Wild Desert Princess

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Authors: Debbie Deering

BOOK: Wild Desert Princess
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Wild Desert Princess


Copyright 2014 Debbie Deering

Published by
Debbie Deering at Amazon



Table of Contents



Chapter One


Chapter Two


Chapter Three


Chapter Four


Chapter Five


Chapter Six


Chapter Seven


Chapter Eight


Chapter Nine


Chapter Ten


Chapter Eleven


Chapter Twelve


Chapter Thirteen


Chapter Fourteen


Chapter Fifteen


Chapter Sixteen


Chapter Seventeen


Chapter Eighteen


Chapter Nineteen


Chapter Twenty


Chapter Twenty-One


Chapter Twenty-Two


Chapter Twenty-Three


Chapter Twenty-Four


Chapter Twenty-Five


Chapter Twenty-Six


Chapter Twenty-Seven


Chapter Twenty-Eight


About Debbie Deering

Also by Debbie Deering


Chapter One

God! She was magnificent! Jahan sat astride his ebony stallion, Cabal, and stared in rapt fascination at the auburn haired beauty racing by on her swift Arabian mare. She fired his blood. He wanted her. He would have her. He needed a mate and she would bare spirited sons.

Jahan watched her until she disappeared from sight and then turned
to Cabal and made his way to his old friend’s home. Today he would remind her father of their betrothal pact and demand permission to wed her. Soon! He was very glad some of the old customs had not given way to the modern world’s changes.  This was one custom he planned on taking full advantage of. An arranged marriage was still widely accepted even in the 21
century in his country of Arania. Chiandra had been promised to him since she was a mere infant. He looked forward to taming her to his touch.

His body refused to cool. His cock pressed painfully against his zipper. Chiandra had the look of her Irish mother--auburn hair, flashing emerald eyes, and lord her body. Fully
curved, large breasts, a woman a man could love without worrying about crushing her beneath his weight when he rode her.

Well he remembered her sassy mouth when he’d asked her to marry him. He had wanted it to be her choice, but would claim her anyway. She laughed and told him no way. His male pride stung, he’d waited and watched her, his determination to tame her wild ways nearly an obsession. No matter she would not come to him pure. She would come to him and be his.
He should have claimed her a few years earlier before she had a chance to take lovers.

Chia knew Jahan watched her ride nearly every day.  She ignored him and the heat he brought to her traitorous body when his dark gaze lingered on her breasts. How she wished she was slender with small pert breasts. Attracted to Jahan,
she none-the-less refused his suit. Jahan Khalil Zahan was a powerful ruler. She would be under no man’s thumb. He was much too arrogant to suit her, too used to having his way in everything. She had been raised in a family where her mother was independent and her father listened to her advice. She wanted that in her marriage.

But damn, the man was well made. Tall, handsome, wide shoulders, and from what she’d been able to see, his stomach was flat. Damn, she’d always had a thing for men with long ebony hair and dark eyes. Unfortunately, she’d seen the look of possession on his face and refused to wed for less than true love, the earth shattering,
and mind blowing kind. The kind of love her parents still shared.

Heading deep into the desert, she forced images of his sexy body away from her thoughts. She would not succumb to her hormones. She just had a bad case of lust. A cold shower should take care of that.

Jahan found Chiandra’s mother, Amanda, and her father, Malek, enjoying a few quiet minutes over breakfast. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I want to set up a date with you to wed Chiandra.” Jahan growled with grim determination. His lust for her shoved away any manners he might have.

sputtered over his coffee. “This is very sudden, Jahan. Why have you decided now?”

“I have seen her riding and she fires my blood.” He thought it prudent not to go into details about his state of constant arousal.

Amanda and Malek shared a look and decided to allow the match. Chandra was headstrong and wild, used to her own way. She needed a strong man and they’d seen the way her eyes were drawn to Jahan every time they were in the same room, the flush on her face. She had been drawn to him for years.

“Very well, come into my office and we will finalize the agreement,”
Malek murmured and led the way.

Amanda was lost in thought when Chia burst into the dining room, wondering if they
were doing the right thing. They’d promised Chia she would be able to choose her husband for love. There was no doubt Chia loved Jahan and had done so since she was very young. Amanda just hoped her daughter would remember that when she found out what they had done.

“Mother,” she smiled and grabbed a roll.

“Chia, your ride has brought a sparkle to your eyes.”

“It was wonderful,” she admitted, not telling her mother Jahan’s presence was partially responsible. If they had any idea she found him attractive, they’d pressure her into marriage with him. Chia poured a cup of coffee and sat down to enjoy a private moment with her mother. She wanted no man for her lord and master.
Her marriage would be a partnership or she would not wed.

Jahan and
Malek returned to the dining room within minutes. Chia eyed Jahan warily. “Father,” she greeted cautiously, ignoring Jahan.

Jahan frowned at her rudeness. “Do you have no words of welcome for your future husband,” he goaded.

Shocked, she turned wounded green eyes to her father. “Is it true?” she whispered brokenly. “You have given me to him?” Tears sparkled on her lashes. Tears she refused to shed in front of Jahan.

hesitated for a moment, fearing he had made a serious mistake. “Yes,” he admitted softly, hating the betrayal in her eyes.

