Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (21 page)

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“I’m hungry,” he whispered deeply in her ear.

She giggled and finally opened her eyes. “I beginning to think that’s a given on all occasions.”

“How long do you need?”

She shrugged. “Fifteen minutes.”


“Yes, Councilor Hartley, I am that in spades,” she teased and stretched.

He patted her hip. “I’ll hold you to that then.  I’ll meet you by the elevator.” He bent again and kissed her briefly on the mouth before he left.

She was ready right on time and he was waiting for her when she came down the hall.  They rode the elevator in silence until she covered a yawn with her hand.

“Boring am I?”

She smiled and shook her head.  “Far from it.  You’ve exhausted me.”

He chuckled, and took her hand when the elevator doors open.

Outside Lance flagged down a taxi.  “Vern has the night off.” He looked down at her with a smirk. “Hot date.”

She laughed. “Good for him. So, where are we going?”  She wore a simple white and plum floral dress that had an empress waistline.  It was quite flattering to her slender figure.  According to the look of approval from Lance, she chose correctly.  He wore a black dress shirt with visible platinum buttons. It was tucked into the belted waistband of his dark grey slacks.  It was obvious the material was tailor made to his muscular physique. 

“You’ll see.” He opened the door and helped her in the cab before sliding in beside her.

“I love surprises.” She beamed at him.

“Is that so?”

She nodded.

He moved his arm around her and pulled her close. “Then you’ll like this.”

The restaurant was only a short ride away from his building.  She’d never been to this one before. It was an elegantly decorated building in browns and golds.  Once inside, and after Lance confirmed his reservation, they were led through the busy dining room to an elevator.  Tammy looked around and noticed that there wasn’t an empty table.  So where were they eating?

She gave him a questioning look and he put a finger to his lips and gave her a mischievous look.

She lifted a single brow in amusement.

The elevator doors opened to a rooftop dining terrace.  There were lush plants and flowers surrounding the tables, and soft lighting to accentuate the ambiance. 

“Oh dear.”  It was breathtakingly beautiful—and romantic.

He watched her closely and seemed pleased with her reaction.  Like the dining room downstairs, this one was also busy.  Obviously this was a popular restaurant. Well, with a rooftop terrace like this, it had to be.

He took her hand and followed the host to a table isolated by sweet smelling potted flowers at the back of the terrace.

The man pulled out the chair for her and she sat down still in awe.

Lance sat across from her as the waiter showed, introduced himself, and handed them menus while he reiterated the specials of the evening.

Lance ordered a bottle of expensive white wine.

“Excellent choice sir.” The waiter turned and left.

His attention then turned to Tammy.  He smiled.  “You are pleased.”

“I am.  It’s lovely!” she breathed in excitement.

The waiter came back with the wine and poured them both a glass.

She reached across the table and covered Lance’s hand with hers.  “Oh Lance, I can’t thank you enough.  I didn’t realize how uptight I was until now.  I mean for a long time, not here.  These few days have been wonderful.”

“Seeing you happy, makes it worthwhile.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it.  His eyes went to the ring.

Oh, she’d completely forgotten about that.  “I should give this back to you.” She started to pull the ring off but he stopped her with his own hands.

“After the event tomorrow.”

“Oh yes, I guess, more public pictures, and my parents.”

He nodded and released her hands.

She couldn’t help but feel crestfallen at letting her fantasy end. 
Get a grip girl, you are a mature adult
, she scolded herself.  Lance never made her any promises.  And why would he possibly want to marry her when—


A feminine voice interrupted her thoughts. She looked up and saw a beautiful brunette wearing a dark blue dress that looked like it used to be a tube sock from the way it fit over her.  Tammy really couldn’t blame her for wearing it, she had incredible curves.

The brunette’s blue eyes went to Tammy and she could see the curiosity in them.

Lance stood up and actually placed a kiss on the woman’s cheek in greeting.  It was an indicator to her that he knew the woman intimately.

“Marianne Fletcher, this is my friend Tamara Easler.”

Tammy did her best to keep the disappointment out of her expression.  He’d introduced her as if she was just a family friend when she stupidly thought she was more than that now. She said hello and slid the hand with the ring on it under the table.  She didn’t know why Lance did that, but it hurt.

“Nice to meet you Tamara.”

“I prefer Tammy.”  She actually said it with a smile and in her most genuine voice.  Lance should have figured out by now that she didn’t like the name her mother gave her because she’d always used it in contempt.  Tammy was much more common and down to earth as far as she was concerned.  Also, her mother would never use it.

“Tammy then.” Marianne’s voice was pleasant but she seemed to dismiss her as soon as she greeted her.  Her attention turned back to Lance. “So are we ready for Wednesday?”

Now that got Tammy’s attention.  Was he taking Marianne too? This wasn’t making sense.

“It’ll be perfect.  You always manage to pull it off,” he stated.

She placed her hand on Lance’s chest. “Oh stop.  No one ran this charity better than you, and you know it.  I couldn’t do it without your connections,” she fluttered, then looked at Tammy briefly. “Don’t mind me. I get worked up every year around this time because I have big shoes to fill.”  She gave a false laugh and waved it off. “I never have flopped yet, but I always have that worry.”

Tammy wanted to roll her eyes. Then, it finally dawned on her.  This was the friend that he handed the charity to. For some reason she thought it was a man. Well, she should have been relieved that they’d known each other that way, but the woman was outrageously flirting with him, so again, she began to wonder if there was a relationship involved.  She also really didn’t appreciate the woman’s hand on his chest.  The very chest she’d rested her head on this morning.

