White Collar Cowboy (4 page)

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Authors: Parker Kincade

BOOK: White Collar Cowboy
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Chapter Six

Lauren awoke to the sounds of waves hitting the beach, a warm breeze filtering the salty sea air through the screens on the windows.

She stretched, stiff in spite of the comfortable bed. The activity that had taken place on the enormous mattress had her body aching in the most interesting places.

Gavin had been insatiable, testing her limits again and again before they’d fallen into an exhausted sleep. He was demanding and attentive as he learned her body. He knew what she needed without words or instruction. He drove her to the brink, pushed her higher than she’d ever thought possible, then cradled her as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her.

Was she complaining? No. Was he dangerous to her heart? Oh, hell yes.

Being with Gavin was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. How was she going to survive without him when even now, sated and happy, she craved his touch? She brought the sheet to her nose, drawing in his spicy scent. Oh yeah, she was in a world of trouble.

Easing from the bed, she put her feet on the floor, gingerly sliding weight to her legs. A little wobbly, but they’d hold her up. Get a cup of coffee in her and she’d be good to go. And she was dying to check out the beach.

After brushing her teeth and hair, she put on yoga pants and a tank top, and padded on bare feet to the kitchen.

“There you are.” Gavin sat at the table, shirtless—to her delight—his laptop open in front of him. “You’re working?” She had to bite her tongue to keep from asking more. Clearwater wasn’t her problem anymore, but it didn’t stop her instincts from firing. She didn’t want to care, really she didn’t, but there was no magical switch to turn off twelve years of hard work.

“No. Just sending a few files to my investment consultant.”

“Wait a minute,” she arched a suspicious brow. “I thought you said this place didn’t have Internet.”

He glanced up, a smirk teasing the corners of his mouth. “Yeah, I wasn’t entirely truthful about that. There’s no hard line into the house, but…”

“You have wireless access.” She had a crazy urge to drop into his lap and kiss him. Her body responded to his proximity, yearned for his touch as if she’d been without it for weeks instead of hours. She felt no morning-after awkwardness, no embarrassment over the things he’d done to her, the screams he’d pulled from her throat.

She felt … happy. Which, under the circumstances, was a welcome surprise. “Ah, the truth comes out, Mr. Mathis. Your deceit to get me into bed knows no bounds,” she teased.

His smile slowly died, replaced by a look she couldn’t comprehend.

“Lauren. I—”

“Whoa.” She raised her palms to stay him. “Kidding. And anyway, I was a willing participant. No coercion necessary.” She indicated the coffee pot. “Do you mind?”

“Help yourself.”

“Thanks. So, even though you tried to trick me into relaxing, I’m actually relieved to know there’s Internet access.”

A pained noise emanated from his throat. What was his deal this morning? She gave him a quizzical look before filling a cup. “I know I’m not supposed to be working, but I’d like to get a jump on the job market. Maybe do a little research and make a few contacts, that kind of thing.”

She could feel his scrutinizing gaze tracking her movements. She propped a hip against the counter and sipped the strong brew.

“There’s sugar on the counter. I don’t have cream, but I’ll be going out later. Make a list of what you need and I’ll pick it up for you.”

That was nice. Sweet, actually. But, she wouldn’t let him wait on her while she was here. This was his home, but she hadn’t come here to be a pampered guest. She’d expected to have to fend for herself, and the idea of Gavin taking care of her warmed her insides a little too much. She couldn’t get emotionally attached to him, no matter how much he’d rocked her world last night. He’d be leaving soon. He had a job to get back to. It was best to keep things light and easy.

“Thanks, but you don’t need to do anything special for me. Do you need to use my rental car?” She hadn’t seen a car in the driveway when she’d gotten in last night.

He closed the laptop and settled back in his chair, folding his hands across his stomach. Lauren fought not to stare at the tattoo that so intrigued her. She’d had plenty of time to investigate the design last night, tracing with her tongue the tribal lines that began below his elbow and traveled up, encompassing the strong curve of his biceps. An intricate emblem, one resembling a labyrinth, adorned the arc of his shoulder. More lines curved over his collarbone, and trailed down to the tip of his shoulder blade. It was impressive work. Masculine and seriously hot.

“My brothers delivered my truck earlier.”

“Brothers?” How long had he been up?

There were those damn dimples again. “Yep. Three. And a couple of sisters too.”

“Good lord. What was that like? Growing up with so many siblings?”

