Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (17 page)

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“Yes sir.”  Mavis hurried past Tammy to do as her boss said.

“Tam—kitchen!” he demanded curtly.

She sighed and dropped her arms.  She wouldn’t disobey him.  He was like a lit fuse right now and knew it was really difficult for him to not explode.  Richard invaded his home and assaulted her right under his nose.  She knew it bothered him.  Then she’d asked him to be lenient and he was.  Another difficult thing for him to do, but out of respect for her, he was.  God, he was amazing.

After Vern showed up Lance spoke to him quietly across the room so Tammy couldn’t hear. Vern then walked over to Richard, bent down and spoke softly. Richard nodded quickly not taking his eyes off the man. Then he dragged Richard off none too gently.  

Tammy was really curious on what Vern said to Richard to make him look frightened, but she decided to stay out of it now.  She’d already asked Lance to take it easy on him and knew he was going to stick to that.  Besides her cheek hurt too much to think anymore.

She was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter with a bag of ice against it to try and decrease the swelling, thanks to Mavis, who looked incredibly guilty.  Tammy had already told her that she didn’t know this was going to happen, and it wasn’t her fault.  The woman nodded but it didn’t seem to ease the guilty expression.

After Mavis left, she lowered her head in her hand still clutching the small bag of ice in the other.  About ten minutes later, she heard footsteps approach her.  Lance. Then she felt his warm fingers under her chin.

  “Sorry I took so long.  I had to call my appointment and explain why I left halfway through a meeting without a word.  It’s a good thing I was only a few minutes away at a coffee shop.” Tilting her head up, he moved the bag aside and examined it for a moment before putting it back.  He cursed under his breath.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?”

He narrowed his eyes angrily. “Vern can handle him.  He’s ex-marine.”

She smiled, “I meant Richard.”

who you meant.”  He could barely keep the anger out of his voice.

“You are a good man Lance.”

“It’s only because you asked me. I should have Vern take him out back and shoot him.” He paused trying to get control of his temper. “That’s going to leave a nasty bruise.  It’s already swollen.  It takes a damn coward to hit a woman.” He clenched his jaw.

“It does.  He wasn’t in his right head.”  She knew Lance held back for her.  If it were up to him, he probably
have beaten the snot out of him, and
called the cops.

“That’s like saying guns kill people, not the people that pull the trigger.” 

“I’ve dealt with worse as a nurse.  I had a ninety-five year old Alzheimer patient kick me square in the chest once.  I flew back against the wall.  It near knocked me out.”

“He couldn’t help himself Tammy. There’s a difference.”  He shook his head and cupped her face in his hands. “This was in my

“I understand. I really do. I’m so sorry. I know you feel responsible for this, but I’m a big girl.  I’ve learned to look after myself.”

“He’s going to get help whether he wants it or not.” He sat on the adjacent stool facing her.  Concern still etched in his handsome features.

“I appreciate what you could do for him.  Maybe it will make him a better person.”

“Sure it will,” he said doubtfully. “Look, even though I love the fact you wear your heart on your sleeve for people, this is not one of those times.  If Mavis hadn’t called, I wouldn’t have come home on time. She’s too damn little to even help you. God only knows what he would have done.”

She felt her heart skip a beat.  He really loved that about her? “God bless Mavis.” She tried making light of the situation, but he didn’t bite.

“She feels guilty that she allowed him up, but she honestly doesn’t know who your friends are in New York.”  

“Please tell her it’s not her fault. I tried, but she still looks guilty.”

“I did.  I also informed her not to let anyone else in without my consent.”

She was surprisingly fine with that.

“Are you certain you are okay?” His hard expression softened.

She nodded. “Honestly.  No trauma here.  I’m fine.”

“Hell, you are a tough gal.”

She grinned at the compliment, then winced a little. 

He stared at her for a moment shaking his head.


“No trauma, huh?”

She shook her head.

“Not even a little?”  Finally the semblance of a smile showed on his handsome face.

“Nope.” Okay, so her cheek hurt a bit, but he was referring to psychological aspect, not physical.  She was honestly over the incident.  Yes, Richard was a jerk, but when he came down off whatever he was on, she was certain he’d feel a bit remorseful.  However, it didn’t matter to her.  She stopped caring about him years ago.  It was the nurse in her that cared about him as a human being that advocated for him. Out of respect for her, Lance complied.  Hopefully Richard will get through this.

Lance reached over between her knees and gripped the edge of the stool she was perched on. Then he pulled it toward him until her knees were on either side of one of his.  Then further until his knee was between her thighs. Her eyes went from the intimate position to his own. She tilted her head in question.

“I know I promised you I’d let you take the lead, but I think hell would freeze over first.”

“I’m working up the courage,” she practically stammered out.  Yes, it was true. She was sober now, and he seemed so untouchable again.

“Well, you suck at that and I’m getting impatient.”

She let a small nervous laugh escape.  “Did you undress me?”

“Hmm.  You don’t’ remember?”

“I remember bits.” He had a gleam of mischief in his eyes.  It made her stomach flip-flop.  Now she wasn’t sure if he did or not.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I would.”  God , if it was him, what did he think?  Would her body be categorized under a long list, and years of experience?  Oh, why did she have to be so insecure around him?

His eyes went down the front of her before he met her gaze again.  He saw her growing discomfort. “I’m going to put you out of your misery before you faint. No. It wasn’t me.  It was Mavis. I just carried you in.”

She breathed a sigh of relief.

“Although it was tempting as hell.”

Her eyes widened.

