Wilson's Hard Lesson (78 page)

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Authors: K. Anderson

BOOK: Wilson's Hard Lesson
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Chapter Five


Jack was annoyed at himself. He had reacted to Leila like a
hormone driven teenager, jumping at her as though it were his first time to see
a woman. The moment he had seen her, it was as if some long forgotten fire in
him had been lit. He had longed to rip off the sundress and kiss every inch of
her tanned skin.

She was beautiful in an understated sort of way. She also
had a gorgeous figure and she was all natural. Her mouth, damn! Her lips
invited you to kiss her.

His eyes had raked over her slim yet curvy body, the top of
the dress giving a hint of a cleavage and nothing else. The wind had blown and
her dress had wrapped itself around her hips and his desire had taken an
overdrive. He longed to bury his face on her bosom and suck and lick her
nipples until they became as hard as his manhood.

Leila could be dangerous, Jack told himself, walking to the
deck to cool off his body. He leaned over the railing, his eyes seeing none of
the beauty of the valley. He recalled her musky smell and the sweetness of her
mouth. What was it about Leila that had evoked such desire in him? She was
beautiful but he had been with women who were more if not just as beautiful.

Her beauty was unique though, as it was coupled with a kind
of innocence. He had never felt such an overpowering hunger to possess a woman.
Her reaction had been just as passionate and Jack looked forward to uncovering
that passion that he sensed in Leila. As he took in the afternoon breeze, Jack
admitted that Leila had taken him by surprise.

The internet picture did not do her any justice. It covered
up her sexuality and her raw beauty. Jack knew that his reaction had nothing to
do with emotions, just a passionate man meeting a similarly passionate woman.
He thought back to Clarissa. While she was a beauty, she did not possess the
passion that Leila did.

Her responses had been more automatic, geared towards
getting the deed done rather than immersing herself wholly in it. The one thing
he would not allow himself to do was to fall in love with Leila. Her purpose
was to be a companion and to provide for him a family. He had learned his
lesson hard with Clarissa. He had no intention of getting hurt again.

As if to prove his point, Jack popped into the kitchen and
gave instructions to Camille.

“Would you please tell Leila that I’ve gone to the stables?
Give her some refreshments and tell her I’ll be back later,” he said.

“I will sir,” Camille said, though he had told her countless
times to address him by his name.

Pleased with his decision, he left the house. The less time
he spent with her the better. Besides, he needed some time to cool off after
his performance in her bedroom. Jack went to the fenced-in practice range where
he could see Bill, the head trainer giving lessons to a group of men and women.
All were usually overnight guests at the ranch, and usually stayed a week or so
getting lessons on cutting horses.

Jack propped one leg on the fence and watched. Ranch J
boasted some of the most popular and award winning cutting mares. Bill, the trainer
caught sight of him.

“Hey there Jack, want to give a demonstration?” he bellowed.

“Sure,” Jack responded and stooped to get into the

Bill shouted for someone to open the gate that connected the
enclosure to the cow shed. Moments later a herd of about thirty cows tramped
into the enclosure, blowing dust with their hooves. The learners quickly ducked
under the fence. Jack made for the cutting mare tethered to the fence and after
untying it, he hoisted himself up. In the background, he could hear Bill
speaking to the learners. Jack trained his eyes on the herd and searched for
the calf with an X painted on it. He found the black and white calf and made
towards it.

Jack steered the horse quietly towards the herd, taking care
not to upset the cows. If they got wind of his movements, they would all bolt
in different directions. Once he got to the marked calf, he dropped his reins
and whispered softly to the mare, an offspring of a cutting champion.

The mare took charge then, by dropping its head and blocking
the calf’s way. This was the part that got Jack’s blood flowing. The horse
stood eye to eye with the calf, which sensed danger and reacted by turning to
the left. Jack felt at one with the mare. He matched the calf’s rapid movements
and desperate attempts to escape and rejoin the herd.

The mare stepped sideways and weaved with the lightening
quickness of lightening. The mare guided the calf to a small pen in less than
two minutes. Jack heard cheering from the sidelines. Adrenalin rushing through
is body; he patted the horse and jumped down. When he looked up, his eyes met
Leila’s, hers wide with wonder and her pouty mouth grinning widely.

“That was awesome,” she enthused, when he walked towards
her. “Can you teach me?”

