Who Do You Think You Are? Encyclopedia of Genealogy (83 page)

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Key Collections

The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) contains government departmental records, court, public bodies' and local authority records for Northern Ireland as well as some records deposited by private individuals and companies. It acts as a County Record Office for the whole of Northern Ireland and, as such, unlike any other national archive elsewhere in the United Kingdom, it has an immense collection of private, local and ecclesiastical records.

Useful Website Addresses

British Library: www.bl.uk

British Library Newspaper Library: http://explore.bl.uk

Family Search/Family History Centres: www.familysearch.org.uk

Federation of Family History Societies: www.ffhs.org.uk

General Register Office (GRO): www.direct.gov.uk

General Register Office for Scotland (GROS): www.gro-scotland.gov.uk

General Register Office of Ireland (GROI): www.groireland.ie

General Register Office, Northern Ireland (GRO Northern Ireland): www.groni.gov.uk

Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies (IHGS): www.ihgs.org.uk

Jewish Genealogical Society: www.jgsgb.org.uk

Principal Registry of the Family Division: www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk

Society of Genealogists: www.sog.org.uk

The Wellcome Library: www.library.wellcome.ac.uk


The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet 276


in family trees 25

in note taking 49

Aberfan Disaster (1966) 264

Access to Archives (A2A) 41–2, 257, 273, 326, 349, 410, 465

accountants 333–4

Act of Supremacy 121

Act of Uniformity (1662) 120, 121

Act of Union (1707) 153, 244

Admiralty 209, 235, 247

ADM series 97, 184, 187–9, 190–2, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 202–5, 206–7, 210–11, 212, 213, 217, 229, 236, 237, 238, 239, 247–8, 259, 356, 411, 455

ADM 1 199

Admiralty apprentices 356

Adopted Children Register 421

Adopted Children Register Northern

Ireland 423

Adopted People's Association (APA) 424, 425

adoption 9, 23

case example: David Dickinson 414

case example: Griff Rhys Jones 415

case example: Nicky Campbell 421

historical context 414–15

Adoption Act (1952) 424

adoption certificates 420, 421, 422, 423

Adoption Contact Registers 425

Adoption of Children (Scotland) Act (1930) 422–3

adoption records 419–27

official adoption 421–5

unofficial adoption 426–7

Adoption, Search & Reunion website 421

advertisements 326

Africa Star 230

African General Service Medal 217

age of consent 79–80, 116

Agricultural Revolution 307–8, 355, 402

farming and agricultural labourers

Air Force Cross 217

Air Force Lists 211

Air Force Medal 217

Air Ministry 209

AIR series 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218–19

Albert Medal 229

Alfred, King 182

Aliens Acts

1793: 367, 369

1816: 372

1836: 369

1905: 369, 373, 379

Aliens Registration Act (1914) 370

Allen & Burnhouse Gill Mining Co. 256

American Civil War 271

American Revolution 385

American War of Independence 201, 382, 451

Ancestry website 26–7, 57, 59, 88, 104, 105, 109, 110, 170, 185, 211–12, 291

Anglo-Jewish Archive 374

Anglo-Saxon period 133–4, 173, 462

annulments 431

Anson, George 478

apothecaries 347

case example: Natasha Kaplinsky 347

apprenticeship 354–7

fishing 245

pauper children 40–1

apprenticeship records 356, 419

Ireland 365

Merchant Navy 222, 223

Scotland 364–5

archdeaconry courts 138–9

Archdeaconry of London Wills Index 142

archival pyramid 33

archives 30, 32–51

finding 37

gathering evidence 32–3

lectures and workshops 70

online access 60

types of 34–7

working in 38–51

Archives Hub 42, 289

Archives Network Wales 259, 273–4

ARCHON Directory 37, 39, 42, 276

Arigna Mining Experience centre 267


illegitimate offspring 419, 477

tracing roots 476–9

see also
College of Arms;


