Wild Card: Boys of Fall (12 page)

BOOK: Wild Card: Boys of Fall
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“For your information, I know exactly what the word

He proved it when he touched her. She was wet, hot and ready. She sighed with relief when he pushed his cock back inside her, shoving in hard and fast.

Within minutes, he had her right back at the brink of coming, but this time she wasn’t alone. Glen’s fingers tightened, gripping her hips roughly as he pulled her against him so fast, it took her breath away.

Lorelie went over a split second before him, her orgasm washing over her like a powerful waterfall. It pounded and pulsed so strongly, she thought she’d be swept away forever. Glen called out her name, making it sound like a prayer as he came as well.

Glen pulled away first, rising to dispose of the condom. When he returned to the bed, he wrapped her in his arms, her head resting against his chest once more.

“Think I could convince Oakley to let me skip work tomorrow?” he asked.

She lifted her head and grinned. “Technically, with my dad away, I’m the boss.”

“In that case, can I have the day off?”

“Are you sick?” she joked.

He shook his head. “Nope. But I do intend to spend the entire day in bed.”

She placed her head back on his chest. “A whole day in bed sounds like heaven.”

“Yeah. We haven’t even started to put a dent in that list of mine. We’re going to need the time.”

Lorelie giggled. “I like the sound of that too. Hungry?”

“Starving,” Glen said as he kissed her.

“I meant for food,” she said. “We missed dinner.”

He lifted one shoulder. “Maybe later. Don’t like the idea of you putting clothes on again. Besides, I haven’t gotten my fill of you yet.”

“Well,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging him closer. “I wouldn’t want you to go hungry.”

She meant her words as a joke, but when Glen rolled her to her back, she realized he wasn’t kidding. “Seriously? That was like zero recovery time.”

“What can I say? You inspire me.”

“How many condoms are in that wallet?”

“Not enough. We might have to break into Joel and Oakley’s cabin and steal from their stash.”

Lorelie laughed. “Oh man. I love that idea.”

“Something tells me you plan to confess to the crime.”

“Of course I do. As far as I’m concerned, they still owe you for that hazing.”

“Agreed. But we’re covered for this round. And the next one.”

Lorelie kissed his chin, then let her lips travel down to his neck.

“I love your mouth on me,” he whispered. “And your hands.”

His words encouraged her to add to her explorations. She grasped his cock, stroking it slowly, enjoying his quiet groan. When it became too much for him, he pulled her hand away and slid lower, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth.

Lorelie ran her fingers through his hair and sighed. “One day in bed isn’t going to be enough. God, a year wouldn’t be enough for this.”

She hadn’t meant to speak those words aloud. One thing they appeared to have reached a tacit agreement on in this past week was that they didn’t talk about the future, about Glen’s imminent return to Nashville.

He lifted his head and looked at her, his expression too serious.

Great job, Lorelie. Way to kill the moment.

“You’re right,” he said. “It
be enough.”

Glen looked like he wanted to say more, but Lorelie was too afraid to hear it. So she shoved on his shoulder, pushing him to his back as she straddled his hips. His cock was nestled between her legs, and she began to rub against it.

“We better get that condom, Butterfly.”

She twisted to find the wallet he’d tossed at the foot of the bed. Pulling one out, she slid the condom on him, and then lifted her hips. She sank down, her slow pace driving both of them crazy.

Once he was fully seated, she placed her hands on his chest and savored the moment. It was as if Glen was made just for her, their bodies fitting together perfectly.

“Ride me, cowgirl,” he urged in a deep, sexy voice that had her pussy clenching. Lifting her hips, she didn’t have the patience to keep the pace gentle. When she pushed downward again, she took him exactly the way she wanted. She wasn’t satisfied with a canter. She wanted a gallop.

Glen gripped her waist tightly, helping to drive her thrusts, until both of them were sweating, gasping, so fucking close.

“Glen,” she said, letting him know she was there.