He looked her up and down with a frown. Very few women were
trained in horse cutting and looking at her slim frame, he had serious doubts
if she knew what would be in store for her.

“What for?” he said.

She appeared confused for a moment then struck out her chin
in defiance.

“Most people do it for competitions,” Jack explained.

“Well, I might just want to compete myself,” she said.

“In that case, I would be happy to. Just don’t blame me when
you find your pretty backside on the hard ground.”

“I’ve ridden horses since I was a girl, I’m no amateur.”
Leila countered.

He noticed then that she had changed clothes and now wore a
sleeveless cream blouse tucked into a pair of well-fitting jeans. He drew a
sharp intake of breath at the way the trousers hugged her curves.
He hated his body’s betrayal. The sooner he slept with her the
faster he would get her out of his system.

Jack smiled to himself, now that he had a plan of action. It
wouldn’t be difficult to get her into bed, he thought, his eyes focused on her
smoky grey ones. He remembered her responses to his kisses. She wanted him as
badly as he wanted her. The only thing he would do was to keep his feelings in

Chapter Six


“Horace was a mistake I made in a moment of weakness,” Leila
admitted to Jack during dinner. “I was hurting and lonely after my parents”
death and for a while I enjoyed the partying that numbed the pain. After that
it was downhill. Horace just never took to marriage.”

To her surprise, admitting all that to Jack did not hurt one
bit. It was as though she was telling him the tale of someone she knew a long
time ago, rather than her own past. She sipped her wine and stretched. Being
here at the ranch was so relaxing. Jack had a wonderful home.

“I’m very sorry for what you went through,” Jack said, sincerity
flowing from his eyes.

Leila shrugged. “Part of life I’m afraid. Are your own
parents alive?”

“Oh yes, they live on the other side of town. I’ll take you
to meet them sometime,” Jack said.

Leila looked at her empty plate. Dinner had been delicious.
Jack had more than made up for his attitude earlier in the day. She looked at
him now, his face illuminated by the candles on the table and she felt a rush
of desire. It amazed her how much he had gotten into her system. She remembered
his prowess on the cutting horse.

His wet t-shirt had clung to his muscles and his face had
been a closed mask of concentration. Her body had reacted to the sheer strength
and talent of the man.

“Thank you for a lovely dinner,” Leila now said.

“Nothing but the best for a beautiful lady,” he drawled, his
eyes going down to her lips.

It felt like a seduction and looking at Jack across the
table from her, she felt special. He had complimented her all evening and paid
attention to her. If this was what having a relationship with a man like Jack
entailed, she would be more than happy to say yes to any proposal. Their open
perusal of each other was interrupted by Camille, picking up the dirty dinner

“Thank you Camille, that was lovely as usual.” Jack said.
“You can clear up the dishes in the morning.”

Camille looked up in surprise, but other than that did not
say a word. Leila blushed at the implication of Jack’s words. They would be
alone in the massive house. She felt no fear, just a hardly suppressed
excitement at what was to come. She knew that she was not capable of resisting
him. She would go along with whatever he had in mind.

“Yes, thank you so much, dinner was delicious,” Leila now
said to Camille.

“You’re welcome,” the older lady said and retreated.

After a few minutes, Leila looked up to find Jack’s eyes
boring into hers. She trembled slightly and smiled to hide the volcano growing
in her body threatening to erupt.

“Would you like to dance?” he murmured.

Leila nodded in reply. Her throat had gone dry and her brain
could not formulate a single word. She watched him get up and go to a stereo
near the living area. Soon, soft music flooded the room and she closed her eyes
and let the sounds carry her off. She opened her eyes when she felt Jack’s hand
on hers.

She stood up and followed him to the center of the living
room. He held her at arm’s length, his hands placed lightly in her waist. Leila
followed suit and placed hers lightly on his shoulders though she ached to hold
him tight. She felt as though she was captured in a dream as they danced, their
eyes on each other, their feet moving slightly. Leila was aware of jack’s hands
moving in circular motions massaging her waist. They moved further up to just
below her armpits and a fire of desire ran through her. Leila had no idea how
long she could maintain her calm stance.

He closed the gap between them by pulling her against him
almost roughly. Leila gasped. His mouth came to hers and she desperately clung
to him. Her body did not belong to her any more. A hint of his aftershave and
his fresh manly scent invaded her senses, intoxicating her. Horace, the only
man she had ever slept with had never come close to making her feel what she
felt now.

