White Collar Cowboy

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Authors: Parker Kincade

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Table of Contents

White Collar Cowboy: A Shadow Maverick Ranch Novella


Parker Kincade

Copyright © 2014 by Parker Kincade

ISBN: 978-0-9894407-2-1

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.


Lacey Thacker

Cover Artist

Hot Damn Designs

Formatted by

JTLW Design

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, places, brands and dialogues in this book are a product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

This book contains content that is not suitable for readers who are 17 and under.


For Ardyth. You asked for cowboys, so cowboys you shall have.

And for Gavin. Because I never could resist a guy with dimples.


As always, this book wouldn’t have been possible without the help of the Mad Skills Squad: Lacey Thacker, JT Lacy, Monette Michaels, Deni Golden and Ardyth Neill - thank you for everything you do.

Thanks to Kim Killion at Hot Damn Designs for the sexy cover. Ladies of Diamond State Romance Authors, thank you for the friendship, council, and awesome writing retreats. Rosanna Leo, Monette Michaels, Lynn Lorenz, Jianne Carlo, Vanessa North, Christy Gissendaner, Cherie Nicholls, Emilia Mancini and Becca Jameson - you are the best group blog mistresses ever! A BIG thank you Carla Gallway, for being a wonderful assistant and for giving me back precious time to write.

Mandy Harbin, my sister-from-another-mother and overall partner-in-crime, you’re awesome. ‘Nuff said.

To my street team, the Kincadians, you guys rock!

And finally, a special thank you to my mom, who reads every word I write, no matter if it’s a blog post or a book. Thanks, mom. I love you.

Chapter One

Lauren Delgado stared at the blank walls, the barren landscape of her life settling as a heavy weight in her gut.

“Ms. Delgado?”

Lauren turned to find Janice standing in the doorway, face stricken, an empty box dangling from her fingers.

“Come on in, Janice.” Then, more to herself, “Let’s get this done.”

Janice skittered into the room, moving with the quiet efficiency Lauren recognized as one walking about on eggshells.

Lauren placed a gentle hand on her assistant’s arm. “Are you okay?”

Janice shook her head, eyes brimming with tears. “I’m so sorry.”

Yeah. She was too.

Twelve years.

Lauren had given everything to Clearwater International. Her time, her energy, hell, she’d given her whole life.

A life reduced to a cardboard box too big for the personal items she had scattered about—her framed degrees from Columbia and Yale, a trinket given to her by her boss at year ten, and a photo of her with her best girlfriends on a rare adventure right out of college.

No doubt Taralee and Faith would throw a party once they heard the news. Taralee thought she worked too hard and Faith would see her situation as some kind of crazy universal sign. They’d always hounded her about her lack of extracurricular activities, most notably her nonexistent love life. She met the two of them in the East Village once a week for drinks. Maybe not a love life, but that still counted for something, right?

Her empty office said no.

Lauren took the box and forced a soothing tone. “It’s going to be all right. They’ve assured me your position is safe. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

Janice swiped at her tears. “What are you going to do?”

Lauren had no idea. She was still trying to wrap her head around being downsized. A “strategic move toward the future,” they’d said. Whatever the hell that meant.

“You needn’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Now, why don’t you go get yourself some tea and let me finish up in here.”

Lauren didn’t know how much longer she could keep up the facade.

“You won’t leave without saying goodbye, will you?” Janice eyed her with suspicion.

“Of course not.” She hoped her smile was believable because inside, she was numb.

“I’ll be at my desk.”

Lauren let the box drop to the floor as Janice made her exit.

As a professional, she understood the decision to let her go. The economy shifts. Things change.

But, as a woman, she felt hurt, betrayed, and—if she were being honest—more than a little embarrassed. She’d never lost a job before. She felt as though she’d failed.

Ah, god.

Her stomach flipped and Lauren bolted across the thick carpet to her private bathroom.

Her gut contracted as her knees hit the tile. A surge of metallic-tasting saliva flooded her mouth and she swallowed hard, dropped her head to rest on her forearm.

Breathe in. Breathe out. She could do this.

She’d been smart with her money.
Breathe in.
She couldn’t retire, but she could take some time to figure out her next move.
Breathe out.
Analyze her options.
Take a vacation.
Wear the bikini she owned but had never worn.

