Why Romeo Hates Juliet (31 page)

BOOK: Why Romeo Hates Juliet
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Chapter 65

After storing the leftover food in the fridge, Juliet came back to the beach to help Romeo finish putting out the fire. After the last embers had died, he stood up and grinned at her with a knowing glint in his eyes. It told Juliet everything… that he was raring to go, that he thought she was beautiful, and that it was going to be one hell of a night for the both of them.

Juliet’s lips grew into a wide smile. “How’s your shoulder feeling?” she teased him.

Laughing, he grabbed her around the waist with his one good arm and pulled her into him. “You’re the only medicine I need tonight.” His eyes wandered over the beautiful contours of her face. “And I can’t wait to drink my fill.” Juliet giggled, wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his glistening, fevered eyes. “Well, there’s good medicine and there’s bad medicine. Which one do you think I’ll be?”

“Honey, you can be anything you wanna be. It’s all good.” His hot lips came down on hers, stamping her with his approval.

Leaning into him more, she parted her mouth, letting her tongue slip out to tease his lips. She heard him groan with pleasure and felt his hand move up the back of her spine. Juliet slid her lips off of his and reached for his wandering hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. Moving away, she tugged at him. “Come on, Romeo Boyd, it’s past your bedtime.”

With an impish twinkle in her eyes, she started to pull him towards the house. Smiling broadly, Romeo let himself be led and they raced up the beach hand in hand, like two little kids who had a big, scary monster chasing them.

Half laughing, half out-of-breath, they ran into the kitchen and Juliet quickly turned towards him and swooped her lips back onto his, coaxing him to respond. But Romeo didn’t need any encouragement. He was so fired up to be with her that his lips brushed back and forth over hers on pure instinct, promising and provoking and pleasing. He loved her, totally and completely, and tonight he would prove it to her. He would do whatever she wanted him to do in bed and he’d make sure she was going to be as satisfied as he was going to be. Tonight, she was his only concern. God - the sweetness and the tenderness he was feeling coursing through his system right now, he’d never felt with anyone before. He not only wanted to savor those feelings for himself, but he wanted to share them all with her.

With her lips still moving provocatively over his, Juliet’s hands raced up and down his hard chest, feeling every rippling, straining muscle. She let them rest on his nipples and after massaging them for a few seconds and hearing him groan into her mouth with pleasure, she pushed at him, tearing herself off of him.

Taken aback by surprise as he was pushed away, Romeo felt off balance for a split second. What was she telling him? That she’d changed her mind and didn’t want to make love with him after all? But as doubt raced through his mind, his eyes lasered in on hers and he quickly spotted the teasing element flickering in them.

Mischievously, Juliet took a step back away from him and grabbed the bottom hem of her white t-shirt before quickly hauling it over her head and off her body. She threw the flimsy piece of cotton up in the air and over her shoulder and it landed on top of the refrigerator. Her eyes twinkled at him. “Since you’ve got one arm out of commission, I thought I’d help you out a bit.” Romeo’s own hungry eyes devoured her as his gaze rested on her flesh-colored bra still concealing her sexy breasts. His mouth slanted into a playful smile as he took a step towards her, but she was too quick for him and letting out a short laugh, she raced out of his grasp, out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Laughing and enjoying her little game, he chased after her and when he caught up with her, she was already on the first step on the stairs going to the second floor, but her body was turned towards him.

Her eyes glinted with amusement as he approached her, but as he reached for her, she scooted away, climbing up backwards to the third step.

“Oh no, Romeo, not yet,” she laughed. “You have to take something off too.”

Looking down at himself, he quickly yanked his baggy shorts down, exposing his hard erection cradled in his underwear. Stepping out of them, he mimicked her earlier actions and picking them up with his good arm, threw them high up into the air and over his shoulder. They landed on one of the blades of the whirring ceiling fan in the living room.

Juliet broke out into a fit of giggles as she watched the silly shorts going round and round. “Nice shot,” she laughed.

He smirked and his eyes glinted dangerously. “Okay, so now what?” he chuckled, as he stood there, in his underwear, poised to make any move she wanted him to.

Juliet’s eyes flashed back at him as she moved backwards again a couple more steps up the staircase. “Now this,” she giggled, as she unzipped her jeans and slid them past her hips, where they puddled around her bare feet. Reaching down, she grabbed the blue denim and threw them over the railing. They landed on the coffee table.

As she stood before him in her bra and flesh-colored panties, a reckless joy bubbled up in her laughter. “This is what you call an even playing field, Mr. Boyd,” she teased.

As he gawked up at her from the bottom stair, Romeo thought that he’d never been more hot for a woman than he was right now. His starving eyes wandered over her beautiful body, from her hardened nipples straining against her bra, down to her narrow waist and further down to her see-through panties where he saw that she was completely shaved.