His tongue played with her lips, brushing against hers and
then dipping into her mouth to play with her tongue. In an instant the pace
changed and his mouth grew more demanding. His hands lowered to her backside
and he pulled her hard against his body. Her hands hung around his neck and she
now moved them, running her fingers through his hair and sliding to his chest.

He moaned in reply.  She could feel her breasts rubbing
against his chest. His hands lifted her dress and settled on her bare hips. His
hands slid to her inner thighs and Leila thought she would die of longing at
that very moment. Her own hands slid between them and she felt his hardness. He
took a sharp breath.

“Shall we go upstairs?” he rasped.

Leila nodded in reply. Hand in hand, they walked up the
stairs, past the first hallway. She was surprised that instead of leading her
to the master bedroom, he opened the door to the guest room. She did not dwell
on it much for as soon as the door shut, she was in his arms again. She felt
his fingers undo the straps of her dress and it fell into a heap at the bottom
of her legs. He ran his hand over her back and stopped at the fastening of her
bra. It came loose and her breasts spilled out.

He stopped kissing her and bent down to lower her panties.
Standing stark naked with the weak sun flooding the room, Leila felt a little
shy under his stare and her hands rose to cover her breasts.

“Don’t do that, you’re stunning,” he said.

She dropped her hands and her embarrassment disappeared. He
unbuttoned his own shirt, his eyes never leaving hers. Leila almost gasped at
the muscles on his chest and the hardness of his tummy. When he dropped his
boxers, she did gasp.

“You’re so huge,” she said in a frightened voice.

He took her hand and led her to the bed. The moment she lay
down, Jack was over her, kissing her hungrily, as though he was drowning. He
braced himself above her and his hand strayed down below. Leila moaned in reply
and arched her own body, hungry for his touch.  His finger ran up and down,
teasing her, sliding in and out. His hand moved away leaving her empty and
found its way to her nipples.

He circled her nipples and cupped each breast. The feeling
of wanting someone so badly was alien to Leila. She moved her hands over his
abs. He brought his mouth on her again, his tongue exploring every inch of her
while his hand ran over her hips. She felt under attack from all sides, an
attack she never wanted to end.

Then he did something no one had ever done to her. He
dragged his mouth away from hers and trailed kisses all the way down her body.

“Spread your legs,” he commanded, which Leila did,
frightened of what would come next. He settled himself between her legs.

When it happened, her brain stopped all activity and Leila
thought she had just die and gone to heaven. His tongue made contact with her
most secret parts and flicked in and out, igniting a fire each time it touched
her. He swirled his tongue around and she reacted by pushing his head further

The sensations tore through her, her pulse raced and she
could feel herself sliding into ecstasy. Just as she was about to reach the
peak, he stopped licking her. Leila heard the movement of paper and she knew he
was wearing a condom. She gasped as a sharp pain shot through her. 

“Are you OK?” Jack said.

Leila glanced down to Jack’s manhood and back at him with
frightened eyes.

“It won’t fit,” she murmured.

“Don’t you worry about that. I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Jack said in a soothing voice.

He rolled his hips from side to side, all the while rubbing
against her so that her desire returned with full force and her fear
evaporated. Something about Jack made her feel safe. She tensed when she felt
him push himself inside her again. He withdrew and then tried again, going
further in by an inch. Slowly, taking his time, Jack finally entered her
completely and in the next moment she felt a soaring pain when he withdrew and
the thrust into her deeply.

It reminded her of the first time she and Horace had made
love. Except Horace had not being understanding at all. Foreplay had lasted a
full minute before he penetrated her with a sudden thrust and Leila had
screamed in pain. He had continued, undeterred by her tears. Late it had got
marginally better but he had never taken her over the edge as Jack was doing

The pain subsided and Jack begun to move again, her muscles
stretching to accommodate his size. The pain lessened with each stroke and soon
her body begun to respond.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and he
responded by lifting her hips further up.

What seemed like hours later, Leila exploded with ecstasy
and Jack followed suit, his brow wet with sweat. He collapsed against her and
rolled over while she sleepily cradled into his chest. She woke up later to a
dark room. She felt for Jack and found the side next to her empty. Disappointed
she allowed herself to fall back asleep, with questions plaguing her brain.

Why had he left?
She had thought that after what they
had shared, they would spend the night together in each other’s arms.

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