White Wolf (35 page)

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Authors: Susan Edwards

BOOK: White Wolf
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Chapter Twenty-Five

Golden Eagle and his warriors arrived at Fort Laramie in late afternoon. Preferring to keep some distance from the unpredictable whites, he stopped several miles from the wagons littering the prairie. “We wait here,” he announced to his son.

Striking Thunder slipped on a black leather vest and tucked his long braids beneath an old hat. “I will check to see if Wolf has arrived.” As he rode around the outskirts of hundreds of wagons, noise assailed his ears, and tantalizing whiffs of meals cooked over fires teased his nostrils. Despite the curious and fearful looks sent his way, he kept moving. There were several caravans of wagons with large herds of livestock, but none were Wolf’s. He wasn’t sure if he was relieved or not. If Wolf hadn’t arrived, then that meant there was a chance that they’d be able to protect his brother and the woman from the evil his sister feared.

He was ready to give up when he spotted another wagon circle several miles from the fort with a large herd of livestock a short distance away. He rode toward it. Nearing the herd, he spotted his brother on horseback, speaking to a bearded man with black, curly hair. With his knees, he nudged his horse forward, lifted his hands above his head and called out, “Ho, ho, brother!”

Wolf heard the Indian greeting and twisted in his saddle to see his brother approaching. Fearing bad news from home, he raced out to meet him. The two men dismounted. Wolf clasped Striking Thunder tightly. “Why are you here, my brother? Tell me no harm has come to our family or to Ben.”

“Our family is well, as are Able and Woodcarver-Who-Lives-in-the-Woods.”

Wolf’s gut tightened as he studied Striking Thunder. Despite his brother’s words, he knew something was wrong; he felt it, saw it in his brother’s grave expression. “What brings you so far from our home in the hills?”

“Our sister has had many visions. Danger surrounds the woman who dresses like a boy and has eyes the color of green grass.”

Wolf didn’t question Striking Thunder about how he knew of Jessie. He didn’t need to, not if Star had seen her. Fear snaked up his spine. “Jessica is in danger? From who? Where?”

Just then, James, Jeremy and Jordan joined them. “What’s going on?”

Wolf motioned them to silence. “Tell me what you know,” he commanded his brother. He listened as Striking Thunder told him of Star’s visions. Worry shadowed his eyes. “Let’s go. If my wife is in danger, I want her with us. Then we’ll go to where our parents wait. I want to speak with Star.”

Striking Thunder’s eyes widened at the word
but he didn’t ask questions. Wolf was grateful. There would be time for explanations later. Right now he had to make sure Jessie was safe. The men rode for the circle of wagons. When they arrived, Wolf glanced around. There was no sign of Jessie. Sheer terror filled his heart. Dismounting, he bellowed, “Rook!”

Rook came running as fast as his short, stubby legs allowed. “What’s all the hollerin’ fer?” He came to a stop when he saw Striking Thunder. His bushy white brows drew together, forming a straight line across his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

“Where’s Jessie?” James demanded.

“She went to the fort. Should be back soon.”

Wolf paced. “Damn. How long ago did she leave?”

Rook scratched his scraggly beard. “Soon after we made camp, I reckon.”

Eirica joined them. “She took Alison with her. Is anything wrong?”

Striking Thunder stepped forward. “Who is this Alison?”

James nodded toward Eirica. “Her daughter. If they went to the fort, they’ll be safe.”

Striking Thunder shook his head. “No. It’s too late. She won’t be there.” He stared at the gathering crowd, his dark eyes fixed on Wolf. “Star Dreamer has heard the cry of a small child in her visions.” He then looked at Eirica. “Your daughter, is she young?”

Eirica’s face drained of color. “Oh, Lord. She’s only four.”

Fear snaked through Wolf. Had Zeb caught up with her? He had to go to the fort. Furious growling came from one of the wagons. Wolf turned and held his hand up, signaling silence. Tied to a wagon to keep him from wandering and being hurt by some fearful traveler, Wahoska paced. His hackles were raised, and low growls came from his throat as he stared out into the prairie. Cocking his head, Wolf heard the distant sound of barking. The wolf lunged, tried to break free. Glancing around, Wolf looked for Sadie, but she wasn’t in sight. Perhaps the dog was with Jessie… He released the wolf. The animal took off like an arrow. Wolf jumped on his horse and followed. James, Jeremy and Striking Thunder followed. A mile from the cattle, Wolf stopped when he came upon Sadie, who was barking up a storm. Wahoska continued to circle the dog.

