Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy (84 page)

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errors 53, 68

how information was collected 96–7

illegitimate children 417–18

Jews 373

Ireland 110–11

making the most of 96

online access 59, 60, 104–6

Scotland 110

troubleshooting 106–10

Central Agricultural Protection Society 309

Central Catholic Library, Dublin 439

Central Criminal Court 450

Chancery 339, 432, 471, 472

C series 155, 241, 242, 338, 368, 378, 409–10, 431, 432, 468, 470–1, 473, 474, 475–6

Chancery lunatics 407–8

Channel Islands 37

census returns 94, 102, 103–4, 105

parish registers 131

probate records 149

Channel Islands Family History Societies 131

Charity for the Payment of Pensions to the Widows of Sea Officers 193

Charles I 291, 472

Charles II 120, 152, 153, 160, 183, 200

Chartism 283, 343, 453

Chartist Ancestors website 283

Chatham Chest 193

Chaucer, Geoffrey 240

chemists 347

Handbook of Dates


cotton industry 270

palatinate court 450

Cheshire Wills

child labour 251, 271

Child Migrants Trust 388

child migration 388, 391

Children's Employment Commission on Mines 252

Christ's Hospital School 388

Church of England (Anglican Church) 113

chaplaincies abroad 127–8

clergymen's records 352

establishment 430

marriages 79

and naturalization 378

oaths of allegiance 325, 337

parish records 74–5, 113–18

probate 135, 138

teacher training colleges 349

Church of Ireland

clergymen's records 352

and divorce 437, 438

probate 148

tithes 318

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day

Saints (Mormons) 28, 34, 103, 118, 123, 124, 125–6

Church of Scotland 130

Church of Wales 352

Cinque Ports 182

citations, online sources 66–7

City of London

livery companies 347, 359, 360–3

marriage and baptism records 124–5

merchants 332

trial records 450

City of London Police 344

civil court records 470–6

civil registration 35, 74–93, 114, 459

Britons overseas 89–90

England and Wales 75–88

Ireland 92–3

Jews 373

New Zealand 392

online indexes 60, 62, 87–8

Scotland 90–2

civil registration certificates 10, 30

common problems 67, 85–7

contents 77–83

corroboration with census returns 96

corroboration with parish records 113

illegitimacy 416

locating and ordering 84–5

making the most of 76

civil servants 340–3

case study: John Hurt 342

Civil Service records 356

Civil Service Year Book

Clarkson, Jeremy 145

Clary, Julian 215

Clement VII, Pope 430

Clergy of the Church of England database 353

clergymen 352–3

Close Rolls 470

Coal Authority 254, 259

Coal Industry Nationalization Act (1946) 254

Coal Mines Act (1911) 266

Coal Mines Inspection Act (1850) 258

Coal Mines Regulation (Eight Hours) Act (1908) 253

coal mining 250, 252–4

Coal Mining History Resource

Centre website 264–5

Coast Blockade service 235

coastguards 234–40

records 237–40

coats of arms 56, 477

Coldstream Guards 154

College of Arms 56–7, 477, 478

Colonial Office

CO series 383, 384, 388, 391, 392, 393, 395

commercial websites 59–60

Commissary Court of Edinburgh 434–5, 436

Commission of Land Emigration 387

common law 470

common law court records 474–5

Common Pleas 339

CP series 338, 474, 475

Commonwealth immigrants 375–7

Commonwealth War Graves

Commission 171, 180, 207, 214, 229

Companies Acts 327

Companies House 327

Company of Watermen and Lightermen 295

company registration papers 327

Complete Peerage, The
(Cockayne) 55, 477

Conjugal Rights (Scotland) Act (1861) 436

consular records 89–90

context 15, 47–8

convents 416–17

convictcentral website 387

copper mining 250, 252–3, 257, 259

copyright, online sources 66–7

Coram, Thomas 415

Corn Laws 309–10

Cornish mines 250, 252–3, 257, 260–2, 266

Corporation of London Record Office 35

correspondence 13, 129

cotton 270

County Archive Research Network (CARN) 39

County Asylums Act (1808) 409

county borders 35

county archives/county record

offices (CROs) 272

crew lists 224

description 35

local business records 326

local council records 274–5

manorial records 465

mining disaster records 265

