White Tiger (40 page)

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Authors: Kylie Chan

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: White Tiger
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The flyers were only ten metres away, and my heart raced.

‘Now,’ John said.

I held the sword in front of me and made it sing.

Every single one of the demons exploded, dissipating into feathery black streamers.

‘Well done, my Lady,’ Gold said with admiration.

‘Good. I don’t need to waste any demons out of the jar.’ John grinned. ‘Come inside and we’ll take a break. You have that skill mastered.’

I lowered my sword and shook my head.


‘We were just attacked and you’re acting like it was nothing.’

nothing,’ John said with a shrug. ‘The next wave will be the one we need to worry about. But we know they’re coming, so we are prepared. I’m not too concerned about losing my head, particularly when I have you here to defend me.’ His grin widened. ‘I thought I told you to read the Tao.’

‘Oh, give it a rest.’ I followed him back to the house.


old shared lunch with us. Ah Yat cleared the dishes when we’d finished. ‘What’s on for this afternoon?’ I said. ‘Demon-binding,’ John said. ‘Leo, this is another energy technique that you can’t do, and it’s not very interesting to watch. Want to do some wudang spear outside instead?’

Leo’s face lit up. ‘My Lord.’

‘Hey, I want to do some spear too,’ I said. ‘There isn’t space for full-on spear work back home.’

‘You’re not good enough yet,’ John said. ‘Wait a few more months.’

Leo grinned with triumph.

‘You will both keep,’ I growled.

‘My Lady,’ Leo said with delight.

‘Oh, cut it out.’

John concentrated. Ah Sum and Ah Say came in. They looked like ordinary middle-aged Chinese men.

‘We require a volunteer,’ John said. ‘The ladies need to learn binding. You know how dangerous this can be, so I will not order you to do it. Volunteers only, step forward.’

Both of them stepped forward.

‘Ah Sum,’ John said.

Ah Say’s face fell.

‘Ah Sum is larger, he will be more difficult to bind. You will have your chance tomorrow, Ah Say,’ John said. ‘We will be doing spotting tomorrow morning, and I will need you strong. Ah Sum, stay. Ah Say, dismissed.’

Ah Say bowed and went out.

I rose. ‘Let’s go.’

Gold took us to the lawn beside the tennis court. Ah Sum stood patiently as Gold explained the technique to me.

‘I’ll show you the simplest way to bind demons,’ Gold said. ‘It’s a two-step process. First, you check how much chi the demon has. Then you take out the chi; just over half. Less than that, the demon won’t be bound; more than that and the demon will be destroyed. If you take out the right amount of chi then the demon is so weak that you can control it. To release the demon, return the chi.’

‘That’s not what John does,’ I said. ‘I’ve seen him release the demons that are bound in the jar, and he doesn’t give them chi.’

‘There are a number of different ways to bind demons,’ Gold said. ‘The Dark Lord can’t give them chi; he doesn’t have enough.’ He smiled and shook his head.


‘It will take me a while to become accustomed to the idea of anybody calling him “John”.’

I opened my mouth to ask what Michelle had called him, but changed my mind. Simone was next to me.

‘Does that mean that Daddy can draw energy out of demons?’ Simone said. ‘Why doesn’t he do that when he’s so drained?’

‘To him, the amount of chi in most demons is like a grain of rice to a starving man,’ Gold said. ‘If he were
to drain a demon, he could drain all those around him as well. He is so weak that if he were to start the drain, there is a good chance he could not control it.’ ‘Oh,’ Simone said.

I put my arm around her shoulders. ‘Don’t worry, Simone, he could never drain you. He loves you far too much.’

Simone stood silently.

‘Is the chi inside demons the same as ours?’ I said. ‘It looks different.’

‘It is different. Well done. Demons have dark energy, dark chi. It is similar to ours; we can absorb it and manipulate it once we have taken it.’

‘So the black goo isn’t their essence?’

‘No, their essence is the breath of life, same as ours. But most demons are not really alive.’

‘Do you have the same sort of chi, Master Gold?’ Ah Sum said.

‘Similar in many aspects, Ah Sum,’ Gold said, grinning. He raised one hand. ‘We’ll never get there if we keep talking like this. Let’s try binding. Hold my hand, Lady Simone, and I’ll demonstrate.’

Simone moved forward and took his hand.

Ah Sum took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

‘Don’t worry, Ah Sum, I won’t let them hurt you,’ Gold said.

‘I thank you, my Lord, but I am deeply honoured anyway,’ Ah Sum said.

Simone concentrated as Gold did something. Ah Sum’s eyes widened, then he went rigid and his eyes glazed over.

‘Returning,’ Gold said.

Ah Sum relaxed and smiled.

‘Now you,’ Gold said, still holding Simone’s hand. Simone dropped her head slightly and stared at Ah Sum. Ah Sum’s smile froze. Then he relaxed.

