Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (13 page)

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He took her hand, the one with the large engagement ring again, lifted it and ran his finger over the diamond before he kissed it and answered her.  “We have a good connection.  You are curious, and you let me kiss you.  I’ll wait and let you decide if, or when, you want to take this further.”

She could have denied it, but he’d call her on it and she’d end up revealing how she really felt if she opened her mouth.  His statement did leave her momentarily speechless though.  It was true, that she was thinking he was showing some interest, but this was Lance Hartley! She started to brush it aside as soon as she thought it. To her, he was a God among men.  Damn, she sounded like a silly teenager, but this wasn’t the same.  She really did love him.  No one has a crush that lasts five years unless you were an obsessed crazy person, and she wasn’t crazy.  She stayed out of his way, never sought him out, and always stayed in the background.  She never stalked him or asked family and friends about him.  Instead she worked, and worked. She honestly never thought he’d show interest in her so she’d never tried.  No, not a crazy person, just a fool in love.

“I won’t push you.”

“Thank you.”  What else could she say?  She couldn’t say ‘no’ because he’d give up on her, and God, she really really wanted him.  Also, it may not end up in a long term relationship because, as she suspected, he got bored easily.  He needed someone stimulating to keep his interest. Could she possibly do all that?

Well, she was approaching twenty-seven, a virgin, and never had a serious relationship.  She sure as heck didn’t want to die that way, and she wanted to experience that with someone she loved despite the lack of reciprocation.


She met his honeyed gaze.  Even if she wanted to refuse, that look, right there, took everything from her.  Then there was her screaming heart. “I think I would like that.”

His eyes darkened at her response, but he didn’t say anything more.  He squeezed her hand but didn’t release it.

It was the carnal look again.  For some reason it set a firecrackers off in her pelvis.  If he could do that with a look, she just couldn’t imagine what he could do when he touched her,
touched her.  The fact that he gave her control left her even more intrigued.  He wouldn’t push her, but she’d have to initiate.  For a man who was used to being in control and aggressive, she found that completely exhilarating.  He’d pretty much submitted himself to her innocent hands.  The fire that started in her pelvis drove up into her belly, then her chest.  Desire.  It was desire.  She’d recognized it yesterday, but wow, did it really pull at her to initiate things between them.  She resisted the urge because she was still too frightened.  Hopefully he won’t get bored waiting for her and turn to someone else. That thought right there would give her courage.  Yes, she could do this.  Well, maybe a glass of wine would help.  Heck, the whole bottle would be better.

Lance’s phone rang and he answered it releasing her hand.  She leaned her head back against the comfortable leather and closed her eyes. She wasn’t tired, she was only resting—and thinking of what he’d just offered.  His impression left a cool area on her skin.  She liked the feel of his hands on her.  He had callouses from working the ranch, but his hands were also very warm just like the rest of him. The memory of the feel of him pressed against her in the kitchen popped in her mind.  She quickly started thinking of work to distract her from it.

It sounded like he was talking to one of his brothers.  She tried not to listen because it wasn’t her business, but they were in close quarters.  It was nothing personal, just sounded like some business with the ranch.  Then her name.  She opened her eyes to look at him just to see him staring at her.

“Yes, she’s right here.  We’re heading to Hamptons for her brother’s wedding. Yes, you can tell Elaina she’s fine Colt.” His eyes met hers waiting for confirmation to back him up.

“I am,” she agreed softly counting her blessings that this family was concerned for her.  She never knew that type of affection.

“It was a little rough for her in the beginning but she’s better,” he continued, not needing her to confirm it this time. “I’ll get her to call Elaina tomorrow and ease her worries.”

She watched him closely as his attention went back to the front of the car absently while he continued to talk to Colton.  Gosh though, that was so thoughtful how he closely monitored her feelings.  She honestly never thought he put much into it, but was just there to play a part.

He chuckled after listening to something his brother said.  “Sure thing.  I’ll see you Thursday night.”  He ended the call and tucked his phone back into the inside breast pocket of his immaculate suit jacket.

“Everything good at home?” Home? Gosh she loved the sound of that.

“Elaina’s having a tough pregnancy.  Jacob’s making sure she’s comfortable.  Its summer, she’s hot, and feeling like a whale. Colton’s stressed about her.  He worries. We all worry. That’s it in a nutshell.”

She laughed at his summery. Elaina was having a tough pregnancy because her husband, like the rest of the brothers, was a big man.  Chances are it was another boy.  Jacob and Tess had the only girl, and she was a peach just like her mother.  She smiled, it will be another C-section for poor Elaina. “You Hartley men throw big males.” She said absently.

He chuckled, “Yes, yes we do.”

Big, beautiful males.  She sighed inwardly.  Lance would do the same.  He’d have beautiful honeyed eyed males. She pursed her lips and looked out the side window not willing to let him see the longing in her eyes for a baby.  More importantly, his baby.

The rest of the ride was occupied with small talk, and Lance got another three phone calls, all business.  Funny that a retired, or semi-retired lawyer as he put it, should be so busy.

The car turned down the road to her parents’ house in Southampton. They were greeted at the gate by security who was checking invitations and identification.  She supposed that with the Senator there had to be some sort of protection.

She could see that there were already several dozen limousines and expensive cars present on the cobble stone driveway. She already knew her mother spared no expense. Royce was her favorite, and she would make sure she gave an event that would be talked about for months. Chances are Anne didn’t have a say in any of it. She bit her bottom lip hoping that her brother’s wife would have an easier time with her mother than she ever did; that she wouldn’t be too controlling. It really worried her in the fact that it might interfere with the relationship.  Her brother never had to endure the pressures she did and her mother really wanted the socially acceptable daughter figure. Well, at least she had Melanie. Thankfully Lance interrupted her gloomy thoughts.  She certainly didn’t want it to show in her expression and pull anyone down with her.

