Wilde Velvet (23 page)

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Authors: Deila Longford

BOOK: Wilde Velvet
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“Thanks for coming,” she says taking a sip of her soda. I nod and force out a smile.
Man this is awkward.
“How have you been? I heard about what happened at the party.” I roll my eyes is that why she asked me to meet her? Does she want gossip?

“I’m … okay, I guess,” the server pops my drink down onto the table and I reach over and take a sip. My throat feels dry. I hope I am not getting a cold. I focus back on Sydney’s face. “Last night was … a nightmare.”
she reaches out her hand and I gladly take her offer.

“Austin told me what Jonathon did and
he did it. How are you feeling about everything? I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you to witness him being … violent.” I sigh as I try to hold back the tears that are forming in my eyes.

“It was terrible. He morphed into someone that I didn’t recognise. I know that I have been playing hot and cold with him, but deep down I really care about him. He scared me and left me so confused that I don’t know
how I feel.” Sydney shakes her head as she edges closer to me. I really need her advice right now.

“I understand how you’re feeling, trust me I get it. However, I think that you need to forgive him.
I know that I said some harsh things to you, and I feel awful that I called you selfish. I mean you’re the least selfish person I know, and I’m sorry.” she pauses as she sips her drink. “I’ve said this many times before but Jonathon
Brandon. He isn’t going to hurt you like he did. You can’t blame Jonathon for what that awful creature did to you.”

“But he got violent Sydney, I can’t just forget that.”

“I know, I know, but think of why he got angry. If someone was that nasty to me, I would probably get violent too. I know that he’s a risk, but it’s a risk that you need to take. Guys like him don’t grow on trees.” Sydney’s words cut deep. She has a valid point and her advice puts everything into perspective. I can’t deny my feelings for Jonathon, and deep down I know that he would never hurt me.

“You’re right. I can’
t live in the past any more. I need to open my heart and let him in.” Sydney smiles at me and my heart begins to flutter at the thought of him. I wonder where he is. I need to see him. I need to tell him that everything’s okay and that I forgive him. I leap out of the seat and Sydney jumps from the impact. I pull her out of the seat and I wrap my arms around her. “Thanks for making me see sense.” I grip her tightly until she pulls away.

“Now go and tell him how you feel.”
she says smoothing out her outfit.

“I will,” I say as I start for the door. I stop and look back at Sydney. “Have a great time in Paris.”
she blows me a kiss and I shoot her my biggest smile. I run out of the café and I hail a taxi. The drivers asks where to, and I grimace because I have absolutely no idea where Jonathon lives. I scratch my head; maybe he’s still at my place. I give the driver my destination and I tell him to step on it. The car speeds forward and my stomach matches the pace. I feel sick at the thought of telling him how I feel, but I know that I can’t chicken out. He needs to know where he stands. I want to be with him.
I think that I am in love with him.
Crap did I just say that? I love Jonathon. I love Mr Wilde. I can’t see straight all I can think of is him. I look out of the window at the busy traffic and I grimace. Man I hate this time of day. I urge the driver to hurry and he senses my anguish so he turns the car and speeds up an alleyway. The ride is bumpy and I hold onto the doorframe for support. The driver pushes his foot harder onto the gas pedal and I can’t help but laugh. I feel like Bridget Jones on her way to surprise Mark Darcy. Only this isn’t a movie, this is real life. I’m on my way to surprise my Mr Gucci, and I can’t wait to see his beautiful face. The cab turns quickly out of the alley and back onto the street. Luckily, there doesn’t seem to be any traffic and my building is only a few minutes away. I have concluded that he will be here, but somewhere in my heart I’m terrified that he’s not. I reach into my bag and I pull out my phone. I scan my contacts until I find his number. My heart races as I hit send. The dial tone rings in my ears and my heart sinks when he doesn’t answer. Crap what if I have blown it. I push my phone back into my bag, as I the cab pulls into the parking lot of my building. I thrust the money at the guy and I jump out of the cab. I run towards the door of the building. A woman is on her way out, and I scramble towards her and plead for her to hold the door open for me. The woman kindly smiles at me as I run past her thanking her as I do. I run as fast as I can up the stairs towards my apartment. I reach the door and I pause as I search for my keys. I unlock the door and my heart sinks, when I enter the empty apartment. I throw my bag down onto the sofa, as I pass by searching for him. His blanket is still spread across the cushions, and I take that as a sign of hope. I rush into the kitchen and I frown when I don’t see him. I check the bedroom and still no hope. I sigh as I realise that he isn’t here. I slowly make my way back into the living room. I flop down onto the sofa and even though it’s roasting, I pull the blanket over me. I lift the fabric towards my nose and inhale the scent of his cologne. I close my eyes as I crawl up into a ball. My head rests against the soft cushions and a gentle tears falls from my eyes. I was so sure that he’d still be here and I am heartbroken that he isn’t.

