Wicked Steps (6 page)

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Authors: Cory Cyr

BOOK: Wicked Steps
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“Did you sleep with your stepmother?”

“Well, good morning to you, Preston. What a way to begin a will reading,” I said, chuckling, while inspecting my manicure.

“Goddammit, Kieran. Did. You. Fuck. Your father’s wife?”

I stared at Preston incredulously. He was livid. His face was red and his chest puffed out. I’d better fess up before he had a stroke.

“Hypothetically, no. Besides, she’s not his wife anymore. The prick is dead,” I replied, smirking as I collapsed in a chair and kicked my feet up on his desk.

Preston quickly shoved my feet off his desk as curses fell from his mouth. “You do know the present Mrs. Wick hasn’t done anything to deserve your disdain. You’re pissed at the wrong woman. Ellery is not Jillian. Your father tossed her aside nine years ago. The woman you’re currently blaming has only been in the picture seven years. I tried to tell you all of this before, but because you’re a little shit, you never bothered to return any of my phone calls.”

“Are you done? Because honestly, I don’t care. Someone has to suffer the consequences, and I’d like it to be her.”

“You arrogant little ass. All that money and fame has gone to your head.”

“Yeah, well, that and pussy. Between painting and fucking, I’ll admit it’s a pretty good life. And by the way, let me tell you something. The current Mrs. Wick is not as virtuous as you think.” I paused to look straight at him. “She would have let me, you know. I could have fucked her. She was ripe for the plucking and so damn wet. My fingers were dripping after I made her come.”

Preston shook his head as he sat down. He looked exhausted. “Enough. Who are you? Jesus, I’ve loved you like a son, but this person you’ve become… You’re killing me here.”

“You can thank Hartman Wick. After all, I am his flesh and blood. And I mean to follow in his footsteps. Now get on with it. Just sign everything over so I can destroy his fucking empire.” I grinned as I rubbed my hands together, pretending to be mercenary.

“I understand your feelings. I know what you’ve gone through. You know I loved your mother, too. But why in God’s name would you make a complete stranger pay for the sins of your father and some ex-lover? Ellery had nothing to do with what your father did to you or your mother. You know if she were in any way responsible for Darcea’s death, I would be right there, supporting you completely.

“The woman you wish to persecute went through her own hell. She only wants what Hartman pledged. Just give her the damn gallery and what she’s due and be finished with it. Be a better man than your father was. I know you. This isn’t who you are. Don’t let the desire for revenge consume you. You could split everything and still walk away with millions.”

“I want her,” I stated, matter-of-fact.

Preston stared at me as though I’d lost my mind. “You want her? Your stepmother? You’re not giving me a clear picture here.”

“I may be willing to part with some of my father’s assets if she and I can come to some sort of agreement.”

“Be straight with me. What do you want? I had hoped bringing you two together might offer some closure for you both. I don’t have all the details of the last five years of Ellery’s life with your father, but I know she has suffered. Can’t you just be content he’s dead and after you inherit, you’ll be on
wealthiest list?”

“There’s something about her that intrigues me. Well, besides the obvious, she is hot for her age, and after Friday night, I have no doubts my father didn’t properly satisfy her. I mean to rectify that.”

Preston shook his head as he glared at me with disappointment. “Son, let this go. I can see now this was a bad idea. I blame myself. You’re obviously too set on reprisal. I thought after you met her… Never mind. I was wrong to interfere. You’re still too immature. I had hoped these last seven years had made you a man. I realize now how naive I was. I know what you did at the gallery, Kieran.”

“What? You had me under surveillance. Were there cameras involved? I hope you captured my best side. You know how I love an audience. If you’re privy to Friday night, then you already know. She wanted it. She wanted me,” I spit out impatiently. “I’m tired of this crap. Let’s get on with it. Where in the fuck is she?”

“She’s on her way. Don’t do this,” Preston pleaded. “She’s not what you think. You two—”

I stopped him with a wave of my hand. “This is bullshit, Preston. You honestly thought I would come here, meet her, and become what, so enamored I’d forgive my father’s indiscretions? You surprise me, because when my mother was dying, you too vowed revenge. What happened? All of a sudden, this woman Ellery has conned you, too. You’re not fucking her, are you? Because that would be extremely disappointing. I always expected more from you.”

