Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2) (37 page)

BOOK: Winning the Queen's Heart: Contemporary Christian Romance (The Brides of Belles Montagnes Book 2)
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“Tia, sweetheart, I can’t move the way I need to, so can you sit up and look at me?”

She sniffled but did as he asked. He reached out and rubbed his thumb across her cheek, burying his fingers in her silky hair. “You are
alone anymore, sweetheart.” Her blue eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “I know I can’t replace what you lost, that my parents and brother can’t replace yours, but you are
alone. You have me, my family.” The pad of his thumb brushed against the tears. “Our baby. You’re not alone, love. Never again will you be alone.”

His hand curved behind her neck to gently pull her close, absorbing her sobs in his chest, crying a tear or two of his own for her loss.

“How can God be in all of this, Alexander? I always believed God has a hand in everything. My parents were at church every week. While I lived in Montevaro, King Jedidiah made sure I was at church every Sunday and passed his beliefs on to me. My non-uncle managed to keep me from going here, but after he was arrested, I went whenever I could. But how could God be in the murder of my parents? Of my brother? Of the attempts on my life?”

His hand rubbed up and down her back. “I don’t know what the plan is. God’s ways are above ours. We may never understand, but there is some good. At least I think it’s good.”

“What good?”

A deep breath steadied his nerves. “Us. If your parents had lived, if there hadn’t been a threat on your life and an arrest, there is no way we would have gotten married. I’m not glad they died, but I’m glad you’re in my life. I’m so very glad
are my wife, and that has nothing to do with who your parents are or your address. It’s because I love you.” His first time to tell her that outside of the life threatening situation the day before. “I love you. I love our baby. And I’m glad I get to spend my life with you, loving you.”











Chapter 38


His words reached into the furthest parts of Christiana’s broken heart and began to bind them back together. She knew only time, and God, would truly be able to do so, but knowing this incredible man loved her would go a long way toward helping that process. She leaned over, kissed him softly, again and again and again, before lying back down at his side.

“I love you, too, Alexander. I don’t know when, or how, but I do.”

His arm tightened around her shoulders.

“I am so very glad you are in my life.”

They lay there together, holding each other until she dozed off. When she awoke dusk had fallen outside the window. Alexander’s even breathing told her he slept still. Likely the medicine helped him sleep. She knew he needed it, so she slid out the other side of the bed, stretching her back and reaching for the ceiling. Her eyes landed on the panel where she was told the passage came out. Two new small black boxes were mounted on the wall. An alarm that would go off if the passageway was opened. Tony promised a more discrete alarm would be put in place soon.

She closed the door behind her, wincing at the click.

“Did you have a nice nap?” Diana looked up from the desk that still resided in the living area.

“Yes.” She sat in one of the chairs. “Alexander is still sleeping. I expect he will for some time.”

“The doctor said the medicine would knock him out.” Diana glanced at the clock. “The nurse will be by in a few minutes to check on him.”

A quick knock followed by the door opening had Christiana turn around. For once she did not stand but rather just nodded as Tony walked in.

“Do you have an update?” she asked.

Tony handed over a manila folder as he sat across from her. “We’ve been using the documents found in the tunnel to round up anyone else that might still be loyal to him. So far we’ve found a couple that don’t really surprise me given some of the other stuff that’s gone on the last few days. The police captain that detained Ms. Quisenberry and her son is one of them. But overall, just like we thought, many of them were fired and/or prosecuted almost two years ago.” He hesitated before going on. “The scariest one, though, is the member of the duke’s expanded security detail. He was part of the plan, along with the captain, to set up the flat tire and subsequent rescue.”

Christiana felt the blood leave her face.

“He was never alone with your husband.”

The relief began to set in. “Good.” She flipped through the papers, not stopping to look too thoroughly. “And what of Ms. Quisenberry and her son?”

“The recognition ceremony for Ms. Quisenberry and Mr. Giuseppe will be held before the Quisenberrys leave.” He looked over at her. “Martin and Franco have another brother who is mayor of Whisper Cove. You’ve met him a couple of times.”

She nodded. “Of course.” She did remember the man, though not well.

“Do you know when the Quisenberrys will be leaving?”

Christiana shook her head. “No. I am hoping she will accept a ride either on the royal jet or on the Bayfield plane with Christopher when he returned home. She has had a rough few days, and I would like to see her return in comfort.”

Tony nodded. “I’ll talk to Christopher and see how long he’s planning to stay.” He made a notation. “I think that would be best anyway. In fact, I’d like to post a guard with her for a few weeks after she returns home, just to make sure there’s no fall out. She’s had some threats, likely from those who either haven’t followed up to see she really had nothing to do with all of this or who don’t believe it.”

“Please make sure she is taken care of. I do not want anything to happen to her.” Their moments of stand-off with her uncle had bonded them. In fact, she needed to see Julia before long, even before the ceremony and thank her. “How is Alex?” She nodded at Diana who picked up her pen. “I would like to make sure they both get counseling when they return home. It is likely Alex will be traumatized. They both will. Will you see that they do and that the bills are sent here?”

Diana made a note on the pad in front of her. “Yes, ma’am. That’s a great idea. Why don’t I contact the duke’s mother? She likely knows a good counselor. Then we can give Ms. Quisenberry at least one option from the get-go.”

“Very good.” Christiana closed her eyes. There was something else she needed to speak with Tony about, but it was not coming to her.

“The other end of the passage leading to the square has been covered over.” That was it. As much as she had loved being able to escape the confines of the cottage, it was best that it be sealed now that its existence was known. “Cameras and alarms are going in tomorrow. A guard remains posted until then.”

“What about the other end of the passage that comes to this apartment?”

