Wild Luck (Vegas Billionaire Obsession #2) (2 page)

BOOK: Wild Luck (Vegas Billionaire Obsession #2)
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“No. I bought it after work on Friday. Monica was with me.”

“Well did you use a credit card to buy it?”

“Yeah. What difference does it make?”

“If you have a receipt, it might prove you bought that ticket. I heard those lottery systems are pretty advanced with the stuff they track when people are buying. Maybe there’s even a store camera that took—”

“Yes! A camera!” she said, and started fumbling through her purse. She pulled out her phone and searched for something. “I took a selfie with the ticket! Look!”

The phone showed a picture of her face, adorable and beaming, with a lottery ticket beside it. The numbers were too blurry to tell what they were, but I didn’t have the heart to tell her.

“Well that’s some potential. It has a time stamp so you never know. Are you sure you don’t want another coffee?”

“Thanks, but I probably should go. It’s really late.”

She stood up and I followed her out to the front door. If I had my way, I’d take her to my bedroom and help her forget about that ticket for an hour, but I could tell she was going to stay preoccupied until she had that winning ticket in her sweet little hands.

“Don’t lose hope, okay?”

It was all I could come up with as she turned to look at me before stepping through the front door.

“I’ll call the mechanic and make sure he didn’t touch anything in the glove compartment. And I’ll help you look for it after work tomorrow. It has to be somewhere.”

“Do you really mean that?”

There was something about the way she looked at me that made me want to promise her the world. I instinctively reached up and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

“I promise you that I’ll help you out anyway I can.”

As she stared back at me, I went with it. The moment felt right, so I cupped her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. I didn’t regret the decision. She moaned and laced her hands around my neck, and that was enough for me to pull her back inside and shut the front door.



don’t know why I didn’t leave Drew’s place. I should have, but I didn’t. Maybe it was because he seemed to really want to help. It could have been how he held me while I cried before, or the way he looked at me, with those eyes that looked past my flaws and saw the real me. Or maybe it had something to do with how freaking hot he looked in sweat pants and no shirt.

When he kissed me at the door, I was undone. All the tension and stress about the missing ticket escaped my body and I just wanted to feel him close. I lifted my arms around his neck on instinct, and before I knew it, he picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist.

I dipped my head and nestled into his neck as he took me to his bedroom. The feeling of his hot skin and tight muscles had me soaking wet before he lowered me onto his bed. Our eyes met and he held my gaze, communing with my soul and telling me he wanted me no matter what.

He slipped in beside me and supported his head on one arm, looking at me and smiling for a moment. Without warning, he honed in on my neck, trailing the softest kisses up to the back of my ear. It was enough for me to pull at his waist so he would roll on top of me. I spread my legs to give him room to come between them. His cock was so hard, pressing on my clit. It throbbed and my hips rock into him to feel him closer.

His tongue began to dart in and out of my ear. It drove me wild. I pushed him off me and sat up to take off my top. I wanted to feel his chest again my breasts and soak in his sexy heat. As I fell back to the bed, he scooted down and pressed a soft kiss on my stomach.

“Mmmm,” I moaned, as he continued to kiss my lower stomach and tug on the waistband of my pants to get them off.

His eyes met mine again as he slowly grasped the side of my lace panties. Before taking them off with his hands, he kissed my upper thighs, and used his teeth to pull my panties down. I was so excited, I could barely breathe. The man was teasing me in a way no one ever did during sex. And I think he knew it. It’s like he read the part of my mind that stored my deepest fantasies.

“Oh God, Drew,” I groaned.

“Did you like that?” he asked, continuing to kiss from the top of my knees, up my thigh until he reached my mound.

“Yessss.” I was at his mercy.

He spread my legs again and positioned himself between them.

“I want to please you, Leslie.”

He lowered his head and spread my legs wider as he brushed my clit with just the tip of his tongue. Slowly, he licked and traced around it, down to my opening, and then back again. His mouth latched on to my clit, sucking and licking as the sensation sent shivers through my whole body. I bucked my hips in response, and fisted his hair, pulling him in for more contact.

