Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2) (39 page)

BOOK: Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2)
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I see a meme floating around Facebook from time to time that tells readers what they can do to help their favorite authors. Buying their next book or giving a copy away is kind of a no-brainer, but the biggest thing you can do is write a review. If you enjoyed
Winning the Queen’s Heart
would you consider doing just that?

I would LOVE to hear from you! My email address is [email protected]. To stay up-to-date on releases, you can sign up for my
(there’s fun stuff - like the novella about Nicklaus and his nanny and what happened to them after the car accident

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Author Carol Moncado
. If you recently liked my Facebook
(Carol Moncado Books)...I hope you’ll “follow” the profile as well. Facebook recently changed the rules again which means very few people (often 1-5% of “likes”) will see anything I post there. Following the profile will show you my book updates, updates about books from authors I love, funny cat (or dog or dinosaur!) memes, inspirational quotes, and all sorts of fun stuff!! I hope to see you there soon!

Thanks again!

* * *



They say writing is a solitary endeavor and it absolutely can be. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end, talking to imaginary people.

And having them talk back ;).

But the reality is no one walks alone. Since I began this writing journey nearly six years ago, I can’t begin to name all of those who’ve helped me along the way. My husband, Matt, who has always,
believed in me. All of the rest of my family and in-loves who never once looked at me like I was nuts for wanting to be a writer. Jan Christiansen (my “other mother”) has always believed in me and Stacy Christiansen Spangler who has been my dearest friend for longer than I can remember.

Winning the Queen’s Heart
specifically - I can’t begin to count the number of text messages Emily N. and Ginger V. put up with trying to sort things out. Ginger Solomon, author of
One Choice
, has been invaluable with her proofreading services.

And Jerenda F. - thank you for letting me borrow your Poppo and Nanny. I appreciate you!

Then there’s my writer friends. My NovelSista, Jessica Keller Koschnitzky, sister of my hear. She is part of my BritCrit gals. Joanna Politano (who has talked me down off more virtual ledges than anyone), Jen Cvelvar (the best case of misidentification
), Kristy Cambron (who is more beautiful inside and out than any one person should be allowed to be), and Stacey Zink (who never, ever fails to have a fabulous encouraging word) are BritCritters, too. We do a lot more living than we do critting, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. All five of them are beyond gifted as writers, and I thank God they’re in my life. There’s my MozArks ACFW peeps who laugh with me, critique, and encourage to no end. And Melanie Dickerson. What would I do without you?

Then there’s the InspyRomance crew, the CIA, my Spicy peeps (you know who you are!), and all of the others who’ve helped me along on this journey.

I’ve said it before, but I could go on for days about beloved mentors like Janice Thompson who has poured her time and energy into this newbie, going above and beyond for me. People like one of my spiciest friends, Pepper Basham, who inspires me daily, or Julie Lessman, who has prayed me to this point. People like Jeane Wynn (
top publicist in the business) and Kathleen Y’Barbo (one of the top authors) who take me along on late night Wal-Mart runs and kidnap me to Chili’s so I’m writing on a full stomach. All of these and so many more are not only mentors, but
- I am beyond blessed! And, of course, there’s Tamela Hancock Murray, agent extraordinaire, who believed in me enough to want to be my agent and encourages me always.

I said I could go on for days, and I could keep going. On and on. I know I’ve forgotten many people and I hate that. But you, dear reader, would quickly get bored.

So THANK YOU to all of those who have helped me along the way. I couldn’t have done this without you and you have my eternal gratitude. To the HUNDREDS of you (I’m gobsmacked!) who pre-ordered and encouraged me without knowing it as that little number continued to climb, you have my eternal gratitude. I hope you stick around for the next one!

And, of course, last but never,
, least, to Jesus Christ, without whom none of this would be possible - or worth it.





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November 2015


Tony Browning stepped off the plane in the capital city of Athmetica in the Sovereign Commonwealth of Athmetis. The unseasonable weather caused heat to roil off the tarmac in visible waves and threatened to give Tony heat stroke. The suit he wore was perfectly in keeping with the current weather in Ravenzario but much too warm for Athmetis. Why hadn’t he thought to check the temperature?

No chauffeur would meet him at the airport. No car would whisk him away to his destination. In fact, no one official knew he was here. He’d used his position as Queen Christiana’s head of security to gain him diplomatic status in the island nation, but only because it afforded him less hassle. If, as he feared, he would end up in the United States, he’d travel even more conventionally.

Once through the airport, skipping the baggage claim entirely, he hailed a taxi and took it to the hotel where he’d be staying for the next couple of days.

If he couldn’t find any sign of them here, he’d move on to the next location on his list.


Tony blinked as the driver got his attention. “Yes?”

“We’ve arrived.”

He shook himself out of his stupor. “My apologies.” Tony started to open the door, but paused. “Are you familiar with this area?”

