not panties then. Jesus, she was changing into a bathing suit. Not performing some kind of erotic strip tease.

Lauren spun, slapping her palms to her breasts. Not fast enough to keep him from seeing her tawny nipples, both drawn up to tight little buds.

Her gaze drifted over him, lingering over his chest before heading lower. Her eyes widened as she took in the rest of him. “W-what are you doing here?”

He made no attempt to cover himself. “It’s my house.” Simple, to the point. Truth. And all he was capable of at the moment.

Her fingers tightened, her breasts threatening to spill from the confines of her small, delicate hands. Hands he’d like to replace with his own.

“That’s not what I meant. You said you were leaving tonight.”

He nodded slowly. “Yes, and I did. You never asked me where I was going.”

“So, you asked me to come, but thought I wouldn’t if I knew you’d be here?”

He could practically hear the gears turning in her head. And he appreciated the fact she was pleased with what she saw, but she was making coherent thought damn near impossible.

“Staring at it like that is only going to make it worse, sweetheart,” he said gently.

Her eyes snapped up, a light blush staining her cheeks. “Like what?”

“Like it’s candy.” She was killing him. He couldn’t remember ever being so hard. The stubborn set of her chin, the darkening of her eyes, everything about her intrigued him, called to him.

“I need a shower.” The saltwater from his swim was already starting to make his skin itch, and he needed to get the hell away before he tossed her to the couch and fucked her blind.

He looked her up and down again, taking full advantage of his first opportunity to see her body, the curves that had tempted him for so long. She was even more beautiful than he’d imagined. Lean, muscular legs, rounded hips and an ass he’d like to sink his hands into. Breasts too big for her smaller hands, but perfect for his.

“Unless you’d like to join me, I’d suggest you put on something more substantial.” He glanced pointedly the apex of her legs. “Because knowing I’m one scrap of material from having you naked is driving me crazy.” As if she hadn’t seen the rock-hard evidence of his arousal already.

Slowly, her lips curled upward. “Well, I seem to remember you telling me I could help myself to anything I wanted.” She dropped her hands, baring her nipples for his view. “So, yes, Gavin. I think a shower sounds perfect.”

Chapter Five

Did I really just say that?

Yes, yes she did. And as she stood there, half naked and letting him look his fill, she’d never been more sure of anything in her life. She didn’t need a sledgehammer to the head to catch this particular sign from the universe.

There was nothing to stop her from bringing a few of her fantasies to life. They didn’t work together anymore. She deserved a little pleasure after the day she’d had. The way he looked at her, heavy-lidded and hard—Jesus, so hard—promised much pleasure to be had.

It would be the perfect start to her new life.

And she didn’t want to wait all night.


As if the sound of her voice kicked him into action, he closed the distance. His expression hungry, he locked an arm around her waist and jerked her against him. She gasped at the shock of the skin-on-skin contact. The rigid length of his erection pressed against her as she pushed to her tiptoes, arms circling his neck. Warm, solid, muscles tensed as if barely contained. She hadn’t realized how badly she’d wanted this. Gavin’s arms around her. Touching, being touched.

“Shower it is, sweetheart,” he rasped. “But, first…”

He bent his head, brushing his lips over hers. She tilted her head, eyes closed, lost in the sensation of his lips. A contradiction of soft and firm, Gavin tasted her as if he were trying to memorize her lips, burn the memory of this first kiss into their brains for all time. Licking, sucking, nipping until she squirmed in his arms.

A hand stroked down her back and came to rest at the band of her bikini. Fingers toyed across the delicate material. “I’ve been dying to do this for years.”

The kiss that came next resembled the body that held her. Demanding. Hard. Unforgiving. His tongue pressed in, stroking, tasting, giving her exactly what she wanted. Desire coiled in her stomach and the flesh between her thighs turned slick with need.

When he pulled back, she didn’t have time to think before he scooped her into his arms and carried her through the house and into an enormous bathroom.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She loved this part, the excitement of the unknown. Would he take her nice and easy, or rough and fast? Would he ensure her pleasure, or expect her to find it on her own? God, that would be disappointing, but certainly not the first time a lover had left her to her own devices.

“I’ve wanted you to do that, too,” she admitted as he set her back on her feet.

He reached into a drawer and grabbed a condom before he closed the glass door, shutting them into a shower big enough for at least two more people.

