Wicked Innocence (17 page)

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Authors: Missy Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Wicked Innocence
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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Dee looked at me as I shimmied into a tight black dress. “Perfect. Very sexy. If Sax saw you in that dress…what?” she said when I glared at her. “I’m just saying.”

A car horn beeped outside. We both rushed out of my room. Nelson looked up from his computer, his gaze settling on Dee.

“Hi, Nelson,” she said sweetly.

I shook my head and laughed as he stammered back a reply. She was always teasing him like that. We walked outside and crossed the road where Harry was waiting for us in his car.

“I wonder if he thinks about me when he’s whacking off.”

“Harry?” I asked, giggling.

“What? No! Nelson, you idiot,” she grumbled. “You saw how he looked at me.” She thought for a moment. “Though I wouldn’t half mind if Harry did. Does he have a girlfriend?” she whispered.

“No,” I smirked. “Why? Are you interested?”

She blushed. “I was just asking.”

I walked around the back of the car and slid in behind the passenger seat.

“You can sit up front,” I said to Dee.

She glared at me.

“What?” I said innocently.

“Thanks for picking us up,” I said to Harry.

He turned around and flashed me a smile.

My eyes widened when I saw his face. “What happened?” I gasped. His left eye was swollen and bruised, as was his cheek.

“Let’s just say a little family disagreement,” he chuckled. “But you should see the other guy.”

“Sax?” I whispered, my stomach twisting into a knot. Harry’s eyes met mine in the rear vision mirror. I looked away. He knew. The question was, how much did he know?

“Sax did that to you?” demanded Dee.

“Yeah, but I might’ve asked for it. We have a complicated relationship,” he muttered, slipping the car into gear. We took off, exiting the street, heading into the city.

“How is he?” I asked quietly. He raised his eyebrows and I blushed.

“Pissed off at the world,” he finally answered. “Don’t know why. Don’t really care, to be honest. I have a feeling it has to do with you, though.”

I cringed and looked out the window, focusing on the passing traffic.

“Don’t worry, tonight I don’t even want to think about my cousin. And I get the feeling you don’t want to, either,” he added pointedly.

“So maybe you should stop talking about him?” I suggested sweetly.

“So Harry, how long have you been into music?” Dee cut in. Harry smiled and began chatting. The tension eased.

I sighed and sank into my seat, silently thanking her for her subtle diversionary tactic. I needed a few minutes alone with my thoughts, even if they had my stomach twisted in knots as I thought about Sax. Was he hurt? Harry looked pretty messed up. What the hell had they been fighting about?


So glad I decided to come.

I sighed and ran my finger around the rim of my glass, wishing I’d just stayed at home. I was sitting alone at the bar after being abandoned by everyone. Dee had followed Harry outside like a puppy after he’d invited her to get some fresh air.

I snorted. ‘Fresh air’ my ass. This was supposed to be a way for me to keep my mind off Sax, yet there I was, drowning myself in a drink I technically wasn’t allowed to drink, checking my messages constantly for some kind of sign that he wasn’t going to hate me forever.

Things were looking pretty grim.


“Micah.” Dee grabbed my arm. Right away I could tell something was wrong. “It’s Harry. We were out front and this group of guys came out of nowhere.”

Shit. I grabbed her hand and ran back over to where I’d last seen the other guys. Fuck. They were gone. My hands on my head, I glanced around, trying to figure out what to do. My head was throbbing—a combination of not eating all day and my two glasses of vodka and soda.

“Come on, M, we have to do something,” she begged. Tears welled in her eyes. “I think they’re going to kill him.”

“Okay, let me think,” I mumbled. I pulled my phone out of my purse and called the only person I could think that could help.

Only he wouldn’t answer. Fuck! My hands shaking, I tapped out a message and pressed send.

Dee grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the exit. As we walked outside, my heart jumped.

I could see Harry on the ground, groaning as three rough-looking men kicked the shit out of him. A blonde stood behind them crying, her arms clutched around her waist.

“What the hell happened?” I said to Dee. I had to do something. Whatever Harry had done to piss these guys off, they were out for some serious revenge.

“We were just talking, and the guy with the shaved head came out of nowhere and dragged him off. He was shouting something about his girlfriend. I think he hit on the blonde? I don’t know. We have to do something,” she begged.

“Go inside and get them to call the cops,” I ordered her. “Now.”

She nodded and disappeared inside. Where the fuck was the security dude that was supposed to be manning the door?

“Hey,” I shouted at the thugs. “Get away from him. The cops will be here any minute.” I flicked my phone over to video and pressed record, making sure I had clear images of the guys.

“Not your business, sweetie. Walk away,” the shaved-headed guy yelled as he laid another kick into Harry’s stomach. I winced, almost feeling his pain.

Fuck. They’re going to kill him.

Taking a deep breath, I reached into my purse and pulled out the small can of pepper spray I carried with me. Three years in LA and I’d never had to use it until now. I charged at them, my finger poised on the nozzle and let them have it.

“What the fuck,” the big dude yelled as he clutched his eyes. The other two backed off. “You fucking bitch,” he snarled. He ran toward me, swinging his arms wildly, but his eyes were already so clouded with tears that it slowed his progress in his attempt to get at me.

I cried out as his fist connected with my chin. Pain shot through me and I felt myself fall backwards, the harshness of the gravel on the ground scraping at the delicate skin on my knees.

“Get away from her, you motherfucker.”

My heart stopped as Sax appeared out of nowhere. He swung at the thug, knocking him to the ground.

I scrambled over to Harry, who was conscious, but not doing well at all. “Can you stand up?” I whispered. I helped him to his feet.