“What the hell is she doing tied out here?” Wolf untied the dog and held tight to the rope when Sadie tried to jerk away. “What is it, girl?” He knelt and grabbed her by the collar. A folded piece of paper fell to the ground.

He opened it and stared at the Wanted poster.

James glanced over his shoulder. “Hey, that woman kinda looks like Rosalyn.”

Ice coated Wolf’s heart as he studied the trio. Though the sketch was grainy, he was afraid James was right. Sadie broke free of his grasp and ran a short distance away. She sniffed the ground and returned with Jessie’s whip in her mouth. Wolf clutched the whip. Jessie would never have left the dog or her whip out here voluntarily. Striking Thunder was right. She was in trouble. “I’m going after them.”

Striking Thunder nodded. “I will fetch our warriors.”

Wolf and the Jones brothers returned to the wagons. Rook met them, and when he saw Sadie, he frowned. “Now what was that mutt doing out there? I tied her to the wagon for snarling at that Norton woman again.” He shook his head. “Don’t know what’s got into that doggone mutt. Likes everyone else jest fine, but that woman brings out the bad in her.”

“Yeah, and now we know why.” Wolf shoved the poster into Rook’s hands and glanced at the wagon belonging to the Nortons. No one was there. “Where are they?”

Scratching his chin, Rook shrugged. “They been gone a couple hours. Looked like they’s planning on being gone a couple days. They was pretty well packed.”

Wolf felt a sinking sensation in his gut. Now he knew Rosalyn had Jessie, but finding her would be next to impossible among the mass of humanity. He eyed the western horizon, then glanced east. And which way? Would she continue onward or flee in the opposite direction? If he guessed wrong, Jessie could die. While waiting for his brother and the warriors to return, Wolf headed for the Nortons’ wagon. The others followed. He pulled the tailgate off.

“Looks like they pulled out,” James said, staring at the sacks of provisions that lay scattered, the open boxes and the hole in the bottom of the wagon. Wolf hopped in and felt inside the secret cubby. He pulled out another wadded-up poster and a sack with a hole in it. It had obviously once held gold, for there were bank markings upon it. He glanced around. He handed Elliot the items. “Elliot, take these to the fort. Tell the commander we need help. I suspect the Nortons have taken Jessie and Eirica’s girl with them as hostages. We’re going to have to split up and check both directions of the trail.”

Eirica gasped and stared from one man to the other. She grabbed Wolf by the arm. “How can you be so sure? We should check the fort first. They’re probably still there.” Her voice rose in pitch. “They
to be!”

Wolf forced himself to remain calm. He gripped Eirica’s hands and shook his head. “My sister has the gift of sight. Most whites don’t believe, but her visions do not lie.” He slammed his fist into his palm. “Dammit, this is my fault!” He closed his eyes, deeply afraid, knowing only too well how foolishly fearless his wife could be.

Striking Thunder had arrived. “It does your wife no good to cast blame. We are ready.”

Wolf nodded to the line of waiting warriors. He wasn’t surprised to see his sisters or his parents. “Let’s go. James—”

“I’m going,” James interrupted. “Jordan can take over the herd.”

“You’re not leaving without me, either,” Jeremy stated.

Wolf glanced at Jordan, fully expecting him to join in. But he didn’t.

Jordan put his arm around his wife. “I’ll stay—in case she returns.”

Wolf nodded. “We’ll split up. Half will go west and the rest will ride back along the trail.”

Star came forward, tears streaming down her dusky cheeks. “No.” She pointed behind Wolf. “I see trees, thick forests, like the
Paha Sapa
at home.”

A surge of adrenaline rushed though his veins. “Elliot, tell the commander to pick up our trail. We’re heading toward the Laramie Range.” They wouldn’t be able to get away. Not from one of the best trackers in all the land.

A cloak of darkness shrouded the three people huddled amidst the tall grass, but Jessie could hear them fighting and see their shadows from where she sat.