I was so close to coming, and he must have known how good I felt. He slid three thick fingers inside me slowly. As he dipped them inside and pulled out, I thought I would scream. He knew exactly where to touch to find my pleasure and release it. Soon I was thrashing on his bed, rocking my hips wildly as his fingers fucked me into oblivion, and his mouth sucked my throbbing, swollen clit to the point of no return. His fingers slid in and out faster, and with one firm push, they hit my spot and I think I saw heaven when I came. It was the kind of orgasm that could make you black out and not wake up for hours.  But I still wanted him inside me.

“Fuck me, Drew.” I don’t know where that voice or those words came from, but they escaped my lips. When they met his ears, he looked at me and smiled.

He moved up the bed and lay beside me again, and this time, I snuggled into his arms.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“I want you inside me so bad, Drew,” I said, turning toward him and pulling his pants down so I could feel him.

“I want you too, Leslie,” he groaned.

He was so hard, and his voice was so smooth and deep, I felt the desire rising up in me again. I had to have that cock deep inside me. He wrapped his arms around me and turned on his back so he could pull me on top. I spread my legs and straddled him, and moved my hip so I could feel his steely shaft pressing along my pussy.

I placed my hands on his broad shoulders and lifted up, freeing his cock just enough. As it touched my opening, I lowered myself onto him. His shaft was so thick I could feel every inch. He moaned and grabbed my ass to go deeper, rocking me into another wave of pleasure as his cock moved deeper with every thrust.

“Mmmm, Oh God. I’m, gonna come again, Drew,” I purred. The feel of him inside me; his hands squeezing my ass; my clit as it ground down on his lower stomach, sent me reeling into one of the fiercest orgasms I ever felt. I screamed as the electricity charged through my body all the way to my toenails. It was probably that scream that took him over the edge, because he lifted me at the waist and pulled me down hard, burying his shaft deep into me once, and then twice before letting out a wail that told me he had come too.

He relaxed his grip and I collapsed on top of his chest, waiting for the energy to reenter my body.

“How are you feeling now?” he asked softly, sliding his palms over my hair and down my back.

“Good.” I wanted to say more but the words wouldn’t come.

His hand moved to my neck and he kissed the top of my head.

“I have to go now...” I said breathlessly.

I pulled myself up and got off the bed to find my clothes and put them back on.

“You don’t have to leave if you’re tired,” he offered. “Lots of room here.”

“I can’t.” I threw my clothes on and left his bedroom. My words seemed deliberate, but if he had looked in my eyes, they would tell a different story.

“I respect whatever you want. But why are you fighting this?” He said, following me to the entryway where I dropped my purse.

He slowly turned me around to face him, and placed his hand on my shoulder. I was weak at first, but dug deep and pushed him away.

“I’m sorry. I just—I just have to get out of here.” I turned from him and reached for the door. I had to be quick to make my exit. The pull between us was too intense. If I stayed in his bed it would be stronger—too strong to leave. I could feel his eyes on me as I left, almost running to my car.

Sleep didn’t come easy when I got home.  I couldn’t stop thinking about Drew or my ticket. One thought would flow in and crowd out the other, and it didn’t stop for the three hours I should have been resting. His last question was one I couldn’t answer, either.
Was I fighting him?
Oh God.

He did so much for me already and still wanted to help. I couldn’t understand why—but then again, isn’t that what people do when they care for each other? I hadn’t had the pleasure of anyone like him doing anything for someone like me. Maybe I just felt I didn’t deserve it.

And my hard luck with this ticket! Fuck.
Just my luck, to win tens of millions of dollars and not be able to find the ticket. It had to be somewhere. Maybe if I had stayed at Drew’s, we could have called the mechanic to make sure. That was the thought that lingered until an uneasy sleep found me.

Chapter Three


he was probably right. If she had stayed, it would have easily complicated things. I thought I wasn’t ready to get involved with anyone, especially with this divorce hanging over me.
What was it about Leslie that made me want to change plans so I could hold her and keep her safe?
It’s not that she was someone who would want to get involved for just the physical connection. She definitely struck me as more of the emotional relationship type.