“Ashley?” I hear a strong voice say. A brief smile sweeps across my face as I pull the blanket away from my skin. My eyes cannot focus on the sight that stands before me. Jonathon’s big brown eyes are boring into mine
, and I can’t breathe at the sight. I jump off of the sofa and I throw myself into his open arms. He’s surprised at my actions, but he isn’t complaining. I squeeze him until he almost loses his breath. A soft laugh passes from his perfect lips, and then he leans down and plants those lips onto mine. His kiss is tender and consuming. I melt into his body until he pulls away panting for breath. His hands are sliding through my loose hair, and then clasping both sides of my face.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers almost defeated. I free my hands and I place one on each side of his face, mirroring the way he’s holding me.

“Don’t apologise. Last night is in the past and that’s where I want it to stay.” he leans in and lightly kisses me. I pull away from him when his embrace is over. “There’s something that I need to ask you.” his hands fall and rest against each side of his body. His demeanour tenses and his eyes lock onto mine. I search deep into my heart and I find my kindest smile. My hands are slightly shaking, as I edge closer to him.  “I would love it if you would accompany me to Dallas as my … boyfriend.” A smirk flashes across that perfect face.

“I thought you’d never ask,”

LAX was busy as Jonathon and I arrived. I was surprised that yet more people seemed to recognise me. I was asked for pictures and autographs and that feeling was just so surreal. Jonathon didn’t seem to mind that I was getting attention from other guys, and I must admit that’s a quality that I adore. My previous relationship was consumed by jealousy, and it’s really heart-warming to know that Jonathon isn’t like Brandon on this matter. Check-in was also busy, but we are flying first class so we got special treatment. We were shown to a separate departure lounge, and treated to anything we wanted. There were cafes, bars and even a massage parlour were we could have eased out any tension that we may have. Jonathon bought me a latte and a magazine for the flight. He sweetly kissed me when no one was looking. He made my heart flutter into a million pieces. I feel so lucky to be with him. I never would have imagined that I would find someone like him. He’s perfect in every way possible. He’s talented, driven, successful and most of all he’s caring. All this said, I still feel a little bit nervous about him meeting my family. I am worried that someone will tell him about my past, before I have the chance to. I want to tell him when the times right. I know that I can’t keep my past from him. He deserves to know who he’s getting involved with, but you can’t blame me for stalling. I care about him so much and I even think that I love him. I don’t want to lose him. I want to spend as much time as I can with him, because I will always fear that day when I have to tell him the truth.

The plane is taxiing along the runway and my nerves are starting to show. I can feel my heart racing
, and my feet are rapidly tapping against the floor. I look out of the window, and I can see the airport moving further into the distance. The airplane turns and faces its direction. The noise of the engines is loud, and I can’t help but wonder if that sound is normal. The flight attendants are seated ready for take-off; this is the part where my heart begins to race even more. I shoot Jonathon a darting look and he senses that I am scared. He smiles at me, as he reaches out and grabs onto my hand. The engines roar even louder as the plane creeps forward. It’s slow at first and then the speed is toxic. We are rushing down the runway and I can feel the nose of the plane rising. The speed increases and the plane soars into the sky. My stomach is in knots as we climb through the clouds. I grab onto Jonathon and I rest my head onto his shoulder. He soothes me by lightly kissing the top of my head. The seatbelt sign is still on and my heart is beating franticly out of my chest. I hate flying. I always have and I always will. It’s the fear of the unknown and putting your life in someone else’s hands that gets to me. Maybe I’m just a control freak. Either way it scares the crap out of me.