“Jesus Christ, will you shut up? You cannot penalize a woman who had nothing to do with your pain. She has endured her own. You’re looking to find some sinister plot here. And as far as I know, she and your father were married in name only. They were strictly friends. She was a financial advisor at Wick Global. She married him to help him through the transition of dying so the board wouldn’t find out.”

I shrugged as I smirked. “That sounds like him. Tell me they saw through his fictional deceptions.”

“No. I was the only one they confided in. I got the distinct feeling she hadn’t wanted to marry your father. But you know how persuasive he could be. Even though she was promised all his wealth and assets, I know for a fact all she ever wanted was the means to afford her own gallery. The art world is her entire life.”

“Now I see. She made a pact with the old man. For her compassionate skills, she would be rewarded. So in other words, Florence Nightingale had a price. Doesn’t that paint her as a parasite, even to you?”

“She’s not like that. I know her. She’s not only beautiful on the outside, but the inside, too, and she’s intelligent and kind. She stayed with him until the end, even though… Never mind.”

“Nothing you say will deter me from my plans. I want the money, everything he had—all of it. And if she wants to keep her little gallery, she’ll do as I say. I may even give her a monthly stipend. That will depend on her and how well she treats me.”

“She’s not a whore. You can’t buy her.”

I laughed heartily. “That remains to be seen. My father bought her. She was
whore first. Now she’s mine… According to the will you never changed, I get his entire fortune. Everything he owned. Well, that includes Ellery. I own her now, too.”




I felt sweaty. Perspiration saturated my underarms. I even wore extra deodorant this morning, too. I didn’t understand why I was so uneasy and nervous about this meeting. It was only Preston and me. I’d known him since he came back to Global after being gone for years.

I’d always suspected some kind of falling out between Hartman and him, which caused him to leave in the first place. But I didn’t feel it was my place to ask, so I never questioned why he returned. I was just glad he did because I liked him personally and he seemed trustworthy. I never confided in him regarding the nature of my marriage, but he appeared to understand the reality of the situation. He and Hartman went back many years, so he likely knew the man far better than I ever would have.

Today, I would be signing the final documents to the will, and then I could get on with my life. If it didn’t mean obtaining the deed to the gallery, I’d walk away from the money altogether. The cost had been too high. I wanted all of this over, now.

I planned to tell him to sell all the companies, beginning with Wick Global. I wanted out from below the shareholders. Hartman had been right about one thing. They were all vultures. And I wasn’t sticking around to see all those people gorging themselves on my dead husband’s remains.

I took out my compact and reapplied my lipstick. As I cracked opened the door, I heard voices. In my peripheral, I saw him. He was lounging on one of leather chairs, and his expression was one of smugness. What was this? Who was he? I only knew him as Wicked, and even now, I began to question if that were the truth.

“Come in, my dear,” Preston said as he ushered me to a chair. He looked as visually shaken as I was.

“What is this?” I asked, glaring straight at Preston, then focusing on Wicked. “And, you, what the hell are you doing here?” I seethed.

His eyebrow ring shimmered as he pierced me with a mocking smile. His body posture was that of arrogance. I wanted to slap that grin right off his face.

Preston cleared his throat. “Obviously, you two have already met.”

I burned scarlet. Oh my God, did he know what happened Friday night? Did this prick brag about it?

“Ellery.” Preston appeared at a loss for words, which only made me more nervous. This man was one of the most articulate people I’d ever known. He swept his hand through his hair. “Jesus Christ. Ellery… this is Kieran Wick, Hartman’s son.”

Before insanity struck me, I gathered my words and chuckled nervously. “Really? Because he had no children. What the hell is this, Preston, a shakedown?”

I tried not to look at Wicked.
Wait. Wicked, as in Wick?
. I let my eyes wander to him.
Still sinfully beautiful and not only pierced, but tattooed. The consummate bad boy. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt that put his body art on full display. Black, gray, and white ink covered his skin so vibrantly it looked like sleeves. I briefly skimmed his entire perfect body. He was casual today: jeans, black T-shirt, and biker boots.