“Of course!” His chest puffed up, as though offended Tony would ask such a thing. “I grew up on this very street and rode my bike around the entire town as a child. You want to go somewhere, I know the best way to get there.”

“You grew up here?” Could this be the stroke of luck he needed?

“Two streets over. My Yaya worked at this very hotel.”

“What’s your name?”

“Rex Cromer, sir.”

“Rex, can I hire you for the next couple of days?” He could see the confusion on the other man’s face. “I need a guide who knows this area well. You would need to be on call twenty-four hours a day, but you will be well-compensated.” Tony named a figure he new would entice the other man.

“What’s the catch?” Rex’s eyes narrowed.

“No catch. I’m doing research into some people I believe came here in late 1999 or very early 2000. I need to find them. They may or may not still be in the area, but if at all possible, I need to know where they went.”

If possible, Rex’s eyes narrowed further. “Why? Are you a hit man?”

Tony laughed. “Quite the opposite. They ran from a family member who was quite dangerous. He has finally been put in prison for the rest of his life, and it is safe for them to come home, but no one knows exactly where they are anymore. I know where their first destination, here in Athmetica was supposed to be, but beyond that, we don’t know.” Time to lay most of the cards on the table. “To be honest, I’m not even completely sure what names they used, just that they didn’t use their real names.”

He could see Rex turn the proposal over in his head. “Very well. You were to have been my last fare for the day and I have two days off. You should talk to my Yaya. She knows everyone in this area for the last sixty years or longer.”

Within ten minutes, Tony had been ushered into Yaya’s home. After exchanging pleasantries, he got down to business. “Do you remember seeing either of these people around the turn of the century?”

Yaya took the photos and examined them carefully with the help of a magnifying glass. “So young,” she murmured, the photo of Prince Nicklaus in her hand. “So sad.”

“So sad?” Tony’s heart constricted. Had something happened to the prince and his caretaker in the intervening years? He hadn’t even considered that possibility.

“So sad his parents died so young.” She looked up and stared Tony in the eyes. “His sister and he were the only remaining members of their immediate family, no?”

She knew? How?

Yaya must have seen the questions in his eyes. “Rex, please get our guest something to drink.”

“Of course, Yaya.” His gaze shifted between Tony and his grandmother, but he left.

“Who are you?” she demanded as soon as Rex was out of earshot. “What do you want to know about these two people for?”

Tony pulled out his credentials. “I am the head of Queen Christiana of Ravenzario’s security detail, ma’am.”

She took them and examined them closely. Satisfied, she returned them. “Very well. You may call me Yaya.”

He bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment.

“Do you believe in fate?” she asked.

Tony shook his head. “No, ma’am. But I do believe in divine guidance. I believe the Lord leads us places we need to be, when we need to be there.”

“It is why your queen is still alive.”

“Correct. She was sick...”

Yaya waved a hand. “No. I read the papers, young man. I saw the stories about Henry Eit.” She spit into the planter next to her chair. “No good, that man. I know this for many years. But, if the papers are to be believed, the only reason you were finally able to arrest was because Prince Alexander overheard something he should not have, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Then you understand when I tell you I believe God brought you to the right taxi driver today.”

Tony blinked slowly. “What do you mean?”

“Come. I show you.” Yaya slowly stood. Tony reached for her to give her a hand, but she waved him off.

He followed her to the courtyard and toward a decorative door, covered with hanging plants. One of Yaya’s wrinkled hands reached through the greenery and did something Tony couldn’t see. The door swung open revealing a small room behind it. He looked at Yaya. “What is this?”

“This is the place Michaela and Nicklaus stayed when they fled Ravenzario.”

* * *


Be sure to sign up for the
to follow Tony’s search for Michaela and Nicklaus! Coming November 2015!





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Local Woman Arrested For Stalking Favorite Author

Dorrie Miller could see the headline now. She held the phone between her ear and shoulder as she shoved a pair of jeans in the drawer. “Did you really buy night vision goggles?”

“What do you think?” Sarcasm deepened the Appalachian accent until Dorrie could barely understand Anise.

Of course she had.

Anise had bought the night vision goggles and the ear wig thingies, the ones that looked like hearing aids, and heaven only knew what else.

Within two days of being at their first major national conference for writers, they’d be cooling their heels in a jail cell, hoping no one would use their escapades for story fodder. CANDID stood for Christian Author’s Network, Dedicated to Inspirational
, not detention.

“We’re really going to stalk this woman? I know you want to meet her. I do, too. But stalking? That’s a felony.” Or a serious misdemeanor. Whichever. It wouldn’t be good. “We’ll have restraining orders and never be able to show our face at CANDID again.” Dorrie checked her appearance in the mirror once more. Passable. “And how do you know MEL is going to be at conference, anyway?”

BOOK: Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2)
6.44Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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