Wildfire (7 page)

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Authors: Lynn James

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: Wildfire
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Angela continued to prattle on about the lecture and everything she remembered about it and how much she respected what Devon had said. Devon occasionally expressed appreciation at the young woman’s compliments.

As the trail leveled out a few yards from the rangers’ cabin Steve fell into step with Angela again and his labored breathing began to ease. He still wasn’t very talkative but at least he didn’t sound like he was going to hyperventilate anymore.

Devon breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the forestry truck housed under the building. They made their way around the opposite side and Devon knocked. It took just a moment for Elaine to open the door but it seemed like an eternity as Devon anticipated seeing the ranger again. She was wearing faded jeans and a long-sleeved Mount Hood T-shirt that molded to her breasts. Devon glanced down and wanted to burst out laughing at the slippers on her feet but somehow managed to hold it in. She would have never pegged Elaine for the fuzzy bear slipper kind of woman but it was absolutely adorable.

“Hi.” Elaine was noticeably surprised to see Devon at the doorstep of her cabin.

It took Devon a moment to find her voice.

“These two seem to be off course.” Devon indicated over her shoulder to the pair standing behind her.

Elaine stood back and held the door open. “Come on in.”

When everyone was inside Elaine looked at Devon. “How is it you came to bring these two to my door?”

Devon rolled her eyes. She really didn’t want to get into this; she just wanted to head back down the mountain. “Steve here was trying to fill his canteen from a small side pool in the river across from where I was working.”

Elaine glanced at him in alarm. “You haven’t drunk from that river before have you?”

“No. We had just come up to it. My canteen was empty so I was going to refill it.” He glared at Devon. “Until she threw a rock at me.”

Elaine appeared to be struggling to suppress her smile. “You should be damn thankful that she did. May I please see both of your driver’s licenses?”

“My license? For what? She threw the rock at me!”

“Yes, sir, I’m sure she did. But she did it to save your life. You on the other hand were in an unauthorized area of the forest. There are signs clearly posted on all of the
trails and had you been paying attention you wouldn’t have been in a restricted zone.”

“But she was there.” He pointed his finger at Devon.

For a man who stood well over six-feet-tall he acted like a three-year-old. Devon was enjoying Elaine’s handling of the situation.

Elaine shrugged. “She is supposed to be there. She works for the federal government. You do not. So, your license?”

Angela smacked Steve on the chest as she handed Elaine her license. “Oh, for God’s sake just give it to her. If you had listened to me in the first place we wouldn’t be here. I’m sorry. We started out on an approved trail, but thanks to Steve, somehow we ended up here.”

As Steve finally pulled his license from his wallet, he shot a look of annoyance at his girlfriend. Devon was surprised to see Elaine actually write them both a ticket, but then again she did have a job to do and wouldn’t be much of a ranger if she didn’t make sure people adhered to the posted laws. Once she was done writing the citations, she returned their licenses and requested they sign the tickets.

“Where are you heading?”

Angela studied the topographical map on the wall. She pointed to a ridge that ran along the river in the next valley. She gave Steve a withering look before she turned back to Elaine. “We’re supposed to be here.” She pointed to a location on the map. “I was told it was within a day’s hike of Top Hat Lake. We were going to meet some friends up there for a couple of days and then hike out.”

“This early in the season?”

Angela nodded her head. “We packed plenty of cold weather gear. We were just going to do some research for an advanced wildlife biology class we are taking this summer. Dr. Langford said that it would help and he said one of his colleagues did it all the time.” Angela turned toward Devon. “I guess he meant you, Dr. McKinney.”

“And you are both in this class?” Elaine asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Just me. Steve is my boyfriend. He thought he should come along just in case.”

Devon and Elaine shot each other looks.
Oh brother!
Devon made a mental note to talk to Dr. Langford when she got back about sending his students out so early.

“Why don’t you two wait outside for a moment? I need to talk to Dr. McKinney and then I’ll take you over to the Northridge trail and you will be within a couple hours of the lake.”

“Thank you.” Angela grabbed Steve by the hand and dragged him out of the cabin.

Once the door was closed Elaine indicated that Devon should sit down on the couch. Elaine took the other end next to a pair of well worn Doc Martens and a pair of socks.

“Thanks for taking the time to bring them up here. God only knows what kind of trouble those two could have gotten themselves into. Especially since they weren’t even headed in the right direction and I still have poachers up here.”

Devon was trying mightily not to smile as Elaine kicked off her adorable slippers and pulled on socks. “Do you think they’ll be all right up at the lake?”

“Yeah. They should be fine.” Elaine began lacing up one of her boots. “Does your doctor friend often send his students up here?”

Devon shook her head. “This is the first I heard of it. But when I get back I plan to talk to him about it.”

Elaine nodded. “Good. How much time will you lose for your research?”

Devon looked at her watch again. “I should make it back down the mountain just as the sun sets. This should only set me back a day.”

“I’ll be down to help you out tomorrow.”

“That really isn’t necessary, Captain. But I appreciate the offer.”

They both stood as Elaine adjusted her pant legs over her boots. Devon had an unobstructed view of her ass. She tried not to look and completely failed. It should be illegal for anyone to fill out denim that well.

Hoping to avoid being caught staring, she readjusted her ball cap. “I guess I better get going if I’m going to make it back down before the light fades.”

“Be careful and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Elaine smiled, ignoring Devon’s insistence that she need not help her with her research. Elaine’s smile took her breath away and Devon wondered how someone she had just met could have such an effect on her.

Devon was exiting the cabin when she replied, “Okay, but it still isn’t necessary for you to come down.”

