Wilde Magic (Wilde Women Book 3) (26 page)

Read Wilde Magic (Wilde Women Book 3) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #WIlde Women book 3

BOOK: Wilde Magic (Wilde Women Book 3)
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“Messing with me right after my eyes open is just asking for a no-holds-barred fucking.”

“Hey!” she yelped. “You promised.”

Fondling her breasts, he snickered and gave her a smug smile. “Now hold on, Contessa. I agreed last night wasn’t about fucking and I think I kept my promise. You were pretty thoroughly made love to for someone doing it for the first time.” He tapped her playfully on the nose. She barely noticed. Holding his flesh in her hand was far too distracting. “And if you’d just give up the orgasm tally we could chalk an ‘X’ in the win column and move on. Last night we made love. This morning? In case you hadn’t put this together already little one, you’re about to be royally fucked.”

Charlie liked this tongue-in-cheek verbal game and decided she’d roll her eyes and act hard pressed every time he used the rude term. Fun times. Of course, that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to play with him some more.

“But what about my fantasies?” She made sure to put some extra spin on her whiny boo-hoo tone.

“Oh, for God’s sake,” he griped. “All right ‘tessa. Spit it out and do it quickly. My dick needs some attention so frankly my dear … you’re up. Now tell me. What’s this one thing lacking from last night’s activities?”

Perfect timing? Meet the best question and most opportune response, like
Giving his impressive manhood a bit of a squeeze, she sent her fingers on an exploratory mission to thoroughly map his balls. He inhaled sharply and then got serious about touching her ass.

Mornings suddenly became her favorite part of the day.

“I let you taste me,” she purred. “Several times.”

His hand slid between her legs, but she stopped his quest by clamping her thighs together.

“Yes you did, and may I say again how delicious you are, Tesoro.”

Ha! She had him—he just didn’t know it yet. “Well, I want to taste you too. Turn about’s fair play, right?”


Oh. Really? Charlie bit her lip and lost her enthusiasm for exploring Ty’s body. Was that not something she should want? Fuck. A flash-fire of embarrassed heat rushed from the soles of her feet straight up her body and into her face. Confusion bounced around inside her. She thought men liked being sucked. Or blown. Or whatever the hell term was used these days. Charlie didn’t give a shit what term was de rigueur—she was being driven by a need so great, it freaked her out a little. Him shutting her down with a terse “No” wasn’t anything she was prepared for.

Her hand dropped away from his body and she started to withdraw inward. Embarrassment wasn’t her strong suit and being naked wasn’t helping.

His finger touched her chin and lifted until she was forced to look at him. He looked a little grim and a lot conflicted. Why? What did she do wrong?

“Ah, ‘tessa. You’re killing me, baby.”

Charlie searched his face trying to understand his quick change in mood. He let go of her chin and touched his thumb to her lips. She bit him. Couldn’t help it. He grunted, started to pull away and then slipped his thumb into her mouth. She wasted no time demonstrating exactly what she wanted to do to another part of his body.

He was watching her intently. Staring at her mouth as she went to town on his thumb. Occasionally gazing into her eyes. She felt the temperature between them and the intensity rising. Something flickered in his eyes. She knew that look—he was going to play the gentleman card and try to put her in a box. She supposed that good girls, twenty-something virgins, weren’t supposed to have a naughty side. Well, big guy. Let me see what hand you’re playing, she thought.

In a deep and husky voice, he told her, “I think I understand now where the whole Baroness of Wild thing came from.”

She snickered. Oh no he didn’t but that was a conversation for another day.

“But listen to me, baby.” He withdrew his thumb from her mouth and took hold of her chin. They were staring intently at one another. “If you put that wicked tongue and mouth anywhere near my cock, you’re gonna have more on your hands than you know what to do with.”

Is that so? Hmm. Let’s find out why he thinks that.

“Don’t look at me with embarrassment ever again. You did nothing wrong. I said no because, well because what you want is exactly what I want. Only in my case, it’s more along the lines of face fucking the goddamn shit out of your throat.”


“And one night of unbridled lust in no way prepared you for what that means.”

Um, he had a point. Learning the best way to apply a condom was chicken shit stuff compared to what he was talking about. There had to be some sort of middle ground.

“But, uh,” she muttered with a pouty frown. “You could teach me—couldn’t you?”

His hand left her chin and he put his forehead on hers. “You’re teaching me far more than I can ever teach you.”

“Ty, I’m serious.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and shimmied quite shamelessly underneath him. Putting her mouth close to his ear, she whispered, “I really want to. Does that make me weird? Or oversexed or something?”

He raised his head. She saw the conflict in his expression. “Okay. I’ll think about it. But not right now.”

He moved around, wedged between her legs and entered her with ease. Feeling his hardness breach her passage and sink deep made Charlie sigh.

“Fuck,” he barked and withdrew so quickly, she yelped.


He reached out and forcefully yanked open the nightstand drawer. It flew out and slammed onto the floor. “Where are they?” he mumbled.

Scrambling off her, he was down on one knee tossing things around. “Oh, thank fuck,” he announced and showed her the condom packet. Standing at the side of the bed, he made fast work of opening the mandatory protection and rolled it on. He looked like some sort of sculpted God—all muscled and seriously pumped. She got quite the thrill looking at him. And what the hell was it about a fully erect cock standing large and proud as he let her get an eyeful? Damn, he was hot.

Charlie didn’t hesitate. Not only did she open her arms—she spread her legs wide as invitation. He was on her and where she needed him before she could swallow the lump of desire clogging her throat.