‘Oh, very good, my Lady, right first time,’ Gold said. ‘Try again.’

Ah Sum froze and unfroze again.

‘Do it three or four times,’ Gold said, releasing Simone’s hand, ‘then you can rest. Well done.’

Simone practised the skill a few times on Ah Sum.

‘That is very impressive, my Lady,’ Ah Sum said.

‘Thanks, Ah Sum, but it’s easy.’ Simone stepped back. ‘Your go, Emma.’

I moved forward and took Gold’s hand.

He blushed furiously. Chinese tradition for a long time held that men and women didn’t touch unless they were married. He was being ridiculously old-fashioned.

‘Give it a rest, Gold,’ I said. ‘You’re far too young for me anyway.’

‘I am one thousand, three hundred and fifty-eight years old,’ he said stiffly.

‘See? Far too young,’ I said, and he laughed softly. ‘Show me what to do.’

I concentrated as I held his hand and watched what he did. He seemed to size up Ah Sum, then drain the energy out of him, but I wasn’t sure how he did it.


He demonstrated for me again.

‘A couple more times, Gold, I want to see.’

He bound and unbound Ah Sum.

‘Stop.’ He continued holding my hand. ‘Tell me if this is right.’ I concentrated on Ah Sum and gauged the amount of chi that he contained. Gold nodded; I had it right.

I drained the energy out of Ah Sum and found to my horror that I couldn’t stop. I lost control of the drain; I was killing Ah Sum. Ah Sum’s eyes widened, then he smiled, nodded, and closed his eyes, ready to die.

‘Help, Gold!’ I hissed.

Gold cut in, stopped the drain and returned the energy to Ah Sum. Ah Sum snapped back and grinned broadly.

I tried to pull my hand free from Gold’s but he wouldn’t release me.

‘Let me go.’

He released my hand.

I turned and walked back to the house.

John appeared around the corner of the house from the other side. ‘Emma!’

I ignored him, went inside and stomped up the stairs to my room. John followed me. I tried to close the bedroom door in his face, but he wouldn’t let me. He shoved his foot into the gap.

‘Stop it!’ I shouted.

‘No,’ he said, very calm. ‘Let me in. We need to talk.’

I turned away and he came in. He sat in one of the chairs next to the wall. I sat at the desk where I could see him in the mirror.

‘You have to learn to bind demons, Emma.’

‘I nearly

‘Ah Sum understands that you need to learn, Emma. He volunteered; he knew the danger. Gold is skilled enough to keep him safe anyway.’

I crossed my arms on the desk and buried my head in them. ‘I suppose you’re right, but I don’t want to hurt anybody. Particularly wonderful people like Ah Sum. He shouldn’t have to suffer for me. I scared him to death.’

‘How much do we suffer for each other, Emma? You and me?’

I raised my head so that I could look at him in the mirror. He wasn’t looking at me; he was gazing out the window.

‘That’s different, we…’ I couldn’t finish. He turned his head to see me. ‘It is an honour to suffer for those you love, isn’t it?’

I rested my chin on my arms and watched him.

‘My demons love me dearly. And so they love you, as my Lady. Ah Sum was delighted to die for you. He was honoured.’

‘That is so wrong.’

‘That’s the way it is. You need to learn to bind demons, Emma. Please.’ He looked out the window again. ‘Go back to Gold and complete the training. The fact that you nearly drained Ah Sum is a very good sign. You should have the skill mastered next time you try.’

‘Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just go to your Mountain with Leo and Simone, and stay there, just the four of us? Not have to worry about demons, or energy drains, or Simone’s safety, or anything? Just live a peaceful life together, as a family. Free to share our joy, our feelings, our love, everything.’

‘That would be the most wonderful thing in all the world,’ he said, full of pain. ‘I would give anything to be able to Raise all three of you and take you to live on my Mountain with me. But remember…’ He looked at me in the mirror and smiled sadly. ‘Most of the Mountain is gone.’

He rose. ‘Go and learn the skill, Emma. It is the last skill you will learn here. We’ll stay a couple more days to teach Simone the rest of the skills, then we will go home and you can help me to rebuild.’

He opened the door for me and we went back downstairs together. Gold and Ah Sum waited patiently for me on the lawn.

I had it exactly right next time I tried.

The next morning Simone ran through the field with us trailing.

She stopped and pointed towards the trees that lined the field. ‘Ah Yee! There.’

Ah Yee emerged from a thicket and bowed. ‘Well done, my Lady.’

‘Stop here, you’re about in the middle,’ John said. ‘See if you can spot the rest of them.’

Simone dropped her head and concentrated. She turned slowly on the spot. Then she stopped and grinned, pointing. ‘Ah Sum!’

Ah Sum came out of the trees a good fifty metres away at the end of the field. He waved his arms and grinned.

