Will's Rockie Way (10 page)

Read Will's Rockie Way Online

Authors: Peggy Hunter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Contemporary

BOOK: Will's Rockie Way
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“Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our first karaoke singers tonight! Will Sheridan and Roxanne Way!”

The crowd went ballistic as Roxanne’s heart plummeted to her toes. If Will was shaken, he certainly didn’t look it. He grasped Roxanne’s hand and led her to the steps leading up to the stage.

With Roxanne in tow, Will walked into the blinding lights on the stage and wrapped an arm around Brandi. “What would you like us to sing for you?” he asked.

Roxanne felt numb as Brandi turned the question to the crowd. “What do you think, folks?” Several suggestions were shouted out, some funny, others obscene.

Will took the microphone from Brandi’s hand and looked out over the crowd. “How about
You’re The One That I Want

Roxanne instantly recognized the song from
. She knew the words only too well. She and Will had sung it at a college talent show in their graduating year.

When the prompt screen set up, Will pointed at it. “No need,” he called. “We know the words, just cue the music.”

The first strains of the song started, the upbeat thrumming of a base guitar. Roxanne shook her head. “You can’t make me do this.”

Will held the mic close to his mouth. The crowd cheered when he ran a suggestive hand over the side of his head, as if combing back greased hair. He looked at her and began on cue.

“I got chills, their multiplyin’…”

She laughed nervously and turned to walk away. Will followed her closely as he continued.

“And I’m losin’ control.”

Oh God! This had to be some kind of nightmare. Any moment now, she’d wake up.

“’Cause the power you’re supplin’…”

Damn it, Will!
Now she was getting angry! The prick just wouldn’t give up.

“It’s electrifyin’!”

Fine, damn it!
Roxanne whirled and grabbed the microphone out of his hand. She eyed him with anger as she sang her response.

“You better shape up! ’Cause I need a man…and my heart is set on you!”
With every word, she walked toward him as Will backed away. “
You better shape up, you better understand, to my heart I must be true.”

People leapt from their tables and danced in the aisles as they joined in on the chorus. Will played the part well, walking around her, gazing at her form, pulling her close to him from behind as he sang his parts of the song. They rocked together as Will finished the last verse of the song.

“I better shape up, if I’m gonna prove…”

The last words of the song were drowned out amid the cheers of the crowd. When the lights dimmed, all Roxanne felt was Will’s throbbing need against the small of her back.

Oh God! She wanted him so much! Tears streamed down her cheeks as she turned in his arms and kissed him on the lips.

At that moment, she knew one thing. There would be no forever with Will. Hell, there’d be no tomorrow for that matter. She’d have to accept the next best thing…one last night in his arms.

Chapter 11

Will kept his patience in check as he and the other chaperones herded the teens to their hotel rooms that night.

While nothing had been said, Roxanne stuck close to him for the rest of the evening, only leaving to dance with one of her students from time to time.

Will knew she needed him as much as he did her. His cock ached in anticipation. His body simmered with a need only Rockie could fulfill.

When the last hotel room door closed on the final student, Will made a beeline for Rockie’s room. He tapped softly and didn’t have to wait long.

Rockie opened the door and smiled at him. “I’ve been waiting for you,” she said as she stepped back from the door, allowing him to pass.

God, he’d been waiting for her, too. She looked absolutely beautiful in the dark green silk robe she wore. Her long blond hair was flowing around her shoulders, her eyes blazed as she looked at him. “There’s something you need to know,” she told him softly.

Will approached her slowly, his body itching with need. “Save it,” he told her. “We can talk after.”

Rockie shook her head. “I don’t know if I’ll be brave enough after,” she told him. “I need to tell you now.”

Didn’t she know the last thing he wanted to do was talk?
“So tell me quickly,” he said.

Rockie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I was crazy about you when we were in college,” she said. “I know you weren’t responsible for the prank. And I understand you didn’t feel the same for me as I did for you back then.”

If only she hadn’t overheard his conversation with Blake.

Rockie went on. “I accept the fact that you probably made love to me this week to make up for what I didn’t get in college.”


“No.” She raised her hand to stop him. “Please don’t try to tell me I’m wrong. I won’t believe you.”

“There’s so much you don’t know,” Will said.

“And I don’t want to know,” Rockie answered. “Over the past few days, I’ve come to a realization. Nothing lasts forever.”

Her hands went to the sash on her robe. She untied it and allowed the silk to glide off her body and fall in a puddle around her feet.

Will’s gaze fell to her glorious body, her firm ripe breasts, her tiny waist and the sweet thatch of hair between her silky thighs.

“After hearing the truth, I thought I’d never want you near me again,” she said softly. “But I’ve come to realize that making love with you, no matter your reason, is better than not having you in my life at all.”

Will’s heart swelled. No wonder he’d fallen in love with her. “Rockie—”

She flung herself against him. “No,” she said urgently. “I don’t want to hear it. We don’t have a future; all we have is tonight,” she said urgently. “Tomorrow, we’ll go our separate ways. It’s what’s best for both of us, I accept that.”

He wasn’t quite sure what the fuck she was talking about. With her naked body pressed against him, all he could think of was making love to her. She’d said something about no future and going their separate ways. After that, everything was a blur of white hot passion.

His hands glided up her naked back and gently kneaded her shoulders as he leaned his head down to hers. Her mouth opened to receive him, gratefully drinking from his lips as she rocked against him. His body tightened with need as he pressed her closer to him.

“God, Rockie,” he said when he pulled his mouth from hers. “You have no idea just how much I want you.”