“What are we gonna do with them? We can’t keep them; they’ll give us away. ’Sides, we don’t have that much food or water.” Dan sounded nervous.

Daisy shrugged, a malicious grin tugging at the corners of her lips. “What do you think?” she said, slanting Jessie a look of hatred. “Kill ’em?”

Sammy spoke for the first time since they’d fled. “Nobody said nothin’ ’bout killin’.”

“There’s no choice,” Daisy said with a snarl. “It’s them or us. You want to hang?”

“You’re the one who done killed your husband. Not us. I ain’t never killed nobody, and I ain’t gonna start now, especially not no innocent child. Let’s leave ’em here. We’ll travel faster without ’em. All I want is my share of the money.”

“You fool,” she spat. “The girl and the brat are our only chance. We’ll keep them until I’m sure we’re free. Then they go. I’m not leaving them behind to point our direction to Vern. If neither of you can handle it, I’ll take care of it.”

Dan shifted uneasily. “Look, sis, I’m with Sammy. We can’t kill ’em.”

Daisy jumped to her feet. “Don’t forget who’s in charge. What I say goes.”

Sammy threw her a disgusted look. “I ain’t gonna be no part of it. I’m leaving.”


“Yeah, I’m out. Keep the money. Ain’t worth hanging for murder.” Sammy stalked off.

“Dammit, Daisy. You can’t do this,” Dan pleaded.

“No one crosses me,” Daisy spat.

While the trio argued, Jessie had been quietly struggling. The rope binding her wrists dug into her flesh, but at least her feet were unhampered. She wiggled her fingers, forcing the blood to flow to her fingertips. She grimaced. Not that she could go anywhere with her hands bound. If it weren’t for Alison, she might have risked sneaking away while they were busy arguing. With it
being so dark, there was a chance she could hide in the tall grass—but she didn’t dare. While she could handle Daisy’s anger, Alison couldn’t. The little girl was frightened enough. Jessie would just have to wait for a better opportunity.

Glancing around, she searched for shadows that moved, praying that help would arrive—and soon. Daisy was desperate, crazy. But there was nothing out there but vast blackness. She rested her chin on top of Alison’s head, her thoughts tumbling like rocks down a mountainside. Surely Eirica would have alerted Rook or James that they were missing. Had they found Sadie and the Wanted poster? If so, would Wolf know where to look? There were miles to search…

Sorrow and regret filled her. All Jessie wanted was to feel her husband’s arms around her one last time and to be able to tell him how much she loved him. Alison shifted against her. Jessie caressed the curly red hair resting against her breast. With her bound wrists looped over the child, she held her close, seeking to reassure both of them.

Alison tilted her head up, her small, bow-shaped mouth trembling. “I’m hungry, Jessie,” she whispered, sticking her fingers in her mouth.

Jessie still had some dried meat in her pocket from their walk to the fort, but she needed to save it for later. She didn’t know when they’d be fed next. “I know you are, sweet. But we have to be brave and wait.”

Huge tears welled in the little girl’s eyes. “I want my ma.”

Jessie hugged her close. This was all her own fault. She should never have taken the girl to the fort, shouldn’t have let her pride keep her from Wolf. Keeping her voice low, she spoke softly into Alison’s ear, the soft curls tickling her nose. “I know, sweets. We’ll see her soon. Wolf will find us. But you mustn’t say so to

Alison nodded. “Will James come too?”

Jessie smiled tenderly, praying someone would come soon. “Of course he will.”

Snuggling back against Jessie, Alison continued to suck her fingers. Her voice faded. “I like James, Jessie. He don’t yell or hit Ma.”

“Rest now, Ali,” Jessie whispered. It saddened her that the little girl had lived through so much violence in her short life. With Alison dozing, Jessie turned her attention back to the threesome. Daisy had caught up to Sammy. Dan shouted something at his sister; then, with no warning, a shot rang out. Jessie jerked Alison against her to muffle her own startled cry. To her horror, Sammy jerked and fell facedown in the tall grass. Daisy turned away, her pistol in hand. Fear as she’d never known chilled Jessie’s heart when the woman strode toward them and ordered them to stand.

