Wildflower (16 page)

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Authors: Prudence MacLeod

Tags: #love, #gay, #house, #dog, #lesbian, #desire, #hotel, #photography, #blonde, #runner, #wildflower

BOOK: Wildflower
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As Hazel dropped her cell phone back into her
pack a car pulled to a stop beside her. A clear sweet voice spoke
and Hazel turned to find herself gazing into the bluest eyes she
had ever seen. Hazel was suddenly face to face with the mystery
blonde who had haunted her thoughts and dreams for so long.
“What??” she asked, completely lost in those crystal blue eyes.

“Sorry,” giggled the golden one, “I didn’t
mean to startle you. I asked if you need a ride.”

“Huh? Ride? Sorry,” laughed Hazel as she
shook off the spell and recovered her wits. “No, actually I just
called for my ride on my cell phone.”

Suddenly afraid the vision might drive away,
Hazel sought desperately for some way to keep the conversation
going, but the blonde goddess was way ahead of her. “So what are
you up to way out here in the middle of nowhere anyway?” she
inquired with a smile that bedazzled Hazel’s wits once again.

“Taking pictures,” replied Hazel softly as
she fought for control.


“Yes, I photograph rare and unusual plants
and flowers. My name’s Hazel.”

“Abby MacKai,” replied the golden one as she
got out of the car and shook Hazel’s hand warmly. Thrills and
chills ran up Hazel’s spine at her touch and Hazel was reluctant to
let her go. “Are you the Hazel Fillmore who did that fabulous book
I bought last winter? The Hazel Fillmore?”

“That’s me,” smiled Hazel shyly, “although I
have never been called T-H-E before.”

“Listen my dear,” smiled Abby as she finally
released Hazel’s hand and shut the car door, “you’re absolutely
brilliant. Many of those plants grow near my home out on the point,
and, during the cold grey months of winter, I often spent entire
days with that book on my lap reminding myself of the beauty to
come in spring.”

“Thank you,” beamed Hazel, “that’s really

“There are many others that grow out on the
point,” Abby smiled sweetly. “You could come spend a few days with
me and explore the possibilities.”

“Oh god, I’d love to,” enthused Hazel, her
bright smile lighting up Abby’s world. “It would depend on when I
can get two days off work together, but I’d love to.”

“Out to Jamaica Point,” declared Abby as she
pointed down the lonely road. “Number thirteen Gully Bank Road. I’m
always home or close by if I’m not. I’ll tell the neighbors to
expect you so they can let you in if I’m not right there. They will
be thrilled to meet you in person.”

“They will?”

“I gave them a copy of your book for
Christmas. They loved it. In fact, I bought several copies to give
to all my friends and family.”

“That was you. Tommy was so excited about it
when he told me.”

“Tommy, that’s the nice gay man who sold me
the books?”

“That’s him,” laughed Hazel. “So what makes
you think he’s gay?”

“In all modesty dear,” grinned Abby wickedly,
“if I can’t draw at least one glance, the man is surely

“Oh my dear, I’ll certainly grant you that,”
breathed Hazel, then she blushed to her roots.

Abby was smiling with pure delight. “So can I
get my copy autographed when you come out?” she asked sweetly.

“Oh, absolutely. Abby are you sure about

“I’d be honored.”

Suddenly there was an ear splitting “WOOF”
from the back seat of the car. “Oh my goodness, does the man want
out?” asked Abby as she opened the back door of the car. A huge lop
eared dog leaped to the ground and sped away into the trees.

“Will he come back?”

“Sure, just as soon as the paperwork is
finished. See here he comes now.” Wriggling with delight the huge
dog squirmed between them, snuffling busily at Hazel. “He won’t
hurt you,” said Abby reassuringly, “he’s very gentle.”

“I grew up on a farm,” laughed Hazel as she
began to wrestle playfully with the dog. “I like dogs, don’t I big
fella.” The dog responded by trying to lick her face as she tried
to avoid it.

“That’s wonderful,” laughed Abby. “I can see
there will be harmony in the house when you visit; that is quite
promising. Damn, I’m going to be late. I have an appointment in the
city to get the car serviced and I dare not be late or it will be
another month before I can get it in. Hazel, please forgive me, but
I must run.”