“Give in, Butterfly. I’m there too.”

The beloved nickname did the trick. Lorelie cried out as she came, then she cried out in surprise when Glen flipped her to her back and thrust inside her three, four, five more times, before succumbing to his own climax.

“Jesus,” he muttered, dropping to his elbows above her. Though they were both out of breath, he kissed her thoroughly before withdrawing. He fell to his back, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Tugging off the condom, he tossed it into the trash can near her bed.

“Doing okay over there?” she asked after several quiet minutes.

“I’m not sure.”

She rolled over to face him, concerned. “Is something wrong?”

He looked at her. “Physically, no. But I’m starting to understand why I stayed away from romance.”

“Yeah,” she said quietly. “Me too.”

“We’re fucked, aren’t we?”

She nodded. “Afraid so.”

“Not stopping, are we?”

“Hell no.”

He ran his knuckles along her cheek as if she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. “All-in,” he murmured as his eyes drifted shut.

She kissed him on the cheek, and then closed her own eyes, exhaustion coming to take her despite all the shit whirling around in her head. As long as he was here, it was easy to pretend they weren’t both headed for heartache.

Mercifully, sleep took her quickly.

* * *

orelie cleared
the table as Glen leaned back in his chair and sighed.

“Pretty sure I’ve put on ten pounds in the last week. Damn, I love your cooking.”

She rolled her eyes. “There’s no way you’ve gained an ounce, considering all the work you’ve been doing around here. If anything, you’ve probably lost weight.”

“I don’t know. They say muscle is heavier than fat. I’ve been getting one hell of a workout. Actually…” He lifted his shirt. “What do you think?”

She thought he was ripped, a six-pack sex god. “Are you trying to tempt me?”

“Is it working?”

It was
working, but one of them had to be the voice of reason. And for the first time in her life, it looked like it was going to be her. Which sucked. “My dad is going to be home any minute.”

Glen lowered his shirt reluctantly. “Yeah. Good point. Dammit.”

They’d spent last night and all day in bed, only rolling out a couple of times in search of food, more condoms—which they did indeed steal from the ranch hands’ stash—and then once more for a long, hot, sexy shower.

Oakley hadn’t been too pleased when she’d called to see if he’d take care of mucking out the stalls this morning. And he’d been even less happy when she’d informed him she was taking the whole day off and he’d have to fend for himself for meals. It wasn’t unheard of for Joel, Oakley and Sadie to make their own food in their cabin occasionally, but given Sadie’s disdain for cooking, more often than not, Lorelie was the one who kept everyone fed on the ranch.

Glen stood up and fiddled with the radio as she rinsed off the plates. “Hey. Here’s a good one. Dance with me, Lori.”

She dried her hands on a towel. “Alan Jackson?”

Glen nodded and started singing along to “Livin’ on Love”. She loved his voice. When he grasped her hand and spun her toward him, she laughed.

“You know, you’re a pretty good dancer,” she said as he twirled her around the kitchen. “Seems like you wouldn’t get much practice since you’re always in the band.”

“I can’t listen to music without wanting to move.”

Neither of them said anything else as they danced to the quick beat. When that song ended and a slower one started, Glen tugged her closer. Rather than spinning, they swayed. He pressed his cheek against the top of her head as she tightened her arms around his waist.

It was a sad song, something about Trisha Yearwood lying to the moon, but Lorelie refused to hear the words. She would have plenty of time to be sad after Glen was gone.

Apparently his thoughts were running along the same lines, the lyrics striking a chord with him, about how he was going to leave her eventually. He leaned away and cupped her cheek. Her gaze met his. “Lori—”

She shook her head. “No regrets. Ever.”

Glen pressed his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. “Ever.”

She tipped her face up until her lips touched his. He kissed her softly, but with the same passion she always felt from him.

She was in love with him. And she was pretty sure he felt the same, but neither one of them would speak the words. How could they?