“I want you, too,” she whispered. She took a step away from him, her eyes colliding with his. “I need to feel your skin against mine. Take your clothes off, Will. I need to see you.”

Will quickly unbuttoned his shirt and cast it aside. His hands flew to his jeans and he quickly stepped out of them. In the dim light of the hotel room, he watched Rockie’s eyes rove over his body. Her eyes lit with desire when they landed on his erect cock, so ready to fill her sweet, wet portal.

“I need you so much!” she cried as she leapt at him. He caught her in his arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist and opened herself to him.

The invitation was damn hard to turn down. His cock twitched and ached to bury itself inside her. He wanted more from her—he wanted her to beg him; to profess her undying love for him. But the second his heated cock pressed against her damp need, he knew he was lost.

Thought quickly slipped from his mind as his cock took charge. It slid against her moist core, begging to partake.

Rockie would not deny him, her thighs coaxed him closer. “Take me,” she begged. “You have no idea how much I need you!”

Not nearly as much as I need you.
Will’s hands gripped her hips and pressed into her. He heard her long sigh as her body expanded to receive him. Her head fell back as he filled her, the center of gravity pulling to the point that he could no longer hold her in his arms.

While his cock remained in place deep inside her, his hands released his hold and splayed out on either side of her as they toppled to the bed.

She gasped, her breath whooshing from her lungs, as he landed on top of her. Will braced his hands on either side of her face and pulled himself off her chest. “Are you okay?” he asked.

Tears sprang to Rockie’s eyes as she gazed up at him. “No, I’m not okay,” she said. Her arms circled his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist. “I won’t be okay until you’re inside me.” Her thighs pressed against his waist in an attempt to bring him down on her. “Fuck me, Will!”

Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.
The words echoed in his mind. He wanted to give Rockie what she claimed to want. And yet, the words haunted him.

They weren’t her words. His Rockie, the woman he’d grown to love over the past few days, wouldn’t use such coarse words.

She wanted to please him. She wanted to give him what he craved.
Damn it all!
He wished it didn’t matter, that he didn’t care. But it did matter, and he did care, very much!

He slowly untangled himself, first pulling her arms from around his neck and then pushing her legs off his back.

“What are you doing?” she said, moaning in protest when he killed the connection between them.

His cock echoed her question.
He wasn’t sure himself.

“I can’t do it, Rockie,” he said finally. “I can’t do it unless I know you belong to me, body and soul.”

Rockie jumped up from the bed and grasped the robe she’d left on the floor. As she pushed her arms into it, her eyes blazed as she looked down on him on the bed. “All I wanted was one last night with you,” she said angrily. “I’ve given you my body but my soul isn’t up for grabs.” She tied the sash around her waist and pulled it tight before she continued. “If that’s what you want from me, you might as well leave right now.”

Will pushed his hands under his head and gazed up at her. Her eyes roved over him and settled on his erect need. He knew she was longing to touch him, to be a part of him.

“Stop the melodramatics,” he said. “We both know what we want.” He smiled and held out his arms. “Come here,” he said softly.

Rockie’s face flushed with anger. “You just don’t get it, do you?” she said, accenting each word with the stomp of her feet. “I don’t want to be owned. I’m not a possession.”

“Then tell me what you do want, Rockie.”

She folded her arms and paced back and forth in front of him. “I want more than you can give me,” she said. “I know you weren’t into me during college. I know you’re not into me now. It’s just sex, plain and simple.”

How wrong she was. It was never plain and simple sex with her and it certainly wouldn’t have been six years ago in college. Why he felt the need to press was anyone’s guess. “From what I could tell, you enjoyed the sex as much as I did. What else is there?”

Rockie stopped pacing and peered at him. Tears glistened in her eyes as her teeth worried her lower lip. “Something I don’t think you’re capable of.”

Will sat up on the bed, bracing his arms on either side of him. “Tell me,” he asked as he planted his feet on the carpeted floor. “What more do you need?”

“Fine,” Rockie said. She turned her back to him. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I need to feel loved.”

Will’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at her back. She turned to look at him. “There, are you happy now?” Anger turned her beautiful eyes to cobalt blue. “I bet you’re very sorry you asked.”

Will shook his head. “I’m not sorry I asked, but mostly because I don’t think you’ve answered my question,” he said. “I don’t think gratuitous sex is what this is really all about. You enjoyed it as much as it did,” Will said.

“Yes,” Rockie cried. Her hand flew to her forehead in frustration. “But there’s one very big difference for me.”

Will shrugged. “So tell me what it is.”

“I love you!” Rockie wailed. “I have always loved you. I wanted you in college because I loved you. My life fell to pieces when you didn’t show up that night. It wasn’t so much that your friends set me up as it was that you never showed up.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she bit back the sobs building in her throat.

Will gazed up at her in stunned silence. Fuck, he didn’t know what to say! She was in love with him? Had been since college?
Holy shit!

“I don’t want you to possess me,” she said between sobs. “I don’t want to be owned by anyone. All I’ve ever wanted is for you to love me back.”

Will rose from the bed and wrapped his arms around her. “I had no idea,” he said softly as she buried her face in his chest.

“I know you didn’t,” she said. “But when I heard what you said to Blake, that you were willing to screw me out of pity—”

Will rocked her against him gently. “Forget about the past,” he said. “I was an asshole back then. I’m a different man today.”

Rockie pulled away from his chest and looked up at his face. “Are you?” she asked.

Will’s hand snaked between them and rested on her chest. “You know in your heart I am,” he said softly. “Just give yourself time to think about it.”

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