He chuckled. “Chaotic. Although the younger two didn’t come along until the year I’d moved off to college, the four of us older kids caused enough trouble to drive our parents plenty crazy. You have any brothers or sisters?”

“No, it’s just me. I grew up outside of—“

“Atlanta,” he finished for her and unfolded himself from the chair. He palmed his mug and, instinctively, she grabbed the coffee pot.

“How did you know I’m from Atlanta?” They’d rarely discussed non-work related things, but she’d known he was from Texas so it made sense he’d know the same about her.

She refilled his cup, but he set it aside. “I know lots of things.” He cradled her cheek, leaned in and captured her bottom lip, gently tugging it between his teeth. She opened for his questing tongue, enjoying the lazy way he went about tasting her. As if he had all the time in the world to explore her lips, her mouth.

She melted against him.

The silky strands of his hair curled around her fingertips. She was vaguely aware of her coffee mug being removed from her grip, but was more than grateful to have another hand free to slide over his chest.

He felt so good. Hard planes and ridges. His muscles bunched and rolled under her touch. Warm, rough, ruggedly male.

There was no urgency, no ripping off of clothes. He went slow. Leisurely.


All too soon, he eased back. Like the kiss, reality took its time returning to her. She opened her eyes with a satisfied hum.

Oh, this man was definitely dangerous.

With a wicked smile, he continued where he’d left off. “I know your father was a judge, your mother a homemaker. You graduated early and sailed through college and grad school.” He reached out, smoothed a piece of hair behind her ear. “You’re extremely beautiful.” His fingers lingered, tracing the shell of her ear before dropping away. “And I know you prefer not to drink your coffee black.” He gave her a look, as if challenging her to deny all he’d said. “It’s not as if we’re strangers, Lauren. We’ve worked together for a long time.”

A bolt of sadness stabbed her heart. Clearwater had been her home, its employees her family. She hadn’t just lost the job she loved. She’d lost clients and co-workers, people she cared about.

And eventually, she’d lose him too.

Gavin cursed. “I’m sorry. Look, Lauren. There’s something—”

“No,” she rushed to reassure him. “I’m good.” She wasn’t so sure about that, but it wasn’t Gavin’s fault. And she’d find other work.

She would.

“So, what’s the plan for today?” She cleared the rasp from her voice. For crying out loud, she wasn’t an insecure child. She’d find a job, a better job. A job that didn’t consume her. One that left her time for the life she was going to have. Yessiree. From now on, things were going to be different. Her life was going to be filled with amazing things.


* * *

“Do you run?”

Gavin had a sudden need to burn off some frustration
. Every time he’d started to tell her the truth—he was the reason she’d been fired—she’d found a way to interrupt him.

Nervous laughter bubbled from her throat. “Run?”

“I try to keep up with my workouts, even here. I don’t go far. A mile or so down the beach to get the blood pumping, then a swim to cool down.” Gavin reached out and trailed a finger over her jaw. “You up for it?”

She turned into his touch, so he took the opportunity to linger, moving his fingers down her throat and around to cup her neck.

“I’m more a power walker than a runner,” she breathed. “Besides, I’m on vacation. If my legs and ass are going to be sore, I can think of better ways to get them there.”

Oh, he could, too. “Hmm, come to think of it, my last run-slash-swim ended with finding an incredibly beautiful, half-naked woman in my living room. What are the odds I’d get lucky again?”

“If lucky means I get another round of hot shower sex, then I’d say the odds are in your favor.”

Hell, yeah. “It’ll be my fastest workout ever. In fact, why don’t we pretend I went and skip right to you being naked?”

“And deny you the pleasure of your run?” She rose up and pressed her lips against his in the sweetest caress. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. Jesus, the thought of her trying that little tongue trick on his dick had him ready to press her to her knees.

“Keep it up and we won’t make it to the shower, baby doll. I’ll fuck you right here against the counter. Or on it.” He glanced down at the tile. “Or the floor. Or all of the above.”

“I love it when you talk dirty.”

“When it comes to you, I love talking dirty.”

She laughed and shoved at him. “Go. Do your thing. I’ll be here when you get back. I’ve got some work I’d like to do.”

“Wait. Five minutes ago you were on vacation.”

“Five minutes ago you asked me to
.” She shivered, her expression horrified.

He laughed, hooked his arm around her and rolled her against his chest. The way she snuggled close made him want to hold on to her forever.

Damn, this woman had done something to him no other woman had before. She had him thinking about the future.
future. Together.