“I know you are thinking about flying home tomorrow, but maybe you should stay a few more days and come with me to the charity dinner Wednesday.”

“You want me to go with you?” The invitation was surprising and wonderful.

“Yes, Tam, I do.  I don’t have a date, and I really shouldn’t be going with someone else seeing as we’re engaged—”

She laughed interrupting him and causing him to show her the heavenly God-gifted Hartley smile.  Despite the angst of lying to her family, she couldn’t deny that it was thrilling spending the time with him.  She was also feeling a little relaxed.  She was so used to being run off her feet and over the last forty-eight hours she could feel some tension leave her body.  Nonetheless, the anxiety of being among this crowd again was giving her different kind of stress. She could easily squash those feelings using the excuse that she just had to only endure one more day with these people, then she could return to her happy working class life. Yet, going on a real date with Lance was a rare opportunity. “I’m sure you won’t have a problem finding an escort even at the last possible second.”

“Yes, but I want to take you.”

Again, speechless.

“What do you say?”

“I’d have to call Jacob.  I’m scheduled to be back in the office Monday and I worry about Debbie.”  Tammy wouldn’t back out on her responsibilities no matter how tempting his offer was.  Boy, was it tempting.

He nodded. “I figured that.  I talked to Jake this morning when you were still in bed.  Tess can cover.  Elaina said that Debbie’s doing much better this month and she and Marie can deal with anything that comes up.”

Her eyes widened.  He already made the arrangements? When did he have the chance to do that?  Perhaps when she was getting dressed for today. “What if I said no?”

“I’d beg.” He lifted a single brow and gave her an expression that said it was totally beneath him.

She bit her bottom lip to keep from bubbling up with laughter.  Yet, seeing this handsome man on his knees popped into her mind and she felt her belly heat up. “Why, Lance Hartley prostrating himself before a woman? Never,” she teased back trying to hide her desire.

“Oh, I’m not immune to prostrating myself to get a date with my faux fiancé.” The look of displeasure stayed in his expression telling her he really didn’t want to but there was amusement in his gaze.

This time she did laugh.

His dropped the expression of indignation.  “You have a beautiful laugh Tammy.”

Something different flashed across his expression but before Tammy could examine it, Vern opened the car door severing their eye contact.  Apparently he’d parked the car already.  For some reason she hadn’t even realized it. “Okay, I will stay for the charity, but don’t go behind my back and make decisions for me again.” She tried sounding firm but it escaped her.  It was because he turned back and centered his eyes on hers. The look made her stomach flip-flop around with butterflies.  She’d always wanted him to look at her, really look at her like he was now and she certainly wasn’t disappointed.  It was everything she’d thought it would be and more. She felt on top of the world with the attention he’d been showering on her.  Any woman would feel the same way in her position no matter how much experience they had.  She’d dare anyone to make a liar out of her.  Just look at him! He oozed sex appeal. He was tall, muscular, and filled out a suit like a GQ model. Simply put, he was gorgeous, and he was focused entirely on her.

“I won’t promise a
thing,” he stated as he leaned close to so Vern wouldn’t hear.  “Didn’t you know darling?  I like being in charge.”  His eyes gleamed.

There went that pulsing heat in her pelvis again. Before she could say anything else, Lance got out of the car and straightened his suit jacket before turning offering her his hand.  Tammy accepted it and emerged from the limousine with a smile trying to squash the physical response he just evoked in her. She doubted her mood could be spoiled on this wonderful day for her brother.  How wrong she was.


They were met at the door by a staff member, one of many hired for the event, that were greeting the guests at the entrance.  He led them through the house towards the back yard where other people started to gather. Then he bowed and dismissed himself. Tammy was actually feeling a little disappointed that none of her family were there to greet her.  Just as she thought that, she saw Royce surrounded by six groomsmen, all in black tuxedos, standing in the large doorway to the back. He broke into a grin when he spotted her.

“Tammy!”  The other six men turned to see what he was waving at.  He brushed through them and gave her a bear hug lifting her off her feet and swinging her around.  “I’m so glad you came.  I really didn’t want to do this without my baby sister.” He put her down and extended his hand to Lance who shook it. “Glad you could come too, Lance.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Lance answered sincerely. 

It was obvious to Tammy that he liked her brother.  For some reason, that meant a lot to her.  “There’s a lot of staff here.” Tammy was referring to the multitude of people wearing white shirts, black bowties, and black pants that seemed to outnumber the guests so far.  Both the men and the women wore the same uniform.  It was to easily distinguish them from the elaborate guests.

“Mother outdid herself.  Wait until you see the back lawn.  Of course Anne had no say, but she was surprisingly okay with all of that.”

“Well, she loves, you.  I’m sure she’d be happy getting married anywhere.”

“I’m very lovable,” he agreed with another face splitting smile.

She shook her head and laughed. “You are too conceited for your own good.  I should warn Anne what she’s really marrying.”

He wiggled his eyebrows. “I’ve already seduced her; she’s smitten so good luck.  She knows a good thing.”

“Royce!” She burst into laughter.

“Hey Tamara!”

She looked past her brother to see one of his childhood friends, Regan Fallbrook. She never noticed him a moment ago even though he was dressed as a groomsman. She guessed it was hard to look at other men when she with the one of her dreams.

He gave her a hug surprising her. “I thought that was you. Look at you all grown up.”  Regan’s eyes went down the length of her in interest. “Wow, you really did grow up.  You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve seen yet.”

“Hey,” Royce barked. “Need I remind you that I’m marrying the most beautiful woman on the planet today?  I’ll tell Anne you said that too.” That caused some light laughter among them.

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