I scrutinized his face. It wasn’t until he fully turned toward me and stared that I saw it. I wondered how I hadn’t noticed Friday night. I choked back a quiet sob as my eyes met his. Penetrating. Cruel. Green like shards of emeralds. He had Hartman’s eyes.

“Can I call you stepmother?” he quipped, his voice filled with contempt. “Oh hell, I think we’re past that.” His stare held mine as he perused me from head to toe.

I straightened my spine as I squeezed back the tears that were forming. “Go to hell. You’re an asshole,” I said, returning a cynical smile.

He glared at me with cold, savage eyes. “Already been there, came back to collect, but unfortunately, Daddy’s dead. That only leaves you to pay his debt.”

“You’re a bastard.”

“Nope, I had a mother, a loving and kind one that had a heart of gold and the soul of an angel. I also had a father, however, as luck would have it. I took after him.” His reply was flippant.

“I don’t be-l-lieve you,” I stammered. “He would have told me. He confided in me.” I hung my head and closed my eyes as my body shook inside. There was validity to his claim.

My emotions splintered as I struggled with two things. Hartman had deceived me and he’d had a family, and two, I’d gotten carnal with his son. What exacerbated the matter was that I knew, without a doubt, I was physically attracted to him. This was wrong on so many levels. I wanted to scream.

“The thing you should know about my father is he was a liar and a cheat. For what he did to my mother and me, I am due, and I plan to collect.”

I shuddered as he spoke and then stood. He bent his head down and whispered in my ear. “I hear you want the art gallery—that it’s your life. If that’s true, I may be willing to part with the deed. But I would want something from you in return.”

I could smell toothpaste as his warm breath caressed the shell of my ear.
He was getting to me. My body was betraying me. I couldn’t do this. He was Hartman’s son, and if he were still alive, this would technically be my stepson.
Who am I?

I pulled away from him as I heard him chuckle deeply and watched him go back to his chair. “What do you want? Wick—Kieran.”

“Mmm… I love the way my name falls off your lips. Gets me hard. Does it make you wet?” he inquired as he grabbed his crotch.

“Enough.” Preston chastised him with an uncomfortable glare. “Just have a conversation with her, Kieran. Don’t be an ass.”

I shifted in my seat as I watched him pause and contemplate.

“Should I call you Ellery or is stepmother more fitting?” he mused.

My face heated as I stood. I held on to my purse straps with a death grip. “I’ll tell you what. When you’re finished playing games and attempting to rattle my cage, let me know. Both of you,” I paused, then directed my anger toward Preston. “I would expect it from him, considering his youth, but you? Let’s just say I’m extremely disappointed. I thought we were friends. I considered you a professional. You set me up. You had knowledge and never said a damn word,” I hissed.

“Stop, please, Ellery. If I knew this,” he said as his eyes darted between Kieran and me, “was going to be the outcome, I would have had second thoughts. And I couldn’t tell you. Everything your husband ever said was in confidence and protected by attorney-client privilege. Hartman knew how to cover his ass. Truth be told, I always thought he would confess it to you, especially toward the end.”

Tears welled in my eyes as I fought to keep my composure. Everything I’d gone through in the past five years had been for nothing. Hartman had a family. He wasn’t only a monster, but a liar and a deadbeat father. How could he deny his son? Was this what I deserved? Had I been so greedy in my desire for the gallery that this was my ultimate punishment? Had the things I endured with Hartman not been enough? Did karma want more pain and anguish?

I spun around and faced Kieran. “What do you want?” I asked, slightly cringing at the harshness of my tone. It felt a lot like begging, but I had absolutely no intention of allowing my livelihood to be mandated by a man-child. I had earned this.

“What did you give my father? I mean in return for you being his dutiful wife. He obviously didn’t fuck you enough. I mean, seriously, you appeared sexually ravenous the other night.”

Preston’s jaw began furiously ticking as I flinched. “ENOUGH,” he roared as his fist slammed down on the desk. “You.” He pointed at Kieran. “Goddammit, boy. Get the hell out of my office. I’d tell you to come back when you learn some decorum, but I fear I may be dead by the time that happens.”

“You can’t throw me out. I own this fucking place, and I’m pretty sure I own you now, too,” Kieran shouted back.