They had things to work out. She lived in New York, and thought he still lived abroad. He couldn’t move back to New York. He had a responsibility to his family, which meant they were destined for a long distance relationship if she didn’t relocate. Then there were circumstances surrounding why she’d been let go. Shit. They needed to talk about a lot of things. Provided she was even interested in seeing where this thing between them could go. She might not forgive him. After their talk, she could very well decide he wasn’t worth the effort and leave him behind.

“Hey. You still with me?” Her palm against his cheek drew his attention to her concerned face.

Fuck that. Last night had been the most incredible night of his life and he wanted more. More of Lauren, more of … everything.

He squeezed one last time before releasing her. “Sorry, sweetheart. Of course, I’m still with you.”

He knew it was a bullshit move, but he wanted this time with her. A few days to enjoy her, show her how good they could be together before the reality of their situation weighed down on them. And he knew where to start.

“I’ve got some friends down the beach. An old college buddy of mine and his wife.” He hesitated, wondering how she’d take this next bit. “They usually come for dinner the first night I’m in town.”

She grinned around the coffee mug she’d snatched back up the moment he’d let her go. “Wouldn’t that have been last night?”

Such a smart mouth. “I was a little busy last night.”

She looked up at him. He was content to stay quiet and let her work it out. It was a step. Introducing her to his friends was a way of inviting her into his personal life. Of course, fucking her silly should’ve been an indication he wanted her there, but he needed to establish something solid with her, something more than incredible sex.

“So, we’re really doing this friend thing, huh?”

If I have my way, we’re gonna do much more, sweetheart.

“Considering I’ve had my mouth all over your naked body,
might not cover it. But, it’s a start.” No sense beating around the bush. If he hadn’t been sure before, last night proved how good they were together. “That okay with you?”

His heart jumped into his throat as her lips curled into the sexiest grin he’d ever seen.

“I’ll tell you what,” she leaned in and nipped his jaw. Jesus, he was destined to run down the beach with a hard-on. “Go run, get all hot and sweaty so we can give the shower another go. While you’re gone, I’ll send a few emails, just a few, I promise. Then, I’ll make a list of the things I need to pick up and we’ll go to the store together, all friend-like.”

He’d let her hang onto the term if it made her feel better about being with him. He wouldn’t push. Not until they had everything out in the open.

“I’ll grill steaks on the deck. If you don’t mind, dig through the fridge and see if we have stuff to throw together a salad. If not, add that stuff to the list, too.”

“We, huh?”

He grinned and kissed the end of her pert little nose. “Back in a bit. Be ready for the best shower of your life.”

Chapter Seven

Lauren changed into a sleeveless blouse and shorts that hugged her hips. It was a warm afternoon, and since they were staying in the house, she chose to leave her feet bare. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, its chestnut hue appeared mixed with honey against the tan already formed on her skin. And she’d only spent an hour on the deck while Gavin had been gone.

She applied a light dusting of powder to her face, just enough to soften the slight sunburn she’d gotten on her nose. Pivoting left and right, she did a final ass check and smiled to herself. She looked pretty damn good. Relaxed and content, her body sore in all the best places. She had absolutely no desire to check her email or phone. The only desire she had was to get her hands on Gavin again. And again.

Good lord. This, after only a day and a half of vacation. At this rate, by the end of the weekend, she’d be positively lazy.

As she stepped out onto the porch, Gavin turned steaks as big as her head. The scents coming from the grill made her mouth water almost as much as the man doing the cooking. He looked comfortable in his board shorts and T-shirt. It seemed she wasn’t the only one who felt good here.

“Need any help?”

“Wow.” He opened his arms and she happily walked into them. “This vacation thing is working for you, baby. You look good enough to eat.” As if to prove his point, he leaned down and nibbled at the base of her neck.

“I could get used to this. Gavin!” She laughed as he continued up her neck, but she made no move to stop him.

He’d been doing things like that all day. As if he couldn’t resist touching her. He’d held her hand in the truck as they drove into town. At the grocery store, it was light touches—his hand against the small of her back, his fingers brushing her arm as he’d reach for something—subtle gestures meant for her alone. She loved every minute of it.

The man was intoxicating. Addictive.

“Whoa, are we interrupting something?” A deep, Southern-accented voice spoke from behind them.

Gavin groaned and pulled away. “Five minutes later and you’d have gotten an eye full,” Gavin gave her a quick peck on the lips and curled her against him, his arm wrapped possessively around her waist.

Lauren loved this side of Gavin. This relaxed, playful side. So different than the suit-wearing, corporate Gavin she’d known for so long.

