Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy (20 page)

BOOK: Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy
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Well, she was not a child, and knew that this wouldn’t last, but she was going to do her best to enjoy then next two days with him.  She wasn’t going to ruin it with thoughts of self-pity.  Lance never made her any promises and she wouldn’t try and get any out of him. It wasn’t in her nature.  If he wanted to carry on, he’d let her know.  Still, the feeling of her heart getting crushed wasn’t something she wanted to look forward to.

His phone vibrated on his bedside table, and without even a skipped beat of her heart he reached over and answered it. 

“Hartley.” His eyes went to her and he smiled devilishly.

Hers widened.  Was he awake this entire time just letting her stare at him?  He spoke on the phone like he was sitting comfortably at a café sipping coffee, wide awake.  All the while his eyes stayed on hers.

Finally he hung up.

“You are a rake.”

“I’m something.”

She laughed.  “I honestly thought you were sleeping.”

“Maybe I was.”

She shook her head still surprised at the talents this man possessed.

His hand squeezed her bottom. “Hungry?”

She nodded.

“Do you want me to feed you?”

She licked her lips and moved on top of him.  “I do.”

He grinned salaciously. “Well, hell Tam, I didn’t expect this.”

“Shut up,” she murmured with a seductive smile before kissing him.  It was his fault.  He looked incredibly delicious.  Who the heck looks that good first thing in the morning?  She just wanted to devour him.

His hands spanned over her hips guiding her, teaching her how to move over him. She found her rhythm and he released her to move his hands over her breasts, teasing her nipples between his fingers.

“Sit up babe.  I want to look at you.”

He groaned as she obeyed driving him deeper in her. 

She closed her eyes feeling the sensation herself.  Her lips parted and then her smoky eyes settled on his.

Her fingertips feathered down his chest to his abdomen.  She flattened her hands on the hard muscles and started lifting herself, rocking on his hips.

“Christ, that’s it!”  His jaw tensed. He tilted his head back into the mattress, but his eyes never left hers.

Tammy thought she went deaf when she reached her peak because she couldn’t hear anything, not his pleasurable growl of release, not their heavy breathing, nothing.

She tilted her own head back and sighed.  Then she felt completely boneless.

At that time she felt strong hands on her body pulling her down to meet hard flesh.  It was heaven.



He chuckled and she felt the vibration deep in his chest against her cheek.  She couldn’t even open her eyes.

His hands moved over her back.  It was soothing. “Thanks.”

She finally lifted her head and smiled at him. “Thanks?”

“What a great way to start the day.”

“Don’t think that was for your benefit Mr. Prosecutor.”  Her eyes narrowed teasingly.

He laughed, “Really?”

“I had a selfish motive.”

“Well, you can be as selfish as you want in that department.”

“I can’t help myself Lance, look what you have done to me,” she accused with a satiated sigh.

“I’ve turned you into an insatiable goddess.  Big deal. You’ll get no complaint from me.”

She chuckled and shook her head before laying it back down on his chest again.  She could hear the strong beat of his heart.

“I’m still hungry.”

She burst into laughter.


It was after eleven when they made their way to the kitchen. Mavis had made them a hearty breakfast of fruit, eggs, bacon and toast.  Surprisingly, Tammy had doubled her appetite.  Lance seemed to notice and he chuckled at her while drinking his coffee.

She looked at his plate which was already scraped clean.

He shrugged seeing her amused expression. “I always eat like this. You, however, don’t.”

“It’s your fault.” After he stated he was hungry, they went their separate ways.  Tammy went back to her room to get dressed.  He knocked on the door fifteen minutes later to escort her to the kitchen.  Always a gentleman. Lance was now wearing a dark navy pinstriped suit while she was back in yoga pants.  He’d showered too and smelled divine.  His hair was neatly combed; he was clean shaven, and drop dead gorgeous.  Her eyes soaked him up.  She knew exactly what he looked like under his clothing, and despite the fact that they’d made love that morning, she still felt a current of desire heat up her pelvis.  She was impossibly smitten and returned her attention to her plate to take it off of him.  He was obviously going somewhere, but it wasn’t her right to ask.  She didn’t want to be clingy and nosey.

“Possibly.” He took another sip of coffee to hide his triumphant smile. His eyes however, couldn’t hide the wickedness.

She shook her head and cleaned her plate despite his teasing and climbing ego. 

“You are just so refreshing. Isn’t she Mavis?” He asked while keeping his attention on her.

“Most definitely sir,” she agreed easily. Mavis took the dishes and offered her another cup of coffee.

Tammy refused politely. “I’ll be climbing the walls if I do. Thank you Mavis.”

“Yes Miss Easler.”

It was obvious what the two of them had been doing over the last twenty-four hours, yet Mavis acted as if there was nothing different.  She would have noticed that her bed wasn’t slept in this morning too.  Tammy pushed down her embarrassment.  She was an adult, and it was obvious from Mavis’ lack of reaction that he’d had women here many times before.  It was something she didn’t want to think about.  The thought of him with another woman, the way he was with her made bile rise in her throat.  Gosh, now she knew what real jealousy tasted like.  She was better than that.  She’d promised herself that she would not let those things affect her.

Tammy returned her attention to Lance after Mavis had left. “Refreshing?”

“Yes.  You are always yourself no matter what.”

“Of course I am.” She agreed.

“I meant, that if it were someone else, no matter how hungry, she would just pick at the food.”

“Well,” she smiled. “Clearly you date the wrong women.”

“Clearly,” he chuckled.  He finished his coffee and stood up.  He then cupped her chin in his fingers and tilted her head to examine the bruise.