“Wait just a second,” cried Hazel as she
hurriedly scooped up her camera. “Can I get a shot of you and the
man there?”

Abby gave Hazel her brightest smile. As Hazel
snapped the photo, Abby hurried the dog into the back seat then
leaped behind the wheel. “Come visit me?” she asked as she started
the car.

“Love to Abby,”


“Yes, as soon as I can; would late next week
be too soon?”

“Perfect, you promise?”

“I promise,” laughed Hazel.

“Say it like you mean it,” called Abby as she
sped away, waving her arm out the window.

“I promise,” shouted Hazel as she waved in


Hazel had only a moment or two to reflect on
what had just happened before Tommy arrived. “What is it honey?” he
asked as he saw the look of deep concern on her face.

“Tommy, there’s something I can’t put off any
longer,” she said softly as she gently squeezed his arm.

“I’m listening. What is it Hazel?”

“Tommy, remember when you proposed to

“Like it was yesterday,” he replied, “but

“Hush my Tommy boy,” she sighed softly,
gently laying her fingers on his arm. “I am so terribly sorry, I do
love you dearly, and I know full well that you would treat me
better than I have a right to expect, but I just can’t. Tommy, I’m
sorry, I just can’t.”

“Oh my god,” he breathed softly as he gazed
into her eyes, “you’ve met the wildflower, haven’t you?”

She just nodded her head, tears in her eyes.
“When? Who? Where?”

“Just after I called you to come and get me.
Tommy, she’s the mystery blonde. Her name is Abby and she lives out
at Jamaica Point.”

“Is it real? Is she interested?”

“I don’t know anything at all,” sighed Hazel.
“It all happened so fast. I heard a car stop and there she was. We
talked for a while, introduced ourselves; god, I can still feel the
tingle from the touch of her hand. She said there are lots of
wildflowers out on the rocks at the point, and she invited me to
come spend a few days with her so I can photograph them. Tommy, I
have no idea where this could go, but I have to try.”

“Girl you’ve got it bad. The mighty Hazel has
been smitten and at last the Holy Grail has been found. Well I must
say I am disappointed, but I am relieved as well.”


“I’ve been two timing you Hazel,” he said
shyly as he pulled out onto the road and started to drive. “I met
someone about two months ago. Charlie works as the university
library and one day we got to talking. After that we talked almost
every day. About three weeks ago we started going out and I have
been going crazy trying to find a way to tell you.”

“Oh yeah?” Hazel said in mock indignation.
“So what were you going to do if I said yes?”

Tommy pulled the car over again and gazed
into her eyes. “In all the world you are the only one who ever
really gave a damn about me Hazel,” he whispered softly. “I’d have
made it my life’s mission to make you a good husband.”

“I know you would have sweetie, and I know
you would have succeeded, but we would both be cheating ourselves
if we married and you know it.”

“Yes I do. So tell me more about the mystery
blonde,” he urged as he pulled back onto the road.

“Well, her name is Abby and she knew you were
gay,” laughed Hazel.

“How did she know that?”

“You didn’t give her a second glance. Keep
going Tommy; I want to see where she lives. I know she won’t be
there right now, but I want to see the house.”

Tommy followed the road out through Pike’s
Cove and on toward Jamaica Point. As they passed through the row of
houses, people stopped to stare as they went slowly by. “I guess
they don’t see a lot of strange cars out here,” grinned Hazel. As
they topped the hill and saw the last few houses, Hazel knew this
had to be the place. “That’s it there, number thirteen Gully Bank
Road. My god, this is even better than I imagined it could be.”

“A beautiful wildflower growing among the
rocks and crags,” whispered Tommy softly. “Hazel my dear, I do so
hope this will work out for you. This is the sort of place you
should be. I just know you would thrive out here. Shall we go down
for a closer look?”

“No, let’s go home Tommy,” sighed Hazel as
she settled back in her seat. “I want to get the pictures

“So you got her picture did you?” he grinned
as he turned the car around and headed back toward the city.

“Yes I did, Smarty Pants. Tommy, I can’t
believe I have just met the mystery blonde and she is even more
gorgeous up close. She has the voice of an angel and those eyes are
mesmerizing. I have never seen eyes that blue before.”