Minutes passed before she pushed herself from the floor. She filled a glass with cool water and drank slowly, methodically, still fighting her rebellious stomach, hoping to keep her lunch in place.

The soft fluorescent lighting accentuated her paled complexion, but she didn’t gawk. She wanted to collect her purse and get the hell out of here before people caught wind and stopped to offer sympathy, as if someone had died or something. Janice had been enough.

She would really miss this place.

She was done with the corporate bullshit. Oh sure, she’d made a respectable amount of money, but this … she gripped the edge of the sink and fought back tears … this sucked.

Good lord, how did she get here? Thirty-five, single, and unemployed.

Now what?
didn’t seem to cover it.


She straightened as a deep, male voice sounded from the other room. Her skin broke out in goosebumps, nipples peaked, her body instantly responding to the rich timbre of a voice she’d know anywhere.

“I tried to stop him, Ms. Delgado,” came Janice’s urgent whisper through the door. “You know how he is,” she hissed.

being Gavin Mathis.

The man in charge of deal negotiations out of Clearwater’s London office, and the sexiest man Lauren knew. Well over six feet tall, his black hair and dark eyes gave him an aura of danger only softened by the laugh lines around his mouth—a delectable mouth perched above a strong jaw and broad shoulders. And, oh lord, could Gavin fill out a business suit.

Sexiest. Man. Hands down.

Gavin had been with the company a few months longer, but had transferred overseas shortly after she’d started. They’d shared an easy working relationship. Had even shared in some harmless flirting those evenings he’d been in town and they’d had dinner. Harmless because they were both too focused on their jobs to do anything stupid.

Not so harmless in that his playful banter created many a late night fantasy.

“It’s okay, Janice. I’ll be right out.”

Shit. Just what she needed. Why the hell did he have to be here? Today, of all days? It was bad enough to be fired, now she had to share her humiliation with a man she’d imagined naked? Perfect.

If Lauren were the type of woman to have an office affair, Gavin would be at the top of the list. Oh, who was she kidding? He’d
the list. But, she wasn’t that type of woman. She never mixed business with pleasure, and after today, she’d never see him again. He’d finish his business here and go back to London, and she … well, she had a life to figure out.

She downed the last of the water. Checking her reflection again, she groaned. Her eyes were red-rimmed and watery from the dry heaves. Errant wisps of hair had escaped from her braid, making her look … rumpled.


She licked her fingers and tried to smooth her hair down, tucking the longer pieces behind her ears. She pinched some color into her cheeks. Not great, but she looked better than she felt. At least, she hoped that was the case.

Satisfied she’d done all she could, Lauren plastered on a smile and went to face the music.

* * *

Gavin leaned against the edge of the desk
, his long legs stretched out in front of him. He’d ditched his jacket and tie in the conference room, but he still felt bound up.


He had no right to be here.

He unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled the cuffs back, hesitating as the ink on his right forearm came into view. Fuck it. There was a time to worry about office decorum and today wasn’t that day.

Releasing a frustrated sigh, Gavin surveyed Lauren’s office. Other than a single box on the floor, nothing seemed unusual or out of place. Not exactly what he’d expected. Hell, it would take a truck to move him out of his office and he was a guy. His mom and sisters had a ton more shit in the ranch office back home than the males in his family. Lauren should have more than would fit in the lone box.

The thought that she didn’t made him frown.

“Hello, Gavin. I didn’t know you were here.” He glanced up in time to see a moment of panic widen her eyes and she let out a tiny groan. “Please tell me you aren’t here to escort me out.”

Honestly, Gavin didn’t know why he was here. He was in New York for a meeting, but his reasons for being in her office were a little hazy.

“Of course not.” He stood as she approached. “You and I both know that’s not necessary. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Seemed like a reasonable enough explanation.

She shrugged a shoulder. “It’s the nature of business.” She busied herself by shoving a few things into her briefcase, tossing him a glance over her shoulder. “When did you get in?”

“Last night.”

Holy hell, she was sexy. Her chestnut hair was plaited down her back, a few rebellious strands framing her face. Her cheeks were as pink as her pouty lips. He didn’t need to keep looking to know the shape of her breasts, the curve of her waist and the sleek lines of her legs. He’d have to be blind not to notice her. Gavin appreciated a beautiful woman when he saw one.

