White Lies (5 page)

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Authors: Evelyn Glass

BOOK: White Lies
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” she said


He gave a deep groan, and fumbled at the tie so hard that she thought it might tear. He did
t shrug it off her shoulders, just untied it and pushed the two sides apart so that he had access to her body
I love your tits
” he murmured, licking the space between them as he pressed them towards each other with his hands
I love how they fit perfectly in my hands, and I love how hard you respond when I do this
” He brushed his thumbs over the two peaks in unison, and she cried out, pressing down onto his thigh just a little bit harder. Her hips wanted to rock over him like a kid trying to masturbate with a pillow. She forced them still. She could wait. There would be more if she waited.


What else do you love
” she asked.


I love that yo
re still coherent enough to ask me questions like that
” he said. And then his eyes twinkled again. His hands steadied her as he took back his thigh. She had
t realized how much of her weight h
d taken until she had to stand on her own again
And I love the way I think yo
re going to look when I do this


Before she had a chance to ask him what he meant, he dropped to his knees. Her feet were still separated, and his eyes locked with hers as his hands rested on her upper thighs, gently easing apart her outer lips. Even seeing it, she was
t ready for the onrush of sensation when his tongue brushed over her pussy. She cried out, her knees wavering, her hands slapping against the wall for something to brace herself on. He made a sound, something deep and vibrating, and the sensation ricocheted through her as she melted into a puddle in his hands.


The second pass of his tongue was slightly less brain altering, and she was able to force herself to breathe again as he flicked over her suddenly swollen and aching clit. He tortured the nub for a few seconds, then dragged his teeth over it in something less than a bite, but more than anything else she could find words for in that moment
Oh god
” she whispered, and his eyes smiled at her.


His tongue was molten fire, caressing her body, teasing at her. H
d promised to make her scream, and she could see that he was determined to make her do it. He was going to have to work for it, though. H
d set himself up at a disadvantage, though, she realized. If sh
d had a way to brace her hands and lock her elbows, she would have been able to let go of the tension in her legs and let go much more easily. Instead, she was clinging to his head, trying to keep her balance, and it was harder to just drop away into the fluid waves of sensation that were pouring over her. She was gasping and whimpering and moaning and begging him for more in odd little half sentences that she was quite sure made sense to no one but her, but she was
t screaming.


Alex realized it, after a moment. His eyes narrowed, and then his arms wrapped around her upper thighs, and he lifted her as he stood. She squeaked and laughed, putting her hands up, afraid of bumping into the ceiling, but it was high enough that she would still have had to stretch to brush her fingers over it. He carried her the few steps to the mat, then leaned over it with her. He dropped her a few inches, letting her bounce just a little bit, then was back on her before she could recover.


He pressed her thighs sideways into a gentle stretch, exposing her cunt to him. He blew a soft breath over her inflamed flesh, and she writhed for him, her mind disappearing into sensation. His mouth closed over hers as his fingers stroked over her, plunging deep into her, and she tore at him with her fingers and nails. She heard his shirt tear and cursed, but he was laughing as he tossed the shreds off. She moved to shove his pants down off his hips, but he brushed her fingers away
Not yet
” he said
I want to pay attention to you. I told you
d make you scream


s too distracting
” she said
Just fuck me. I
s okay


His eyes went quiet and serious, and she wanted to slap herself for breaking the mood
If you want me to stop, w
ll stop
” he said
m not trying to make you uncomfortable


She rubbed at her eyes with the heels of her hands for a moment
m not uncomfortable
” she said
But I do
t want you to do that thing


What thing


That thing where yo
re al
Oh, baby, let me do this thing for you that no one has ever done before
” and then you try, but the thing does
t work, and yo
re all pissed off, and i
s somehow my fault, even though I told you my body does
t do the thing you said you could make it do


He sat back on his heels, and she waited for the storm of fury to come
So what yo
re worried about
” he said, in the calm voice of someone who was restating something of particular relevance in a business meeting, a fantastic voice to contrast with the erection tenting the front of his jersey workout pants
is that
m all invested in making you come by going down on you. And yo
re saying that you do
t tend to get off that way, and guys have made you feel shitty for that in the past


Perhaps, if she tried very hard, she could dig her way through this mat, and escape through the apartment below them. She would be mostly nude, of course, but it was really impossible for that to be more humiliating than this conversation
And girls
” Because if you were in for a penny, really it was ridiculous not to go for the full pound.


He raised one eyebrow just a little
And it just does
t happen for you


She shook her head
Feels amazing, but i
s too intense to actually flip the switch, I guess. At least, tha
s the best
ve ever figured


To her complete and utter shock, all he did was nod
Thank you for sharing that with me. I promise you that if I do go down on you, I do
t expect orgasms from it. I am just looking to help you feel good. If it does
t feel goo
well, tha
s the point, is
t it


She sat up, pulling the robe loosely over her. He was sitting there, legs crossed now, as if he was perfectly normal. She gave him a little poke in one very nicely shaped pectoral, and when that did
t provoke any response, she very gently pinched his arm.


If yo
re looking for something
” he said, his voice clearly containing laughter
you might get more of it if you tell me what you have in mind


I do
t know how yo
re real
” she said
re ultra-rich, yo
re amazing in the sack, and yo
re a decent human being, even around kind of weird and gross body shame stuff. How does that happen


He shrugged
s balanced by being involved in a multi-national corporation that sells weapons used to murder and maim around most of the globe


She winced
s not all that AEGIS does


No," he agreed,

but i
s enough


The idealistic part of her, the part that had gone to anti-war protests in college, wanted to tell him to just change it, then, but sh
d learned since then. It was nowhere near as easy for things to change as sh
d wanted to believe when she was an undergrad. His eyes were focused in the middle distance, quiet and distracted. It took her a moment to be comfortable reaching out and laying her hand lightly on his arm; she did
t know him well enough yet to know if it would be an invasion or a comfort.


To her relief, he came back with a smile, placing his hand over hers and giving her a light squeeze
d like to shower before I eat. Care to join me


It was funny, as a question. It honestly did
t sound flirtatious, just honest. A quiet inquiry. An invitation to just a shower, nothing else
” she said
That would be lovely


Something surprising lit up his eyes, and he grinned
” he said. He stood and held out his hand to her. She let him pull her to her feet, even let him overbalance her so that she fell into his arms. She tilted up her chin obligingly to receive his kiss, his mouth moving quietly over hers as his hands stroked down her velour covered back.


A memory slipped in and she broke off the kiss, her hands on his chest as she looked up at him
Hey, is everything okay with your sister? We did
really talk about it last night


A smile flitted over his lips for a moment, but she got the idea sh
d won some points with the question
Everything is fine for the moment. I have made some mistakes in the past, I think, and
ll look to correct them as soon as possible. Sh
ll be staying here for a while, I think, but I saw her off to school this morning. I
s part of why I was up so early
” Her ear got another gentle nip, and she stroked her hands down his arms in quiet appreciation of the sensation
I had hoped to find you still in bed after I was done with my workout


And what would you have done if you had


He went for the other ear this time, and she let herself sigh and wrap her arms around his neck, giving him some of her weight
It would
t have been all that much different from what I did in here. Although it might have been less sweaty. At least, you know, to start

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