William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition (54 page)

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Authors: William Shakespeare

Tags: #Drama, #Literary Criticism, #Shakespeare

BOOK: William Shakespeare: The Complete Works 2nd Edition
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ALL CADE’S FOLLOWERS It shall be done!
Ah, countrymen, if, when you make your prayers,
God should be so obdurate as yourselves,
How would it fare with your departed souls ?
And therefore yet relent and save my life
CADE Away with him, and do as I command ye!


one or two with the Lord Saye
The proudest peer in the realm shall not wear a head on his shoulders unless he pay me tribute. There shall not a maid be married but she shall pay to me her maidenhead, ere they have it. Married men shall hold of me in
. And we charge and command that their wives be as free as heart can wish or tongue can tell.
Enter a Rebel
REBEL O captain, London Bridge is afire!
CADE Run to Billingsgate and fetch pitch and flax and quench it.
Enter the Butcher and a Sergeant
SERGEANT Justice, justice, I pray you, sir, let me have justice of this fellow here.
CADE Why, what has he done?
SERGEANT Alas, sir, he has ravished my wife.
to Cade)
Why, my lord, he would have ’rested me and I went and entered my action in his wife’s proper house.
CADE Dick, follow thy suit in her common place. (
To the Sergeant
) You whoreson villain, you are a sergeant—you’ll take any man by the throat for twelve pence, and ’rest a man when he’s at dinner, and have him to prison ere the meat be out of his mouth. (
To the Butcher
) Go, Dick, take him hence: cut out his tongue for cogging, hough him for running, and, to conclude, brain him with his own mace.
Exit the Butcher with the Sergeant
REBEL My lord, when shall we go to Cheapside and take up commodities upon our bills?
CADE Marry, presently. He that will lustily stand to it shall go with me and take up these commodities following—item, a gown, a kirtle, a petticoat, and a smock.
Enter two with the Lord Saye’s head and Sir James Cromer’s upon two poles
CADE But is not this braver? Let them kiss one another, for they loved well when they were alive.

The two heads are made to kiss

Now part them again, lest they consult about the giving up of some more towns in France. Soldiers, defer the spoil of the city until night. For with these borne before us instead of maces will we ride through the streets, and at every corner have them kiss. Away!

Exeunt two with the heads. The others begin to follow

Up Fish Street! Down Saint Magnus’ Corner! Kill and knock down! Throw them into Thames!
Sound a parley
What noise is this? Dare any be so bold to sound retreat or parley when I command them kill?
Enter the Duke of Buckingham and old Lord Clifford
Ay, here they be that dare and will disturb thee!
Know, Cade, we come ambassadors from the King
Unto the commons, whom thou hast misled,
And here pronounce free pardon to them all
That will forsake thee and go home in peace.
What say ye, countrymen, will ye relent
And yield to mercy whilst ‘tis offered you,
Or let a rebel lead you to your deaths?
Who loves the King and will embrace his pardon,
Fling up his cap and say ‘God save his majesty’.
Who hateth him and honours not his father,
Henry the Fifth, that made all France to quake,
Shake he his weapon at us, and pass by.

fling up their caps and

forsake Cade
ALL CADE’S FoLLOwERS God save the King! God save the King!
CADE What, Buckingham and Clifford, are ye so brave? (
To the rabble
) And you, base peasants, do ye believe him? Will you needs be hanged with your pardons about your necks? Hath my sword, therefore, broke through London gates that you should leave me at the White Hart in Southwark? I thought ye would never have given out these arms till you had recovered your ancient freedom. But you are all recreants and dastards, and delight to live in slavery to the nobility. Let them break your backs with burdens, take your houses over your heads, ravish your wives and daughters before your faces. For me, I will make shift for one, and so God’s curse light upon you all.
ALL CADE’S FOLLOWERS We’ll follow Cade! We’ll follow Cade!
They run to Cade again
Is Cade the son of Henry the Fifth
That thus you do exclaim you’ll go with him?
Will he conduct you through the heart of France
And make the meanest of you earls and dukes?
Alas, he hath no home, no place to fly to,
Nor knows he how to live but by the spoil—
Unless by robbing of your friends and us.
Were’t not a shame that whilst you live at jar
The fearful French, whom you late vanquished,
Should make a start o‘er seas and vanquish you?
Methinks already in this civil broil
I see them lording it in London
unto all they meet.
Better ten thousand base-born Cades miscarry
Than you should stoop unto a Frenchman’s mercy.
To France! To France! And get what you have lost!
Spare England, for it is your native coast.
Henry hath money; you are strong and manly;
God on our side, doubt not of victory.
ALL CADE’S FOLLOWERS A Clifford! A Clifford! We’ll follow the King and Clifford!
They forsake Cade
Was ever feather so lightly blown to and fro as this multitude? The name of Henry the Fifth hales them to an hundred mischiefs, and makes them leave me desolate. I see them lay their heads together to surprise me. My sword make way for me, for here is no staying. (
) In despite of the devils and hell, have through the very middest of you! And heavens and honour be witness that no want of resolution in me, but only my followers’ base and ignominious treasons, makes me betake me to my heels.
He runs through them with his staff, and flies away
What, is he fled? Go, some, and follow him,
And he that brings his head unto the King
Shall have a thousand crowns for his reward.
Exeunt some of them after Cade
To the remaining rebels
Follow me, soldiers, we’ll devise a mean
To reconcile you all unto the King.
Sound trumpets. Enter King Henry, Queen Margaret, and the Duke of Somerset on the terrace
Was ever King that joyed an earthly throne
And could command no more content than I?
No sooner was I crept out of my cradle
But I was made a king at nine months old.
Was never subject longed to be a king
As I do long and wish to be a subject.
Enter the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Clifford ⌈on the terrace

