Will's Rockie Way (8 page)

Read Will's Rockie Way Online

Authors: Peggy Hunter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Contemporary

BOOK: Will's Rockie Way
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Will looked at him. “She needs to know the truth. I didn’t use her, in fact, I think there’s something more than sex between us.”

“What more can there be? Are you saying you’re in love with her?”

Was he in love with Rockie Way?

Blake squinted. “You are in love with her.”

Shit! Being in love with Rockie was the last fucking thing he needed! He shrugged. “The fact that I think she deserves to know the truth doesn’t mean I’m in love with her,” he said firmly. He shook his head, trying to convince himself as he went on. “Rockie’s a damn good fuck and that’s all there is to it.”

* * * *

“Did you see that?”

Roxanne peered up from the fruit salad she’d been spooning onto her plate. “What’d I miss?” she asked.

“I’m not sure,” Joanne said. “I just saw Will and Blake leave the restaurant after what seemed like a very animated conversation.”

Roxanne frowned and looked at the closed restaurant door. “Animated as in arguing?”

Joanne’s frown deepened. “Maybe,” she said. “I’m not sure.”

Why on earth would Will and Blake exchange harsh words? Curiosity took over. Roxanne shoved her half-filled plate at Joanne and made her way out of the restaurant.

As she pushed through the doors, she heard Will’s voice.

“Rockie’s a damn good fuck and that’s all there is to it.”

Roxanne’s heart twisted in her chest. She listened as the conversation between the two men went on.

“So, we’re good then,” Blake said. “Joanne never has to know the truth.”

She knew instinctively that they were talking about the night she’d waited for Will after their college graduation.

“I don’t like it,” Will said. “But I won’t say a word to Rockie.”

Blake heaved a long sigh and wiped his brow. “Thanks, Will,” he said. “God, if Joanne knew that I was behind it, she’d kill me.”

“What you did was rotten to the core,” Will said. “But if I tell her the truth, I’d have to admit that it would have been a pity fuck. I knew she wanted me and shit, we were good friends. It was the least I could do before I left for Calgary.”

Oh my God!

Roxanne backed against the restaurant door. Her heart hammered as realization slammed into her. All these years, she’d thought Will was playing her when he suggested she meet him in his room. She’d gone there, followed his demand that she cover herself in whipped cream and waited for him. The new information, the fact that Will was set up too, did little to appease her.

In fact, it made her feel even worse. Her heart ached. He’d have followed through; he’d have made love to her. Not because he wanted her as much as she did him but because, as he put it, it was the least he could do before he left.

Roxanne struggled to keep her breathing steady, fought the nauseating feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“So, we really are good then?” Blake asked again.

“Yeah, we’re good.”

Roxanne pushed off the door and walked toward them. She wasn’t sure how she found her voice or the nerve to say what was in her heart, though she expected blinding rage had a lot to do with it. “I’m glad you reached an agreement that works for both of you.” She turned her attention to Blake. “Isn’t it great that you’ve gotten away with it all this time?”

Blake sputtered; his face went white. “Rockie! How much did you hear?”

“Enough to know that you’ve been lying to Joanne for a very long time.”

“You don’t understand, Rockie,” Will said.

Roxanne looked at him. “Don’t I?” she said as she fought the tears welling in her eyes. “I’m a good fuck but you don’t love me.” She looked up at Will with accusing eyes. “You used me,” she accused.

Will took a step toward her. “Rockie,” he said as he reached out to her. “It’s not what you think.”

“Don’t touch me!” Roxanne cried as she took a step away from him. “You have no idea what I think,” she said. “In fact, you never did understand me. I heard what you said about that night. Even if Blake set me up, you didn’t really want to be with me.”

She was vaguely aware of Joanne pushing through the restaurant door. “What’s going on out here?” she asked.

Roxanne looked at her friend through tear-filled eyes. “It seems I wasn’t the only one duped six years ago,” she said to her friend.

“Fuck off, Rockie,” Blake said. “There’s no need to bring Joanne into this.”

“Isn’t there?” Roxanne shot back. “All this time I…we…believed Will set me up.” She turned to Joanne. “But it was Blake’s doing all along.”

“What in the hell are you talking about?” Joanne asked, a stunned look on her face as she gazed at her husband.

“Rockie,” Will said, “Let’s not do this right now.”

“When’s the right time?” Roxanne asked. “I think it’s time for everyone to know the truth. You suggested I cover myself in whipped cream and wait for you on your bed. And I waited, Will; I waited over half an hour before several of your drunken buddies burst into the bedroom.”

“I didn’t know about it until it was too late to stop them,” Will said.

“Were you one of the drunken idiots?” Joanne asked her husband.

Roxanne couldn’t stand there a moment longer. She had to get away.

“Tell me the truth!” Joanne’s voice echoed down the halls, drawing the attention of guests and staff alike.

As a crowd gathered around them, Roxanne saw her chance to escape. She slipped away as Joanne stood in a huddle with her husband and Will.

“Rockie!” She heard Will’s voice calling after. As luck would have it, the elevator door slid open just as she got to it. She offered a nervous smile to the people getting off before she jumped in and pressed the button to close the door.

She saw a shadow as the door closed and heard Will’s voice. “Hold the door!”

Roxanne sank against the back wall when the elevator door firmly closed. She sighed with relief and pressed the button to take her up. If she knew Will, he’d be scaling the stairs to the seventh floor quickly.

She anxiously watched the lights as they lit
. Five, six.
Damn, the elevator stopped on six. The doors took forever to slide open. An elderly man peered at her. “Going down?”

“No.” Roxanne’s hand flew to the button to close the door. It took precious moments before the elevator moved again.