Chapter Twenty-Six

The sun dipped below the horizon, and the pale dusk deepened. A party of warriors knelt near the river, searching for signs of horse tracks. Their quarry had cut back once again. Striking Thunder left the warriors and approached Wolf. “My brother, we have found their trail, but I say we wait until
shows her face once more before continuing.”

Wolf stared out into the wilderness. His brother was in command of the war party, and as leader, he didn’t have to consult him. He could halt his own warriors at will. While Wolf appreciated the show of respect Striking Thunder accorded him, he couldn’t stop now. They had to find Jessie. He gripped the hilt of his knife. “No, we must continue. They have a three- or four-hour jump on us. They will stop to rest. We won’t.”

An imposing figure joined them. “My eldest son is wise in his words.”

Wolf turned to his father, his allegiances no longer Indian or white. He was a man desperately afraid of losing the one woman he loved. He ran his hand through his hair. “Jessie is out there.”

Golden Eagle laid his hand on Wolf’s shoulders. “My son, I know what is in your heart. I felt as you do now when your mother was taken from me by her guardian. But you must remember, emotions cloud the mind. They blind you.” He spread his hands out. “Look, I say. It is open land. They can see for miles, and should they see us coming, they may panic and harm your wife and the child. Let them reach the sheltering trees and mountains. They will not risk their captives until there is no longer any use for them. Once they are in the mountains, we will be right behind them. There, none can hide from us. The sons of Golden Eagle are the best trackers in all the land. The spirits will shield our presence. We will find them.”

Wolf rolled his shoulders. His father and brother were shrewd as always, and for once he did not resent it. He stared out where darkness cloaked the mountain range. His father was right. Like the wolf after which he was named, his tracking skills were unequaled, even by his own brother. He calmed himself, burying his emotions, allowing the Indian in him to surface and take command over the worried husband. He would do whatever it took to find his wife. Head held high, shoulders back, he nodded. “Tell our warriors we ride at the first sign of the gray dawn, my wise brother.”

After unloading Lady Sarah, he wandered out into the dark prairie. Far from the camp, he stopped and lifted his arms high, fingers beseeching the
the spirits of the heavens, as he asked that the trial he followed be preserved, guarded from bad weather. He also asked that the spirit of
the bear, guard his love and protect her from harm. Then he asked
spirit of the wolf, to preside over the chase and the war party, to lead them in the right direction.

After his prayers, he removed his white man’s clothing. He was Wolf, White Wolf, trained warrior. From his pouch, he brought out paints and smeared them across his face and chest, then sat in the tall grass, his hands resting on his crossed knees, palms up, to await the arrival of
the spirit of the east.

Dawn was fast approaching when a unit of soldiers rode out of the fort, toward the Laramie Range. Lt. Col. Hadden Trowbridge ordered the men to spread out and search for the trail of the man named Wolf. He knew it wouldn’t take long to find. According to Elliot Baker, the rescue party was large, making it easy to spot and follow them. Vern rode up beside him. “Think we’ll catch up to them?”

Hadden drew a deep breath and eyed the landscape with a jaundiced eye. “Oh, we’ll catch up. The question you should be asking is whether you’ll get your sister-in-law alive. She’s kidnapped the wife of an Indian, and they’ve got a war party on their trail.”

“Yeah, but according to Baker, the woman’s husband is only part Indian.”

Hadden straightened, his gaze narrowing when he heard a shout in the distance. “Don’t matter. He’s still Indian. Looks like they’ve found the trail. Let’s go.” There wasn’t a chance in hell he’d catch up to the criminals before the Indians did. If only Elliot Baker had come to see him earlier. But he’d also lost time trying to find Vern and getting his confirmation that these were the people that sheriff had come so far to find. By that time it had gone dark.

Vern wrapped the reins around his gloved hand. “I’d like them alive, Lieutenant.”

Hadden sighed. “Me too, Sheriff. Me too.” With a yell, he spurred his horse forward.