“A guard is stationed outside. We are still combing through the room. I can’t help but feel we’re still missing some documents or other evidence there. A secret safe or something, perhaps. As you know, the end in your bedroom has been alarmed. In about two weeks, the alarms will be replaced with new ones created to look like the molding near the ceiling and baseboards. They won’t be noticeable unless you look closely.”

Diana jumped in. “We know how you feel about preserving as much of the history of the palace as possible, ma’am. I know it’s not the same, but I think it’s a good compromise.”

Christiana agreed and said so. “Do we know of any other tunnels or secret rooms?”

“There are floor plans that we’ve discovered. I haven’t had a chance to pour over them yet, but I would hope there are some notations on there. Since we know where a couple of the entrances and exits are now, maybe that will help us find the locations for the others.”

Before anything else could be said, a knock came at the door. Diana answered and let the nurse in. After speaking to her, Diana led her to the bedroom so she could look in on Alexander.

“Do you have any plans for the next few days, ma’am?”

Christiana turned her attention back to Tony.

“For leaving the palace that is?”

She shook her head. “I would like to, sometime very soon. I think I need to, but nothing specific.”

“I will get with Charlyn and start making some preliminary plans for later in the week. Especially with the prince laid up and your pregnancy, I think that will be fine.” He made a few notations on his tablet and stood. “If you need anything, you know how to find us.” Tony bowed slightly and left.

The nurse exited the bedroom with Diana right behind her.

“How is he?” Christiana asked, worst case scenarios playing out in her mind.

The nurse dropped into a quick curtsy. “He’s doing fine, Your Majesty.” The nurse checked the binder in her hand. “His vitals are right where I expected them to be, and he’s fallen back asleep already. He will likely sleep a lot as the meds make him tired.”

“They have a place for you to stay for the next few days?” Christiana looked at Diana to confirm.

“Yes, ma’am. The room is lovely. Thank you for making the arrangements.”

Christiana waved a dismissive hand. “It is the least we can do if you are going to be here twenty-four hours a day. I would imagine we will not need you most of the time, but we are glad you will be available if we do.” She stood to shake the woman’s hand. “Please, if some emergency comes up, there will be no need to stand on any formality or deference. And if the duke is not following orders, you have my permission to make him.”

The corner of the nurse’s mouth twitched. “Yes, ma’am.”

Diana showed her out while Christiana decided it was time for a long bath and bed. Being chased through the streets and shot at left her sore. Standing vigil over her unconscious husband left her exhausted. She thanked Diana and shut the door behind her. Hearing Alexander breathe comforted her in a way little else could, and she decided to forgo the bath. She changed into her pajamas and lay next to him, her head on his pillow as she drifted to sleep.

* * *

Julia fidgeted and tugged on the hem of her shirt. In minutes, she would be escorted into the presence of the queen. The reception room, she’d been told. Not the throne room. Thank goodness. This whole thing was intimidating enough. At least the last time, she’d had no warning the queen was coming. No time to be nervous.

“She’s not an ogre, you know.”

Julia looked up to see Alexander standing there, arms crossed in front of him and a stern look on his face. Except...

“Christopher?” It couldn’t be Alexander, not with an uninjured leg.

He nodded and pushed off the wall, unfolding his arms to hold out a hand. “Julia, right?”

She shook it and nodded. Something about him made her insides constrict. Not necessarily in a bad way, but nonetheless. Were his eyes the same color as Alexander’s? She seemed to remember them being hazel years earlier, but here, now, Christopher’s were more of a dark brown.

“Any idea why the queen summoned both of us?” he asked.

She shook her head. “I didn’t know she did. I just know I was asked to come.” A shrug. “And when you’re staying at the palace, and the queen requests your presence, you go. Unless you’re puking. Then it’s probably better not to.”

He chuckled, but didn’t smile. “Probably.”

Had she done something to offend the duke’s brother? Though he shook her hand, there seemed to be something off about her interaction with him. Before she could ask him about it, the door opened, and a man in a butler’s tuxedo ushered them into the room.

The queen sat, looking rather regal, in a chair opposite the door. Julia glanced up at Christopher but he wasn’t looking at her. They followed the butler, until they were about six feet in front of the queen. Unsure of what else to do, Julia did her best to curtsy as the butler announced, “Ms. Julia Quisenberry and Mr. Christopher Bayfield.”

Christopher didn’t wait for anything else. He crossed the remaining few feet and bent to give the queen a kiss on the cheek. “How’re you feeling?”

The queen smiled up at him. “Well rested for the first time in ages, thank you.”

“And my brother?”

“Snores like a bear, but I would imagine you know that even better than I.”

He laughed. A full laugh this time, rather than the half chuckle she’d gotten. “Yes, he does.”

The queen turned to Julia. “And you, Ms. Quisenberry? Are your accommodations acceptable?”

She had to clear her throat. “They’re lovely, ma’am. We appreciate your generosity.”

The queen shifted slightly, a subtle movement that served to put Julia a bit more at ease, as she motioned to the small couch across from her. “Please, have a seat.” Julia sat, completely aware of how close Christopher’s arm was to hers. “And your son? How is he doing?”

“He’s had nightmares the last couple of nights, unfortunately, but during the day, he’s fine. He loves exploring the parts of the palace he has access to.”

“Thank you for respecting the boundaries in place.”

“Of course.” Did people really try to sneak through areas deemed off-limits when there was so much fabulousness to explore in the areas that weren’t?

The queen changed the subject. “Now, there is the matter of returning to the States.”

Right. Here it came.
Thank you for taking a bullet for me, sort of, and helping me escape, but here’s your return ticket in steerage on a slow boat home. You don’t mind taking Titanic II, do you?

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