The flight was short and to my relief turbulent free. It’s a warm
Sunday afternoon, and Dallas is as daunting as I remember. The city feels the same as before, but I feel completely different as Jonathon and I sit in the back of a cab. The streets remind me of my past and everything that I did. I can feel my heart numbing at the sight of the buildings. It feels strange to be back here. I have to take sharp breathes to calm myself down. I don’t want to lose my cool.

“Dallas is beautiful. You must have loved growing up here?” Jonathon asks smiling at me. I force a smile as I reply.

“Yeah it was … eventful to say the least.” Crap why did I say that? Jonathon looks confused and now I’m about to be interrogated.

“Eventful? What don’t I know?”
he asks raising a dark eyebrow at me. I let out a giggle as I try to play dumb.

“What you don’t know won’t harm you,” I say giggling again. Jonathon shakes his head
, and I am relieved when he lightly laughs with me. My brief moment of dread has passed and now I all I think about is seeing my mom. I haven’t seen her since that night I left Dallas. I have given my mom a hard time through the years, and I feel terrible for the way I have acted. I really want her wedding to be perfect; after all she does deserve to have an amazing day. Pete is good for my mom. He compliments her in every way, and he’s the only person I know, who actually gets her wacky sense of humour. I have really missed them and, I am really excited for their wedding.

The wedding is being held at the Fairmont Hotel and I am rather surprised as this venue is very
As we pull up at the reception, I gasp as I take in the view. The hotel is stunning. The front reception is like nothing I have ever seen. The driver lets us out and Jonathon pays the fare. I have my overnight bag draped over my shoulder, and Jonathon has a small suitcase. We walk into the hotel and once again I am stunned. The lobby is immaculate with white marble flooring and dark oak finishing’s. Fresh flowers are nicely on display and over friendly staff welcome us as we approach them. I march up to the desk, and I inform the lady that we are here for the Harper wedding. She nods and smiles and then she hands us each a room key. Jonathon looks confused as he didn’t pre-book a room. He begins to quiz the woman about it, and she informs us that there were always two rooms booked under my name. Now I am confused.  I realise that the room was for Sydney. With the panic and confusion over, a bell-boy rushes up to the front desk and kindly takes our bags from us. He smiles and urges us to follow him. Jonathon thanks the woman and he follows the red haired bell-boy. I pause as I have a question for the receptionist.

“Excuse me but which room is the bride in?” The woman smiles at me.

“The entire wedding party is on the same floor. I believe that your room is just two doors down from the brides.” A smile comes to my face and I thank the women for all of her help. Jonathon looks over as I slide next to him. His arm extends and wraps around my waist. He leans down and kisses the top of my head, as we follow the bell-boy into the elevator. We climb to the third floor and step out into a wide hallway. Dark wooden doors are at each side of us and we follow the help as he marches quickly to our rooms. He pauses at room 309 and he looks at me.

“Mam this is your room,” he says as he pushes open the door. I smile at him as I step into the room. The room is spacious and has a large bed and flat screen TV. The bathroom is also quite large and the mini fridge looks inviting. The guy sets my bag down onto the bed
, and he makes eye contact as he hints for a tip. I pull out a ten dollar bill and I thrust it into the guys’ hand. He smirks and says. “You have yourself a great day Mam,” I smile at his accent, and then I shoot Jonathon a kind look. He briefly smiles and mouths that he will be back. The door closes and I flop myself down onto the bed. My head hits the pillow and then I spring back up when I hear a knock at the door. I rush and when I open it, my mom is standing in front of me. I throw my arms around her and I pull her into the room. She smells like Dior perfume and I inhale deeply as that’s my mom’s trademark. I have never smelt something so wonderful. It’s the smell that takes me back to my childhood. Her face is painted in light but beautiful make-up and she is dressed in a hot pink bath robe. She’s even more beautiful than I remember. She pulls away from me and she eyes me with those deep blue eyes.

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