BUCKINGHAM (to King Henry)
Health and glad tidings to your majesty.
Why, Buckingham, is the traitor Cade surprised?
Or is he but retired to make him strong?
Enter, below, multitudes with halters about their necks
He is fled, my lord, and all his powers do yield,
And humbly thus with halters on their necks
Expect your highness’ doom of life or death.
Then, heaven, set ope thy everlasting gates
To entertain my vows of thanks and praise.
To the multitudes below)
Soldiers, this day have you redeemed your lives,
And showed how well you love your prince and
Continue still in this so good a mind,
And Henry, though he be infortunate,
Assure yourselves will never be unkind.
And so, with thanks and pardon to you all,
I do dismiss you to your several countries.
ALL CADE’S FORMER FOLLOWERS God save the King! Gold save the King! ⌈
Exeunt multitudes below

Enter a Messenger

on the terrace

to King Henry
Please it your grace to be advertised
The Duke of York is newly come from Ireland,
And with a puissant and a mighty power
Of galloglasses and stout Irish kerns
Is marching hitherward in proud array,
And still proclaimeth, as he comes along,
His arms are only to remove from thee
The Duke of Somerset, whom he terms a traitor.
Thus stands my state, ’twixt Cade and York distressed,
Like to a ship that, having scaped a tempest,
Is straightway calmed and boarded with a pirate.
But now is Cade driven back, his men dispersed,
And now is York in arms to second him.
I pray thee, Buckingham, go and meet him,
And ask him what’s the reason of these arms.
Tell him I’ll send Duke Edmund to the Tower;
And, Somerset, we will commit thee thither,
Until his army be dismissed from him.
My lord, I’ll yield myself to prison willingly,
Or unto death, to do my country good.
to Buckingham
In any case, be not too rough in terms,
For he is fierce and cannot brook hard language.
I will, my lord, and doubt not so to deal
As all things shall redound unto your good.
Come, wife, let’s in and learn to govern better;
For yet may England curse my wretched reign.
Flourish. Exeunt
Enter Jack Cade
CADE Fie on ambitions; fie on myself that have a sword and yet am ready to famish. These five days have I hid me in these woods and durst not peep out, for all the country is laid for me. But now am I so hungry that if I might have a lease of my life for a thousand years, I could stay no longer. Wherefore o‘er a brick wall have I climbed into this garden to see if I can eat grass or pick a sallet another while, which is not amiss to cool a man’s stomach this hot weather. And I think this word ‘sallet’ was born to do me good; for many a time, but for a sallet, my brain-pan had been cleft with a brown bill; and many a time, when I have been dry, and bravely marching, it hath served me instead of a quart pot to drink in; and now the word ‘sallet’ must serve me to feed on.

He lies down picking of herbs and eating them.

Enter Sir Alexander Iden

and five of his
Lord, who would live turmoilèd in the court
And may enjoy such quiet walks as these?
This small inheritance my father left me
Contenteth me, and worth a monarchy.
I seek not to wax great by others’ waning,
Or gather wealth I care not with what envy;
Sufficeth that I have maintains my state,
And sends the poor well pleased from my gate.

Cade rises to his knees

) Zounds, here’s the lord of the soil come to seize me for a stray for entering his fee-simple without leave. (
To Iden)
A villain, thou wilt betray me and get a thousand crowns of the king by carrying my head to him; but I’ll make thee eat iron like an ostrich and swallow my sword like a great pin, ere thou and I part.
Why, rude companion, whatsoe’er thou be,
I know thee not. Why then should I betray thee?
Is’t not enough to break into my garden,
And, like a thief, to come to rob my grounds,
Climbing my walls in spite of me the owner,
But thou wilt brave me with these saucy terms?

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