William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition (50 page)

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Authors: William Shakespeare

Tags: #Drama, #Literary Criticism, #Shakespeare

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Noise within. Enter the Earls of Warwick and Salisbury with many commons
to King Henry
It is reported, mighty sovereign,
That good Duke Humphrey traitorously is murdered
By Suffolk and the Cardinal Beaufort’s means.
The commons, like an angry hive of bees
That want their leader, scatter up and down
And care not who they sting in his revenge.
Myself have calmed their spleenful mutiny,
Until they hear the order of his death.
That he is dead, good Warwick, ’tis too true.
But how he died God knows, not Henry.
Enter his chamber, view his breathless corpse,
And comment then upon his sudden death.
That shall I do, my liege.—Stay, Salisbury,
With the rude multitude till I return.

Exeunt Warwick at one door, Salisbury and
commons at another

O thou that judgest all things, stay my thoughts,
My thoughts that labour to persuade my soul
Some violent hands were laid on Humphrey’s life.
If my suspect be false, forgive me God,
For judgement only doth belong to thee.
Fain would I go to chafe his paly lips
With twenty thousand kisses, and to drain
Upon his face an ocean of salt tears,
To tell my love unto his dumb, deaf trunk,
And with my fingers feel his hand unfeeling.
But all in vain are these mean obsequies,

Enter Warwick who draws apart the curtains and

Gloucester dead in his bed. Bed put forth
And to survey his dead and earthy image,
What were it but to make my sorrow greater?
Come hither, gracious sovereign, view this body.
That is to see how deep my grave is made:
For with his soul fled all my worldly solace,
For seeing him I see my life in death.
As surely as my soul intends to live
With that dread King that took our state upon Him
To free us from his Father’s wrathful curse,
I do believe that violent hands were laid
Upon the life of this thrice-famed Duke.
A dreadful oath, sworn with a solemn tongue!
What instance gives Lord Warwick for his vow?
See how the blood is settled in his face.
Oft have I seen a timely-parted ghost
Of ashy semblance, meagre, pale, and bloodless,
Being all descended to the labouring heart;
Who, in the conflict that it holds with death,
Attracts the same for aidance ‘gainst the enemy;
Which, with the heart, there cools, and ne’er returneth
To blush and beautify the cheek again.
But see, his face is black and full of blood;
His eyeballs further out than when he lived,
Staring full ghastly like a strangled man;
His hair upreared; his nostrils stretched with
His hands abroad displayed, as one that grasped
And tugged for life and was by strength subdued.
Look on the sheets. His hair, you see, is sticking;
His well-proportioned beard made rough and rugged,
Like to the summer’s corn by tempest lodged.
It cannot be but he was murdered here.
The least of all these signs were probable.
Why, Warwick, who should do the Duke to death?
Myself and Beaufort had him in protection,
And we, I hope, sir, are no murderers.
But both of you were vowed Duke Humphrey’s foes,
To Cardinal Beaufort
And you, forsooth, had the good Duke to keep.
’Tis like you would not feast him like a friend;
And ’tis well seen he found an enemy.
Then you, belike, suspect these noblemen
As guilty of Duke Humphrey’s timeless death?
Who finds the heifer dead and bleeding fresh,
And sees fast by a butcher with an axe,
But will suspect ’twas he that made the slaughter?
Who finds the partridge in the puttock’s nest
But may imagine how the bird was dead,
Although the kite soar with unbloodied beak?
Even so suspicious is this tragedy.
Are you the butcher, Suffolk? Where’s your knife?
Is Beaufort termed a kite? Where are his talons?
I wear no knife to slaughter sleeping men.
But here’s a vengeful sword, rusted with ease,
That shall be scoured in his rancorous heart
That slanders me with murder’s crimson badge.
Say, if thou dar’st, proud Lord of Warwickshire,
That I am faulty in Duke Humphrey’s death.