“Shit, Juliet,” he exploded, “ - you’re so goddamned beautiful.” The words had barely left his lips when he quickly regretted them. Okay, that wasn’t the most romantic thing he could have said, but at least it was honest. His worried eyes quickly traveled back up her body to her eyes which were twinkling with suppressed laughter. A sigh of relief escaped him as his lips again broke out into a grin. “What I meant to say was, come here woman.”

Juliet obeyed and slowly climbed back down the few stairs between them. Stopping on the stair above his, she quickly lowered her mouth to his and let her hands run down his bare chest, over his hips, landing on his underwear-clad butt, where she squeezed his hard muscles there.

“Witch,” he breathed against her swol en lips before continuing to coax them into submission. His good hand then traced a path from her bare midriff upwards to her bra-covered right breast where he, in turn, squeezed its softness, feeling her nipple harden even more through the thin material. She moaned into his mouth with pleasure as her lips continued to move on his before reluctantly pulling off of them again.

Her eyes turned serious for a moment as she stared into his baby blue ones. “How’s your shoulder, really?” Juliet was concerned that he would re-injure himself or that she would make a wrong move or touch him too roughly by accident and he would be in pain again.

But she needn’t have worried because Romeo’s mouth suddenly curved into a lazy smile. “It’s never felt better.” Sensing that he was indeed alright, her concern quickly faded. “Well, in that case…” she let the sentence hang in mid-air before turning and racing up the rest of the stairs, running towards his bedroom.

It took Romeo a second to realize what she was doing before he blazed after her. Laughing, he entered and grabbed her around her waist just as she tried to scoot out of his reach again.

Screaming with pleasure, she whirled around and, still being careful to not touch his injured shoulder, wrapped her arms around his neck.

Romeo’s lips immediately reclaimed hers, tasting her sweetness.

His kiss was surprisingly tender, Juliet thought, as she let her own lips part and allow his tongue to plunge into her mouth. As soon as he did that, she felt the intimate caress set her on fire and she moaned with the anticipation of when he would plunge into her body too. Suddenly, wanting that more than anything, she deepened the kiss, signaling her need.

Feeding off of her urgency, Romeo pressed his hardened contours even more against her and used his powerful, male strength to lead her backwards towards the bed. As they both reached its edge, they gently fell onto it, his body landing beside her. With his hungry lips still on hers, Romeo’s hand fumbled with the bra clasp behind her back. He was desperate to not only feel her, but see her too, wanting to touch every inch of her body with his lips. But having only one good hand in operation was posing to be a problem, as the hooks refused to budge.

Juliet, sensing his problem, dragged her lips off of him and reached for the clasp. “Let me,” she whispered and in one second, her breasts were free of their confinement. She threw the bra over the side of the bed and watched as his eyes feasted on her engorged chest. His fevered gaze came slowly back up to her waiting one.

“Love me, Juliet,” he breathlessly whispered.

The words seemed to have been torn out of his chest and Juliet’s eyes momentarily blinked in confusion. What he’d just said sounded like it had hidden layers of meaning behind it - or was he just talking about her having sex with him right now? Frankly, she didn’t know and she didn’t care. All she wanted was to feel his hands on her and have his lips do things to her that the rest of his body would eventually do. Her aching need for him was all powerful, and looking down at his erection still barely concealed in his underwear, she had an overwhelming urge to touch him and give him as much pleasure as she could.

Her eyes came back up to his and she smiled at him, sweetly this time. “Yes… ” she softly whispered back, answering his question.

Romeo studied her intently as her beautiful eyes crinkled at the corners into a genuine smile. God, how had he gotten so lucky to meet someone like her and have her in his arms tonight?

Lowering his hopeless lips back to hers, he took them gently this time and began to slowly move over them, tasting their warmth and sweetness. His good arm tightened protectively around her waist and he drew her closer to him. Suddenly, he felt her hand snake between them and go inside his underwear, landing on his erect penis. Touching him slowly, she began to move along his hard shaft, as her lips kept kissing his.

It happened in an instant! Juliet heard him first groan with pleasure before feeling his injured shoulder suddenly and awkwardly draw backwards. His lips tore off of hers then and he screamed in pain, as he yanked himself out of her arms. Doubling over, his right hand shot to his left shoulder. Air whooshed out of him as he gasped, “Oh God, it - hurts,” and his hand tried to valiantly massage the pain away.

Shocked, Juliet watched as his face contorted with the shooting pain he was feeling. His breathing became labored and his good hand clamped itself tightly to his injury as if that would help ease the ache. Fear gripped her at the sight. “My God, Romeo, are you okay?” He shook his head no, unable to even answer her properly. Gently, she placed her hand on his back to help ease his agony. “What happened? Did I do something wrong?” She was afraid once again that she was the cause of more pain for him.