By midmorning, Wolf and his party were gaining on the “Nortons.” The churned-up dirt, broken branches and overturned rocks were fresher. But now he also knew it was only Daisy and Dan he had to deal with. Earlier they’d found Sammy’s body. He’d been shot. Finding the dead body gave rise to a new fear. Daisy was a killer. Dan wouldn’t have shot Sammy. Wolf mentally kicked himself. He should have known something was wrong with the trio when he found out that Dan and Sammy were lovers. He’d stumbled across them one night. They hadn’t seen him. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought anything about it, though it explained why Daisy slept around. But now he feared for Jessie’s life. Daisy hated Jessie. He could only pray they caught up with the band before she killed again. He firmed his lips, refusing to entertain any negative thoughts.

The three men rode in silence. Flanked by his father and brother, Wolf felt as though he belonged for the first time in his life. He was a warrior going into battle, and those who’d taken what belonged to him would pay.

By early afternoon they entered the forest. The mountains were thickly forested with pines—so thick that from a distance, the mountains looked black. Sometimes called the Black Hills, the range had the same name as the hills back home where his people lived, the ones his people had named
Paha Sapa.
Hills of the Shadow. That, he felt, was a good sign. And because the woods were densely packed, the chance for an ambush was great.

Wolf consulted with his father and brother. The warriors could go much faster without their horses and move silently through the dense forest. They would go on foot. The rest of their party would remain here. After asking James and Jeremy to remain with the women—who weren’t expert trackers—he slung a quiver of arrows over his shoulder and grabbed his rifle.

Jeremy tapped him on the shoulder. “You still finding signs from Jessie?”

Wolf put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Yes. Your sister is resourceful.” Pride warred with worry. At each stop Daisy made, Jessie managed to leave him some sign, letting him know that she trusted him to come and rescue her. Wolf smiled with grim determination. He would not let her down. He rejoined his father and brother, and they turned to leave.

Jeremy ran up to them, pointing to White Dove. Wolf’s sister wore a quiver of arrows over her back. “Why does she go and not us?”

Before Wolf could explain, Dove stepped in front of him. “I am Indian,” she said, tossing her braids. “I move with no sound, and my aim is true.”

“Yeah, well, you can’t shoot as well as I can. If you go, I go.” Jeremy stood, feet apart, rifle in hand and a determined glint in his eyes.

Dove tilted her chin. “Your white-man’s shoes are heavy and clumsy. They will give away our presence.”

Jeremy lifted one foot and pulled off his boot, then removed the other. Toe-to-toe, the two glared at one another.

Wolf sighed. At every stop since leaving Fort Laramie, the two had baited one another, constantly competing. “Enough, Dove. He can go.”

Dove’s jaw dropped in surprise. “He does not know how to move in the dark. He will step on a twig or allow the moon to cast his shadow.”

Golden Eagle held up his hand. “Then you must guide him, daughter. It is his sister who is in danger, and it is only right that he goes if he chooses. You will remain at his side.” Then Golden Eagle pulled off his own moccasins and handed them to Jeremy. “Put these on. They will soften your footsteps and protect your feet. My feet are tough and can withstand the forest floor.”

Wolf gave the order to move out. Jeremy grinned and fell in step with Dove.

Every bone in Jessie’s body ached as the horses picked their way through the forest. Her vision blurred with exhaustion. They were nearing the end of their second day of riding. Had it only been yesterday that she’d gone to the fort? It seemed so much longer. Though she was tired, she didn’t dare allow herself to drift off, not after witnessing Daisy’s cold-blooded murder of Sammy last night. There was no doubt in her mind that the woman would kill them when she no longer needed them. She had to remain alert and find a way to disarm the evil woman. Her eyelids fluttered closed, but Dan’s shout jerked her awake.

Daisy stopped and twisted around in her saddle. “Now what?” she asked, scanning the dark shadows closing in around them.

“We need to rest.”

“No, we keep riding.”

“Look, Daisy, if our horses drop dead, we’ll never make it out of here alive.”

Swearing beneath her breath, Daisy dismounted, but instead of sitting, she paced nervously. “Very well. But not for long.”

Dan untied Jessie’s hands and hauled her and Alison down. She sank onto the ground with Alison still asleep in her arms.

Daisy came over and glared down at her. “Tie her back up,” she ordered.

Dan sighed. The length of rope dangled from his fingers. “She ain’t gonna go nowhere. Let her be.”