He took the bag of ice out of her hand and set it on the counter beside him without taking his eyes off of her.  “Now back to your so called courage. I think you need some proper encouragement.”

She tilted her head again in confusion.

He gave her a sloppy smile, reached up and loosened his tie.

“What are you doing?” Her eyes went wide.

“Shh.”  He finished untying it, slid it off his neck slowly and tossed it carelessly on the floor.  His eyes never left hers.

Hers followed the movement with intense interest, then met his again.  Okay, that was pretty darn sexy.

Next, he pulled his shirt out of his belted slacks.  Then his hands went to the buttons and one by one, he slowly undid them until it hung open and loose on him.  She could see the muscular contours of his pectorals to where they dipped in the center of his chest. Her eyes then slid down the opening and glimpsed the middle of his abdomen which was clearly the part of a beautiful muscular six-pack.  Her lips parted.  Lance placed his hands on his thighs and waited.  Her eyes went back up his body slowly and met his gaze again.  She knew that’s all he was going to give her, and that she had to take it further.  God, though, could he present more provocative image?  He was a woman’s kryptonite and he knew exactly what he was doing to her. His expression then grew salacious, but he still waited patiently for her to make the next move. She bit her bottom lip and lifted a nervous hand.  Ever so slowly she moved the material of his shirt aside, then paused looking at him.  He smiled letting her know to continue.  She took a deep breath and let it out slow while both her hands flattened against his chest, moved up his shoulders and pushed the material down his arms. He removed his hands off his thighs to allow the shirt to fall to the floor behind him. Her eyes moved back down his torso. His body was immaculate.  His skin was tanned, taught and brawny.

“What should I do now?”

“Anything you want.”  His voice was huskier now.

“Anything?” She swallowed as her eyes went to his gorgeous chest.  She felt her fingertips tingle.  She really wanted to touch him.

“Yes,” he said softly.

She looked past him into the kitchen.

“Mavis will not disturb us,” he said answering her unspoken question.  “She knows when to leave.”

She didn’t want to know that.  It meant that he’d had women here before and his housekeeper had specific instructions regarding them.  No, she will not let that bother her moment.  He was an adult, and so was she.  What he did before this meant nothing. She needed this to be her special time.

She looked down at her own clothing.  It didn’t seem all that fair that he had a top off and she didn’t.  She smiled feeling a little daring, he did say,
.  Slowly she crossed her arms in front of her and gripped the hem of her t-shirt pulling it over her head and tossing it, less gracefully than he did, on the floor.

“Well, I didn’t expect that.” he smiled allowing his eyes to go to her breasts.  “I thought you didn’t like pastels.” He was referring to the light pink bra she wore.

Gosh, he really did remember things well. “They usually don’t sell them in the colors I like unless I want to pay more.”  She fought against the embarrassment of being half naked in front of him. If he could do it, she could too. Yet he had
to be ashamed of.

“I still like it.”

She felt her skin get hot at sitting there in her bra.  She’d never shown herself to a man before, well except Richard, but she didn’t do it willingly and didn’t like that experience. 

She knew her awkwardness was obvious because Lance did his best to put her at ease.

“You’re beautiful Tammy.  You have no reason to feel embarrassed. I’m being completely honest.”  He reached for her hands and placed them on his own chest. “Remember, you have the advantage.  I won’t do anything to you unless you ask, okay?”

God, she must’ve died and gone to heaven.  She nodded, knowing that she’d stutter if she spoke.  The last thing she wanted to do was ruin the mood. Her hands moved over his chest, shoulders, and arms then back down to his abdomen.  She really had to see if that six pack was real.  It was.  “My God Lance, I didn’t think people who looked like you were real.  It’s like you’re airbrushed.”

“I work hard at it.”  His eyes darkened while he pursued her face.  Desire was clear in his expression now.

She knew he worked hard. She’d seen him laboring with the men; slinging hay bales in the field, pounding posts, fixing fences, and working with the cattle and the horses.  His self-confidence was certainly warranted.  She was grateful though.  If it weren’t for that characteristic, she wouldn’t be able to do this without his coaching.  She saw a change in his expression and knew that her touch was doing something to him, but she really wasn’t sure how to proceed and she really wanted to. She was feeling very insecure, but the control he’d given her took away a lot of angst she had over intimacy. He was right. Richard did ruin her to a point. “I just don’t know what to do now.”  She looked at him with a mixture of desire, confusion and insecurity.

“It depends on what you want.”

She took a deep breath and looked at him. She looked at him for a long time building courage for what she said next. “I want you.” Obviously he didn’t expect that. She heard his breath hitch, but when he spoke it was even, and controlled. Everything about this man elicited complete control.

“Are you sure about this?’

She nodded. “At this very moment, I am.”

“Then, I suggest that we go to my room.”

“Okay,” she agreed.  She was really beginning to feel exposed in the enormous room. 

Despite the desire registering in his expression now, he still looked as comfortable as an old shoe.  Didn’t anything make him off balance?

He slid off the stool and took her hand to coax her off hers. Then he turned and led her down the stairs and the long hall to his room.

He only released her to shut the door and lock it. “Just in case any more of your friends decide to pop by.”

“God I hope not.”

He chuckled and turned back to her. “Some rules.”


“Yes, to ease your nervousness. I need you to understand that you can initiate anything you want.  However, if you feel the need to let me take over, I will.  You just have to tell me.”

“I can do that.” she nodded apprehensively. 

“And, if you tell me to stop, I will, no matter how far along we are.”

That’s what did it for her.  That wall of fear crumbled around her.  She steeled her courage and stepped up to him. “Kiss me.”

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