He took a deep steadying breath and looked up at her, coming upright as best as he could. His intense eyes bore into hers as if he wanted to make sure that she would believe his next words. “No! You didn’t do anything wrong. You did everything right. It’s me. I - I twisted my shoulder the wrong way, that’s all. I’ll be okay, but it hurts so much right now and - and I don’t think we can be together tonight. I’m sorry, Juliet.”

“Shhh, don’t even think about that now. All that matters is for you to get better.” still concerned, she tenderly pushed some of his wild hair off of his face. “You just lie down and I’ll be right back with a cold compress for your shoulder. Do you want to go to the hospital instead?” Romeo shook his head as he kept massaging his wounded arm. “Let’s just see how I feel in the morning.” Juliet nodded. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” She gave him a gentle kiss on his lips before getting up to walk out of the bedroom.

Romeo watched her walk out and the second she was out of sight, he let his hand drop away from his shoulder and he straightened up on the bed. Frustrated, he ran his good hand through his wild hair. No - he hadn’t hurt himself, and his shoulder was fine with only the usual dull throbbing in it, nothing he couldn’t handle.

The truth of the matter was that when it really came down to it, he just couldn’t make love to Juliet tonight. Why? Because he - Romeo Boyd -

was a rotten, scamming, dirtbag, piece of shit and he just couldn’t be with her when he was lying to her about his supposed amnesia, that’s why.

And his fake amnesia ploy wasn’t just a little lie, like a ‘that dress doesn’t make you look fat’ type of lie - no, this was a big lie, the kind they talk about in the Ten Commandments.

He’d been all set to make love to her. In fact, he ached for her, but at the last second his conscience had reared up within him and he hadn’t been able to go through with it. When she’d touched him and had started to gently move along the length of him, everything had suddenly become too real and he knew he had to put a stop to things before they went any further. He wasn’t an animal. He did have some restraint, and he’d brought in all of his acting skills to fake another shoulder injury, giving him a good excuse to stop things for the night.

What kind of man would he be if he’d slept with her while he was still lying about his amnesia? A bastard and a complete asshole, that’s what kind - and he couldn’t do that to her. Their first time together would not be overshadowed with lies and scams and games if he could help it.

No… what he would do is he’d stay away from her tonight, claiming he needed to rest his shoulder. Tomorrow, he had another doctor’s appointment at the hospital and when he came back after that he’d tell her that his memory was suddenly back, that he knew who he really was and that as surprising as it was for her to hear, he was in love with her. What would she say to that? Would she be happy or would she tell him to fuck off? Romeo took in a deep breath of courage. Tomorrow, he’d find out.

~ ~ ~

Chapter 66

She was in the water again and she couldn’t breathe. ‘Somebody, please help me’, Juliet thought,
but the water was over her head and her body was paralyzed. She couldn’t even move her arms, and the second she tried to scream, water rushed into her lungs. “No, please God, no…” she moaned.

“Juliet, wake up, come on, wake up,” Romeo’s sweet voice kept repeating.

Upon opening her eyes, Juliet saw him sitting on the edge of her bed, his good hand gently positioned on her arm and a worried frown stamped across his face. Her bedside lamp was on and it cast its orange light into his concerned eyes. “You’re dreaming; it’s just a dream,” he explained softly.

Struggling, she sat up and ran her hands through her hair, feeling the beads of sweat dampening her forehead. Her racing heart began to slow as her eyes glanced around the room, finally realizing where she was.

“Oh god, I thought - I mean I was back in the water,” she whispered, fear gripping her again as the images began to replay in her mind.

“I know. The doctors said this might happen. But it’s just a dream, see?” He pointed around the bedroom. “You’re here with me and you’re safe.” He pulled her into his good arm and nestled her head against his chest. “Nothing bad will ever happen to you again, I promise,” he rasped fiercely.

“Promise?” she whispered, knowing that something like that was impossible to promise anyone. Life was full of bad things and no one had the power to protect you from it all, but it was nice to hear it, especially right now when she was still in the grip of terror.

“I promise,” he replied, and the conviction she heard in his voice made her almost believe him.

“Stay with me tonight.” She looked up at him then, her eyes silently pleading with him.

“Juliet, you know I can’t - my shoulder…”

“I - I don’t mean that. I just need someone to hold me until I fall asleep again,
?” Romeo took in her frightened eyes and could hear the desperate plea in her voice. He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and positioned himself against her headboard, allowing her to rest her head on his chest. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Juliet, nothing. I hope you know that,” he whispered, as his fingers gently caressed her hair.

Juliet nodded and closed her eyes, silently telling him that she knew that. And with his protective arm around her and his powerful chest cradled underneath her head, she fell asleep feeling safe and listening to his soothing rhythmic breathing lulling her into the land of sweet dreams.

~ ~ ~

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