“How could you?” she murmured and jumped out of her chair, the force sending it crashing to the floor. She raced out of the room and up
to her room. She had to think. What was she going to do? Jahan was too alpha for her, too utterly male. She would have no freedom married to him. He would break her spirit with his arrogant demands.

Jahan started after her, halting at the gentle touch on his arm. “Give her a little time alone, Jahan,” Amanda advised with a soft look of entreaty on her beautiful face.

“Very well, but I wish to be wed by the end of the week,” he stated implacably.

“I will go now and talk with her so that we can begin the arrangements.” she agreed, hoping Chia was listening and would take advantage of the time she was given and run. She had no liking for the hurt they had caused Chia.
She had not been in favor of the match, but had bowed to Malek’s wishes.

Chia heard her mother’s words and raced to her room, hurriedly packing a few necessary items. Then she crept out of the house and down to the stables. Lady, her favorite mare, whinnied softly in greeting. Chia had to hurry. She only had at most a couple of hours before “he” would demand to see her. Tears stung her eyes as she quickly saddled and led her horse away from the stables. She had her water and her emergency supplies in her
saddle bag. It didn’t pay to get caught unprepared in the desert.

In minutes she was racing across the desert, her long red hair flying behind her. If she could get a decent head start she might be able to hide from Jahan long enough that his pride would demand he break the contract. Not far to the east, she had friends who would help her flee if she could get to them before Jahan found her.

She trembled at the images of his tall, handsome body burned in her mind. It was no secret that she was sexually attracted to him. God, who wouldn’t be? He was the kind of man women had fantasies about. Romance hero sexy! She squirmed uncomfortably in the saddle. Slowing her pace, she patted Lady. She had to take it easy or they would not make it in the heat of the day. The desert could be deadly for the careless. She headed for the small oasis between her father’s estate and her friend’s home. Surely an hour was enough of a head start. For a moment guilt pulled at her for the shame her father would suffer at her disappearance. Ruthlessly, she pushed it away. Self-righteous anger filled her at his betrayal in giving her to Jahan. She didn’t want a man who’d had so many women in his life. Never would she be one of many. There were no doubts in her mind that he’d go back to his womanizing ways once he wed and bed her and she was carrying his heir.

She refused to dwell on the dull ache in her chest at the thought of him with other women.

The sun was nearly at mid sky when she stopped at the oasis. Her skin felt hot and dry. Lady was heated, but not unbearably so. She walked her in the shade to help cool her before she gave her some water. The water was too inviting, Chia dunked her face in the cool water. Like a fool she’d forgotten her hat. Her fair skin was burned, she prayed she wouldn’t get those blasted blisters. Once as a child she’d gotten badly burned and sun poisoning. She’d been ill for nearly a week. Her nanny had been fired on the spot for flirting with a young man at the beach instead of watching her fair-skinned charge.

Resting beneath the shade, she slowly drank her fill of water. Her lids stated to droop and she fell asleep.

Chapter Two

Jahan kept his patience for an hour as he visited with
Malek. A niggling sense of unease began in the pit of his stomach. With a certainty he suddenly realized Chia had not returned because she’d fled. Abruptly, he raced up the winding marble staircase, yelling over his shoulder at Malek. “Which room is hers?”

Malek stared at the irate man and croaked, “The one at the far left.”

Jahan burst through the door, his sweeping gaze noting the scattered clothing. He spun and nearly ran Amanda down. “She’s gone!” Tiny flames flared in the obsidian darkness of his fierce gaze.

Amanda frowned and stepped into the room, not allowing him to see the tiny smile of pride on her lips at her daughter’s bravery. Her own marriage to Malek had been a true love match. He was also a very arrogant male used to having his own way. They’d finally managed to work out a method quite satisfactory for the both of them and she wanted Jahan and Chia to do the same. If they started the marriage totally on his terms, Chia would chafe and grow resentful and they would never attain the total joy Amanda was sure they could find together.

“I’m sure she’ll return soon. She probably just needed to be alone for a
while to get used to the idea. Amanda hoped God would forgive her for the little white lie, for she knew full well Chia had no intention of returning anytime soon. While she’d left the men talking, she’d seen Chia race away, her bags loaded with supplies.      

Jahan stared coldly down at Amanda, noting the same stubborn tilt to her chin as Chiandra wore each time she spoke with him.
“Where did she run to Amanda?”

Amanda bristled at the arrogance in Jahan’s voice. She cast
Malek a cool glare. “Your rudeness will get you nowhere, Jahan. I think I was too hasty in agreeing to a marriage between the two of you.”

Jahan flushed under her censure, his mouth thinned into a hard line of determination. “It’s done! She belongs to me now!”

Malek frowned at the younger man, seeing himself twenty five years ago. “Use caution, Jahan,” he warned softly. “You will drive her away if you are not careful.”

She will come to my hand like my falcon does,” he boasted. “She needs just a bit of taming.”

Amanda was furious. She shook off
Malek’s restraining arm and slapped Jahan across the face. “You will never have her love. All you will have is her hatred!”

“But I will have her” He spun on his heel and raced down the stairs. “Don’t expect us back anytime soon. I shall keep her in the desert with me until she accepts that she is mine. Do not interfere!” he warned.

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