“Oh, yeah?” His fingers feathered the side of her breast. “Had I known, I might not have waited so long to oblige.” He cupped her breasts, his fingers toying with her nipples. “What about this, Lauren? Have you thought about me doing this?”

“Mmm.” She arched into him. “Yes. And more,” slipped out before she could stop it.

His chuckle was deep and entirely male. “More, huh?”

A hand ran up her thigh, his knuckles brushing the material covering her sex. A whisper, nothing more, yet she’d felt it all the way to her toes.

“Get these off, sweetheart. I’m inclined to see you in that bikini later, and if I have to do it, it won’t come off in one piece.” He tugged at the elastic, then left her to complete the job. He turned a few knobs, and cursed as water splashed over him.

“Fuck, that’s cold.”

Lauren kicked her bikini aside and pressed her chest to his back, snaking her hands around his waist. She traveled up the ropes of muscle, her thumbs finding and flicking over his nipples before spreading her fingers and heading south. “Not too cold, I hope.”

“You tell me.” He grabbed her wrist and moved her hand to his cock. Thick and heavy, she wrapped her hand around him and stroked up, her thumb teasing over the silky head.

“Not cold. Hot. Oh!” She jumped in surprise, releasing him as water came at them from all directions then—raining down from overhead. From jets, strategically placed within the shower’s tile walls, massaging her back, butt, and thighs.

Gavin turned to face her, a predatory grin dimpling his cheeks as he licked his lips. He was gorgeous, glistening wet, his eyes glazed with need. He took her breath away.

“Now, where were we?”

He took her mouth again and Lauren was lost. Hands were everywhere at once. Demanding, urgent. His—down her spine, fingers digging into the flesh of her ass, drawing her closer. Hers—grasping tight, broad shoulders, fingers lacing around his corded neck as she arched into him.

He broke the kiss and trailed his lips down her throat, over her collarbone. “I hope you’re planning to stay awhile.”

“Why is that?” A shudder racked her body as his thigh rode up between her legs, supporting her weight in the most delicious manner.

Her shoulders met the wall of the shower. His chuckle was dark, promising. “It’ll take at least a week, maybe more, to satisfy all the naughty things I’ve imagined doing with you.”

As if to demonstrate, he captured a nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth. An insistent pulse beat in her pussy, her body craving, desperate for whatever he had in mind.

“How about you start right now?” she panted and rocked against him, the hair on his legs teasing the bare lips of her sex.

“Your wish is my command, gorgeous.” He nipped and nuzzled before releasing her breast. Slowly, so slowly, he lowered his leg, removing the stimulation. “Keep your hands here,” he said as he spun her to face the wall and placed her palms flat against the tile.

“What are you—” She tried to turn back, but he tightened his hold. She didn’t want to keep her hands there, she wanted to touch him, feel him.

“Trust me,” he whispered against her ear. “You’ll like this.” His tone held the promise of naughty delights.

She gasped as he quickly adjusted a few of the jets. She tried to step back, to turn away as water pinged her nipples.

“Wait. Give it a minute.” His hands tightened on her waist, effectively holding her still.

Blood rushed to the surface of her skin and her body became a mass of wildly sensitive nerve endings. Her nipples ached, a sensation bordering on pain, as the jets continued their torment. She held still, intrigued and wanting to please him, to discover what he’d do next.

His wicked fingers played over her skin, teasing her belly button as warm water played havoc on her breasts. He moved lower, strong fingers toying over her mound, lower still. His palms pressed against her inner thighs.

“Spread your legs for me, baby. Slide your feet apart, I’ve got you,” he coached as she did what he asked.

Thumbs parted her folds, held her as the cool air and warm water danced over her flesh. She cried out, her thighs trembling as a subtle shift opened her to more torment, another stream of water aimed precisely at …
oh my god.

“Gavin.” A whimper left her lips as a finger breeched her opening and slid deep.

“You’re so beautiful, Lauren. Wet and ready for me.” His breath tickled her ear. “I’ve thought about this, you know. About touching you.”

His finger eased out, spreading moisture over her swollen folds before flicking at her clit.

The man was talented. He was going to make her come with water and a finger, but she wanted more than that. Needed more.

Her fingers curled against the tile as she thrust her hips back, losing the sensation of the water, but gaining the feel of his erection pressed hard against the cleft of her ass.