parish records 118

railway records 297

Swing Riots records 321

teachers' licences 349

courses 70–1

Court Baron 447

Court Customary 447

Court Leet 447

Court of Bankruptcy 330

Court of Chancery

Court of Exchequer

Court of Requests

REQ series 472, 473, 475, 476

Court of Sessions (Scotland) 436–7

Court of the Lord Lyon 59

Court of Wards and Liveries 471, 472

WARD series 469, 473, 475, 476

courts martial records 212

cousins 19

false relationships 10–11

craft guilds 358

crew lists

fishing vessels 245–6

Merchant Navy 221–2, 223–4

Crimean War 157, 162, 235

criminal ancestors 9, 442–57

case study: Jeremy Irons 453

case study: Lesley Garrett 444

deportee records 369–70

execution 455–6

historical background of the legal system 443–5

prison and convict records 451–5

records in Ireland 457

records in Scotland 456–7

transportation records 454–5

trial records 445–51

Criminal Law Consolidations Act (1861) 456

Criminal Registers 452

Crisp's Apprentices' Indentures

Crockford's Clerical Directory

Cromwell, Oliver 123, 153, 373

Crown records 466–9

customs and excise men 240–4

case example: John Hurt 242

custom officials' records 241–3

excise officers' records 243–4

customs officers 341–3

Cyndi's List 62, 65, 67, 305, 395

Czechoslovakian refugees 370

Dardanelles campaign 194

dataset websites 59–61

dates 47, 114

De Praerogativa Regis

death certificates 10, 11, 29–30, 33, 36, 75, 82, 252

case example: Bill Oddie 83

content 82–3

errors in 53

introduction 74

lead or anthrax poisoning 277

making the most of 76–7

missing 86

Northern Ireland 93

Republic of Ireland 93

Scotland 91

train accidents 302

death duty registers 48, 144–6

death records

deaths at sea 220, 232–3

mining deaths 264–5

RAF 214

Royal Marines 207

serving soldiers 180

workhouses 404

Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage
24, 55, 477

debtors' prison 329

‘declaration of alienage' 379

denization records 377–8

dentists 348

Dentists Act (1878) 348

Department of Education and Science 350

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI) 327

deportation 369–70, 379

Derbyshire cotton industry 270

Derbyshire Wills Database 144

Derwent Valley Mills 279

Derwentwater, Lord 259

desertion (of spouse) 429

Ireland 437–8


county archives 35

mining 250, 252–3, 266

Dickens, Charles 263

Dickinson, David 414

Dictionary of National Biography
158, 204, 477

Digitalization of Vital Events (DoVE) 85

diocesan courts 139

dioceses 112

Directory of Directors

Distinguished Flying Cross 217

Distinguished Flying Medal 217

divorce 428–39

a mensa et thoro

England and Wales

before 1858: 430–2

after 1858: 433–4

historical context 428–30

Ireland 437–9

before 1922: 437–8

Northern Ireland 438–9

Republic of Ireland 439


before 1830: 434–5

after 1830: 436–7

Divorce Acts 430–1

Divorce (Scotland) Acts

1938: 435, 436

1976: 436

DNA testing 504–5

case example: Colin Jackson 504

dockyards 247–8

Doctors' Commons 336

document searches 40–3

document storage 51

Dolcoath tin and copper mine 257

Domesday Book 94, 250, 460, 479, 507

Dr William's Library, London 120

Dublin City Archives 365

Dublin Metropolitan Police 344

Durham Mining Museum 264–5

Durham palatinate court 450

East Anglia 124

East India Company (EIC) 141, 172, 173, 235, 330, 393, 394

merchant marines 220

records 232, 332, 395

Edict of Expulsion (1290) 123, 372–3

Edict of Nantes, revocation (1685) 122

Edmund, Duke of York 477

Education Acts 288

1870: 350

1899: 351

1902: 350

1944: 351

Education (Scotland) Act 351

Edward I 123, 372, 409, 469

Edward III 477

Edward VI 368

Edward the Confessor 182

Edwardian photos 14

electoral lists and registers 35, 48

Elizabeth I 120, 121, 471

Elizabethan Poor Law records 398–401

Ellis Island database 390

emigration 380–95

assisted 387–8

to Australia 381, 382, 384, 391–2

to the Caribbean 381, 384, 387, 388, 395

case study: Alistair McGowan 394

child 388

Highland Clearances 309, 321–2

historical background 380–3

to India 393–5

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