It was too soon. And it was going to be over any day.

“That’s a pretty song.”

They broke away at the sound of her dad’s voice in the doorway. Lorelie wasn’t sure how long he’d been there, but from the look on his face, she’d say long enough.

Lorelie cleared her throat, struggling to find something to say.

Glen was quicker on his feet than she was. “How was the trip?”

“Uneventful,” Dad said. “Looks like it was more interesting here.”

“Coach—” Glen started.

“No, no.” Dad lifted his hand to wave off whatever Glen might say. “I don’t mean that in a bad way.” He looked at Lorelie and smiled. “Glad to see you’ve learned how to dance without standing on a man’s feet.”

Lorelie laughed. As always, Dad knew just what to say to break the tension. “I was seven years old the last time I did that.”

“You can thank me and my broken toes for those dancing skills of hers,” her dad told Glen. “You’ll have to come to the Valentine’s Dance with us at the community center this weekend, Glen.”

“I’d like that.” Glen looked at her. “I didn’t know there was a dance.”

“Slipped my mind,” she lied. Lorelie hadn’t mentioned the dance on purpose, hadn’t let herself hope that he’d still be here by then. His truck was fixed. And while Toby hadn’t contacted him about returning to Nashville, that didn’t mean Glen couldn’t decide to move on. He wasn’t stuck in Quinn. She desperately wanted him to stay, but she wasn’t sure she had the right to ask him.

“Save all your dances for me,” Glen said.

She smiled. “I’ll do my best, but I’m a pretty good dancer, and—at the risk of tooting my own horn—very popular.”

He tugged her hair playfully. “Is that right? Did I mention I’m a famous musician?”


Glen laughed. “Don’t have to worry about my ego around you, do I? Fine. I’m not famous. But I
able to pay my own bills, with enough leftover at the end of every month to buy a pretty girl flowers if the spirit moves me.”

“Just flowers?”

“Your daughter is a mercenary, Coach.”

Her dad laughed. “Naw. Truth is, she’s not the type you can sway with presents. Never was. She gets that from her mother.”

“I see.” Glen looked at her father. “Got any advice for the poor sap trying to win her affections?”

Dad tilted his head. “Looks to me like you’re doing just fine.” Then he ran his hand along his jaw. “If y’all will excuse me, I’m going to turn in early. Want a hot shower, a shave and my bed.”

Lorelie crossed the room to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Night. I’m glad you’re home. I missed you.”

Her dad winked at her. “I missed you too, Lori. Night, Glen. See you bright and early tomorrow. That fence isn’t going to build itself, and according to Oakley, not much work got done today.”

Lorelie fought hard not to flush and decided she was going to kill Oakley very slowly and painfully. “Dad—”

“Nothing wrong with taking a day off, but tomorrow we’re back at it. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” Glen answered quickly. “We’ll make up for the lost time.”

Dad smiled, which sort of set Lorelie’s mind at ease. Although she still planned to read Oakley the riot act for ratting them out.

Her father left the room, his footsteps heavy on the staircase.

Lorelie turned to face Glen and was surprised to find he’d moved closer. Reaching out, he took her hands in his and tugged her close, placing a soft kiss on her head.

“Going to miss sleeping next to you tonight,” he murmured.

She nodded. “Yeah. Me too. But my dad spent too many years working with teenaged boys. I don’t doubt for a minute he’s upstairs setting his alarm for a middle-of-the-night bed check. He used to do the same when the players stayed here during the summer, out in the barracks. He must’ve walked across that yard a thousand times, making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be and not doing anything they shouldn’t.”

Glen chuckled. “Gotta admit the concept is a new one for me. I might be thirty-eight years old, but I’m feeling a little bit like a teenager myself right now.”

He had a point. They were adults. But her decision not to share his bed tonight had nothing to do with age and more to do with respect. “Glen—” she started.

BOOK: Wild Card: Boys of Fall
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