And she tempted him. Haunted his dreams … and his fantasies.

Her body would make any man weak, but it was her eyes that held his attention. Expressive, golden eyes framed by dark, thick lashes. Eyes that shone with strength when the rest of her screamed with vulnerability.

His hands itched to reach out to her, but he forced them to remain at his sides. He was such an asshole. She was obviously devastated, but she didn’t need his comfort. Wouldn’t want it once she’d learned what he’d done.

“Staying long?” Her voice cracked as she looked him over, her gaze dipping down, lingering over his exposed forearms before trailing back up to his face. Her tongue dashed over her lips before slipping out of sight.


It was hot as hell, the way she checked him out, but now was not the time for all the blood to rush to his dick. He’d bet she didn’t realize she’d done it, as preoccupied as her mind must be. They’d worked together for years, and she’d never given him any indication she’d be interested in anything other than work.

Fucking a colleague wasn’t her style. His either. No matter how much he craved having her in his bed. Work no longer stood as a barrier between them, but he still couldn’t tell her how he felt. Not until she knew.

“Out tonight.” He had to explain. Make her understand. “I just talked to Sullivan—”

Lauren cut him off. “It’s fine, really.”

“It’s not fine. In fact—”

She stopped him again, this time in a huff. “Gavin, please. I’d rather not do this.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Do what? Besides interrupt me, that is.” He softened his words with a smile she didn’t return.

“You know.” She waved a hand around the office, her lips pressed into a thin line. “This. The whole stupid thing. They let me go, and that’s what I’m trying to do. Go. Don’t make a big deal out of it.” She walked a wide arc around him and went to the other side of her desk. She jerked open drawer after drawer, looking for what he didn’t know because she didn’t take anything out. Nervous energy. Something to take her mind off what was happening. Something to distract her from him, he suspected.

He hadn’t thought about how his presence would affect her. He hadn’t thought, period. Sullivan had told him the news. They’d argued, and then Gavin had stormed off, had made his way here.

“Lauren.” What else could he say at this point? He couldn’t change what had happened, but he’d give anything to take away the look of betrayal on her face.

She paused. “How did I not see this coming?” When she finally looked at him, her eyes glistened with unshed tears that tore a hole in his gut. “Did you know?” she asked, her gaze nailing his feet to the floor.

“No.” But, would he have done things differently if he had?

“I don’t know how to do this,” she whispered. “How am I supposed to walk away from my responsibilities, just because someone says it’s not my job to care anymore?” She slammed the last drawer shut and gave him her full attention. “Abernathy still owes us an answer on the situation in the Gulf. I’d appreciate it if you’d follow up with Kensington as well, since he’s in your neck of the woods.”

“Lauren.” He shouldn’t touch her, shouldn’t act on the impulse that had plagued him since she walked into the room. But he damn sure wasn’t going to stand by and let her beat herself up.

“His systems will be disrupted if he doesn’t do something, Gavin. Trust me, we don’t want that to happen any more than he does. Sorry.
don’t want that to happen. He’s got the contract, he needs to sign it before things go south. Once it’s signed, make sure the engineering staff gets the security locked down as quickly as possible.”

That’s it. “Lauren, stop,” he barked. Without preamble, he closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. She tensed, tried to pull away, but Gavin tightened his grip, locked her against him, and prayed she wouldn’t knee his balls.

A second passed. Then another, and another before she finally relaxed. Her body liquefied, melted into him until her heat burned through his clothes.

He bit back a groan. God, she smelled good. The hint of sweet and spice went straight to his cock.

He closed his eyes, willing his blood to settle, his heart to slow to a regular beat. Her arms settled around his waist and he cupped her head, holding her cheek against his chest.

It was strange, holding her. Yet, it felt good, right. The way she fit against him, her head tucked perfectly under his chin, his arms circling her … he almost felt … content.

“It’s just a job. With your reputation and skill set, you’ll be employed by the end of the week,” he soothed, realizing he spoke as much for his own benefit as hers. “Nothing to worry about.”

Because with the way his body reacted to holding her, Gavin had enough to worry about for the both of them.

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