“God forbid,” the man said. “Now, introduce us to this pretty lady so we can open the wine and get this party started. I’m starving!”

“My pleasure.” Gavin’s arm tightened around her and she swore he stood a little taller. “Tom, Jenny, this is Lauren.”

Lauren drew in a breath. Gavin had introduced her many times over the years, but this was nothing like the stern, professional introductions of the past. He spoke with a hint of pride, as if she were someone important, someone he cared about.

And damn it, she wanted to be.

Lauren extended her hand to Tom as Gavin finished the meet and greet.

“Lauren, this is Tom Cantrell and his lovely wife, Jenny.”

“It’s very nice to meet you both,” Lauren said.

Tom was a handsome man, about the same height as Gavin, but thinner, lankier. His shaggy blond hair and blue eyes made him look more like a surfer than … well, maybe he was a surfer. Gavin hadn’t said.

“We’re happy to meet you, Lauren,” Tom said.

“Gavin has told us wonderful things about you. It’s nice to put a face with a name,” Jenny said.

Gavin cleared his throat. “Why don’t you ladies go handle the rest of the food. Everything is on the counter. Steaks will be ready in a few minutes.”

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Gavin is under the false impression I’m helpful in the kitchen, in spite of my assurances to the contrary. Want to make me look good by helping me throw together a killer salad, Jenny?”

“I’ll tell you what,” Jenny said. “I’ll handle the salad, you open the wine.”

Jenny was a cute little thing. If she were five-feet-two, Lauren would be shocked. Cute figure, blonde like her husband, with beautiful blue eyes and a warm smile. Lauren liked her immediately.

“You’re on.”

Lauren was relieved Jenny seemed to know her way around the kitchen. By the time Lauren opened a bottle of wine and poured them both a glass, as well as delivered two glasses to the men outside, Jenny was well into salad preparation.

“What can I do?” Lauren asked, wanting to at least make an effort to contribute to their meal.

Jenny used a knife to point at the red bell pepper sitting on the counter. “Wanna slice that up?”

Lauren grabbed a knife and settled next to Jenny at the counter. “Slicing, I can handle.”

Jenny hip-checked her. “You know, it’s nice to see Gavin with company.”

Lauren concentrated on not slicing her fingers off as she cut the pepper. “Gavin must have brought people out here before.” She couldn’t bring herself to say “other women”. The thought made her decidedly edgy.

“What? Not hardly,” Jenny laughed softly. “Gavin is very protective of his privacy. He’s never had anyone stay with him, outside his family.”

“He’s never brought a woman here?” She didn’t want to know about Gavin’s past exploits, but that seemed hard to believe, considering how beautiful and private this place was. It was the perfect romantic getaway.

Jenny shook her head. “Nope. And believe me, I’d know. Tom is horrible at keeping secrets. Besides, with Gavin being so far away most of the time, there’s no way he’d come home and not tell Tom about it. Those two are thick as thieves.” Jenny winked and tossed the tomatoes she’d diced into the salad bowl between them.

The guys came in, Gavin holding a massive plate of beef.

“You gals ready for some grub?” Gavin asked.

Jenny inspected Lauren’s work. “See? You aren’t helpless in the kitchen. Toss those in and let’s eat.”

Lauren did as she was told and grabbed the bowl. Jenny picked up a variety of salad dressing bottles and they made their way to the table.

Lauren moved toward the empty chair next to the one Gavin was standing behind. She set the salad bowl next to the platter of steaks and reached for her chair. Gavin beat her to it, pulling it out and waiting until she was settled to scoot her in.

“I hope you’re hungry,” Gavin murmured close to her ear. He kissed her cheek before settling in his seat.

Lauren darted a glance to find both Tom and Jenny smiling at them. Lauren would have never pegged Gavin as an affectionate man. Of course, she also hadn’t realized he had sexy dimples either, so she obviously wasn’t an expert in all things Gavin.

She was learning, though. And if she didn’t get a hold of herself, she’d end up leaving this place with a broken heart.

Lauren smiled back at Tom and Jenny.

“Starving,” she said as Gavin slapped a steak on her plate. Jesus, did he expect her to eat the whole thing? There had to be half a cow on the table.

Once the food had been served, there was an amicable silence as everyone dug in. Lauren was a tad uncomfortable at the way Gavin watched her as she took her first bite. Not because there were other people at the table, but because his gaze was so intense, she was afraid she’d miss her mouth.