Arkwright, Richard 279

Armagh County Museum and Library 303

Army Lists 157–8, 167, 202, 203, 210

Ashkenazi Jews 373

Ashley, Lord 271

assizes (assize courts) 443, 445

divorce cases 433

records 449, 475

asylums 408–9

records 410–11

Atlantic Star 230

aunts 18

false relations 10–11


child migration to 388

emigration to 381, 382, 384

migrant records 384, 391–2

parish registers 126, 128

transportation to 382, 385–6, 387

transportation records 454–5

Bal Maidens 266

Bank of England 332

Bank of England Wills Extract Index 142

bankers 332

bankruptcy 329–30

baptism records 11

British Army 161

illegitimate children 417

India 36

non-conformists 120

parish records 113, 114–15, 123–4, 124–5, 130

spellings 68

workhouses 404

Barbers' Company of London 346

Bargemen website 296

Barnado's homes 388, 415, 427

barristers 336–7

bastardy examinations 397–8, 399

battalion war diaries 171, 176–7

battalions 155

battlefield visits 181

BBC Nation on Film website 266

‘benefit of the clergy' 456

Besant, Annie 284

bigamy 9, 429, 439–41

case study: Vic Reeves 440

‘bill pleading' 471–2

Birmingham 458

industrialization 270

population (1700s) 461

Birth and Death Registration Act (1874) 75, 85, 233

birth certificates 10, 11, 29–30, 33, 36, 75, 96

adopted children 420, 421–2, 423, 424

case example: Bill Oddie 79

common problems 86

contents 77–9

discrepancies with marriage certificates 53

illegitimacy 416

introduction 74

making the most of 76–7

Scotland 90–1

Northern Ireland 93

Republic of Ireland 92

birth records

births at sea 220, 232–3

foundlings 415

RFC/RAF personnel 214

Royal Marines 207

serving soldiers 180

spellings 68

workhouses 404

Birthlink 422, 425

Bishop of London Registers 127–8

Bishops' Transcripts 113

black and Asian history 366

Black Country Living Museum 282

Black Death 459

Blenkinsop, John 287

Blitz 6, 359

blood relationships 17–18

Board of Agriculture 316

Board of Customs 235, 236, 240–1

Board of Excise 236, 240–1

Board of Trade 220, 236, 258–9, 328

BT series 196, 221, 222, 223–4, 225, 226–8, 229, 230, 231, 232–3, 239, 245, 246–7, 264, 327, 330, 356, 383, 392, 395

Railway and Canal Division 294

Board of Inland Revenue 241

Bodleian library 447

Boer War 15, 31, 33, 169

Book of Fees (Testa de Nevill) 479

Borthwick Institute of Historical Research 141–2

Bow Street Foot and Horse Patrols 343

Boyd's London Burials 127

Boyd's Marriage Index 124, 126

Bradford 270

Manningham Mill Strike 283–4

Bradford Industrial Museum 280

Bradford Textile Society 285

Bredon's Hardwick 35


population (1700s) 461

trial records 450

Bristol Record Office 450

Britain, Battle of (1940) 219

British Agricultural Historical

Society (BAHS) 323

British and Foreign School Society 349

British Army 152–81, 197, 272

brief history 152–4

British Indian Army 172–3

case study: Ian Hislop 169

commission records 160–1

half-pay records 161

life in 179–80

medal rolls 170

Militia records 173–6

officer records

1660–1913: 157–62

British Indian Army 173

First World War 167–8

organization and hierarchy 154–5

other rank records

British Indian Army 173

First World War 168

post 1660 162–6

pay lists and muster rolls 165–6

pension records 171

ranks 155

regimental records 159–60

service records

prior to 1660: 155–6

post 1660: 156–66

First World War 166–71

post First World War 172

soldiers' documents 162–5

tracing a campaign 176–9

troubleshooting guides 482, 484–5

British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) 421, 424

British Empire viii, 36, 86, 89, 127, 180, 183, 198, 366, 389, 459

British Genealogy website 63

British Indian Army
Indian Army

British Library 36, 128, 141, 158, 173, 174, 181, 185, 220, 232, 241, 288, 332, 346, 394, 395, 447

Collect Britain website 288

Newspaper Archive 230

British Nationality Act (1948) 377

British Newspaper Library 61, 265

British Overseas
guide 89, 128, 393

British Rail 296

British Railways Pre Grouping Atlas and Gazetteer

British Telecom Archives 291

British transport police 302

British Trials
(Chadwick-Healy) 446

British Vital Records Index 124

British War Medal 217, 229

burial records

India 36

non-conformists 121

parish records 113, 114, 117–18, 124, 125

Burke's Landed Gentry

Burke's Peerage and Baronetage
24, 55, 477, 478

Burma Star 230

Business Archives Council (BAC) 328–9

business records and repositories 326–30

Byrnes, Dan 332

Camborne School of Mines (CSM) 253

Cambridge University 324, 353

campaign medals

British Army 170

RFC 216–17

RNAS 217

Royal Navy 198

Campbell, John Menzies 348

Campbell, Nicky 421


child migration to 388

emigration to 309, 381, 382, 384

migrant records 390–1

parish registers 128

Canal Boating in the UK and Europe website 305

canals and inland waterways 286, 292–6, 305

capital punishment

Caribbean (West Indies) 140

emigration to 381, 384, 387, 388

immigration from 366, 375–7

migrant records 395

naval dockyards 248

parish registers 128

transportation to 385

Cartae Baronum 479

catalogues (archives) 41

Catherine of Aragon 430

Catholic Archive Society of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland 439

Catholic Church, Ireland 416, 437, 439

Catholic Family History Society 69, 122

Catholic immigration 271

Catholic Record Society 122

Catholic Relief Act (1778) 121

Cecil, William (Lord Burghley) 471

cemeteries 117

census returns 30, 35, 62, 94–111, 253, 299, 459

case study: Bill Oddie 107

combining with civil registration certificates 96

England and Wales

1841: 98–100

1851–1901: 100–3

accessing collections 103–6

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