“Hazel’s in love,” teased Tommy.

“God help me here, but I think you are


“So you liked her too did you big man?” asked
Abby as she drove toward the city. “I must admit that finding her
on the side of the road like that was a stroke of luck. What amazes
me the most is the way she can set my heart aflutter. If the girl
is half as interested as I am then we have a real chance at
something special here. You know, when we get home we will have to
spruce up the guest room a bit. We do want to make a good
impression, don’t we?” The big dog just groaned and shifted his
position in the back seat.

“Well, just like a man,” giggled Abby, “not
too much of a conversationalist are you?” Hubby groaned again, then
sighed and went back to sleep. “As I said, just like a man.”


“So tell me about your new squeeze,” urged
Hazel as they reached the highway.

“Ok, Charlie works at the university library
and he is just the sweetest guy you could ever hope to meet.”

“Sounds like I’m not the only one who has
been smitten,” laughed Hazel. “So is he some big muscle bound macho
man or what?”

“No, he’s a small guy, about five foot six or
so. He’s slim because he runs a lot and there is nothing macho
about him. Charlie isn’t anything like Jack at all Hazel. In fact
until I met him I would never have said that he was my type at

“Like I’ve never been attracted to blondes

“Exactly. I have always preferred taller
guys, but Charlie is different.”

“How so?”

“Well, there is a gentleness of spirit about
him. The man is incredibly intelligent, interested in a thousand
things, and he would rather just sit and talk to me than to watch
sports on TV or stuff like that.”

“Quick,” laughed Hazel, “marry the guy.”

“Don’t be too quick to laugh. I am hoping
this will lead to something like that.”

“Wow, Tommy, this is serious. Are you

“Are you?” he countered. “About the
wildflower I mean?”

“Touché,” sighed Hazel. “I have no idea where
it will lead, but I can hope and dream for the best. Yes, I am
serious about her Tommy. She’s the one. Whether I win her or not,
there will be no other for me; I can feel it right down to my

“Oddly enough girl, I know exactly what you
mean. When you finally meet the right one it can be pretty

“And exciting,” shivered Hazel as she removed
the film from her camera, “don’t forget exciting. So when do I get
to meet Mr. Right?”

“Well, funny you should mention that, he’s
been asking to meet you too. He wants me to bring you to dinner so
he can cook for you.”

“So he knows about me does he?”

“He knows everything about us Hazel, every
darned bit of it.”

“And he still wants to meet me?”

“Not a jealous bone in his body. Charlie
thinks that you are the one I love the most so he will try hardest
to impress you. He figures that if he can make a good impression on
you, Mom and Dad should be easy.”

“So he thinks I’m a tough nut does he?”

“He thinks you’re the most protective of me,”
replied Tommy softly, “and he’s right there. You’re the woman

“My little boy Tommy is all grown up and has
a boyfriend,” grinned Hazel. “I can hardly wait to meet him.”

“Promise me you won’t give him a hard time,”
wheedled Tommy.

“I make no promises at all,” she replied


“Yes Tommy my love, I will behave myself. If
you like this man so much I will like him too. I won’t bite him, I

“Thanks honey. You’re going to love him, I
just know it. Now tell me about Blondie again.”

“You met her Tommy,” sighed Hazel as she
closed her eyes and called up an image of those flashing blue eyes.
“Tell me she isn’t the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Well, if you like that sort of thing,” he
grinned, “I’d have to say she is quite striking.”

“I do like that sort of thing Tommy; I like
it a great deal.” She spent the rest of the trip back to the city
fantasizing about what it would be like to have a real date with

The Dance


Abby was so excited about the prospect of
Hazel coming to visit she hardly knew what to do with herself. She
worked like a demon to get the proposal she was working on finished
and in the mail so she would be completely free for the next week.
Suddenly she remembered the all woman dance she was supposed to
attend. A quick search through her purse turned up the ticket and
she was startled to see that it was the next evening. A short
debate with herself ensued as to whether she would attend or not,
but in the end she decided to go. If she and Hazel became a couple,
Hazel would just have to live with the idea that Abby had a large
circle of friends.

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