“Get him in the car,” ordered Sax.

I nodded as Dee appeared on his other side. Together, we led him over to the car and bundled him in.

“Get in. Now.” Sax hurtled across the hood and dove into the car.

I opened the door and jumped in, pushing the lock just as the thug reached us. “Drive,” I screamed.

He slammed his foot down on the accelerator and skidded out of the parking lot. My heart pounded as I tried to process what had just happened. I glanced in the back. Dee had her arms around Harry, who was groaning in pain.

“What the fuck happened?” growled Sax. “Harry? What the hell did you do?”

“Nothing,” he muttered. “Fucking assholes came out of nowhere.”

“It’s true,” Dee said. “It was totally random. We were just standing there and the next minute they were on him.”

“‘Random’ my ass,” Sax snorted. “Did you get a look at the dude laying into you? Or maybe the blonde standing behind him?”

“Fuck,” Harry muttered, wiping his bloody lip.

“I told you not to get mixed up in that shit, Harry. Honestly, I don’t blame the guy. You banged his girlfriend! You’re not invincible, dude. One day you’re going to find yourself completely fucked.”

“Spare me the speech, Sax,” Harry scoffed. He winced in pain as he shifted his weight off his left side. “You think you’re better than me, but the reality is you’re a washed up piece of shit, and the last person who should be giving out advice.”

Sax laughed bitterly and shook his head. The look in his eyes terrified me. I’d never seen him so angry. His jaw twitched as he stared straight ahead, weaving in and out of the traffic like a maniac.

“Just take me to Liam’s. I don’t need or want your help, okay? Get that through your fucking head.”

This was bad. I glanced at Dee, who was staring at me, her eyes wide.

“I think you need a doctor, Harry. Your ribs might be broken,” she said.

“Then drop me off at the hospital,” he growled. He closed his eyes and took a sharp breath. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, giving Dee a small smile. “I’m sorry the night turned out like this. Just drop me off at the hospital and I’ll get Liam to pick me up, okay?”

Sax didn’t answer, but drove the few miles down the road to the county hospital.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” he said, his voice quiet.

“I’ll stay with him,” Dee assured us as she helped Harry out. “M, I’ll call you later, okay?”

I nodded and gave her a quick smile. “Thanks, Dee.”


The silence was killing me. Sax hadn’t said one word to me since we got in the car.

“Where are we going?” I asked when he drove past the turn-off that led to my apartment.

“My house.”

Oh. My heart began to race. This whole night had been one big disaster, and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and forget about everything. I didn’t have the strength to fight any more.
I’ll call a cab from his house.
At least that way I would know that he was home and safe. He was in such a foul mood that I was afraid he would do something stupid.

We pulled into his garage, the door closing behind us.

“I’m going to call a cab,” I said quietly, not meeting his eyes.

“No, you’re not. Get out of the car and come inside. You need something on those knees.”

I glanced down at my bleeding grazes. I’d been so caught up in what had happened, I’d completely forgotten. Rubbing my lips together, I watched him disappear through the internal door.

Why was he so intent on helping me? I glanced behind me at the locked garage door, knowing the only way I could leave now was through the house.


Getting out, I slammed the door. My feet were aching like crazy and I was in no mood for his little games. I stalked inside.

He stood in the kitchen, his palms flat on the counter, his head down. He looked at me and then walked over. Crouching down in front of me, he squeezed some antiseptic cream onto the palm of his hand.

“This will hurt.”

Pain shot through me as he dabbed it onto my raw skin. He applied a few Band-Aids and then stood up. My heart ached as his cold eyes met mine, and for the first time I noticed the bruising around the side of his face. Had Harry done that? It took all my energy not to reach up and kiss him.

“There,” he muttered, walking over to the sink to wash his hands. “Tell me what happened. Why were you out with him? Do you have any idea how badly you could’ve been hurt?”

I jumped as his voice drove through me. All his anger was centered on

“Why does it even matter? Why do you care?” I asked helplessly.

“Because I’m fucking in
with you,” he growled. He stalked over to me, pinning me against the wall. “You have no fucking idea what you do to me. What you’ve
to me. I can’t think about anything but you.”

He grabbed my chin, tilting it to the side. I groaned as he kissed my neck. His fingers grasped onto the skirt of my dress, tearing it from my body. He lifted me onto his hips, his mouth pressing against mine.

“Fuck, Micah. What have you done to me?” he muttered, burying is face in the crook of my neck. My fingers lifted his face up to mine as I kissed him again. He reached behind me and unclasped my bra, tearing it off my breasts.

Spinning around, he threw me on the kitchen counter. I gasped as the freezing surface met my skin. His hands curled around my thighs as he pulled me toward him. I lay there waiting as he unzipped his jeans. His erection sprung out.

“Fuck,” he cursed, digging through his pockets. “Hold on.”

I laughed, covering my hand with my face as he disappeared. He came back a few seconds later, a condom in hand and a smirk on his face.

I groaned as he nudged my legs apart, dragging my panties down over my legs. He lined himself up and pushed inside of me. I gasped, my back arching as his length filled me.

“Oh yeah,” I cried, clutching onto the edge of the counter.

He growled, his fiery blue eyes not leaving mine.

“Harder,” I gasped, lifting my hips.

He answered by thrusting himself deeper and faster, eventually releasing. He groaned and hunched over me, his mouth hungrily kissing my breasts while he was still inside me.

“Come here,” he muttered, hoisting me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to his bedroom. He gently lay me down on the bed, lifting his shirt over his head. He stepped out of his jeans and boxers, kicking them across the room. He lay down next to me and smiled.

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