“You aren’t going soft on me, are you?” she said, narrowing her eyes.

Dan glared back. “What are you going to do? Shoot me?”

Jessie bit her lip and tightened her hold on Alison, fearing Daisy’s quick temper. But to her relief, the woman spun around and glared at her. “Don’t try anything,” she spat. Her foot shot out, catching Jessie in the side.

Jessie gasped in pain. Daisy sneered, then stalked off. A canteen dropped beside her. Glancing up, she stared at Dan. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Best wake the child and let her drink, too.”

Jessie woke Alison and gave her some water, then stood and stretched her legs, grinding her heels into the soft dirt floor. She held on to the hope that Wolf was following them. When Dan turned back to them, she felt bold enough to ask, “Are you going to let her kill us?” She kept her voice low so Alison couldn’t hear.

Dan frowned. “I don’t want to. I’m no killer.” He walked away.

Jessie dropped down beside Alison and pulled out the remaining piece of dried meat from her pocket. “Eat quickly, sweet.” Alison did as she was bidden, and Jessie used her as a shield to yank another button from her shirt. It was the last one she dared to remove without risking
Daisy’s suspicion. Tucking her shirt back in, she dropped the tiny button to the ground and tore up some grass. When Daisy ordered them to mount up, she stood and prayed for her husband to hurry. Daisy was edgy, her temper short, and her hard brown eyes were filled with malice.

Jessie watched as Daisy stood, waiting for Dan to finish tying Jessie’s hands to the saddle horn. The woman stared off into the darkness, looking uneasy. Dan finished tying Jessie’s hands and joined his sister.

“Daisy, let’s just leave them here. We’ll travel faster if it’s just the two of us. You know Wolf is on our trail. You’re a fool if you believe otherwise. You can bet when Jessie and the child didn’t return, he set up a search. And he’ll find the dog. And when he figures out we’re gone, he’ll check our wagon. He’ll know we’ve got them.”

Daisy kicked a rock. “Damn!”

Brother and sister stared at one another. Dan’s voice was low, but Jessica heard it nonetheless. Her heart leaped. “We’re as good as dead, sis. Wolf won’t take kindly to us taking his woman. If we free her, he may turn back. She’s all he wants.”

“You’re the fool. If they find that poster you tore off the wall in that shop, they’ll alert the soldiers. That reward my husband’s brother posted will have every soldier on our tail. These two go with us. Now, let’s go,” Daisy ordered.

Darkness settled over the land, providing cover for the warriors creeping stealthily one by one through the trees, wraithlike, blending with the tall, thick trunks. After another hour of slow penetration of the forest, Wolf knew they were gaining on Daisy. It was obvious from the slow, plodding pace of the tracks that the outlaws’ horses were nearing exhaustion. Striking Thunder pointed to a broken leaf, hanging by a mere thread. He picked it and brought it to his nose. “Fresh. It hasn’t lost its scent or wilted. Our enemy is not far ahead.”

Wolf studied the tracks and smiled grimly. They were closing in. With all his willpower, he focused on the hunt, the chase. He could not allow himself to worry and wonder. Keeping to the shadows, the two warriors, equal in height and breadth, slipped from tree to shadow until they heard muffled voices. He gripped his bow. Blood thundered in his ears. They had caught up. He listened intently, hearing the crunch of twigs and dried needles on the forest floor. The kidnappers were still on the move but close. A hand on his arm stopped him.

Striking Thunder shook his head. “We must wait for them to stop and settle or else we risk injury to your woman and the child.”

Wolf acknowledged his brother’s wisdom. He tipped his head up and sent three long, rolling chirps into the air. His signal was returned by two short chirps. Striking Thunder continued on, leaving Wolf to wait for the rest of their party. His father joined him. “We will attack as soon as they stop.” Golden Eagle nodded and laid a hand on Wolf’s shoulder. “The spirits are with us.”

Striking Thunder emerged from the shadows and joined the huddle. His voice was low, barely audible. “They have stopped to rest. Your woman and the child are tied to a tree. The other woman sits close by with a gun pointed at them. The other white paces.” His eyes glittered with disdain. “He is nervous, afraid.”

Wolf narrowed his eyes. “As he should be.”

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