William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition (392 page)

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Authors: William Shakespeare

Tags: #Drama, #Literary Criticism, #Shakespeare

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Well, I beseech you let it be proclaimed.
Betimes i’th’ morn I’ll call you at your house.
Give notice to such men of sort and suit
As are to meet him.
ESCALUS I shall, sir. Fare you well.
ANGELO Good night.
Exit Escalus
This deed unshapes me quite, makes me unpregnant
And dull to all proceedings. A deflowered maid,
And by an eminent body that enforced
The law against it! But that her tender shame
Will not proclaim against her maiden loss,
How might she tongue me! Yet reason dares her no,
For my authority bears off a credent bulk,
That no particular scandal once can touch
But it confounds the breather. He should have lived,
Save that his riotous youth, with dangerous sense,
Might in the times to come have ta’en revenge
By so receiving a dishonoured life
With ransom of such shame. Would yet he had lived.
Alack, when once our grace we have forgot,
Nothing goes right; we would, and we would not. Exit
Enter the Duke, in his own habit, and Friar Peter
These letters at fit time deliver me.
The Provost knows our purpose and our plot.
The matter being afoot, keep your instruction,
And hold you ever to our special drift,
Though sometimes you do blench from this to that
As cause doth minister. Go call at Flavio’s house,
And tell him where I stay. Give the like notice
To Valentinus, Rowland, and to Crassus,
And bid them bring the trumpets to the gate.
But send me Flavius first.
FRIAR It shall be speeded well.
Enter Varrius
I thank thee, Varrius; thou hast made good haste.
Come, we will walk. There’s other of our friends
Will greet us here anon. My gentle Varrius!
Enter Isabella and Mariana
To speak so indirectly I am loath—
I would say the truth, but to accuse him so,
That is your part—yet I am advised to do it,
He says, to veil full purpose.
Be ruled by him.
Besides, he tells me that if peradventure
He speak against me on the adverse side,
I should not think it strange, for ’tis a physic
That’s bitter to sweet end.
Enter Friar Peter
MARIANA I would Friar Peter—
ISABELLA O, peace; the friar is come.
Come, I have found you out a stand most fit,
Where you may have such vantage on the Duke
He shall not pass you. Twice have the trumpets
The generous and gravest citizens
Have hent the gates, and very near upon
The Duke is ent’ring; therefore hence, away.

at one door

the Duke, Varrius, and lords,

at another door

Angelo, Escalus, Lucio, citizens,

and officers

to Angelo
My very worthy cousin, fairly met.
To Escalus
) Our old and faithful friend, we are glad to
see you.
Happy return be to your royal grace.
Many and hearty thankings to you both.
We have made enquiry of you, and we hear
Such goodness of your justice that our soul
Cannot but yield you forth to public thanks,
Forerunning more requital.
You make my bonds still greater.
O, your desert speaks loud, and I should wrong it
To lock it in the wards of covert bosom,
When it deserves with characters of brass
A forted residence ’gainst the tooth of time
And razure of oblivion. Give me your hand,
And let the subject see, to make them know
That outward courtesies would fain proclaim
Favours that keep within. Come, Escalus,
You must walk by us on our other hand,
And good supporters are you.

They walk forward.

Enter Friar Peter and Isabella
Now is your time. Speak loud, and kneel before him.
Justice, O royal Duke! Vail your regard
Upon a wronged—I would fain have said, a maid.
O worthy prince, dishonour not your eye
By throwing it on any other object,
Till you have heard me in my true complaint,
And given me justice, justice, justice, justice!
Relate your wrongs. In what? By whom? Be brief.
Here is Lord Angelo shall give you justice.
Reveal yourself to him.
O worthy Duke,
You bid me seek redemption of the devil.
Hear me yourself, for that which I must speak
Must either punish me, not being believed,
Or wring redress from you. Hear me, O hear me, hear!
My lord, her wits, I fear me, are not firm.
She hath been a suitor to me for her brother,
Cut off by course of justice.