She said the words and didn’t care. “Show me how you like to fuck in the morning.”

And oh my God, did he ever.

the shower, Cal smelled bacon. And coffee.
Fucking A.
‘tessa was making breakfast. If she got any more perfect, he was gonna have to chain her to the bed so she didn’t slip through his fingers and disappear.

Really, dude? Where the hell did that thought come from? It sounded an awful lot like a man who’d made a choice. A big one.

Shrugging the thought away, he hurriedly dressed and headed to the kitchen taking the stairs two at a time in his eagerness. He didn’t second-guess the need to see her. Be with her. Listen to her husky laugh and count the expressive faces his ‘tessa made.

They had a minor ‘oh fuck’ moment when she’d left the bed—one that was a first for both of them. Throwing back the covers and sitting up, he’d watched her carefully. Taking her from virgin to vamp in just a couple of hours, he worried his demands had been a bit over-the-top. She hadn’t acted any different, even though they’d just enjoyed quite a morning interlude, so that was good.

But when she stood up and turned round to say something, an elephant entered the room in the form of some unmistakable stains marking the linens. They each froze—and stared, wide-eyed.

’‘tessa had tried to make a joke. “Do you have to run that up the flagpole as proof?”

Funny, yeah. But he didn’t laugh. Seeing the flecks of blood actually freaked him out—more than a little. No joke, man. This was some serious shit.

She’d refused to take a shower with him citing lady-hygiene embarrassment. Took him a minute to catch on but when he did, Cal graciously backed off. Her reaction reminded him how different she was. Why he thought about Claudia at that precise moment he couldn’t imagine, but the woman was a great example. She would never pass up an opportunity to seduce him in the shower. Women like her tended to be the same. Sex was currency. The more she gave, the more she got. Bonus bucks for depravity and kinky pursuits.

But ‘tessa doesn’t live in that word and would probably bitch slap anyone suggesting she act the same.

Bounding up the stairs, Cal was surprised she wasn’t in the kitchen, so he started searching the apartment for her. Eventually, he found her in the solarium, standing at the windows.

Cal leaned against the door jam and enjoyed the view. Not the Rome cityscape. Her.

She was wearing his button down shirt. Her hair was piled in some sort of whatever on top of her head. Several blonde tendrils escaped and hung about her neck. From behind she looked tempting. And sexy.

When he saw her shoulders rise and fall and heard a long sigh, he immediately went to her.

Cal grabbed her from behind and turned her around. There was a spoon in her mouth that she seemed to be either licking or making love to. He took it out of her hand and tossed it aside.

“Mornin’, Tesoro,” he murmured.

He didn’t wait for a reply. Holding her tight, he went in for a kiss and started chuckling the second their lips met. She’d been sucking on peanut butter. From the spoon. Straight out of the jar.

The kiss was sloppy, wet, gooey and one click removed from disgusting. Their mouths were slimy with peanut butter residue when it ended. They were a glorious mess.

“Have you been raiding my pantry again?” He asked in a long-suffering voice.

“Protein,” she snickered while settling comfortably in his arms. They fit perfectly. “Needed the boost.”

Playfully surging his hips against her lush softness, he answered her snicker. “There’s your boost, lady.”

Hearing her laugh was the best way to start a day. “Are you seriously not satisfied, Signor Tyler? Sheesh,” she smirked. “I’m getting you a T-shirt that says
24 Hour Deflowering Service

He barked with laughter. “Deflowering?”

“Best word I could come up with. All the other lost-virginity options are plain dumb. Or rude.”

Her little sniff of outrage was becoming familiar. So was the way she focused so intently on his chest when she was unsure. ‘tessa sometimes guarded her eyes. Modesty or embarrassment? He didn’t care. Knowing her reactions were only for him satisfied an unnamed primal need.

Chasing her around the track, sorta like running in circles, held no appeal, so he just said what was on his mind.

“Explain please how someone so gorgeous gets to be twenty-four,” he teased with an arched brow that she met with a smug smile and nod, “without ever taking a lover.”

Her reply was lightning fast. Of course, she had an answer and wasn’t at all shy about putting it out there.

“Well, that would be the whole point, hmmm? Taking a lover—thank you for putting it that way—is worlds apart from getting laid. Catching a dick was never the issue. Not with me and certainly not with my sisters.” She stopped studying his chest and looked him boldly in the eye. “Until you, I’d never even thought about doing it with any of the guys I knew.” She shrugged adorably. “My need for it to mean something—to be special—outweighed tons of extraneous bullshit. Society. Girlfriends. Reputation.” ‘tessa winked, “Frustration.”

Her hug strengthened. She was so balls-out honest, it was astonishing.

“Thank you, baby.” There was more he could say, but his throat was clogging with emotion he wasn’t ready to deal with.

She shoved him back and shook her head while eyeing him with one of her patented looks. “All right, Sexy Pants, enough with the debrief. You wore me down. My poor virginal heart couldn’t take any more and voila! A home run. Several of ‘em. Now stop looking so pleased with your bad self. We have shit to do.”

Shit to do? What happened to spending the day in bed? Jesus Christ, he thought. Who the hell was this girl and why was she able to shake him up so completely? No woman had ever willingly pulled the plug on his sex drive like she did. Dammit. In a way, he was kinda miffed she wasn’t begging for more.

He watched as she marched away, very much enjoying how the light shining through the huge windows all but made his shirt transparent. Seeing her sexy ass swing and hearing her barefeet slap on the floor made the erection he couldn’t tame lock and load for action.

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