“It’s not that bad,” she murmured trying to ease the mixture of concern and anger in his eyes.

“No, but it still shouldn’t be there.  The swelling has gone down at least.”

“With a little makeup, no one will see it.”

“I’ll still know it’s there,” he stated clearly angry this time.

“As you said Lance, I’m tough.”

His eyes went to hers. “Yes you are. You are very surprising Tammy.” 

There was no anger this time. His tone held something different. What did that mean?

“I’ve got to go.  I have a couple of meetings, but when I get home, we’ll go for dinner and shop for a new dress if there’s time.”

Tammy didn’t have much of her savings left after she’d purchased the dress for dinner at her parents’ house.  “I’ll just wear the black one.”

“No.  Some of the people that were at your parents will be at the charity dinner.  You can’t wear the same dress Tam. Just so you know, out of courtesy, I invited your parents. Also, as of yesterday afternoon, the event has sold out.  It is the event of the year.” 

She swallowed. No, she really couldn’t wear the same dress after that confession.  She knew the ins and outs of that crowd.  People bought clothes for those functions and wore them once, then usually they were given to charity.

“I’ll take you shopping.”

“Lance, you know how I feel about that.”

“I do.  However, I’m one of the biggest benefactors of this charity and I can’t have my date wearing the same dress as two nights ago.  This is a highly publicized event.  Besides, I sprung it on you, or you probably would have packed for it.”

Gosh, she didn’t even think of that. Regardless, she didn’t have much in her closet at home except for nursing uniforms and some casual clothes besides the red dress.

“I’m sure you don’t need your mother to ridicule you over your lack of wardrobe again.”

Her eyes widened. No, she honestly didn’t. She already knew it would suck the enjoyment out of the evening, and she really wanted to enjoy herself with him.  This would be a very public event, and she wanted to make a good impression for him.

“I’m paying for it—” he held up his hand to stop her protests. “Tammy, you are my date.  I’m heavily involved in this charity.  You need to stand out—make an impression.  Don’t argue.”

He seemed irritated by her refusal, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be as well. He was pushy. She narrowed her gaze.

“I know you don’t like it, but I assure you, this is for my benefit as much as yours. This means a lot to me.”

Her expression softened. She really couldn’t argue with him after those last words.  She just didn’t have the money to buy the type of dress this function required, but understandably this was very important to him.  No, she didn’t like it at all.  She made a mental note that she’d pay him back no matter how long it took.  “What charity is this?”

“It’s IVOC.  Innocent Victims of Crime.”

“Oh, that’s the one where money is raised for families of public officials killed in the line of duty.”


“I’m impressed Lance.  You donate your time to this?”  She knew why.  It was for his close friend and his family that was lost through tragedy.  It was because of that she would acquiesce. 

“I actually chaired the charity until few years ago.  I handed it off to a friend, but I’m still involved, free of charge on a consult basis, and I come to New York for the monthly meetings.  This event is colossal.  Everyone who’s anyone will be there; the mayor, the police commissioner, judges—everyone. So do you understand?”

After a slight hesitation, she nodded. “I do understand, especially why this means a lot to you. I just don’t like not paying my way.”

He took her hands in his. “Tammy, I know this is hard for you, but I wouldn’t offer if I thought you had selfish reasons.”

“I think it’s because my friends from here don’t hesitate.  I mean, they’ve expected such things from their companions.  I don’t want to fall into that category.”

“That’s absurd. Just being concerned about it sets you miles apart.  You are a very uncomplicated woman.”

She screwed up her face like it was an insult.

“I meant people always know where they stand with you.  You are very honest.”

Sure she was.  If she was so darn honest she’d be able to tell him how love-struck she was over him.

“I like that about you, everyone does, and if Elaina and Tess love you, it’s true.  They are two of the most insightful people I know.  I trust their judgment.”

She smiled at him.  He was so full of compliments lately.  She would do as he asked though.  She knew this event was important to him and that made it important to her.  Especially now that she knew what he went through with his friend.  He felt responsible for his death and she couldn’t possibly imagine carrying a burden like that herself. “Thank you.  I’ll do it for you.”

He was pleased and kissed both of her hands before he released her and turned away. “I’ll be home later this afternoon.   If you need the car for anything, Mavis can alert Vern.”

“I’ll be fine.”  She could probably use a nap. He’d exhausted the life out of her.

“Of course you will.” With that, he was gone.

Tammy spent the morning working out. She ran on the treadmill in his private gym for an hour, had a shower and phoned home to speak to Elaina. 

As usual, her friend probed her, but she didn’t kiss and tell.  Instead, she asked her how she was doing and turned the focus back on her.  Elaina wasn’t one to talk about herself either, but with Tammy’s expert prodding, she did.  Tammy gave her some advice on how to deal with her discomfort and after another ten minutes of small talk, she hung up.  She stared at the phone for a moment.  She was really missing Montana, her jobs, and most of all, the Hartley clan.

Mavis came in and asked her what she would like for lunch and she declined.  It was two in the afternoon and Lance promised her dinner so she expected him home in a few hours.  She got up and went to her room wanting to get a nap in before he came home.  It was funny really, she hadn’t had a nap during the day in almost five years.  She wasn’t just exhausted though, she was sore—everywhere. It felt like he’d discovered muscles that she’d never used.  She smiled as she stripped off her clothes and crawled under the cool sheets.  She couldn’t even gauge when she shut her eyes and dozed off. 


She was in a heavy sleep when she heard the deep familiar masculine timbre.


“Go away, I’m in heaven.”  She smiled. She heard a chuckle and then a warm hard mouth pressing to her cheek. How wonderfully unexpected that was.

BOOK: Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy
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