By course of justice!
And she will speak most bitterly and strange.
Most strange, but yet most truly, will I speak.
That Angelo’s forsworn, is it not strange?
That Angelo’s a murderer, is’t not strange?
That Angelo is an adulterous thief,
An hypocrite, a virgin-violator,
Is it not strange, and strange?
Nay, it is ten times strange!
It is not truer he is Angelo
Than this is all as true as it is strange.
Nay, it is ten times true, for truth is truth
To th‘end of reck’ning.
Away with her. Poor soul,
She speaks this in th’infirmity of sense.
O prince, I conjure thee, as thou believ‘st
There is another comfort than this world,
That thou neglect me not with that opinion
That I am touched with madness. Make not
That which but seems unlike. ’Tis not impossible
But one, the wicked’st caitiff on the ground,
May seem as shy, as grave, as just, as absolute,
As Angelo; even so may Angelo,
In all his dressings, characts, titles, forms,
Be an arch-villain. Believe it, royal prince,
If he be less, he’s nothing; but he’s more,
Had I more name for badness.
By mine honesty,
If she be mad, as I believe no other,
Her madness hath the oddest frame of sense,
Such a dependency of thing on thing
As e’er I heard in madness.
O gracious Duke,
Harp not on that, nor do not banish reason
For inequality; but let your reason serve
To make the truth appear where it seems hid,
And hide the false seems true.
Many that are not mad
Have sure more lack of reason. What would you say?
I am the sister of one Claudio,
Condemned upon the act of fornication
To lose his head, condemned by Angelo.
I, in probation of a sisterhood,
Was sent to by my brother, one Lucio
As then the messenger.
That’s I, an’t like your grace.
I came to her from Claudio, and desired her
To try her gracious fortune with Lord Angelo
For her poor brother’s pardon.
That’s he indeed.
to Lucio
You were not bid to
No, my good lord,
Nor wished to hold my peace.
I wish you now, then. Pray you take note of it;
And when you have a business for yourself,
Pray heaven you then be perfect.
LUCIO I warrant your honour.
The warrant’s for yourself; take heed to’t.
This gentleman told somewhat of my tale—
LUCIO Right.
It may be right, but you are i’the wrong
To speak before your time. (
To Isabella
) Proceed.
I went
To this pernicious caitiff deputy—
That’s somewhat madly spoken.
ISABELLA Pardon it;
The phrase is to the matter.
Mended again.
The matter; proceed.
In brief, to set the needless process by,
How I persuaded, how I prayed and kneeled,
How he refelled me, and how I replied—
For this was of much length—the vile conclusion
I now begin with grief and shame to utter.
He would not, but by gift of my chaste body
To his concupiscible intemperate lust,
Release my brother; and after much debatement,
My sisterly remorse confutes mine honour,
And I did yield to him. But the next morn betimes,
His purpose surfeiting, he sends a warrant
For my poor brother’s head.
This is most likely!
O, that it were as like as it is true!
By heaven, fond wretch, thou know‘st not what thou
Or else thou art suborned against his honour
In hateful practice. First, his integrity
Stands without blemish. Next, it imports no reason
That with such vehemency he should pursue
Faults proper to himself. If he had so offended,
He would have weighed thy brother by himself,
And not have cut him off. Someone hath set you on.
Confess the truth, and say by whose advice
Thou cam’st here to complain.
And is this all?
Then, O you blessed ministers above,
Keep me in patience, and with ripened time
Unfold the evil which is here wrapped up
In countenance! Heaven shield your grace from woe,
As I, thus wronged, hence unbelievèd go.
I know you’d fain be gone. An officer!
To prison with her.
An officer guards Isabella
Shall we thus permit
A blasting and a scandalous breath to fall
On him so near us? This needs must be a practice.
Who knew of your intent and coming hither?
One that I would were here, Friar Lodowick.


A ghostly father, belike. Who knows that Lodowick?
My lord, I know him. ’Tis a meddling friar;
I do not like the man. Had he been lay, my lord,
For certain words he spake against your grace
In your retirement, I had swinged him soundly.
Words against me? This’ a good friar, belike!
And to set on this wretched woman here
Against our substitute! Let this friar be found.

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