“Go now or I’ll call security. And you don’t own jack shit, you ungrateful little twit. Not until the papers are signed.”

Kieran turned so quickly to leave one of the chairs crashed to the floor. “Fine. We’ll just see. I’m sure I can find another attorney to handle this. You fucking lawyers are a dime a dozen.”

“Good luck with that, since there are few that would take me on. And no one will want to touch Hartman Wick’s estranged son. So bring it on. Now get the hell out of here. I’ve had enough of you today.”

I watched as Kieran stalked toward the doors. He smiled coldly at me. It was an expression of assessment, and it was seething with malice. His superior demeanor made a shiver go down my spine.

The door closed before Preston spoke. “An apology would never be enough. That boy is consumed with so much anger he can’t see straight. I don’t know where to start, Ellery.”

I pressed my lips together briefly. “It’s always best to start at the beginning. Tell me everything. Tell me about Wicked—Kieran.”

For the next three hours, I listened in awe, dismay, and disbelief. Several times, he had to hand me a box of tissues. The tears I tried so hard to suppress finally overcame me as a story unfolded, one that answered many questions. I’d been right. Hartman had always been a tyrant. He tossed aside his wife and son like garbage. No wonder Kieran hated me. True, all of this had happened years before I showed up, but he was so angry and bent on revenge, he needed somebody, anybody to pay. Just as I had been his father’s proxy wife, he’d decided I was to be the proxy recipient of his vendetta.

My worst thoughts materialized as I listened. Finally, he told me candidly who Hartman Wick had been, not the man he masqueraded as when we first met, but the factual truth. I’d wanted so badly to believe his cruelties were a symptom of the illness, but that had been my own deception to pacify my nightmare. Preston went on to tell me about Kieran’s childhood and about his mother, Darcea. It was painfully evident he had cared for her deeply. I also became aware of the bond between him and Hartman’s son.

However, from what I was hearing, Kieran had never suffered any physical abuse, while Darcea had sustained it often. The trauma of uprooting his entire life at fourteen and having his father abandon him had caused him despair. Add the loss of his mother at seventeen on top of that had left deep psychological scars, which fueled his thirst for vengeance. Now at twenty-four, regardless of how he came across, he was nothing more than a tormented little boy in a man’s body.

“So where does that leave me?” I asked.

Preston shook his head. “Any other time, the spouse would automatically get everything, but because of how Hartman had me set up the will originally, this is all on me. I never changed it. I always thought I’d have more time with that boy. I wanted him to leave all that revenge baggage behind. Then after getting to know you, I thought maybe you two could help each other. I’m an old fool who should have known better. I’m sorry, but Kieran will most likely succeed in procuring all the assets.”

I wanted to cry. My entire life would be in shambles. I’d stayed with
man for five years with the promise of the gallery and securing a new life for myself. He’d sworn. It had already been proven that Hartman was a man of great deception, so all of this was moot.

“What did Kieran want? I gathered we could negotiate. Jesus, Preston, all I want is the gallery and enough to keep it afloat until it truly takes off. We’ve only been up and running for a few years now. I need another two before it will become a stable business. Is there any way you could mediate some kind of deal with that juvenile delinquent?”

“If only I could. I would do anything for you, Ellery. You’re just an innocent bystander who ended up caught in the crossfire of Hartman’s life. Kieran made it quite clear to me. He only wants one thing.” Preston paused and then cleared his throat. “You, he wants you.”

“What the hell does that mean? He wants me for what?” I questioned, then paused as I gulped, because I already knew the answer. “He wants me
?” I questioned, whispering. “I’m not a prostitute, Preston.”

I began to sob. I watched him stand and walk over to me with another box of fresh tissues. “Ellery, I would never believe the kid I knew would follow through on such a request. I don’t mean to embarrass you and mean no disrespect, but why in God’s name did you let it go so far the other night?”

“Oh God, please, I am so humiliated. It’s bad enough he’s years younger, but to find out he’s the son of my dead husband.”
Fuck me. I could make some extra money here and buy the gallery myself. I think the Jerry Springer show is across town.
“I don’t know why. I felt lonely. I needed to validate that someone still found me desirable.”

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