Exit Cardinal Beaufort assisted by Somerset

What dares not Warwick, if false Suffolk dare him?
He dares not calm his contumelious spirit,
Nor cease to be an arrogant controller,
Though Suffolk dare him twenty thousand times.
Madam, be still, with reverence may I say,
For every word you speak in his behalf
Is slander to your royal dignity.
Blunt-witted lord, ignoble in demeanour!
If ever lady wronged her lord so much,
Thy mother took into her blameful bed
Some stern untutored churl, and noble stock
Was graffed with crabtree slip, whose fruit thou art,
And never of the Nevilles’ noble race.
But that the guilt of murder bucklers thee
And I should rob the deathsman of his fee,
Quitting thee thereby of ten thousand shames,
And that my sovereign’s presence makes me mild,
I would, false murd‘rous coward, on thy knee
Make thee beg pardon for thy passed speech,
And say it was thy mother that thou meant’st—
That thou thyself wast born in bastardy!
And after all this fearful homage done,
Give thee thy hire and send thy soul to hell,
Pernicious blood-sucker of sleeping men!
Thou shalt be waking while I shed thy blood,
If from this presence thou dar’st go with me.
Away, even now, or I will drag thee hence.
Unworthy though thou art, I’ll cope with thee,
And do some service to Duke Humphrey’s ghost.
Exeunt Suffolk and Warwick
What stronger breastplate than a heart untainted?
Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just;
And he but naked, though locked up in steel,
Whose conscience with injustice is corrupted.
COMMONS (within) Down with Suffolk! Down with Suffolk!
QUEEN MARGARET What noise is this?
Enter Suffolk and Warwick with their weapons drawn
Why, how now, lords? Your wrathful weapons drawn
Here in our presence? Dare you be so bold?
Why, what tumultuous clamour have we here?
The trait’rous Warwick with the men of Bury
Set all upon me, mighty sovereign!
) Down with Suffolk! Down with Suffolk!
Enter from the commons the Earl of Salisbury
SALISBURY (to the commons, within)
Sirs, stand apart. The King shall know your mind.
(To King Henry)
Dread lord, the commons send you word by me
Unless Lord Suffolk straight be done to death,
Or banished fair England’s territories,
They will by violence tear him from your palace
And torture him with grievous ling‘ring death.
They say, by him the good Duke Humphrey died;
They say, in him they fear your highness’ death;
And mere instinct of love and loyalty,
Free from a stubborn opposite intent,
As being thought to contradict your liking,
Makes them thus forward in his banishment.
They say, in care of your most royal person,
That if your highness should intend to sleep,
And charge that no man should disturb your rest
In pain of your dislike, or pain of death,
Yet, notwithstanding such a strait edict,
Were there a serpent seen with forked tongue,
That slily glided towards your majesty,
It were but necessary you were waked,
Lest, being suffered in that harmful slumber,
The mortal worm might make the sleep eternal.
And therefore do they cry, though you forbid,
That they will guard you, whe’er you will or no,
From such fell serpents as false Suffolk is,
With whose envenomed and fatal sting
Your loving uncle, twenty times his worth,
They say, is shamefully bereft of life.
) An answer from the King, my lord of Salisbury!
’Tis like the commons, rude unpolished hinds,
Could send such message to their sovereign.
But you, my lord, were glad to be employed,
To show how quaint an orator you are.
But all the honour Salisbury hath won
Is that he was the Lord Ambassador
Sent from a sort of tinkers to the King.
) An answer from the King, or we will all break in!
Go, Salisbury, and tell them all from me
I thank them for their tender loving care,
And had I not been ’cited so by them,
Yet did I purpose as they do entreat;
For sure my thoughts do hourly prophesy
Mischance unto my state by Suffolk’s means.
And therefore by His majesty I swear,
Whose far unworthy deputy I am,
He shall not breathe infection in this air
But three days longer, on the pain of death.

Exit Salisbury


O Henry, let me plead for gentle Suffolk.
Ungentle Queen, to call him gentle Suffolk.
No more, I say! If thou dost plead for him
Thou wilt but add increase unto my wrath.
Had I but said, I would have kept my word;
But when I swear, it is irrevocable.
To Suffolk
) If after three days’ space thou here beest
On any ground that I am ruler of,
The world shall not be ransom for thy life.
Come, Warwick; come, good Warwick, go with me.
I have great matters to impart to thee.
Exeunt King Henry and Warwick with
ho draw the curtains as they
Queen Margaret and Suffolk remain

Mischance and sorrow go along with you!
Heart’s discontent and sour affliction
Be playfellows to keep you company!
There’s two of you, the devil make a third,
And threefold vengeance tend upon your steps!
Cease, gentle Queen, these execrations,
And let thy Suffolk take his heavy leave.
Fie, coward woman and soft-hearted wretch!
Hast thou not spirit to curse thine enemies?
A plague upon them! Wherefore should I curse them?
Could curses kill, as doth the mandrake’s groan,
I would invent as bitter searching terms,
As curst, as harsh, and horrible to hear,
Delivered strongly through my fixed teeth,
With full as many signs of deadly hate,
As lean-faced envy in her loathsome cave.
My tongue should stumble in mine earnest words;
Mine eyes should sparkle like the beaten flint;
My hair be fixed on end, as one distraught;
Ay, every joint should seem to curse and ban.
And, even now, my burdened heart would break
Should I not curse them. Poison be their drink!
Gall, worse than gall, the daintiest that they taste!
Their sweetest shade a grove of cypress trees!
Their chiefest prospect murd’ring basilisks!
Their softest touch as smart as lizards’ stings!
Their music frightful as the serpent’s hiss,
And boding screech-owls make the consort full!
All the foul terrors in dark-seated hell—
Enough, sweet Suffolk, thou torment‘st thyself,
And these dread curses, like the sun ’gainst glass,
Or like an overcharged gun, recoil
And turn the force of them upon thyself.
You bade me ban, and will you bid me leave?
Now by this ground that I am banished from,
Well could I curse away a winter’s night,
Though standing naked on a mountain top,
Where biting cold would never let grass grow,
And think it but a minute spent in sport.
O let me entreat thee cease. Give me thy hand,
That I may dew it with my mournful tears;
Nor let the rain of heaven wet this place
To wash away my woeful monuments.

She kisses his palm

O, could this kiss be printed in thy hand
That thou mightst think upon these lips by the seal,
Through whom a thousand sighs are breathed for
So get thee gone, that I may know my grief.
’Tis but surmised whiles thou art standing by,
As one that surfeits thinking on a want.
I will repeal thee, or, be well assured,
Adventure to be banished myself.
And banished I am, if but from thee.
Go, speak not to me; even now be gone!
O, go not yet. Even thus two friends condemned
Embrace, and kiss, and take ten thousand leaves,
Loather a hundred times to part than die.
Yet now farewell, and farewell life with thee.

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