She shook her head as she passed Steve and Angela who were still bickering over their location and who would pay for the tickets. Devon said a polite but quick “goodbye” to Angela and hurriedly picked up the deer trail that would lead her back to camp. She may have lost a day’s work but she was incredibly thankful to be rid of those two. That she would see Captain Thomas the following day had nothing to do with the spring in her step.

Chapter 6

Devon awoke earlier than usual to get a timely start. She had to make up the time she had lost the day before while dealing with Angela and Steve. Even though she had told the captain that she need not come down to help her, she had to admit she was hoping that she would, in fact, show up. She hadn’t been able to sleep much, her heart unaccountably racing at the recollection of Elaine’s silly slippers and well-filled out jeans. It was absurd and a little bit scary. In spite of her reluctance, she couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face.
She is one hot ranger!

She had just finished her morning coffee and was collecting her instruments when she heard the tell tale noises of someone approaching.

“Good morning. Did you get started without me?”

“No, actually, I was just getting ready to head down the river. You’re up awfully early, Captain.” She ducked her head, afraid that her smile was far too welcoming, or that Elaine would see that she’d just broken out in goose bumps.

“Well, I had a promise to keep. I don’t know how much help I’ll be. It’s not like I have a Ph.D. in botany. But I am at your disposal, Dr. McKinney.”

God, she has a beautiful smile.
“Today I am going to concentrate on collecting samples along the bank about two hundred yards downstream. Think you can handle that, Captain?” Devon couldn’t prevent the smirk that followed her playful sarcasm. Better to emphasize a little professional rivalry than stand there blushing like a teenager.

“Hmmm. Not sure, but I’ll do the best I can. You teach and I’ll learn, how’s that?”

“Sounds like a deal.” She gestured to a knapsack lying on the ground, an unspoken request for Elaine to carry it, as she grabbed another and motioned for Elaine to follow. For some reason she was vividly recalling that Elaine had seen her naked while she skinny-dipped. A few days ago she hadn’t been embarrassed, but now she found herself wondering if Elaine was recalling it too.

Thankfully, it didn’t take them long to reach their destination. Devon knew she would settle down as soon as she was working. She kept her instructions brief and Elaine was an apt pupil. They spoke little, except for the occasional question and answer regarding the collection process.

It was obvious to Elaine that when Devon was working she was entirely focused. She couldn’t keep herself from watching Devon as she worked so intently, stealing glances when she was confident she wouldn’t be caught. With each glance, she found the woman more and more attractive and intriguing and couldn’t help but be reminded of seeing her nude. It had surprised her when Devon had taken the situation so lightly. Was it possible that Devon had enjoyed being watched?

Time seemed to fly and soon it was mid-afternoon. Stretching her back and flexing her arms, Devon hoped she sounded casual as she said, “We’ve done enough for today. Besides it feels like the weather’s changing.”

As Elaine tried to stand, she lost her balance. Devon quickly clutched her hand, holding her until she regained her footing. At the mere touch of Devon’s skin against her own, Elaine was certain that electricity had shot up her arm and the impression of the woman’s hand was burned forever on her skin. Her breath caught in her throat and she had felt like her heart would thump painfully out of her chest.

“Thank you.” Elaine managed, in an effort to hide her embarrassment and arousal.

Once safely on her feet, she actively tried to look anywhere but at Devon’s breasts. For the first time she realized just how sore she was. She suddenly felt like a senior citizen in serious need of a walker.
How on earth does she do this work day after day?

“Thank you for your help. I think we managed to make up for the lost time. If you’d like we could head back to my campsite and grab something to eat?” Don’t blush, Devon thought. It’s not as if you just asked her out on a date.

“Sounds good. You’re the boss. Today anyway.” Elaine laughed and Devon couldn’t help but join in.

“I agree with you. The temperature does seem to be dropping pretty rapidly. The storm is well on its way.”

“Yeah, but I’m ready for it. I made sure to bring my cold weather gear, so I’ll be fine.”

It wasn’t long before they made it back to camp where Devon offered her meager hospitality.

“Unfortunately, all I have are packaged meals and protein bars.”

“A protein bar sounds great. I’m starving. I nearly got worked to death today.”

“Yeah, right. For a tough ranger you sure can whine.” Devon flashed her a playful grin.

As Devon stirred about the campsite, Elaine watched in amazement at how gracefully she moved. She had thought once or twice that out of the corner of her eye she had seen Devon looking her way. Was Devon interested? Elaine quickly disregarded the thought as her own wishful thinking.

She was afraid she had been caught staring again as Devon suddenly turned and approached her with two bottles of water and a couple of protein bars. If she’d noticed, she didn’t give Elaine any indication. Along with her other qualities, Devon always seemed to be the consummate professional. Elaine had been berating herself for her own lack ever since she laid eyes on Devon. She was usually very professional, but around Devon, she was more like a clumsy teenager.

After graciously accepting the snack from Devon, she devoured it and then chugged the bottle of water.

“Before I head out, I wanted to say that I had a good time today.”

“A good time? Crouched on the ground, freezing your ass off, that’s a good time?” Devon smiled, trying to make light of the compliment.

Elaine smiled sheepishly, almost embarrassed at how asinine the comment sounded. “What I meant to say is it was nice spending time with you today.”

“Likewise. And I truly do appreciate your help.”

“My pleasure. After all, it was those geographically challenged hikers who held up your work yesterday. And they were my problem, not yours.”

They stood motionless in silence for a moment.

Elaine knew she should simply say goodbye and return to the cabin, but her feet wouldn’t move.

Their eyes locked for the briefest of moments before Devon turned away, afraid not only of what she saw in Elaine’s eyes, but also afraid of what her own eyes might reflect. When she met Elaine’s eyes again she was helpless to break free. She hadn’t been close enough before to truly appreciate just how dark and beautiful Elaine’s eyes were. She could feel the heat from Elaine’s body and her knees became inexplicably weak.

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