After getting only a couple of hours sleep, I woke up. There was no use staying in bed when I was wide awake. I got up and thought about how to help her. I wondered if she even thought about me. God, that woman made me hard. My dick was hard just thinking about how she purred as I licked and sucked her pussy. I hoped she didn’t think that I was all about myself. Not just in bed—everywhere it mattered to her.

Like that ticket. If she had been playing that number for all those years, she deserved to have those winnings. She deserved it even if she played that number once. It was her ticket, and I’d help her find it just to make her happy.

I groaned as I had a horrible thought.
If she thought I was doing this to take advantage, she was all wrong. That was so far from the truth, but with Leslie, I didn’t know what she would think. She already felt I stole her job, and she actually came here and accused me of taking her ticket.
Who would steal a ticket before they knew it was a winner?
It hurt that she could have such a low opinion of me, when I’d only done what I could to help her. I made up my mind I’d have to do more to show her I cared.

As I made coffee, I thought about calling Troy. I couldn’t believe I was even considering he could do this. We had been friends ever since high school, and the idea that Troy could steal anything, let alone a ticket was absurd. It was not three in the morning yet, but I reached for the phone. To clear my conscience, I would ask. He would never lie to me, so I’d be certain next time I saw Leslie.

As the phone rang, I thought he might not pick up. It was still so early.

“Hello?” said the drowsy voice on the other end.

“Hey, Troy... it’s Drew.”

“Hey, man. Something wrong? It’s the middle of the night. Is it that car?”

“No... no... not at all. It’s running great. I just have a quick question.”

I hesitated. I wasn’t sure how to ask without the question coming across as an accusation—especially at this time of night.

“I was just wondering. While you were fixing the car, did you come across any important papers?” It was vague, but that was the best I had.

“Important papers?” Troy asked.

“Yeah, did you come across anything that might have struck you as odd? Anything from the glove box perhaps? Or maybe something that slipped out of her car that’s back at your shop.”

“No, man,” he said slowly. “I never touched the glove. None of my men, either. It’s our garage policy. I haven’t seen anything odd either. Why? What’s wrong?”

From the sound of his voice, I was willing to make the call that Troy knew nothing about it. The man was a salt-of-the-earth, stand-up guy.

“Okay. Thanks, bud. I had to check. I misplaced something, but I’m sure it will turn up. Thanks again bud. And sorry for phoning so early.”

“Sure, anytime. Talk to you later.”

I disconnected the call. A sense of relief washed over me. Now, if I could just help Leslie find her lost ticket, everything would be fine.



probably slept for an hour. That missing ticket was driving me crazy. I had to find it. After I showered, I put on my bath robe and sent a text to Monica. She got up super early most weekdays for our shift, so I knew I wasn’t waking her up with this text message. I told her I couldn’t find it and if she was early for work she could drop by my place to help.

I left the ticket in that glove compartment
. I was certain of it. Still, I decided to erase any doubt it could be anywhere else, and combed through my apartment. I went through each drawer, digging through mountains of receipts, papers and fast food flyers. When I finished with one drawer, I left the mess and turned to the next place to look. I couldn’t rest, knowing that thing was lying around somewhere.

I was pulling out the last kitchen drawer when I heard the knock at my door. I hadn’t expected Monica to get here so quickly. I looked down at the robe I was wearing. I’m sure I looked so frazzled. It didn’t matter, it was Monica. She’d seen me in worse shape. I was glad she was here to help me find the ticket.

Monica rushed in as I opened the door. “I’m here to help.”

She glanced around at the piles of papers laying around. I could feel another round of tears coming to my eyes. I hated crying, and I definitely had my share of tears before that morning. This was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, and I was miserable. I looked at Monica and shrugged.

“It’s no use. I’ve checked everywhere.”

I cringed; just a few hours ago I practically called Drew a thief and then let him rock my world. I was a mess. Part of me wondered why I let him make love to me so quickly. There was really so little I knew about him. Thoughts of the kisses on my neck kept replaying in my mind.

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