Thank God she didn’t. The succulent flavor of the meat had her taste buds jumping up and begging for more. She’d never tasted anything like it. “Oh my god. Babe. This is fantastic.”

It was so good, she didn’t even worry about the endearment that slipped past her lips. She could blow it off as a result of the food-gasm that was happening in her mouth.

Gavin’s gaze shone with approval—of her praise or her endearment, Lauren wasn’t sure. “I’m glad you like it.”

Tom cleared his throat. “Yeah, yeah. King of the grill and all that. Delicious meat. We got it.”

Lauren sputtered a laugh and reached for her wine.

“So, Gav. I took a look at the files you sent over this morning,” Tom started. “It’s a shame about old man Nelson, though.”

Gavin nodded, a scowl marring his features.

Tom raised a brow. “This could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for.”

“Opportunity for what?” Lauren stopped cutting into her meal and glanced between the men as some sort of silent communication passed between them. “Hello? Anyone?”

Lauren looked to Jenny.

“Oh no,” Jenny said. “Don’t look at me. I don’t get involved when these two start yapping about business.”

“What kind of business?” Lauren was intrigued. Maybe she could offer some suggestions. She took a sip of wine and waited for the men to get their heads out of their asses.

Tom tossed Gavin a questioning glance before turning his attention to Lauren’s query. “Nelson owns the ranch that borders Gavin’s. Or, owned, rather. He passed on a few weeks ago.”

“Tom.” The warning in Gavin’s tone was clear.

“You own a ranch?” Of all the things Lauren had learned about Gavin, this surprised her the most.

All of a sudden, she pictured Gavin in jeans and shitkickers, sweaty and dirty from a hard day’s work, and her, ready to ease his night with a warm meal, hot shower, and hotter sex. Which was crazy, because she didn’t cook. But, oh boy, could she handle the rest of the fantasy.

Gavin’s gaze drifted from Tom to Lauren, any semblance of his earlier playfulness gone. “My
owns a ranch,” he said slowly. “Shadow Maverick Ranch, to be precise.”

A strange excitement bubbled in her stomach. “Where is it? Close to here?” Lauren looked between the men, not sure who the answer would come from.

Jenny sat back, wine glass in hand and a smirk on her lips, as if she were enjoying the exchange.

Gavin sighed deeply, as if resigned to a conversation he didn’t want to be a part of. “Hour and a half from here, roughly,” he said. “Depending on traffic.”

It was adorable, the way his Southern accent thickened with every word. Lauren could feel Gavin’s aggravation and wanted nothing more than to smooth out the crease that had formed between his brows.

“So, what’s the big secret about this Nelson fella?” Lauren let her own Georgia drawl creep back in. “Y’all have an unresolved feud or somethin’?”

Jenny choked on her wine.

“Nothing so dramatic, I’m afraid,” Tom said. “Lawrence Nelson has the largest cattle ranch in this area. Not in Texas, mind you, but it’s nothing to sneeze at. Wanna know who’s second?” he asked with a wink and nodded his head toward Gavin.

“Tom, I’m sure Lauren doesn’t want to hear about cattle ranchin’,” Gavin snapped. “We can talk about it later.” His tone was clearly meant to end the conversation.

Lauren had a hundred questions, but she didn’t push it. Instead, she sought to break the tension that had stiffened Gavin’s shoulders. She might not know much about Gavin personally, but she’d worked with him long enough to know how he operated, what business buttons to push to get the desired reaction. Whether he played an active role in the family business or not, Lauren knew when it came to a challenge, Gavin was like a kid in a candy store. So, she’d give him one. A little game of throw the gauntlet, so to speak. At the very least, she’d distract him from whatever was making him testy.

“So,” Lauren began and stabbed a piece of steak with her fork. “Is this from your family’s ranch?” She pretended to study the mouthwatering piece of meat before offering him a sweet smile.

He gave her a puzzled look, as if wondering where she was headed. “Only the best for my guests.”

“Hmm, the best, huh?” Lauren twirled her fork. “So, your family has the
ranch, but … not the
.” She popped the steak into her mouth and didn’t even try to cover her moan as the delicious flavor exploded on her tongue.

Gavin regarded her through slits for a second before his face cracked up and he laughed, deep and husky.

Tom grinned and reached to clap Gavin on the shoulder. “She’s got your number, doesn’t she? She’s got spunk. Oh, I like her, Gav. I like her, a lot.”

Gavin’s heated gaze melted Lauren from the inside out. “Me too, Tom. Me too.”

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