Thank God! As the doors slowly pulled open, Roxanne pushed through and ran down the hall to her room. She heard the door at the stairs creak open but didn’t dare look back as she pulled her keycard out of her pocket.

She grappled with the card. It fell from her numb fingers. Her head banged against the door as she retrieved the keycard from the floor and shakily pushed it into the slot on her door.

She could hear the sound of feet hitting the carpeted floor as the lock clicked to admit her. With a sigh of relief, she pushed the door open and stepped inside her room. She turned to push the door closed.

“Rockie!” Will said. “If you close the door, it’s over between us.”

She hesitated.

“Think about it, Rockie,” Will said. “I’m willing to explain everything to you right now. If you close the door, you’re shutting me out of your life forever.”

Her hand wavered on the handle, unsure of what she should do. She loved Will; she wanted him with all her heart.

Will pressed on. “No one can make you feel the way I do,” he said.


“In fact, you belong to me, body and soul.”

Screw you, shithead!

She pushed the door closed and quickly locked it. No one would ever own her.

Will pounded on the door. “What the fuck do you want from me!”

Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Nothing,” she called. “There’s nothing I want from you. Not now, not ever.”

Chapter 9

“I’m hungry.”

Roxanne had spent the next few hours crying. Will didn’t love her. He never would.

“There’s no point in ordering room service if you won’t open the door to them,” Joanne said on the phone.

Roxanne peered at her closed hotel room door nervously. She pressed her fingers to her aching forehead. Who knew that so much crying would cause such a horrible headache? “I know,” she said. “I’m sorry I wouldn’t let you in earlier. I was afraid Will would jump out of nowhere and force his way in.”

“Oh,” Joanne said, “I think both Blake and Will are going to keep their distance from me for awhile. I’m still grappling with the fact Blake was behind it all this time. He’s convinced I’m going to dump him.”

“Have you forgiven him?”

“Yes, of course I have,” Joanne replied. “I love him madly. But that doesn’t mean I’m not angry.”

“I’m glad it won’t tear your marriage apart,” Roxanne said half-heartedly.

“Of course I’m upset with him over his part in what happened to you but he’s a wonderful husband. I just hope he won’t figure that out for awhile. I love how he’s pussyfooting around me right now.”

“He won’t hear a word from me,” Roxanne said. Hell, she never intended to talk to that shithead again. She was still stinging from the realization that Blake was behind the humiliation. She was glad Joanne could forgive him so easily but that didn’t mean she had to.

“Well, what about you? You can’t hide in your room forever. We have to leave tomorrow morning.”

“I know,” Roxanne said. She sincerely wished she could stay hidden. In fact, she’d inquired about renting the room for one more day but the hotel was booked solid. She had no choice; she’d have to leave tomorrow morning.

“From what I can see, I don’t think Will’s going to bother you. He knows he screwed up big time,” Joanne supplied.

Roxanne snorted. “Yeah, right. He may know he screwed up but I don’t think he’ll see it as a reason to stay away from me. The second I let my guard down, he’ll be all over me like a dirty shirt.”

“He won’t if you stick with us,” Joanne said. “As long as you’re among the group we’re chaperoning, what can he do?”

Roxanne sat on the bed. Joanne made a very good point. There was safety in numbers. As long as she stuck with the kids and other chaperones, there was nothing Will could do. Roxanne’s stomach growled in agreement. At least there was one part of her willing to take a chance.

“Will you come to my room and go down with me?” she asked her friend. “I don’t want to take the chance of going down to the restaurant alone.”

“Of course,” Joanne said. “I’ll be right there.”

* * * *

Will wasn’t clear on anything. Since Rockie had overheard the conversation he’d had with Blake, she knew he’d had nothing to do with the prank. Still Rockie was angry. Fuck, was she angry!

Will had long since given up trying to figure out how a woman’s mind worked. His father had offered the best advice he’d ever heard in his life.

When Will complained that Rockie wouldn’t see him after the prank, his father sat him down on the couch, looked over his shoulder to make sure his mother wasn’t around and said, “Son, you know so little about what men know about women.”

Will looked at his father with hope. “So tell me.”

His father’s face fell into what could only be termed as a confused frown. He shook his head and said, “Nothing. Men know absolutely nothing about women. The moment you try to sort it out in your head, you’re screwed. You’re young; you have your whole life ahead of you. Trust me, there will be other women. Best to move on.”

And so, Will took his father’s advice and left for Calgary without setting things right with Rockie. His father never told him he’d regret it, that he’d be left wondering if there was something he’d missed.

Will had no idea just how deep his regret ran until he came face to face with Rockie after six years. And then he touched her, pulled her to him and made sweet love to her. He may well know nothing about women, he expected he never would, but he knew he wasn’t about to let Rockie slip out of his grasp again.

Will cast his gaze over the kids frolicking in the waves. His bare feet dug into the warm sand as he stood on the beach.

“Heads up, Mr. Sheridan!”

Will looked up in time to see the volleyball headed directly at his face. His hands shot forward and caught it. He lowered it to his chest as he peered back at the kids.

“Good catch,” Blake said.

Will tossed the ball back to the kids and peered down at his friend lying on a beach towel.

“Thanks,” Will replied as he sank down on the sand beside him. He glanced at Blake, who was shoveling potato chips into his mouth. “Didn’t you have lunch?” Stupid question, he’d witnessed Blake attack his lunch with gusto.

“Yeah, I had lunch,” Blake said before he pushed another chip into his mouth. He munched on it before he continued. “But we’re midway between lunch and supper. I always get peckish this time of day.”

Was that what he called it?
Will shook his head when Blake peered down at his chest, retrieved crumbs and shoved them into this mouth. The man had come by his nickname honestly. He really
a pig. He assumed the constant innuendos Blake made about his sex life were true. He couldn’t imagine what else kept Joanne close to home.

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