Simone pointed right. ‘Ah Say!’

Ah Say was about twenty metres away at the side of the field.

Simone concentrated again. ‘And Ah Yat’s on her way back from the city.’

‘What?’ John stopped and concentrated too. ‘Well done, Simone, she’s a good two kilometres away. Can you sense any others?’

Simone turned, looking. She pointed. ‘There’s about five dog demons over there, and a big lizard thing.’

John concentrated as well. His face went rigid. ‘I can’t see them, Simone. Wait.’ He concentrated again, and Jade flew down to us in dragon form, with a bucket in one claw and a rag in the other. ‘How far away, Simone?’ John said.

‘Twice as far as Ah Yat.’

John indicated the direction Simone had pointed. ‘She says there are about five dogs and a reptile that way. Should be four, five kilometres. Fly up and have a look.’

‘My Lord,’ Jade said. She dropped the bucket and cloth, raised her head, her green eyes flashed, and she flew into the air.

‘Why’s she holding a bucket?’ Simone said.

‘She’s in trouble and she has to wash the windows in her True Form,’ John said.

‘Oh, that’s

‘It was Emma’s idea.’

Simone giggled. ‘You’re mean, Emma.’

‘She did something really, really naughty, Simone.’

Jade landed lightly on the grass. She bowed, still as a dragon. ‘Princess Simone was quite correct. Five dogs and a reptile. They sensed me coming and fled.’

We all shared a look. Simon Wong’s little friends.

John shrugged. ‘You can sense them coming from a long way off, Simone. You’ll be fine at school.’

Simone jiggled with delight. ‘Cool!’

‘Return to the windows, Jade. You should be onto the gutters by now.’

Jade picked up the bucket and cloth and grinned, revealing gleaming white dragon teeth. ‘Yes, my Lord.’ She flew back to the house.

‘Why could Simone sense them and you couldn’t, John?’ I said.

‘Right now I think Simone is slightly more powerful than me,’ John said. ‘Now.’ He dropped to one knee to talk to Simone. ‘Have you noticed how I summon Jade and Gold sometimes?’

‘You mean when you call them?’ Simone said.

‘Exactly,’ he said. ‘I can call them to come to me. It doesn’t matter how far away they are, I can tell them I need them.’ He paused and selected his words. ‘It would be good if you could call us when you’re at school, if you see a demon. That way we can come and get it for you.’

‘That’s a good idea, Daddy,’ Simone said, her little face serious. ‘That way I can study hard and not worry about demons.’

‘Okay,’ he said, rising. ‘Let’s try it.’

‘How do I do it?’ she said.

‘Hold my hand and I’ll show you. I’ll call Emma. It’s about time I showed her how this works.’

He smiled into my eyes. ‘The first time this happens it can be quite disconcerting, and I’ve been waiting for a chance to show you…’ His voice trailed off.

‘Without freaking me out?’ I said.

he said, and I jumped. It sounded as if he’d spoken right into my ear.

Are you okay?

‘That’s a very strange sensation.’ ‘Did you see what I did, Simone?’ he said. ‘I don’t know, Daddy. Could you do it again?’
Lady Emma, please remain right where you are. Hello, Emma,
Simone said. ‘Did you hear that?’ ‘Yes I did, Simone, well done.’

She jumped up and down and clapped her hands with delight. Then she hugged her father around his legs. He hoisted her and kissed her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They shared a moment of triumph.

‘Call Leo,’ John said, still holding Simone in his arms.

Simone went still.

Leo came charging out the front door, across the lawn and skidded to a halt in front of them.

‘Try calling Gold,’ John said. ‘This will be harder. Let me see where he is.’ He paused. ‘He is on the Mountain. The Shadow one, on the Earthly Plane. It may be too hard for you.’

Both of them stilled, and a minute later Gold appeared. ‘Yes, my Lady Simone?’

Simone threw her arms above her head with triumph. ‘Yay!’ she yelled. ‘I’m really good!’

John twirled her and she shrieked with delight.

‘Try it, Emma!’ Simone shouted. ‘It’s really easy!’

‘Emma can’t do it, Simone. She’s not half Shen like you are,’ John said.

‘Don’t be silly, Daddy, I’m not half Shen. Shen are the gods that you see in the temples back in Hong Kong. I can’t be half one of them.’

John lowered her and went down on one knee to speak at her level. ‘I’m a Shen, Simone.’

‘No, you’re not, silly Daddy, you’re just a special man,’ she said, explaining patiently.

‘I’m a Shen.’

She put her little hands on her hips, disbelieving. ‘Okay then, which Shen are you?’

‘Remember the temple on Cheung Chau? The one for Pak Tai?’ he said, using his Cantonese name.

‘I remember that temple.’ She wrinkled her nose. ‘It was really yucky. Too much incense.’

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