“Is this how you want me to fuck you, Lauren?” He shifted and she felt the head of his cock nudge her opening. “From behind? Balls deep until you scream?”

Behind, in front, upside down. She didn’t care as long as he did

She loved he was so raw, so blatant, as if driven by primal need rather than a need to be polite. She didn’t want polite. The suave, controlled Gavin of the boardroom would’ve never asked her how she wanted to be fucked. Sweet heaven,
Gavin, was much more powerful, more intimidating, than when dressed in his finest business suit.

And more terrifying, because she couldn’t have him for more than a fling.

“I asked you a question, sweetheart.”

The subtle reminder at her ear was accompanied by a light nip at the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. A nip the devil on her shoulder took as a challenge.

She brushed water out of her eyes and craned her neck to look over her shoulder. “And if I don’t answer?”

He shoved his hair off his forehead and tilted his head, allowing water to wash over his face. When he looked at her again, his dimples were back, softening the heat in his gaze. “Then I’ll get to live out two fantasies, right here in this shower.” She forgot to breathe as a warm, wet palm caressed the globe of her ass, forgot to think as that hand dished out a playful swat. “What’s it gonna be, baby doll? I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to wait to slide into your beautiful pussy.”

“Do it,” she groaned and pushed back, not sure if she’d just agreed to be spanked or fucked.

Not sure she cared either way.

* * *

Gavin was burning alive. His need to go s
low, to savor his first taste of the amazing woman in his arms, charred to ash as she gave him one of the sexiest, standing-lap-dance moves he’d ever seen.

Everywhere he touched … pure silk. She trembled under his hands, in anticipation or trepidation, he didn’t know. Didn’t care. If he did decide to spank her luscious ass as he’d insinuated, she’d enjoy it. He’d make damn sure of it.

For now though … he trailed his fingers across her hip, her belly, down through the neat little patch of curls on her mound. Her folds were smooth, wet, and his cock throbbed in agony as he pondered going to his knees, taking her in his mouth until she came all over his lips.

“God, what are you waiting for?”

Jesus, her needy plea had his hands shaking like a teenager as he turned the lever to cut off the water, then flipped the switch to open the steam vents.

“Hands on the bench,” he demanded as he grabbed the condom and rolled it on.

He caught her smile as she slapped her hands against the marble seat. The curve of her back deepened as she lowered her shoulders and wiggled her ass in blatant invitation.

“Like this?”

He needed to be inside her. Now.

“Oh yeah,” he stepped behind her and positioned the head of his cock at her opening. “Perfect.”

Combined groans filled the space as he eased into her moist heat. Lauren arched her hips, taking him deeper. He sank deep and stilled, giving her time to adjust. Fuck, she was tight.

He felt her impatience, knew she was close. He rocked his hips, shallow at first, as he focused on the subtle signs of her body. The soft whimpers coming from her throat, the rise and fall of her breath, the slick channel holding him snug as a glove. With a final thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, gritting his teeth against the sweet agony of her pussy tightening around him.

“Harder, Gavin. Please,” she panted.

Gavin loved that she wasn’t afraid to ask for what she wanted. Such a turn-on. He bent closer and placed a kiss on the back of her neck. The steam surrounding them was tinged with her scent, wildflowers and arousal. He fucking loved that scent.

“My pleasure, baby.” He shifted his feet and tightened his hands on her hips, holding her in place. He pulled back, then surged into her again.

He forgot everything except the back and forth that propelled him to paradise. Her body tightened a moment before she cried out and when her pussy contracted, pulsed around him, he exploded in a burst of ecstasy that left him gasping for air.

“That was…” There weren’t words adequate enough to finish his sentence.

“The best shower ever?” she offered.

“Without a doubt.” He pulled from her and quickly disposed of the condom.

He kissed her forehead, her eyelids, the tip of her cute little nose. He wrapped his arms around her. She uttered a happy sigh and snuggled into his chest. “What do we do now?”

Gavin suspected she meant their relationship, but he wasn’t ready to talk about that yet. Not while his body hummed with pleasure and they were still naked.

“I vote for a proper shower, and then you let me take you to bed.”

“Hmm, bed sounds nice. I could use some sleep.”

“Oh no, baby doll,” he flipped a lever, laughing at her squeak of protest as cool water washed over them. “I didn’t say anything about sleep.”

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