Winds of terror (19 page)

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Authors: Patricia Hagan

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Cale smiled and leaned back, obviously satisfied. "No one knew I could walk. I had taught myself and I kept it a secret, because I had my suspicions about Todd's and Mark's scheme. If no one knew, I could get up and prowl around at night and overhear their plans when, all the while, they thought I was asleep in my room, unable to get up and move around unless I was in my chair and making a racket. I knew when the big night was, and I slipped something in your coffee that evening to make you sleep, hoping you'd miss out on all the excitement. I drugged Grandmother, too, hoping she wouldn't awaken and be frightened. But my efforts failed. The storm woke you both up. Grandmother suffered a stroke and you almost got killed. I was hiding in the back of the mausoleum. I heard you scream, and I knew I had to do something that would really startle Todd. I knew his coflan would be empty, so I crawled in!"

Melanie shuddered. Cale sat there waiting expectantly for her to comment.

"I guess I can't get over the fact that you were able to walk and you kept it from me," she said at last

*T couldn't let anyone know," he assured her. "I had to keep it a secret. I just wanted you to leave and get out of the way, because I knew Todd wasn't playing

games. He would have killed you instantly if you had really gotten in his way."

Melanie looked at him, and for the first time in a long while she smiled from her heart She did love Cale, after all. She was sure of it. He stood up to gather her in his arms, and as he held her, he told her how falling in love with her had given him the extra strength he needed to make his legs strong enough to foil the twins' diabolical scheme.

"I wanted to be whole for you, darling," he whispered. "I had stumbled around some, sure, but wanting to be as complete as possible for you gave me the added determination I needed. I didn't realize I had it in me until that final night."

Their lips met. Then Melanie cradled her head against his strong shoulder.

•Todd is probably going to be committed to a mental institution, and Mark will most likely go to jail," Cale said, as he held her close. "I feel confident Grandmother will be home before long, as good as new and as mean as ever."

Melanie's heart tightened as she thought of the future. "And what about you?" she whispered, feeling panicky. "Now that you can walk..."

He laughed, and she tilted her head back to see that cocky, self-assured grin that she had grown to love.

"Well, I think I'U learn to grow cotton," he said, smiling. "Knowing how might come in handy now that Fm going to propose to the heiress to a cotton plantation!"

Again, they embraced. Somewhere, a bird heralded the breaking of the storm and the coming of blue skies and sunswept days.

In Melanie's heart, the sun would always shine. The winds of terror lay behind her and the soft breezes of happiness lay ahead.




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