“I’ll expect you at my after party.”  Marianne plucked imaginary lint off of his shoulder before she smoothed her hand over the same area.

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

Tammy wanted to peel the woman off of him, but he was perfectly capable of doing that himself and didn’t seem too eager to remove the woman’s hands off of his body.  She clenched her jaw and forced a smile like it didn’t bother her.

Her attention finally went to Tammy again. “Of course you are invited Tammy.  Any friend of Lance’s is welcome.”

“Thank you.” Tammy knew she was just inviting her because she was sitting there, but she would definitely take it.  She knew if she didn’t the woman would have her tentacles into Lance so quick it would make his head spin.

“Well, I must be going. My friends are waiting. Ta-ta.”

“Ta-ta,” Tammy mimicked waving her fingers.

Lance took his seat again and met Tammy’s eyes.  His were laced with amusement.  Hers weren’t.  Tammy never had to deal with envy the likes of this before.  Things were different between them now and she felt a little—territorial.

“Your new charity chair is a woman.”  It was a statement, not a question and it might have sounded a little clipped.  He noticed.

“Jealous.” A corner of his mouth slid up.

Her eyes widened. “Of course I am.”

He looked surprised, then burst out laughing.

“She’s gorgeous,” she added incredibly.  “Who wouldn’t be? And the way she was touching you—I wanted to scream.”

It took him a moment to get his laughter under control.  He was shaking his head and staring at her when the waiter came back.  He quickly dismissed him by ordering the specials.  Then he placed his forearms on the table and leaned toward her. “Yes, she’s beautiful, and before you die of curiosity and probably won’t ask, yes, I did date her.”

“I was curious, but it’s not my business.” This whole incident had Tammy’s self-confidence falling bit by bit.

He sat back in his seat and tilted his head while contemplating her response, or lack thereof.  “I know you aren’t used to a relationship the likes of what we have, but I have no problem answering your questions.”

“It’s none of my business Lance,” she repeated taking a large gulp of wine.

“I always thought that was one of your best qualities. You were never one to bother with gossip or seek it out. However, she will be sitting at our table tomorrow night so I don’t want any tension there.”

She set her glass down and looked injured. “Lance, it means a lot to you. I’ll be fine. I was raised on etiquette.  Trust me.”

“I do trust you. It’s her I’m concerned about.” He smirked.

“Oh.” She flushed.

Again he studied her expression.  Then he leaned forward again and spoke. “She was a semi-serious girlfriend.  I dated her for about a year.”

“You don’t need to—“

“She wanted marriage at the time and I didn’t.  She was possessive of me around others, not just women, but anyone or anything that drew my attention from her including my job. The relationship ended when Riley was murdered.  I concentrated more on the trial, and she decided not to wait.  She obviously didn’t know who I really was and wanted someone else.”

“I’m sorry.”

He smiled. “You really are aren’t you?”

“I am. It’s terrible that you went through that without some kind of support from people you care about.” 
I would have waited.
  What woman would desert a man when he needed her the most?

“It’s been a few years and she’s matured a little more.”

If he thinks so.  Tammy resisted the urge to show her disagreement.  It was the subtle hints the woman was giving off; the touching, flattering, and the veiled condescension toward her.

“She has expressed interest on getting back together again.”

She was certain it was physically impossible for her heart to fall at her feet, but it sure felt like it. “And?”

Now he looked stunned.

“I meant, when this is over.”  She waved her hand at nothing in particular.


She felt her face heat up.  Was she being clueless, or was he?  “The faux engagement.”

“Just the engagement?” he repeated not believing her at all.

Obviously he could tell that’s not what she meant. Again, he was being way too insightful for her comfort. “Okay, you and me.”

“Seriously Tam?”

She took a deep breath and released it quickly in exasperation. “Forgive me Lance. I don’t know how this all works.” She fought to keep her eyes from watering. The idea of ending this just didn’t sit well with her and he never gave her any indication that he was interested in keeping it going.

“Well, Jesus, neither do I.  We’re moving really fast.”

Her mouth fell open.  Seriously?  Fast?  She’d been in love with this man for five years. 

“Hey.” He reached over and took her hand. “Tam, look at me.”

She hadn’t realized that her gaze fell to the table cloth.  She did as he asked.

“I’m not tossing you aside for Marianne.  It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.  She’s a very self-centered woman, even though her intentions with my charity are well founded.”

“You introduced me as a friend.”

“I told you why.  She’s possessive.  I didn’t want her to make your evening uncomfortable at the charity event.  You’ve already dealt with enough from your mother and Richard.”

Oh why didn’t she see that he was looking out for her?  Her heart swelled. “I’m sorry.  I can be stupid.”

“You’re not the least bit stupid, but I forget on how naïve you are despite your profession.  I’m also surprised at this sudden insecurity though.  You’ve always radiated confidence.”

“Yes, I’ve always been secure with my body image, my job, and my intelligence, but that was before—well, before you and me.”  She’d opened herself up like she’d never done before.  She felt he could see right to her bones, her heart, and into her mind.  It was unsettling, but she was fighting to be brave and trust that he wouldn’t hurt her.

He thought about that for a moment. “I understand.”

Of course he did. She’d opened herself up to someone for the first time in her life, not just physically, but emotionally as well.  It left her completely exposed.  He could really do some damage if he wanted to.  She was trusting him not to.  It wasn’t like her to trust someone so freely.

“Something you should know about me.  She left me and I don’t chase after women.”

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